Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 911 (3rd update) The past and unwillingness

Nan Ye looked at Li Te curiously, and Li Te shook his head and returned.

"Of course not. Unlike many large families we know that have been inherited for many generations, the Lei family is a rising star family that has only risen in the past decade or so relying on military exploits."

"Furthermore, the Lei family is not large in number. There is no so-called separation of families or the distinction between main families in novels."

"Those so-called branch families and main families are only found in large families that have been passed down for many years."

"It's just that such a big family suffered a huge blow when the dimensional beasts first invaded. There are not many left."

"Compared to those big families, the Lei family is simply pitiful."

"Even at the beginning, there were only three people in the Lei family, the master, the wife and the young lady."

"It wasn't until the master made many military exploits, many helpless people, and many low-level soldiers took refuge in the master that the Lei family slowly developed."

Nan Ye was surprised: "That means that the core number of Lei family is not large?"

Li Tong nodded: "Well, if we really want to talk about the core staff, up to now, that is, the master, madam, and young lady, plus my dad and two other colleagues of my dad, there are only 6 people in total."

"Others cannot be considered core members at all. Even others who come to join us later, such as people from my wife's family, are considered outsiders and cannot enter the core decision-making level."

Nan Ye's face was full of curiosity: "If that's the case, how did Li Te and your family join the Lei family?"

Li Te scratched his head: "Well, it's just that our family is lucky."

"Good luck?" Nan Ye looked puzzled.

Li Te responded: "Well, it's just good luck. Because our family was an ordinary person before."

"Due to the attack by the dimensional beasts, our family, like other ordinary people, had no choice but to flee everywhere in order to survive."

"My mother died in a building collapse accident because of the dimensional beast."

Nanye looked apologetic: "Sorry, I didn't know this..."

Li Te shook his head: "It doesn't matter, everything has passed."

"And compared to others, at least my mother died without too much pain."

"The building collapsed very quickly, and my mother had no time to react, so..."

At this point, Li Te paused and skipped the middle part.

"So, I have always been dependent on my father."

"It's just that the situation at that time was quite difficult. Even if my father and I ran away, we were still surrounded by all kinds of dangers."

"Then, during an attack, we encountered a frontal attack from a dimensional beast."

"My father was seriously injured trying to protect me as a young child."

"I was too young at that time and couldn't do anything. Even if I wanted to drag my father and run away, I couldn't."

"In such a desperate situation, it was the master who saved us."

Nanye looked at Li Te and found that there seemed to be light shining in Li Te's eyes.

Li Te was completely unaware and continued to talk while recalling.

"I still can't forget the scene where the master suddenly appeared from the collapsed ruins driving the first-generation mass-produced ultra-soldier, kicked a dimensional beast away, and then killed it with a machine gun."

"From that moment on, I decided that in the future I would also drive a robot to fight against dimensional beasts and protect everyone."

Listening to Li Te's words, Nanye nodded silently and sighed secretly: 'I didn't expect that Li Te fell in love with robots because of this. ’

'Compared to Li Te, my childhood was much luckier. I didn't encounter too many dimensional beasts at all, so I hid in an underground shelter. ’

While Nan Ye secretly lamented his luck, Li Te continued to talk about his past.

"Of course, driving robots and stuff like that are just random ideas that I thought of when I was young."

"Because my father was seriously injured at the time and was in critical condition. That thought just flashed past, and I cried and shouted to the master's special soldiers, asking him to help us."

"Originally, I thought that the master would not pay attention to a child like me calling for help, and then choose to leave directly or something."

"But what I didn't expect, or what surprised me, was that the master actually stopped at that time."

"The master heard my words through Jishubing's radio speaker and asked me about my father's situation."

"After learning that my father was in critical condition, he immediately parked the special forces at the edge of the ruins, got off the aircraft, took a first aid kit, and gave my father first aid."

"I don't know if we were lucky at that time, or if the master had been fighting dimensional beasts before and cleaning up the surrounding area."

"There were no other dimensional beasts around us at the time, so my father received first aid smoothly."

"It's just that my father was too seriously injured at the time. It was just temporary first aid and it couldn't save his life."

"So the master used the hands of extremely special soldiers to carry my father and I to the military field hospital for treatment."

"It can be said that my father and I were saved by my master."

Hearing this, Nanye generally understood: "So, after you and your father were rescued, you joined the Lei family?"

Li Te shook his head: "It's nothing. Although the master had already achieved considerable military exploits at that time, he had not yet transformed his military exploits into power and wealth."

"So, there were only two people in the Lei family at that time, the wife and the young lady. The Lei family didn't exist at all."

"It's just because my father's injury at that time required rest even if he received treatment."

"At that time, there were injuries everywhere, and money and supplies were needed for recuperation. My father and I were very poor and had nothing."

"Seeing that we were in a tight situation, the master spent his own money and arranged for us to be sent to the hospital in the rear."

"Later, in order to repay the kindness and survive, after my father recovered from his injuries, he decided to join the army. Even if he was a leading soldier, he would still stay with the master."

"After that, my father joined the army and became a guard beside me. He fought with me. Then he was injured many times and was rescued and treated by me. Then he went to the battlefield again and was treated again."

"This has been repeated countless times. Neither father nor son knows how much life we ​​owe the master. Therefore, when I grow up, I also decided to join the army and become the lady's bodyguard, or follower."

"At least, when the young lady is in danger, I can serve as a bait and block the gun for the young lady. In this way, the young lady can at least have more chances of survival."


With a bitter expression, Li Te deafened his head.

"Over the years, I have never had the chance to protect the young lady. The young lady is too powerful and does not need my protection at all. On the contrary, it is because of my uselessness that I have been taken care of by the young lady many times."

"Even the only time the lady was in crisis, I couldn't do anything and watched the lady fall into crisis."

"If I hadn't been at the HLD base at that time, and my uncle hadn't driven over in an ancient iron to show off his power, I'm afraid my lady and I would have been buried in that place."

Having said this, Li Te clenched his fists, his face full of reluctance...

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