Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 865 Master’s skills to control barbarians

Things were arranged and everything began to proceed in an orderly manner.

Due to the various gossips between Lin Youde and Lux ​​and Aslan and Cagalli before the last war, people in the entire Earth Circle can be said to be very familiar with the four of them.

And because they managed the public opinion crisis well last time, Uzmi and Sigal Klein also secretly established several public opinion propaganda teams.

Under the spread of these publicity teams, the horror of destroying Gundam and the Earth's alliance to attack the people began to spread.

The United Earth is naturally not unresponsive to this.

As the base camp of the United Earth, the earth is also very slippery in controlling public opinion.

But unfortunately, the United Earth Alliance is not monolithic.

As I said before, the Atlantic Federation made the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic miserable in the last war, so both countries were very resentful of the Atlantic Federation.

However, due to the current strong military strength of the Atlantic Federation, the two countries dare not directly speak out against it.

But this time, the people on Lin Youde's side mainly directed the public opinion storm to the Atlantic Federation.

In addition, Lin Youde and Lux, a pair of influential figures in the last war, took the initiative to publicly declare that they would destroy such a crazy machine as the Destruction Gundam to protect people's safety.

After occupying the absolute righteousness and using various channels for publicity.

Finding that public opinion seemed to be somewhat uncontrollable, the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic carried out the minimum response work in a perfunctory manner.

Due to internal disunity, the United Earth's intelligence control only lasted three days before failing.

Although not many people in the Atlantic Federation received the news, people in other places, including the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic, already knew how inappropriate the Atlantic Federation was.

In addition, the Atlantic Federation detonated the Cyclops system before, and the murder of sergeants from both countries was once again provoked by some people.

Under the intertwining of old and new hatreds, public opinion in the two countries gradually intensified. Some people even began to take to the streets to demonstrate, demanding that the governments of the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republics launch Earth United and not continue to collude with the Atlantic Federation.

At the beginning, this momentum was not big, just a few sporadic ones.

But on the fifth day, public opinion exploded once again.

Because, the new speaker of P.L.A.N.T., Durandal, discovered the situation on the earth and announced the strengthening of people in a very stupid way.

Because he has a full set of equipment from the Phantom Pain Force to adjust and strengthen people, plus Stella, the person involved, comes out to give her own account (reading from the manuscript). And it was accompanied by the release of Stella's complete physical examination report, and even a memoir.

This set of punches was thrown out, and the people of the entire earth circle became excited.

This inhumane experiment and mass production of enhanced humans has frightened many ordinary people.

Because under the guidance of some people, the strengthening people who began to spread the unity of the earth were children kidnapped from the people.

By uniting aggrandizers and missing children, middle-aged parents in various countries are beginning to feel insecure.

In order to prevent their children from becoming guinea pigs, more and more people began to march, demanding that the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republics withdraw from the Earth Union.

Orb also took the opportunity to unite with other neutral countries to condemn the anti-human behavior of the Earth Federation, and asked whether this was the arbitrariness of the Atlantic Federation, or whether the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic were also complicit.

The entire public opinion suddenly put the entire earth on the fire rack.

The above series of public opinion storms have turned the world into chaos.

The Earth battlefield and the space battlefield, which were originally in a stalemate, temporarily retreated and ceased fighting because of this incident.

Because the public opinion storm on the earth was also deliberately spread to various bases of the Earth Alliance by the ZAFT army.

When the Earth United soldiers learned of the above events, some conscientious soldiers began to question whether the Earth United's current actions were correct.

It is true that many people in the Earth United Forces are very disgusted with the adjusters due to the propaganda of Blue Cosmos.

But this does not mean that they have no feelings at all about the Earth United experiment on their own children.

It's okay if you don't know some things, but once you know them, the situation is a little different.

Especially after the ZAFT army can spread the propaganda that the enhanced people are basically children from the Eurasian Federation and East Asian Republics.

The soldiers of the Eurasian Federation and East Asian Republics are even more reluctant.

Even if they deceive them on the battlefield, they actually use their own children for experiments on earth. Even soldiers who are a bit bloody like this can't stand it.

The last war was tricked by the Cyclops system, which is superimposed on the current public opinion storm.

The old and new grudges were completely detonated at this moment.

Therefore, during the few days of the armistice, the conflict between the soldiers of the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic and the soldiers of the Atlantic Federation inside the Joint Earth Base became increasingly intensified.

And this conflict gradually intensified, and even bloodshed began to occur.

But the strange thing is that when civil strife broke out in various bases of the Earth Alliance, the ZAFT army was very cooperative and did not launch a sneak attack.

This calmness made the people inside the various bases of the Earth United become more violent.

In the personal lounge of the Archangel.

Lin Youde held the report with a smile on his face, very happy.

"It seems that we have won this wave of public opinion war."

Lux nodded in admiration and looked at Lin Youde: "Yes, it looks like we won. But, Youde, why are you so familiar with this kind of thing?"

Lin Youde rolled his eyes and secretly complained: 'Am I going to tell you that this is what was left from the prototype country of the Atlantic Federation on Earth in my previous life before I traveled through time? ’

‘Public opinion wars, peaceful evolution, inciting civil strife, creating divisions, etc. are what a certain Bald Eagle is best at. ’

‘However, the bald eagles of this world, the Atlantic Federation, seem to be less capable in this regard than the bald eagles on the earth before time travel. ’

‘Using the methods of the bald eagles on earth to teach the bald eagles of this world, this can be regarded as a master’s skill to control the barbarians, right? ’

Of course, Lin Youde couldn't say this, so Lin Youde put the blame on someone.

Don’t get me wrong, this pot was not given to Amuro.

As for Lin Youde's resident scapegoat, Lin Youde did not continue to let Amuro take the blame.

It's not that Lin Youde thinks it's bad to continue to let Amuro take the blame, but that he specializes in techniques. Amuro is obviously a warrior, so it would be inappropriate to throw such a political pot to him.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not throw the pot to Amuro, but to another person.

"Hey~! Aren't I trying to imitate Char's remaining tricks? Char'a is really good at this kind of thing."

"I heard Amuro say that Char, this guy, often used this method in the past. I just copied it and made a poor imitation."

Lux's eyes widened: "Is Char actually so despicable..."

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