Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 883 The despairing gap

Once again, he shocked everyone with his strength, before anyone else could react.

Lin Youde, who had just eliminated Fubuki's Divine Gundam, controlled the Assault Freedom Gundam to turn around, and once again deployed the double shoulder cannon and double waist cannon, in conjunction with the explosion of the abdominal cannon.

Another colorful cannon hit the two Divine Gundams restrained by the Super Dragoons on the other side.

Although the two Shenyi Gundams also tried very hard to dodge and blocked with shields.

But when the two aircraft lowered their shields, the Strike Freedom Gundam had already rushed to their surroundings relying on the exaggerated maneuverability of the light wheel propulsion wing system.

Amid the panicked exclamations of the two Shenyi Gundams, the two beam sabers moved from bottom to top, cutting off the shield-holding arms of the two units at the moment the Strike Freedom Gundam passed between them.

Before the two Divine Gundams with missing arms exploded, the Assault Freedom Gundam's abdominal cannon exploded out of thin air.

However, the Strike Freedom Gundam had passed between the two Divine Gundams at this moment. Directly in front of him was nothing.

Without waiting for anyone else to react, the Strike Freedom Gundam closed one side of the light wheel propulsion wing, allowing the single side of the light wheel propulsion wing to continue to expand.

Relying on the expansion of the single-sided light wheel propulsion wing, the Strike Freedom Gundam moved at lightning speed, causing the body to complete a 360° rotation.

With this rotation, the red abdominal cannon in the firing state turned into a red super long beam sword.

There was no time to react. The ultra-long beam sword rotated 360° in the Strike Freedom Gundam and cut the last two Divine Gundams in half on the spot.

After the rotation was completed, the Strike Freedom Gundam re-deployed the closed light wheel propulsion wing on the other side and stopped firing the abdominal cannon. Flying forward with blue light wings...

Behind him, 2 brilliant nuclear explosions slowly erupted...

The three Divine Gundams, without the all-round firepower coverage of more than twenty Dragoons, were still unable to damage the Strike Freedom Gundam even a single cent, and were defeated.

Lei glanced at the timer and was deeply shocked when he saw that it was only 35 seconds.

"Kira terrifying..."

"Is this really a realm that humans can reach?"

"Is there anyone else in this world who can be his opponent?"

Lei no longer dared to think about whether there was a pilot who could defeat Lin Youde.

He now even doubted whether anyone could survive three minutes in the hands of Lin Youde.

The strength shown by Lin Youde made him feel a huge gap like a world of difference. The gap was so big that he didn't think he could catch up in this life.

This terrifying gap made him feel desperate...

In order to vent this suffocating despair, Lei went crazy and drove the Legend Gundam to attack the Freedom Gundam driven by the clone.

Although others were not as crazy as Lei, they still felt the gap between themselves and Lin Youde.

For the sake of saving face, Yitzhak screamed wildly and magically entered the SEED burst state again.

After SEED exploded, Yitzhak launched a violent attack on the Gale Strike Gundam. Finally, after 1 minute, it was successfully defeated.

Others followed suit and used their strongest state to fight the enemy. Those with SEED exploded with SEED, and those without SEED made full use of tactics, even exchanging injuries for injuries to defeat the enemy.

After Lin Youde exited the SEED·D state, he did not take action again and just watched everyone fight.

In about 10 minutes, everyone relied on their own body and strength to defeat their opponents.

The easiest ones are Aslan, Yitzhak, and Zhen Asuka.

The three of them broke into the SEED state, and they did not waste much effort against the clones who did not have the SEED ability. Both battles ended within 3 minutes.

The ones who struggled a little were Diego and Nicol. The two of them did not burst out SEED, but relied on their slight advantage in machine performance to successfully defeat their opponents at the expense of their arms, weapons, and shields.

The most miserable thing is Heine. He does not have SEED, and he is fighting against the Justice Gundam, which is specialized in close combat.

Although the model is old, it is manufactured with the latest technology and is much more powerful than the original Justice Gundam.

The two anti-ship knives of Heine's Destiny Pulse Gundam were completely shattered, the shoulder cannons were also chopped off, an arm was missing, and a leg was broken. It took only 10 minutes to defeat the Justice Gundam driven by the clone.

"The battle is over, then let's return temporarily and wait for news from Canard."

Lin Youde said something and then piloted the Strike Freedom Gundam to return home.

The others drove the machine body and followed behind the Strike Freedom Gundam without saying a word.

Looking at the back of the Strike Freedom Gundam, Aslan and others once again clearly realized the distance between them and Lin Youde.

Especially Heine, he almost defeated one of Lin Youde's clones at the cost of his body being completely destroyed. It took nearly 10 minutes.

But Lin Youde himself was 1 against 3, and he killed 3 of them without any damage in only half a minute.

Such a gap made him doubt whether he was an ace pilot or not, and he began to doubt his life.

It can be said that everyone who was originally excited to attack came back, except for Yizhak who looked excited about getting revenge, and Zhen Feiniao looked at Lin Youde with starry eyes.

Everyone else had expressions like castrated eggplants.

Everyone in the Minerva's maintenance squad was confused when they saw this reaction.

No one knows what happened before.

After Zhen Asuka excitedly told Luna Maria Hawk and Stella what had just happened, everyone knew why the others' faces were so ugly.

Lin Youde's strength, through Zhen Feiniao's excited narration, once again spread in the Minerva.

Even this time, Aslan himself admitted that he was far worse than Kira.

Since then, through the spread of the Minerva, the ZAFT army has begun to recognize that the strongest pilot is Kira Asha (Lin Youde).

Others are the next best thing.

This view has been recognized by all the most famous ace pilots in the ZAFT army, and there is no doubt about it.

Lin Youde didn't know about this at first.

Because after returning, Lin Youde noticed that Aslan and others seemed to be shocked by his combat power after SEED·D broke out. I'm a little embarrassed to show off in front of them anymore.

So Lin Youde returned to the Archangel and waited with Lux for Canard Pals and the two spin-off protagonists to complete the final cleanup work.

In fact, Karnad Pals did not let Lin Youde wait too long. Just 2 or 3 hours later, news of success came from Karnad Pals.

At the same time, prompts for the completion of hidden tasks also follow.

At this point, the organization of librarians also declared its demise.

After that, Lin Youde was waiting to see if Durandal would continue to seek death, and the Earth Alliance, LOGOS, and the librarians would all perish one after another.

After establishing a new peace organization within the Earth's circle, will he continue to commit suicide? In fact, the fateful plan in the original work aroused public outrage among everyone...

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