Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 870 Each performance

From Strike Freedom Gundam rushing towards three Destroyer Gundams, to one Destroyer Gundam being destroyed, Strike Freedom Gundam returns.

The whole process took only 15 seconds, and its speed shocked everyone in the audience.

Although many people know that Kira Ashar was a very strong figure in the last war.

But how powerful it is, many people actually don’t have a clear understanding in their hearts.

Until now, Heine was driving the Destiny Gundam towards three Destruction Gundams and was almost destroyed. The Strike Freedom Gundam easily defeated one of the three Destruction Gundams during the siege.

Such a sharp contrast makes everyone understand how amazing the combat capabilities of Kira Ashar and Strike Freedom Gundam are.

Even if they are flying the most cutting-edge aircraft, their driving skills are not comparable to those of regular ace pilots.

Therefore, after seeing this scene, everyone who had a clear understanding of the strength of Kira Ashar and Strike Freedom Gundam also had two completely different reactions.

United Earth Military.

"It's gone, it's gone. Three of them can't beat each other together. How can they beat the remaining two?"

"Withdraw. The combination of Kira Ashar and Freedom is simply invincible. What should we fight with?"

"It's better to let the people from the Atlantic Federation go up and deliver it. They are the ones who provoked this plague, and they should be responsible for it themselves."

"That's right..."

Compared with the Earth Alliance Army, which was obviously severely damaged and had low morale, the ZAFT Army cheered loudly.

"So strong. Miss Lux's husband, isn't this too strong?"

"As expected of our P.L.A.N.T. uncle, Prince Kira is too strong. We will win this battle."

"Prince Kira, quickly destroy those two Destruction Gundams!"

"Prince Kira!!!"

Listening to the cheers of the ZAFT troops on the friendly forces channel, as Kira Asha in the eyes of everyone, Lin Youde also buttoned the cheek of his helmet helplessly.

"Didn't you just defeat a Destruction Gundam? Is it such an exaggeration?"

In Lin Youde's own opinion, this is not a big deal.

The Destruction Gundam is as strong as it gets, and its firepower is so ferocious that even some super-type mechas can't match it.

Even if a few battleships are placed in front of the Destruction Gundam, it is just a matter of standing still and firing a few shots.

The firepower of the Destruction Gundam is so powerful. This is also the reason why it has become one of the United Earth's tactical trump cards.

But again, its weaknesses are also obvious. Due to its huge size, its maneuverability is quite poor and its response is not fast. Like the Zeon, its arms can be separated and used as floating cannons, and can even be used within the Earth's gravity circle.

But even so, the common problem of all heavy artillery MSs, that once they are approached by MSs, they cannot effectively resist, it still cannot be improved.

And this was obviously an enhanced human pilot who was assigned later, and his reaction speed could not be compared with Stella and others. (Note 1)

With this superimposition, he faced Lin Youde, whose overall strength had improved by more than one level, and the Strike Freedom Gundam, which had extreme mobility and movement.

After the Destruction Gundam is approached, it is completely unable to resist. This is actually a very normal thing.

At least in Lin Youde's view, this is a matter of course.

So he felt a little embarrassed by the cheers from the ZAFT army.

Isn't this a matter of course? These people in the ZAFT army are making too much fuss.

Compared to Lin Youde himself who was calm, Zhen Feiniao was much more excited.

"So strong, too strong, Mr. Kira."

When Lin Youde heard what Zhen Feiniao said, he smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just the inevitable result of the superiority of the relationship."

"As long as you are serious, you can do it."

Zhen Asuka's morale was boosted: "Really?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, you can definitely do it."

Encouraged by his idol, Zhen Asuka also took a deep breath: "Destiny, let's go!"

The light wheel propulsion wings unfolded, and with the pink light wings, the Destiny Gundam charged towards the remaining two Destruction Gundams.

I don't know if I saw the Destiny Gundam coming over instead of the Strike Freedom Gundam, or if I simply received inhuman adjustments. The pilots of the remaining two Destruction Gundams did not flinch and launched an attack on the Destiny Gundam on the spot.

Many beams and missiles were fired at the Destiny Gundam, and Zhen Feiniao made a completely different choice from Lin Youde.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

Amidst the howling of the true flying bird, the Destiny Gundam's light wheel propulsion wings opened to their maximum and began to fly around the two Destruction Gundams.

Not to mention that all the beam attacks failed, the missiles fired chased behind the Destiny Gundam, and the distance actually got wider and wider.

The flight speed of the missile cannot keep up with the flight speed of the Destiny Gundam.

In Heine's confused expression, Zhen Asuka screamed wildly, controlled the Destiny Gundam and pulled out the ship-cutting sword.


With a horizontal slash, the ship-cutting sword cut through the chest armor of a Destruction Gundam from the side, just enough to destroy the cockpit of the Destruction Gundam.

The Destiny Gundam, which slashed through the cockpit of the Destroyed Gundam, rushed into the sky with its ship-cutting sword.

At this time, the missiles fired by the two Destruction Gundams had just arrived at this Destruction Gundam.

"Final blow!"

The Destiny Gundam rushed into the sky and turned around at high speed, and the long-range high-energy beam cannon unfolded behind him.

The muzzle was aimed at the damaged chest of the Destruction Gundam that had just been attacked.

The red beam flew past, and the missile was just enough to detonate.

With the explosion of the missile, the Destruction Gundam, which was unresponsive due to damage to the cockpit, was also destroyed on the spot.

A huge explosion exploded again, and some of the Earth Alliance's mobile suits had begun to move backwards, seemingly not intending to fight.

And everyone in the ZAFT army burst into cheers again.

True Asuka: "Mr. Kira, I did it!"

Lin Youde: "Well done!"

Listening to Zhen Feiniao's excited voice on the communication channel, he and Lin Youde smiled in approval.

Heine felt that he should do something.

Also deploying the Nimbus Propulsion Wing, the orange Destiny Gundam also rushed towards the last Destruction Gundam.

It's just that Heine, unlike the real Asuka, didn't achieve the feat of using his body to fly with missiles. He just took advantage of his mobility and dodged all the beam attacks before rushing to the last Destruction Gundam.

The ship-cutting knife went straight towards the cockpit.

Even if the last Destruction Gundam blocked it with its arms, both its arms and the cockpit were pierced.

After Heine's dedicated Destiny Gundam abandoned its ship-cutting sword and retreated, the last Destruction Gundam was also destroyed.

It took less than 10 minutes to destroy the three units and was defeated.

The Earth United Army sent out a retreat signal, and with the cheers of the ZAFT army, they retreated in despair...

The battle to retake Panama came to an end with the failure of the Earth Alliance...


Note 1·PS: Stella and others in the Phantom Pain Force should be the three best in the Enhanced Man series. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been assigned a mission like snatching the Gundam.

Coupled with the logic that people with names on TV must be stronger than people without names, the enhanced people added later are weaker than Stella and others in all aspects, so this logic should be OK.

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