Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 925 Why You Just Don’t Understand

In the red Soul Seat, Alufemi, a little girl with long blue wavy hair who was 70% similar to Lei Mengmeng, pointed to her lips with a single finger, and stared at Lin Youde's ancient soul with a silver bell-like laughter. iron.

"I knew that Youde would definitely come over."

"So, if you wait here, you will definitely come by yourself if you have virtue."

"It seems that I guessed right. I know Youde very well..."

Before Alfemi could finish her words, she heard a roar.

"Let him go!"


With a flash of pink light, Bow Angel teleported and came to Gu Tie's side. The beam sword slashed horizontally, cutting off the two big red hands holding Gu Tie on the spot.

Holding Gu Tie's hand, Gong Angel quickly pulled Gu Tie away from the Seat of Souls with the power of the BGM field.

"Youde Da Da, are you okay?"

Listening to Lamia's voice, Lin Youde looked at the Soul Seat with a complicated expression.

"It's okay, it's just..."

"Why are you getting in our way?"

In the Seat of Souls, Alufemi looked at Bow Angel with a stern face.

Lamia replied without giving in: "Because I can't let you take away the great virtue!"

Thinking back to the past of his own world, Lamia felt at this moment. Perhaps Lin Youde in that world didn't initially want to become a monster, nor did he want to destroy the world.

It's just because after defecting from the Human Innovation Alliance, a situation similar to this happened. As a result, he was captured by a monster like the native species.

Only then did the blue ancient iron, known as the God of Death in the Night, sweep across the battlefields of the three major countries. It was even rumored that Lin Youde used the blood of countless humans to dye the originally blue ancient iron red, and finally there was the terrifying legend of the red lone wolf... …

After coming to this world for nearly a year, Lamia and Lin Youde got along day and night, and they already had a very clear understanding of Lin Youde.

So Lamia OK. Without the bewitchment of the native species, Lin Youde would definitely not have committed an evil act to destroy the world.

Combining the previous words of the original species supervisor, Lamia believed that it was the will of the original species, not Lin Youde, to destroy the humans on Aquamarine.

Therefore, Lin Youde cannot be left to native species.

This is not only the will of Lamia's creator, Raymond, but also Lamia's own decision.

The more he got to know Lin Youde, the more Lamia understood how powerful and mysterious Lin Youde was.

No one knows how many secrets Lin Youde has and how many things he knows.

But Lamia understands one thing...

‘We must not let this world repeat the ending of our world. ’

‘Once you are devoured by these monsters, you will become their companions. Then this world is really hopeless. ’

‘This is not only Lord Raymond’s instruction, but also my own will! ’

‘Lord Raymond, if I decide this way, there will be no problem, right? ’

Lamia looked at the Seat of Souls with a determined expression, ready to attack at any time.

However, what surprised Lamia was that the Soul Seat did not attack immediately, but just floated in front of the white knight.

Alfemi tilted her head slightly and looked at Bow Angel.

"why not?"

"Youde looks forward to being with Mengmeng, and Mengmeng is one of ours, so isn't it natural for her to come to our side?"

The person who answered Alufemi was not Lamia, but Li Te from Dragon Tiger King.

"Don't be ridiculous, Miss is different from you, she is not a monster, she is a human being."

"My uncle who is also a human being wants to be with a young lady who is also a human being. What's wrong with that?"

"You are the ones, please release the young lady quickly. You are holding a hostage or something like that. It's so despicable!"

Alufemi tilted her head and turned to look at the Dragon and Tiger King.

"Despicable? Hostage?"

"I don't understand what you are saying at all."

"We have never done anything like this. Rather, it's all thanks to us that Youde and Mengmeng are here."

"We are just taking back the seeds we once broadcast, that's all."

"If it weren't for the obstruction of the dead, the matter would have been over..."

Li Te responded on the spot: "Don't be talking nonsense. My uncle and young lady are here only because of their own efforts. What does it have to do with you. Don't be fooling the public with your lies!"

Alufemi shook her head slightly: "You really don't understand anything..."

Nan Ye replied: "It's you who don't understand. The director only wants to be with the deputy director, and the same goes for the deputy director. They just want to be together, and they don't care about the rest. Why don't you understand? ?”

Alufemi pursed her lips slightly: "You are the ones who don't understand. You clearly don't know anything, so don't act like you know everything."

Almost the moment Alufemi finished speaking, a huge roar erupted from the Shenzhou Lingshan Mountain.

Dense cracks appeared on the Shenzhou Lingshan Mountain.

"How can it be……"

In Nan Ye's exclamation, the cracked Shenzhou Lingshan turned into countless rubbles and exploded...

Countless rubble flew in all directions and fell on the ground, making holes one after another.

Everyone controlled the machine and kept dodging, looking a little embarrassed.

And in the place where the Divine Mountain was originally located, the huge body of the original species, the Supervisor, was once again revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

"No need to say more, the matter has come to an end, it's time to take it back by force!"

"The Servant of Steel has revealed his true form, and he does have some abilities."

"But I haven't tried my best."

The native species supervisor raised his left arm, and the purple light ball appeared again.

This time, the purple light balls gathered tightly to a size of about 40 meters, and turned into streams of light, shooting towards the Dragon and Tiger King in the form of shotguns.

When Li Te saw this, he couldn't help shouting: "Nan Ye, be careful!"

Nanye understood: "Don't worry, Li Te, I won't be careless!"

Under Nanye's control, the Dragon Tiger King once again swung his arms and threw out afterimages.

"Dragon King Flame Talisman Water!"

Golden light symbols appeared one after another, transforming into several flame dragons, facing the purple beam of light.

Seeing the native species, the Supervisor, fighting against the Dragon and Tiger King again, the Soul Seat also turned its attention to Gu Tie again.

Alufemi sighed: "It seems that a peaceful solution is impossible."

"Why, you just don't understand that we are not interested in you at all?"

"Needless obstruction will only lead to destruction..."

After saying that, Alufemi raised her head and looked at Lin Youde.

"If it were you, you should understand, right? Youde!?"

As Alufemi inside the Soul Seat raised her hand, the Soul Seat also extended its hand to Gu Tie.

Alufemi looked at Gu Tie and said to Lin Youde.

"Come over to our side, Youde. Mengmeng and I are here. Our place is your destination..."

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