Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 845 Frankness is the basis for building trust


Although Lin Youde answered simply, Seleni still asked again.

Sensing the other party's worried mood, Lin Youde smiled slightly and returned.

"Of course this is true. Now, we can guarantee your safety under the combined threat of the Earth. In the entire solar system, there are only Orb and P.L.A.N.T."

"Unless you are willing to go to Mars, you will not be able to escape the pursuit of the United Earth."

"Not to mention that there are librarians involved now. With the nature of those people, as long as you don't have a certain amount of fighting power, even escaping to Mars may not be useful."

"And now Orb has been forced to the P.L.A.N.T. side by the United Earth. There is no way to remain absolutely neutral."

"Therefore, there is actually no difference between you accepting our asylum and accepting P.L.A.N.T.'s asylum."

Serene analyzed it calmly and asked again.

"In that case, why didn't I choose P.L.A.N.T.? Instead, choose Orb?"

As soon as Sereni said this, Shi Wen, Muti, and Samus all looked at her in surprise.

Thor quickly grabbed Seleni's sleeve.


Lin Youde chuckled, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I am different from the Earth United and Librarians. Even if you don't choose Orb, we won't do anything to you."

"In fact, it is not difficult to understand that between Orb and P.L.A.N.T., P.L.A.N.T. will be chosen first."

"Rather, a normal person would choose P.L.A.N.T., which is larger and has stronger industrial capabilities, right?"

Such a candid statement and an attitude that doesn’t hold back. Lin Youde's actions made Seleni and Sol confused.

Muti, who was watching the show on the sidelines, couldn't help but interrupt.

"Hey, if you say so, she won't choose you Orb, right?"


Samus quickly stopped Muti to stop her from continuing.

He has not forgotten that the lives of the three of them are still in Lin Youde's hands.

In response, Lin Youde shrugged and replied.

"There is no way, this is an undisputed fact."

"Even if you think about it for a moment, the technical power and financial chain behind the MS that can be researched by the Earth Alliance and librarians are definitely quite powerful."

"Such an organization is still an institution full of adjusters. I don't believe it if there is no funding from ZAFT behind it."

Seeing that Lin Youde's attitude seemed to be easy to talk to, Muti also gained courage: "Then you still dare to ask for it? Are you trying to steal food from ZAFT's tiger's mouth?"

Lin Youde was extremely confident: "Why don't you dare to ask for it!?"

"Those of you who are stuck in the battlefield and the research institute may not know the current situation very well."

"Although Orb has been forced to stand on the same boat as P.L.A.N.T., there is actually not much difference between accepting Orb's asylum and accepting P.L.A.N.T.'s asylum."

"But in the end, ZAFT is just the military organization of P.L.A.N.T., and within P.L.A.N.T., there are still various political parties."

"It just so happens that the one who currently controls ZAFT is still the main militant faction of Patrick Sala."

"It is true that the conflict between the Earth United and P.L.A.N.T. has become almost impossible to reconcile, and the war faction is very necessary."

"But do you really want to put the machine you made into the battlefield, intervene in the fighting between humans, and make it a killing tool?"

Faced with Lin Youde's questioning, Seleni remained silent.

Lin Youde looked at Seleni and said, "You did not return directly to P.L.A.N.T. but conducted research in a place like this. You don't want to get involved in the war and let your research become a tool for killing people, right?"

Asking again made Selene even more silent.

At this time, Lux stood up very appropriately and said.

"I am Lux Klein, and my father is the former Speaker of P.L.A.N.T., Siegel Klein."

"If you have concerns about Orb, you can also accept the asylum of our Klein faction."

"Although I am now married to Orb, our Klein faction still has a certain influence in P.L.A.N.T."

As soon as Lux said this, Seleni finally understood what Lin Youde meant.

'If you don't accept Orb's asylum, you can only accept the asylum of the ZAFT army and hand over the research data. ’

‘Can I also accept the asylum of the P.L.A.N.T. Rickline faction by accepting Orb’s asylum? ’

'Choose one or the other, that's the difference...'

With a helpless sigh in her heart, Seleni looked at Lin Youde and asked.

"Mr. Asghar, can you promise me that our technology will not be used in war?"

Lin Youde shook his head on the spot: "I can't guarantee you this."

Muti was a little confused: "Hey, can you just lie to her and say it's okay?"

"You can't do whatever you want afterwards. Are you Orb people missing something in your head?"

"Isn't this too stupid?"

Muti's words made Samus' expression change drastically.

But Lin Youde's attitude was still very good.

“It’s not about being stupid, it’s about being honest and candid, which is the basis for building trust.”

After a little explanation, Lin Youde added to Seleni.

"I don't know exactly what technology you are using, so I can't guarantee you."

"If the technology you are researching can enhance the performance of MSs or enhance Orb's defense capabilities, then neither our Orb nor the ZAFT army will choose not to use it."

"For us, the most important thing right now is to survive. Only by living can we have tomorrow and talk about dreams."

Lin Youde's powerful and candid speech left everyone in the DSSD research institution silent for a while.

They might not have taken these words seriously before, after all, the war was far away from them.

But after experiencing the attack just now, they understood that what Lin Youde said was the truth.

Only when people are alive can they talk about dreams.

At least for researchers like them, that's still the case.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Youde assured Seleni.

"However, I can assure you that the MS you developed, which is the previous Gundam, we will not put it on the battlefield."

"No matter what happens to that Gundam in the future, it will be your own property. Unless you agree, we will not seize control of that Gundam without authorization."

"This is what I can assure you for now."

Seeing Lin Youde talking about this.

Coupled with the information vaguely revealed in Lin Youde and Lux's words before.

Although it is not a coercion or inducement, Seleni still knows how to choose the people in the current DSSD organization.

After a long time, Selene returned: "I understand, I personally agree to accept Orb's protection."

"But after all, I alone cannot make the final decision about this institute. Please give us some time to discuss."

Lin Youde readily agreed: "Of course~!"

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