Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 894 Interesting Stories from Silla

Philio Blanchetan's wry smile made the strong man Ymir pick up a mask from the table nearby and play with it.

"Yeah, that joke isn't funny at all."

"If I could, I wouldn't want to admit that any of this is true."

"But it's a pity that this artificial human memory chip contains a lot of actual pictures and videos."

"After seeing those scenes, it's hard for me not to believe that all of this is true."

In this regard, Philio Blancheit was silent for a moment and asked.

"Then, is it possible that the images and data in the memory chip are all fake?"

The strong man Ymir shook his head: "It's unlikely."

"First of all, being able to create artificial humans that are almost the same as real people is a technology that none of our three major countries currently have."

"Secondly, even if someone can create it, there is no need to expose it to us."

"After all, that Lin Youde is a hero to the revolutionary unity of mankind, but he is not a hero to our Silla Alliance and the Free Federation next door."

"So, if we really want to expose him, we will deliberately expose it to the Human Innovation and Integration side, and let the people there deal with Lin Youde. Instead of exposing it to us."

"Because for us, even if this doesn't happen, as long as there is a chance, the people on our side will be happy to kill Lin Youde, the hero of the enemy country, right?"

Philio Blancheitin had to nod in agreement.

The strong man Ymir continued: "Also, when I was browsing this artificial man, I accidentally discovered something very interesting."

"Oh? What's going on?" Phileo Blancheit looked at his good friend in confusion.

The strong man Ymir tapped the keyboard a few times and called up an image.

Philio Blanche took a closer look, with a look of surprise on his face: "This is... Idapos!?"

The strong man Ymir nodded: "Yes, it's the black box machine Idapos that we grabbed from the unity before."

"The matter of Idabos is still a secret that has not yet been declassified. Depending on our authority, we only know that there is such a machine."

"As for how to start it, the scientific research department hasn't figured it out yet."

"But look here..."

Philio Blancheitan looked moved: "Idapos has been activated?"

The strong man Ymir nodded: "Yes, according to this artificial man's memory, Idabos was successfully activated in the parallel world."

"It's just a pity that this machine in the parallel world seems to have been defeated by Lin Youde who turned into a monster and drove Gu Tie who turned into a monster."

Phileo Blanchotan's expression changed: "Are you saying that this artificial man was sent by the parallel world to steal Idapos from us?"

The strong man Ymir smiled and said: "Now are you willing to believe that there is a parallel world?"

Phileo Blancheitan rolled his eyes angrily: "I believed what you said from the beginning. It's just that this happened too suddenly, and it will take me a little time to accept it."

"Yes, yes, just treat it as such." The strong man Ymir replied perfunctorily, holding the mask in his hand and looking at the artificial man on the operating table playfully.

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. The target of this artificial man is not Idapos, which we have not yet thoroughly studied, but the Earth God."

Phileo Blanchotan's expression changed: "What? God of the Earth!?"

The strong man Ymir stared at the artificial man and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yes, the target of this artificial man is the Earth God."

Philio Blanche said with a puzzled look on his face: "But, that's not right. The Earth God uses a man-machine integrated combat style. Without a certain level, it is impossible to control it."

"Not to mention that the driving style of the Earth God is even more special. Can an artificial man really be able to control it?"

The strong man Ymir shrugged: "Sa, who knows. But since people from the parallel world sent this guy here, maybe he can really control it, right?"

"Okay, I'm calling you here this time just to ask you to pay attention to the situation."

"When people from the parallel world come, they will definitely not do nothing. You'd better pay attention. After all, it's a troubled time now."

Philio Blancheitan groaned: "Then... Ymir, do you want to participate too?"

The strong man Ymir shook his head: "Do you think I have a choice?"

Phileo Blanchotan's expression changed: "Could it be that Sophia..."

The strong man Ymir stood up: "Commander Bean is a pretty good person and he didn't force me to take sides."

"As long as I guard the Cradle of the Earth and Sophia, I can leave everything else alone."

"But, Philio, I'm afraid it's just that easy for you, right? I remember that the TD plan you were responsible for seemed to be targeted by people from DC?"

Philio Blancheitin looked quite calm this time.

"Fortunately, the TD plan was originally included in the scope of escort aircraft because of the Mars exploration plan, so armed combat equipment was considered."

"And the exploration of Mars is also approved by Commander-in-Chief Bian. So I only need to provide some data."

"As for the manufacturing of the new Leon series, it is not within my scope of responsibility."

The strong man Ymir smiled: "Yeah, that's good. I thought you were like me, and your weaknesses were taken advantage of."

Filio Blancheit shook his head: "How could it be? Fianna is not as weak as Sophia, a researcher, and needs protection."

"And she has Slay and Abby with her now, so she doesn't need to worry. On the contrary, she needs to worry about Slay and Abby now."

The strong man Ymir was surprised: "Oh? It seems that you have been very leisurely recently?"

Phileo Blanchotan smiled and said: "Yes, that's it..."

The residence of the Silla Union Miguel family.

Nanayi sat on the chair with a tired look on her face, rubbing her temples.

"Ma Shiwen, is what you said true?"

Ma Shiwen bent down: "It's absolutely true, Master Nanayi."

Nanayi glanced at the report on the table with a look on her face that said, "You're kidding me."

"Parallel world? The monster that destroys the world, Lin Youde?"

"Tell me, are these all true?"

Ma Shiwen had sweat on his forehead: "This is really the news I overheard, Master Nanayi."

"I also know that you have been very busy recently due to the DC military coup."

"If it's a normal matter, I don't dare to disturb you. Actually, this matter involves Mr. Lin Youde, so I..."

Nanayi raised her hand to stop Ma Shiwen from continuing: "Okay, I understand."

Holding her forehead with one hand, Nanay was silent for a while before speaking.

"This matter will be kept secret for the time being. You are not allowed to leak this matter to anyone else without my permission. There is no need to report it."

Ma Shiwen immediately responded: "Yes, I understand, Master Nanayi. However, Master Nanayi, do you think Mr. Lin Youde will really become a monster?"

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