Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 914 (6th update) Calling

Lei Mengmeng had no objection to Lin Youde's decision.

The aversion to cold just now made her feel a little chilly down her spine, and her arms were covered in goosebumps.

Moreover, Lei Mengmeng also believed that Lin Youde's new human telepathy would not go wrong.

It's too dangerous to stay outside. Return to the institute as soon as possible. At least if something goes wrong, you can deal with it with others.

As a result, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng quickly returned to the research institute.

After returning to the research institute, the obvious sense of peeping and the chill that ran through my body no longer appeared.

But even so, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng were worried.

Wang Liumei, who had been waiting for the two to return, immediately discovered their return.

"You're back, how's it going? Say...huh? What happened?"

Seeing that the two people's faces were not very good, Wang Liumei asked curiously.

Lei Mengmeng explained briefly, and Wang Liumei also frowned.

"Peeping? Aversion to cold?"

Lei Mengmeng nodded: "Well, when we were in the park just now, Youde said that someone was watching us, and he seemed to have obvious unfriendly emotions, but the distance seemed a bit far away, and I didn't know if something would happen. question."

Wang Liumei was confused: "There must be a lot of people who have been eyeing you recently. But at this juncture, no one should be stupid enough to take action against you, right?"

"With Youde's current reputation, who is crazy enough to dare to confront him?"

Lei Mengmeng shook her head: "I don't know, but if you have a sense of virtue, you can't go wrong."

Wang Liumei also agreed with this. After all, Lin Youde is recognized as the strongest new human being on Aquablue Planet.

After the three of them thought hard and couldn't come up with the result, Lei Mengmeng said.

"I'm still a little worried. I'm going to check to see if there are any suspicious persons in the institute recently to avoid the appearance of a mole."

Wang Liumei also responded: "Then I will also check and there is no news or information recently. If someone really wants to attack you, there is absolutely no way it will be silent."

Lin Youde thought for a moment: "Then let me go and take a look at the current combat power of the research institute. As long as the research institute's combat power is strong enough, no one will be stupid enough to attack our research institute."

They both nodded and left.

Lin Youde quickly found Robert and asked about the current status of the combatants and machines in the institute.

Robert scratched his head and asked: "How is everyone doing?"

"Everyone is here except Zenga and Ladis."

"About the aircraft, except for your Freedom Gundam that has been dismantled, everyone's aircraft are in usable condition."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

After Lin Youde told Robert what happened before. Robert also became serious.

"If that's the case, it's better to be careful. Do you want me to inform everyone not to go out recently and to stay in the lounge at any time?"

Lin Youde glanced at Li Te and Nan Ye who were passing by near the aisle with tired faces, was startled for a moment, and shook his head slightly.

"That's not necessary. As long as everyone is here, there is no need to make everyone too nervous. After all, everyone has been a little nervous recently. Just arrange for daily security personnel to be in place."

Robert nodded: "Okay."

Lin Youde suddenly reacted: "Wait a minute, Zeng Jia and Ladis haven't come back yet?"

Robert: "Well, he's not back yet."

Lin Youde frowned: "It's already the New Year, why haven't they come back yet?"

Robert recalled: "I remember that Zenga left before and never came back. However, he sent a message saying that he was fine."

"From Ladis's words, it seems that he heard that some guests are going to his place, and he won't be able to come back for the time being. They seem to be from overseas."

Hearing this, Lin Youde thought with some confusion: 'Zeng Jia was called over by Uncle Kai, and he didn't know what he was tinkering with. ’

‘Ledis hasn’t come back yet, and there are guests from overseas? Could it be that Princess Xia Yin and Lelouch are here? ’

While secretly guessing in his heart, Lin Youde's mood became even more gloomy: "In other words, once a battle breaks out now, the Zero and R-2 cannot attack, and the SRX cannot be combined?"

Robert nodded: "Yes, that's right. How about it, do you want me to call and notify Ladis of his return?"

Lin Youde thought for a moment and replied: "For safety's sake, call him to inform him to come back as soon as possible."

Robert: "Okay."

Lin Youde asked: "By the way, can the Liberty Gundam be reassembled now?"

Robert smiled bitterly: "This is too difficult for you. Now that the Liberty Gundam has been dismantled into parts, there is no way to put it back together."

"In order to save the city north, the Freedom Gundam was upgraded to Strike Freedom Gundam, but the skeleton and everything was melted away. What are we going to do with it?"

Hearing this, Lin Youde looked at the ancient iron parked quietly on the tarmac, feeling a little irritable.

"That means that if something unexpected happens, I can only fly the ancient iron to attack?"

Robert smiled bitterly: "That's right."

Lin Youde bit his lower lip: "Then...just check Gu Tie's side again to ensure that Gu Tie can attack at any time."

Robert: "I understand."

Lin Youde raised his head and looked at Gu Tie: "I hope nothing will happen..."

Because Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, and Wang Liumei were investigating and alerting each other.

The atmosphere in Lin's research institute, which was already in a bad mood because the deadline for the return of the Dragon King and Tiger King was approaching, became even more tense.

Veretta, who was extremely insightful, noticed something was wrong immediately. After making some inquiries, she picked up the communicator, left the dormitory vigilantly, ran to an uninhabited corner of the research institute, and initiated communication.

"Ingram, it's me...well, yes...the current situation here is...ok, I understand."

Lamia was originally paying more attention to Veretta, and just after Veretta's communication ended, Lamia met her.

The two immediately confronted each other.

Lamia looked at Veretta warily: "What are you doing here?"

Veretta: "It's nothing, I just can't sleep and want to go out for a walk. Why did I disturb you?"

Lamia narrowed her eyes: "You didn't do anything you shouldn't do, right?"

Veretta smiled and spread her hands: "Of course not. If you are worried, you can keep an eye on me at any time."

Lamia warned: "Then I might as well accept the order as the eutectic."

Veretta teased: "It's better to obey orders than to be respectful, right?"

Lamia: "It's all the same!"

Veretta shrugged: "Whatever you want~!"

Veretta turned and left, Lamia following her.

Veretta didn't care about this, she just thought about it secretly.

‘Ingram, how much of your own consciousness do you still have? ’

‘You were the one who attacked Lin Youde last time, right? ’

‘I’ve already failed once, but I’m going to do it a second time? What on earth are you thinking about? ’

'Lin Youde is not that easy to deal with...'

‘Furthermore, Ingram told me before that I could wait for an opportunity to have a good relationship with Lin Youde. ’

‘Then should I tell him about the special forces gathering outside the city now? ’

‘Whoever leads the team is not good, but it is Ingram. Should we still trust Ingram now? ’

Veretta was full of troubling thoughts...

Although the atmosphere in the institute was tense, the night was still relatively peaceful.

Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng woke up early in the morning because of the inexplicable cold that kept them awake all night.

The two looked at each other and knew that the other person could not sleep just like themselves.

Lin Youde made a silent gesture, and Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly to express his understanding.

The two of them got up, washed, and ate together without disturbing Lux, who was still sleeping.

It's just that it was early in the morning, the sky was still dark, and the cafeteria of the institute hadn't even opened yet.

The two had no choice but to make breakfast by themselves.

After eating breakfast, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng sat on the lawn of the research institute, looking up at the sky.

Lei Mengmeng looked up at the sky: "The sun will come out soon."

Lin Youde: "Well, it should be soon."

Lei Mengmeng looked back at Lin Youde: "How long has it been since we... watched the sunrise together?"

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Since you forced me to do morning exercises, it seems that it has disappeared. What's wrong?"

Lei Mengmeng rubbed her arms uneasily: "It's nothing, I just miss you a little. Youde, do you think today's sunrise will be as beautiful as usual?"

Lin Youde put his arm around Lei Mengmeng's shoulders: "Don't worry, it will happen... If you want to see it, I can take you now..."

However, as soon as they finished speaking, a voice came into the minds of the two of them.

The voice was ethereal and childish, and extremely clear.

What Lin Youde heard was: (The time has come, Youde, come with me!)

What Lei Mengmeng heard was: (The time has come to return, come back, Mengmeng...)

For an instant, their expressions were completely stunned.

Lei Mengmeng's eyes turned red again...

The long black ponytail that was originally tied into a long and slender black ponytail was shaken away by an invisible force. The long black hair hung behind her back and was gradually dyed into golden wavy curls...

And Lin Youde seemed to have been hit hard on the head from behind, and his whole head hung down helplessly...

If anyone lowers his head and takes a look, he will find Lin Youde at this moment, his pupils...

Just like Lei Mengmeng, she is red and extremely weird...

A strange white mist began to appear, gradually covering the research institute and even the entire city...

at the same time.

The King Dragon and King Tiger machines, which were originally parked in the research institute's hangar and were motionless, actually reacted at this moment.

The tail of the blue Dragon King Machine was slightly raised, and the lightning on the orb at its tip kept flashing.

The tail of the white King Tiger swayed slightly from side to side, its mouth was slightly open, and wisps of white smoke came out from the mouth of the King Tiger.

Almost at the same moment, Dragon King Ji and Tiger King Ji closed their eyes tightly, their eyelids trembled slightly, and they slowly raised...

An unknown underground hangar in Beijing.

A red bird-shaped robot's wings swayed slightly.

The huge turtle next to him slowly opened his eyes...

Capital City, the place where the Dragon King lives.

Emperor Ying Long, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a chill and raised his head suddenly.

The huge pupils were filled with astonishment.

(This feeling... could it be said... Baixie!?)

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