Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 906 Free is the most expensive

Lei Mengmeng said solemnly: "One month? Is this too little?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said: "Researcher Lei, this is already the result of our hard work."

"Others are not stupid. They know that you can repair the Dragon King and Tiger King in such a short time, so you must have special means."

"In order to obtain the Dragon King and Tiger King, they don't dare to let the Dragon King and Tiger King stay in your hands for too long."

"It's just that you have done a lot of good work in repairing the Dragon King and Tiger King. In addition, Director Lin Youde personally defeated the leader of the Dimensional Beast before, and his reputation is unparalleled within the unity. This is why we have this result."

"If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have a month before they would be asked to hand over the Dragon King and Tiger King."

"The Liu family and the Ma family used to be just two unknown ordinary families. They relied on the Dragon King and the Tiger King to achieve their previous status."

"That result will make everyone jealous and jealous."

"Now, an opportunity for them to gain the same status as the Liu family and the Ma family is in front of them. Who wouldn't be crazy?"

"Power moves people's hearts, it's not just empty talk..."

Lei Mengmeng didn't buy Li Xingke's complaints.

"But we are still the ones who suffer. After all, it is the Liu family and the Ma family that have caused so much trouble. Why should we pay for their affairs?"

"And we finally repaired the Dragon King and Tiger King, but they didn't do anything and they want us to hand over the Dragon King and Tiger King. Why is this?"

"Is it because of their big fists?"

"It's amazing, let them come and grab it and see who can touch whom!"

Having seen the power of SRX, Lei Mengmeng is not timid at all when it comes to fighting.

Now in Lin's Research Institute, there are a bunch of black box machines that can inspire the field of BGM.

If a fight really breaks out, unless Emperor Ying Long takes action himself. Otherwise, no one can really be a match for the combat troops of the Lin Institute.

Li Xingke complained endlessly: "My little aunt, it's because they all know that the one who comes to attack you can't possibly be your opponent, so they come here to play tricks on you."

"Those guys are now using their power to suppress others. Even Mr. Zhao Zheng, Mr. Yang Ye, and Mr. Wu Mu have to give in. Don't you understand how terrifying the power of their combined people is?"

"There is nothing we can do."

Seeing Li Xingke begging for mercy in a low voice, Lei Mengmeng felt uncomfortable continuing the attack.

But as the loser, she still felt very unhappy.

In her heart, it was okay for her to suffer a loss, but it was not okay for her man to suffer a loss and lose face.

Lei Mengmeng, who was deeply taught by her mother, was thinking about whether she should lose her face and get into trouble. Lin Youde pulled her to his side again and sat down.


Under Lei Mengmeng's puzzled gaze, Lin Youde shook his head and pointed at his head.

Lei Mengmeng was stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted. Lin Youde probably meant that he already knew her thoughts.

The new humans' mental telepathy can sense the emotions of others. Lin Youde is particularly powerful in this regard. It is not surprising that he can guess Lei Mengmeng's thoughts.

So after Lei Mengmeng was pulled down and sat down, she didn't continue to get angry, but looked at Lin Youde and said.

"I already understand the matter."

"I can also understand Master Zhao Zheng's helplessness."

"So, I will fully accept this result."

Li Xingke's eyes widened and he stood up with surprise on his face: "Really?"

Lei Mengmeng also widened her eyes, looked at Lin Youde in surprise, and thought to herself: 'What does it mean to be virtuous? So hard to suffer? ’

Lux also looked at Lin Youde with confusion, and thought to herself: 'It's strange, Youde is not the kind of person who will suffer losses. ’

Under the doubtful gazes of the three people, Lin Youde nodded and said, "Well, since this is Master Zhao Zheng's decision, of course I will agree with it."

Li Xingke was stunned for a moment and quickly asked: "Then, is there anything you need our help with?"

Li Xingke, who was surprised that Lin Youde was so talkative, couldn't help but use honorifics to show his admiration for Lin Youde's broad-mindedness.

At the same time, he also wanted to help Lin Youde make up for it so that Lin Youde could calm down.

Lin Youde is a major contributor to the current unification, and it is difficult for him to suffer such a disadvantage no matter from which aspect.

And Lin Youde himself would definitely not suffer a loss like this and would like to gain some value from other aspects.

However, things were somewhat beyond Li Xingke's expectations.

Lin Youde shook his head and said: "No, our institute is doing very well in all aspects at present. There is nothing we need help with."

As soon as Lin Youde said this, the three people present were shocked.

Li Xingke was shocked: "Really, you don't want anything?"

Lin Youde smiled and said: "It's really not necessary. A one-month buffer period is enough."

"If we still can't get the Dragon King and Tiger King recognized after one month, then we can compete with others as promised."

"And we have been unable to gain the recognition of the Dragon King and Tiger King. Keeping the Dragon King and Tiger King here with us may not be a good thing for our unification."

"After all, the situation around the world is still tense. Letting the Dragon King and Tiger King regain their combat effectiveness is the best choice for the country and the people."

Li Xingke was shocked by Lin Youde's words, and his eyes were full of shock and respect.

Li Xingke, who had already prepared that Lin Youde might open his mouth as a price for coming, never expected this result.

"Mr. Lin Youde is a true national scholar!"

Facing Li Xingke's admiring bow, Lin Youde smiled and waved.

"Stop making a fuss. It's such an age and it's quite strange that you still come here with such formality."

"Okay, let's leave it like this for now. I still have some things to do here. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go and do it first."

Regarding Lin Youde's obvious farewell remarks, Li Xingke, who has high emotional intelligence, also chose to say goodbye on the spot.

Li Xingke, who was just ready to make a fortune, got Lin Youde's consent and left the gate of Lin's Research Institute without paying any price.

Li Xingke was still in a daze, as if in a dream.

"Really... just agreed?"

Li Xingke left unsteadily.

Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​stood beside Lin Youde at the window of the conference room, watching Li Xingke leave before speaking.

Lei Mengmeng: "Youde, you just agreed? You don't want any compensation? What a waste?"

Lin Youde clasped his hands behind his back, shook his head and said, "It's the most profitable to not want anything at this time."

Lei Mengmeng didn't seem to have recovered from Lin Youde's shocking choice of not asking for anything, and said in a daze: "What do you mean?"

Lux, who has a very keen sense of politics, was the first to react and struck the palm of her hand: "Youde is asking Master Zhao Zheng, the Yang family, the Wu family, and even a lot of families in the border army to owe us a favor?"

Lei Mengmeng was still a little dazed: "Human, human feelings?"

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Haha, nothing in this world is more expensive than free..."

"The most difficult thing is the debt of gratitude, which is not just a matter of words..."

"Not to mention, it's not certain who will win in the end between the Dragon King and the Tiger King..."

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