Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 892 The girl who loves to dream

"Lux, tell me. Why can't you choose to escape if you are virtuous? You must choose to face reality!?"

Lei Mengmeng's question made Lux stunned, and her tone was slightly hesitant: "Because, being virtuous means..."

Before Lux could finish speaking, Lei Mengmeng arrived first: "Because he is the director of this research institute? He has the responsibility to cheer up and lead everyone?"

"Or is it because he is our boyfriend? He has an obligation to cheer up and protect us?"

Lux: "..."

Lei Mengmeng shook her head and sighed: "Lux, virtuous people are also human beings..."

"Perhaps the power he showed when he appeared in front of you gave you a sense of security, but also gave you some illusion."

"It is true that Youde is very powerful, but his power is only based on his combat effectiveness."

"In addition to his extraordinary fighting ability, Youde is also an ordinary person in terms of emotions."

"Youde is just like ordinary people. He is a person who is afraid and wants to escape because of cowardice."

In Lei Mengmeng's mind, a scene of a previous chat with Wang Liumei emerged.


Lei Mengmeng showed off: "Isn't it awesome? Isn't it handsome? When Youde saved me, he was like a god descending from the earth, so handsome. I feel that I will never forget it in this life~!"

Wang Liumei teased: "Oh? Really? I saw him before, so scared that his legs were weak and shaking, and he couldn't stand still, but I don't think so."

Lei Mengmeng's expression froze: "Eh?"

While stirring the coffee in the cup with a spoon, Wang Liumei recalled: "When he learned that You had run near the base where the dimensional beast appeared, his expression was full of fear and fear. I can't forget it to this day."

"The look of being unable to control yourself because of fear and fear, but trying to force yourself. It's just like an embarrassed child who wants to show off, but finds that he is unable to do so."

"In terms of unforgettable moments, I think I will never forget the way he looked so worried and scared that he was about to cry."

Lei Mengmeng lowered her head and looked at the coffee in the cup. She was silent for a long time before asking: "Then... why did youde come to me in the end?"

Wang Liumei tapped her cheek with her finger: "I remember, it was that girl Amano Akari who encouraged him."

Lei Mengmeng suddenly raised her head: "Yazhenli?"

While stirring the coffee, Wang Liumei held her cheek with one hand and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Yes, that girl Ya Zhenli is also a child who loves to dream."

"Obviously Youde is so scared that he can't even stand still."

"In the end, Yazhenri actually encouraged Youde to become a hero."

Lei Mengmeng looked slightly startled: "Hero!?"

Wang Liumei chuckled and said: "Yes, he is a hero. Just like you, that girl Ya Zhenli seems to be a silly girl who likes to have her loved ones save her in danger in the way of an unparalleled hero. .”

"She expressed her expectations in full."

"In the end, Youde actually cheered up because of his words. He gave himself a slap in the face."

As she said this, Wang Liumei laughed out loud and kept shaking her head: "That slap was so loud that I felt a toothache just from hearing the sound."

"But maybe it was Yazhenri's simple dream that gave him courage?"

"After that slap, Youde finally has the confidence to find you."

"In a sense, the three of you are indeed a perfect match together."

"Two girls who love to dream, and a silly boy who will risk his life to make your dreams come true."

"Maybe it's not a coincidence that you guys got together, but maybe it was inevitable..."

—Flashback ends—

Lei Mengmeng looked up at the sky and whispered.

"All of you have been attracted by Youde's powerful fighting ability. You have forgotten that he is actually a person who can fear and escape."

"He is not a god who can help us solve whatever problems we encounter, but an ordinary person like us."

"Perhaps, he carries many secrets that we cannot explore but make us curious, which gave us all an illusion."

"The illusion that no matter what happens, as long as you find Youde, he will have a solution..."

"But... among all of us, perhaps only Ya Zhenli knows what the real him is like."

"He has always relied on the courage given by Ya Zhenli, and maybe he will fight..."

Lei Mengmeng turned her head again and looked at Lux.

"Now, Yazhenli is gone."

"No one knows how badly he was hit."

"We don't even know whether he still has the courage to face more brutal battles in the future."

"Maybe for us, for this country, for this world, he will still choose to fight."

"But since he is worthy of everyone, why should we force him to face things he doesn't want to face?"

"He who has virtue is not a perfect person..."

"In essence, he is also an ordinary person who wants to escape because of fear."

With that said, Lei Mengmeng turned around and muttered to herself.

"In the beginning, it was because of me that I forced him to embark on a path that he didn't want to take at the beginning."

"If it weren't for me, he might not have become the captain and captain that everyone relies on today. Instead, he would have become an otaku mecha player who stays away from war and death and only likes to play games, right?"

"I don't know whether the current path is what he expected and whether it is really what he wants."

"But I know that he is what he is because of me."

"So, now I don't want to force him."

"If he wants to escape, let him escape."

"There's nothing wrong with that. He also has the right to escape."

"Because it was me who made him what he is now."

"So, before he chooses to run away and get back on his feet, I will take care of everything for him."

After saying that, Lei Mengmeng turned slightly and looked sideways at Lux.

"Lux, I know that Youde dotes on you, and I also know that you were raised like a princess."

"But I still have to tell you, don't be too coquettish."

"When you want to rely on your own will to change others, you must also be prepared to bear the possible costs of being changed by the person you change because of your own decision."

"Are you aware of the risks that may arise from changing your virtuous personal will?"

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