Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 880 Special Ace Combat Team

Amuro did not respond to Lin Youde's request for credit.

Since the last time he wanted to reveal more things to Lin Youde, he disappeared inexplicably. Amuro never appeared next to Lin Youde again.

Therefore, Lin Youde had no way to get Amuro's answer.

Lin Youde didn't care about this either. Just pretend that Amuro is too lazy to care about himself.

And because of Lin Youde's many theories such as public opinion war and peaceful evolution, the war ended in such an unexpected way.

Lin Youde's popularity among the top management of Aub and P.L.A.N.T. can be said to be unprecedented.

Although the people didn't know why the war ended so quickly, the real high-level officials understood. If it weren't for Lin Youde, the war wouldn't have ended so quickly.

Therefore, all the families in Obu showed their goodwill and loyalty to Lin Youde, the prince of Obu. None of them wanted Lin Youde to use this weird method on them.

The P.L.A.N.T. side also expressed their happiness because Lin Youde was the son-in-law of the leader of the Klein faction.

Many people expressed the hope that Lin Youde and Lux ​​could have a child as soon as possible and adopt him to the Klein family. In this way, the Klein faction can once again compete with the Sara faction for the position of the future leader of P.L.A.N.T.

In this regard, Lin Youde once questioned Lux ​​whether his father-in-law was deliberately urging him to have a child.

Lux blushed and didn't answer.

Lin Youde didn't delve into this, because not long after, Uzmi also sent someone to ask him about when he and Lux ​​would have a child.

This gave Lin Youde a headache and he could only find a way to escape.

Faced with the emergence of cheap daddy and father-in-law, Lin Youde really didn't know how to answer.

After all, if he really wanted a child with Lux, he would have to wait until he returned to the real world.

When giving birth to a child in a copy world, we don’t need to say whether the child can be pregnant or not. Even if she is pregnant, it is still unknown how she will go to the real world after birth.

Lin Youde didn't want his child to be reunited with him in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" as soon as he was born.

Fortunately, Lin Youde did not suffer for too long. Because he has something to do.

"Kannad, are you telling the truth? Have you found the librarian's lair?"

Lin Youde was very happy when he saw the communication from Canard Pars.

Because of Lin Youde's instigation of public opinion warfare, peaceful evolution and other methods. The second war between the Earth United and P.L.A.N.T. in this world ended too quickly. Let New Genesis, Requiem and other weapons of destruction not be brought out.

Lin Youde also lost many opportunities to complete tasks.

Now that the librarian's lair appears, he finally has the opportunity to gather the last handful of wool.

Because the plot of this world is basically over and the battle is basically over.

As long as Durandal doesn't continue to make any destiny plans, then there is no possibility for him to continue to complete the mission.

There are no other tasks to clear, so librarians naturally become the last wave of tasks to be cleared.

Ever since, Lin Youde was very excited when he learned the message from Kannad.

Karnad Pals only thought that Lin Youde had wanted to get rid of the librarian organization for a long time, and returned without thinking too much.

"Yes, to be precise, they were forced to be exposed after being searched by various forces."

"Because P.L.A.N.T. previously announced the existence of librarian and photocopier technology."

"Librarians are now like rats on the street, and everyone wants to beat them up. As a result, they are subject to an intensity of search that I still can't imagine."

"In addition to P.L.A.N.T. and various forces on Earth, even scrap recyclers and some mercenary organizations are involved. Even some people from Mars are also involved."

"With everyone's efforts, the various strongholds and bases of the Librarians have been destroyed. Now their remaining forces have been concentrated in an abandoned colonial satellite on the far side of the moon."

Lin Youde was very excited when he heard the news, but also a little confused: "Since all forces are chasing me, is it still too late for you to inform me now?"

"Now all forces should want to take the credit for destroying the librarian and stop it on their own. They are working very hard, right?"

Karnad Pars smiled slyly: "Of course, all forces have now sent their main forces to carry out the final extermination work on the abandoned colonial satellite on the back of the moon."

"But I knew they were not destined to succeed."

Lin Youde wondered: "Why do you think so?"

Karnad Pals's expression was a little stiff, and his demeanor was a little unnatural: "This...of course it's because I'm well-informed."

"I know that the librarian now has a special force that is under pressure. With that special force, it is almost impossible for ordinary forces to completely destroy the librarian's lair."

"Even if the ZAFT army is deployed in full force, the librarians will probably find a way to escape again."

Lin Youde's eyelids twitched: "Is this an exaggeration? Could it be that..."

Canard Pals nodded: "Yes, it's just what you thought. The librarian, I don't know what method he used, successfully got a bunch of your clones."

"Before, my friend and I faced off against one of the clones piloting a Freedom Gundam."

"That clone used a method of forcibly stimulating the body's potential to possess the combat data of your peak state during the last war. No, it even exceeded it."

"To be honest, we didn't fight at first. That guy was too perverted. He beat us several times and suppressed us."

"If it hadn't been for the fact that he couldn't afford the method to stimulate his potential, his body collapsed and destroyed itself."

"We're afraid we're going to be left there."

Lin Youde realized something: "So you believe that there are clones with similar combat power in the last stronghold of the librarian?"

Karnad Pals nodded: "Yes, although after stimulating the potential, your clone cannot last for too long and will self-destruct. But if the method of stimulating the potential is not applied, its combat effectiveness is already quite terrifying."

"Ordinary people can't get in, and non-ace pilots can't fight it."

"When there are more ace pilots, he can also use self-destruction to stimulate his body's potential and enhance his combat effectiveness. He is quite difficult to deal with."

"That's why I hope that your true form can come out and deal with your clones."

"Because I heard that you are stronger now than during the last war?"

"If that's the case, then you shouldn't have any problem in dealing with those clones that have unleashed their potential, right?"

In response, Lin Youde naturally nodded and said there was no problem.

However, to be on the safe side, Lin Youde still sent a message to Aslan.

Lin Youde is preparing to form a special ace combat team to carry out the final mission.

Then, Lin Youde summoned 6 ace pilots including Aslan, Zhen Asuka, Yitzhak, Diego, Nicol, and Heine to go to the back of the moon.

When Karnad Pals learned about this, he was dumbfounded.

"How strong is your relationship? You actually brought in all the ace pilots of the ZAFT army? It's outrageous that P.L.A.N.T. can actually agree..."

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