Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 930 Sister and sister, spread their wings! Pure white fallen angel!

As the sound of Soul Reaver's BGM field suddenly stopped, everyone was shocked.

From the ancient iron and white light, he evolved into the ancient iron giant. When the ancient iron giant changed, the Soul Reaver took the lead and was taken away by the ancient iron giant, whose back was unharmed.

It only took a minute for all of this to happen.

In just one minute, the situation on the court was reversed.

Things happened so fast that no one could react or understand what happened.

Only Lin Youde, who was in the cockpit of the Ancient Iron God, and whose clothes had changed into a red vest of the same style as Nanbu Kyousuke, vaguely understood what had just happened.

‘This is... the new power? ’

‘The power hidden in the ancient iron black box, the ancient iron giant god, the successor body of ancient iron, is also hidden in the black box? ’

Nanfang Xiangjie's voice echoed in Lin Youde's mind.

(Yes, this is the new power.)

After defeating the Soul Reaver, most of the anger in Lin Youde's heart was poured out, and he was able to calm down a little.

So Lin Youde asked Nanfang Xiangjie.

‘Xiangsuke, since Gutie still has this power. Then why didn't you give it to me before? ’

‘Also, the special effects that just erupted on the ancient iron giant were the power of spiritual commands, right? ’

Nanbu Kyosuke: (Let’s talk about these things after everything is over. Now, the battle is not over yet.)

Hearing Nanbu Xiangsuke's words, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment and released the new human telepathy again.

Although the new human's spiritual senses will be blocked out once they touch the strange white mist.

But now because of the strange white mist, they have all turned into native species, which has allowed the new humans' mental induction to return to normal.

Then, Lin Youde sensed that a weak spiritual reflection was falling from the sky.

Lin Youde looked up and discovered to his surprise that it was actually a piece of the Soul Reaver's chest.

From that intact part, Lin Youde felt a faint spiritual reflection.

Seeing this thing, Lin Youde reacted on the spot.

"Are you alive? Axel!?"

Lin Youde's dull eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent.

Ever since he saw Lamia being killed by Axel to protect himself, Lin Youde became interested in killing Axel, the male protagonist of "Super Robot Wars A".

Lin Youde will not tolerate anyone who endangers the people he cherishes, even if it is a character he used to like.

Not to mention the day and night interactions during this period, Lamia dedicated herself to her duties and won the favor of Lin Youde.

Now that Lamia died to protect himself, Lin Youde decided not to kill Axel and vowed not to give up.

Therefore, after discovering that Axel was still alive, Lin Youde activated the Ancient Iron Titan again on the spot.

"In that case, Gu Tie..."

The ancient iron giant once again assumed a charging stance, spreading its propelling wings behind it...

However, before the Ancient Iron Titan was activated, there was another person who discovered the fact that Axel was still alive earlier than Lin Youde.

This person is none other than the Kraken driven by Katarina because it has been parked in the sky since Lamia's Archangel exploded.

Since Axel pilots a combat-specialized machine, his fighting style is also aggressive and aggressive.

Therefore, in order to ensure Axel's personal safety, the main operators of the Shadow Mirror Force will install special devices in their bodies to detect the vital signs of the driver in the Soul Reaver.

Just now, after the Soul Reaver was defeated by the Ancient Iron God, Katarina's pupils were trembling, and she almost screamed in horror.

However, she subconsciously looked down and saw that on the small dashboard that specifically marked Axel's vital signs, the reminder indicating Axel's vital signs had not disappeared.

It was precisely because of seeing this that Catalina was shocked and knew that Axel was not dead yet.

Therefore, Catalina immediately started looking for the Soul Reaver cockpit parts.

At this time, Lin Youde was still communicating with Nanbu Xiangsuke.

When Lin Youde discovered it and wanted to drive the Ancient Iron Titan to rush forward for the final blow, Catalina had already burst out the Kraken's BGM and rushed towards the cockpit parts of the Soul Reaver first.

"team leader!!!"

As soon as Siren grabbed the Soul Reaver's cockpit and put it in his arms, he heard a sound of breaking through the sky.

Then, the face of the ancient iron giant, as cold as a knife or an axe, appeared on the side display of the Siren's cockpit.

"Get away!"

Before the sound came, the firing pin arrived first.

The revolver pile blaster in the right hand of the ancient iron giant aimed at the Kraken's arm and smashed it. (Note 1)

Since it was a last hit, Lin Youde's attack was quite casual, because he felt that this attack was bound to win.

However, what surprised Lin Youde was that the Kraken seemed to have guessed how the Ancient Iron Giant God would move. He turned sideways and let the firing pin in the Ancient Iron Giant God's right hand almost brush against the surface armor of the Kraken's body.

'Coincidence? ’

The thought flashed through his mind, and Lin Youde heard Catalina's firm refusal on the public channel.

"Don't even think about it! Captain is my only hope for revenge, and I won't let him die here. Ozidna!!!"

The Kraken instantly turned around and threw away the cockpit parts of the Soul Reaver.

Lin Youde's eyes narrowed: "Don't even think about running away!"

Catalina: “Drink ah ah ah ah!!!”

As soon as the ancient iron giant raised the five-unit machine gun in his left hand, the whole arm was hugged by the Kraken in a forward motion, relying on the thrust of the propeller to force the muzzle of the gun away.

A barrage of bullets poured out, but none of the Soul Reaver's cockpit components were hit.

This scene made Lin Youde even more surprised: 'How is that possible? Is this okay? This guy... knows my fighting mode of driving Gutie! ? ’

As Lin Youde watched in surprise, an R-BLADE with a rather exaggerated propeller on its back rushed up from the ground and hugged the Soul Reaver's cockpit. (Note 2)

Katarina: "Captain, it's up to you! I'll stop the teacher!"

Pink-haired Ozidna nodded: "Understood."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Youde was a little surprised: "Teacher?"

I was shocked, but the ancient iron giant didn't stop moving his hands.

He raised his right hand to blast the pile driver with his revolver, aimed at the Kraken and swung it over.

However, because of Catalina's words just now, Lin Youde's aim, which was originally aimed at the Siren's chest, shifted slightly and aimed at the propeller behind the Siren.


A white light flashed, and the Kraken's propeller exploded on the spot.

Catalina, whose body shook violently due to the explosion, groaned: "Uh-huh..."

Lin Youde glanced at the smoking siren behind him and said coldly: "Go away, I'm not interested in you."

The ancient iron giant swung his left arm, and the huge force almost caused the sea monster to escape, but in the end, the sea monster still grabbed the arm of the ancient iron giant.

Catalina hurriedly said: "I told you that I would stop you. Let's go. Ozidna, let's go."

As if he understood something, R-BLADE, whose thrusters were quite exaggerated, immediately turned around.

Ozidna said with a cold face: "Yes, farewell, Katarina. Meteor system, activate!"

The thruster behind R-BLADE burst out at an astonishing speed, turned into a meteor and rushed into the sky, disappearing without looking back.

Seeing the Soul Reaver being taken away, Lin Youde was just about to chase him with the Ancient Iron God, but the new human sensed a determined will to die in his mental telepathy.

"Farewell, Ozidna, I will hold the teacher back, even if it costs me my life!"

A sense of crisis erupted from the Kraken. Lin Youde still didn't understand what the pilot of the Kraken was going to do?

"Don't even think about it!!!"

He didn't have time to complain that he would meet a female version of Aslan, so Lin Youde drove the Ancient Iron Titan and aimed at the ground.

In less than half a second, the ancient iron giant, which was still in the sky, hit the ground and created a huge crater with a diameter of at least 300 meters.

In the huge pit, the ancient iron giant was unscathed. On the contrary, next to its left arm pointed at the ground, the Kraken had completely fallen apart, with only one torso still lying at the bottom of the pit.

Listening to the sound of Siren's BGM field gradually weakening, and finally disappearing with the sense of crisis, Lin Youde secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

‘I finally succeeded in preventing this guy from blowing himself up. Who is this guy? So crazy? Want to pull me to play with self-destruction? ’

Nanbu Kyousuke: (Who knows, but her character is very similar to Calvina, just as crazy...)

After some sensing, I found that the pilot in the Kraken was still alive. After understanding that the other party was probably unconscious, Lin Youde hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not choose to take action.

Although this strange woman tried her best to block herself and not give herself a chance to hit Axel. Lin Youde was very angry.

But what the other party called him just now made Lin Youde very concerned.

Axel has already run away and everything is done. Killing her to vent his anger will not help.

And compared to these, Lin Youde has more important things to do.

Without finishing the last attack on the Kraken, which had only one torso left, the Ancient Iron Titan once again flew out of the giant pit, landed on the ground, and looked at the Seat of Souls.

In other words, it is the white knight supported by several native species and hearts behind the Seat of Souls.

The propeller roared, and blue light exploded behind the ancient iron giant. With a huge roar, the ancient iron giant rose into the sky and rushed towards the white knight.

Seeing this scene, the original species, the supervisor, who had been staring at the ancient iron giant before, finally took action.

With a wave of his hand, many vines flew out.

"Don't even think about it!!!"

Li Te shouted angrily, and the Yanyue Sword in the Tiger Dragon King's hand slashed out with sword light that filled the sky, cutting off all the vines.

But although the Dragon Tiger King can block the native species, the Supervisor, it cannot block other ordinary native species.

A bunch of native species, hearts, native species, limbs, and native species, bones rushed towards the ancient iron giant, trying to stop him.

But after the ancient iron giant broke out in the BGM field, its speed was simply not comparable to that of ordinary native species. Those native species that tried to catch up with the ancient iron giant were left behind.

The relatively close native species were smashed into pieces by the ancient iron giant with its body at a very violent speed.

Without using any weapons, the ancient iron giant just used the impact brought by its own weight and speed to forcefully carve out a bloody path.

During the whole process, Soul Seat did not make a move, just looked at the ancient iron giant.

The ancient iron giant did not attack the Soul Seat and rushed past it.

At the moment when the two machines intertwined, the Ancient Iron Titan looked at the White Knight, and the Soul Seat looked at the Ancient Iron Titan...

In the end, the two machines passed by each other, and the ancient iron giant didn't stop at all, moving at a very fast speed.

After the ancient iron giant rushed over, the soul seat held the sword and slowly lowered his head. Alufimi in the cockpit had a look of disappointment on his face.


The ancient iron giant charged past and did not look back. Fly straight to the White Knight.

All the native species that tried to block him were smashed into pieces, and the ancient iron giant finally rushed in front of the white knight.

"Give her back to me!!!"

The ancient iron giant swung out two rough fists, blasting two armor-like native hearts on the spot, and hugged the white knight.

After successfully hugging the white knight, Lin Youde finally breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Finally... it didn’t turn into the worst situation. ’

Feeling a little relieved, Lin Youde immediately opened the communication and shouted to the white knight.

"Mengmeng, wake up, Mengmeng, answer me!"

However, no matter how Lin Youde shouted, Lei Mengmeng in the White Knight did not react at all.

The ancient iron giant held the white knight with one hand and used the five-unit machine gun on his left arm to shoot at the native species who tried to rush up.

In a bunch of explosions, Lin Youde also covered the white knight with the spiritual power of the new human telepathy, and found that Lei Mengmeng was covered with a layer of strange and vast spiritual power like the sea.

Feeling that this spiritual power was not something that humans could possess, and combined with the situation of Exelin in the original work, Lin Youde immediately understood that he was forcibly mentally controlled by the original species just like himself before.

Ever since, Lin Youde shouted to Alufemi.

"Alufemi, immediately release the mental control on Mengmeng, you can do it, right?"

Faced with Lin Youde's request, Alufemi did not respond directly, but lowered her head and asked in a trembling voice.


Lin Youde: "Huh? Why?"

Alufemi raised her head, with tears in her small eyes: "Why, can't it be me?"

"Why, you can't choose me?"

"Obviously I am also Lei Mengmeng, why can't I do it?"

Alufemi's words made Lin Youde unable to answer on the spot.

Others were also shocked by Alfemi's words.

Especially Li Te, his eyes widened: "What? Is she also a young lady?"

Nan Ye also showed an expression of disbelief: "How is that possible?"

The two were stunned by this mistake, which almost caused the Tiger Dragon King to be hit by the native species, the Supervisor.

Fortunately, Nan Ye reacted quickly and quickly transformed the Tiger Dragon King into the Dragon Tiger King, and escaped by transforming into a different form.

Others, on the other hand, are relatively safe.

Ni Xingxing exclaimed: "What? This girl named Alufemi is also Lei Mengmeng?"

Latoni looked confused: "Is she also a cute sister?"

Shinji Ikari looked puzzled: "What exactly is going on?"

Asuka was confused: "What, what if there is a real or fake Monkey King?"

Makiha rolled her eyes: "How is that possible? Asuka, you are thinking too much."

Nagisa Kaoru looked helpless: "Is now the time to talk about this? Can you focus and be serious?"

The purple-gray EVA Unit 6 waved its weapon and stood in front of other EVAs to protect everyone.

Although Gu Lincai also looked stunned, she still calmly glanced at the group of mass-produced Akatsuki bullies that were retreating one after another, and told everyone: "Those mass-produced Akatsuki bullies have begun to retreat, so ignore them. Ah Xing, follow I went to support the director."

Ni Xingxing: "Got it!"

Without the obstruction of the Shadow Mirror Troops, R-1 could finally transform into R-WING, and together with the enhanced R-3 type, they rushed over in the BGM field to block the ordinary native species for Lin Youde.

This made Lin Youde finally free from fighting and looked at the Seat of Souls.

Alufemi in the Seat of Souls continued to confide in Lin Youde.

"I was born for you."

"I want to be with you too."

"Why, it has to be her, but it can't be me?"

"Obviously as long as you choose me and be with me, we can live a lifespan far beyond that of human beings and be together forever."

"So, why can't it be me?"

"Youde, can you come to my side? I just want to be with you!"

Lin Youde looked at the Soul Seat with a complicated expression. Of course, Lin Youde could not remain indifferent to Alufemi's confession.

Just like what Nanbu Kyousuke said before, it is different from Nanbu Kyousuke who completely distanced himself from Exelin and Alfemi.

Lin Youde actually recognized the relationship between Lei Mengmeng and Alufemi in his heart.

This is not only because Lin Youde has always liked Alufimi since before time travel, but also partly because Lin Youde sympathized with her because she was born for Nanbu Xiangsuke, but in the end he was not chosen by Nannan Xiangsuke, and finally replaced Nannan Xiangsuke. He blocked a gun and almost died on the spot.

In fact, if it weren't for Alfemi's popularity among the player base, her voice would be very loud.

She would have died completely in the plot of "Super Robot Wars OG2", ending her short life.

It was just because her popularity was so high that the officials had to forcefully find a way to make her vomit and come back to life.

But even then, she did not get together with Nanbu Xiosuke in the end.

In the game, although Alfemi has a romantic relationship with Kyousuke Nanbu, Kousuke Nanbu has no love interest for her.

The only one who had any love corrections for Nanbu Kyousuke was from beginning to end, only Exelin.

This shows how miserable Alufemi is.

Of course, apart from these, more importantly, Lin Youde and Nanbu Xiosuke are different.

Lin Youde believes that even if the birth method is different, the race is not human. After all, Alufemi inherited Lei Mengmeng's feelings, and her feelings for her were true.

And Lin Youde also thinks that he is not a dedicated and good man like Nanbu Xiangsuke, otherwise there wouldn't be so many girls around him.

Therefore, Lin Youde believes that Alufemi is Lei Mengmeng, but she was born in a different way, so she turned into another somewhat different Lei Mengmeng.

Lin Youde recognized what Alufemi said and wanted to respond to her. But now Lei Mengmeng's problem has not been solved, and his mind is in a mess. For a while, he is not sure how to respond to Alufemi's confession.

Just as Lin Youde was thinking, a voice interrupted Lin Youde's thinking.

"It's useless to talk. Take action. At this moment, force is everything!"

The native species abandoned their original goals one after another and began to rush towards the ancient iron giant.

When everyone saw this, they tried their best to stop him.

Shinji Ikari: "Don't even think about it. Everyone, use your AT position to stop these guys!!!"

Asuka, Rei Ikari, Makiha, and Kaoru Nagisa: "Understood, AT position, unfold!!!"

A large number of native species were blocked, so the pressure on Lin Youde did not change much.

But suddenly, a burst of sword light flashed by, and the ancient iron giant turned sideways and dodged.

Lin Youde, who was shocked in his heart, turned around and took a closer look, and found that the light was caused by the sword from the Seat of Souls.

Before he could speak, Lin Youde saw the Soul Seat's left hand holding down his right hand.

"No, I don't want this!"

Hearing Alufemi's crying cry, Lin Youde immediately understood what was going on.

Turning his eyes to the native species supervisor, Lin Youde's eyes widened in anger.

"Supervisor, you fucking..."

Native Species Supervisor: "My order, attack!"

Alufemi screamed in tears: "No..."

Soul Seat held the sword with both hands, and struck with a horizontal slash, bringing out a huge sword light. After being dodged by the ancient iron giant with a sprint, he cut three native species and bones 50 meters away into two pieces on the spot.

"Youde, leave quickly, I can't control the Seat of Souls..."

As Alufemi cried, the two ghost faces beside the Soul Seat flew towards the ancient iron giant, turned into two huge ghost-faced arms, and carried two huge beheading swords, slashing at the ancient iron giant...

Although he was very confident in the defense power of the ancient iron giant, there was still a white knight in the arms of the ancient iron giant. Lin Youde did not dare to risk a hard resistance. Instead, he controlled the ancient iron giant to escape quickly and dodge by sprinting.

It's just that White Knight has not expanded into the field of BGM, and its body is famous for its crispy skin.

Lin Youde didn't dare to let the ancient iron giant sprint at full speed.

Under the protection of the BGM field, nothing will happen to the ancient iron giant. But with the blessing of the BGM field, the G-force generated by the acceleration of the ancient iron giant, which can be called a monster, cannot be withstood by the white knight, and Lin Youde dare not bet.

Because even if the white knight can handle it, Lei Mengmeng who is being controlled by her mind may not be able to handle it.

And in order to prevent the mind-controlled Lei Mengmeng from controlling the white knight to attack him. Lin Youde must let the ancient iron giant hold the white knight tightly. Rely on powerful force to forcibly control it.

As a result, Lin Youde was unable to counterattack at all, and could only passively escape with the Ancient Iron Titan.

And the Ancient Iron Titan is the kind of machine that is used to going straight. It is very difficult to avoid the attack of the Soul Seat.

That is to say, Lin Youde is now in SEED-D burst state. Otherwise, Lin Youde may not be able to make the Ancient Iron Giant dodge the attack of the Seat of Souls.

After all, the Ancient Iron Titan itself is the kind of machine that only considers resisting attacks and not evading. Very poor mobility...

As a result, Lin Youde, who could only dodge and avoid fighting in the Seat of Souls, was miserable.

But, facing the crying Alufimi, Lin Youde couldn't criticize her harshly at this time.

Therefore, Lin Youde could only direct all his anger towards the native species, the supervisor.

"I'm a fucking bastard. Supervisor, if you have the ability, come directly to me. What kind of ability is it to control a woman!?"

"You're like this, and you still want me to submit to you? Why don't you pee and look in the mirror? Are you worthy?"

Facing Lin Youde's scolding, the native species supervisor's pupils flashed green and replied.

"Nothing is noble or inferior, and all dharma can be praised."

"Speaking quickly will only lead to the end of the road."

"Return to the original state, all worries will be gone!"

Lin Youde angrily scolded: "Who knows what you are talking about!!!"

"Can you please say something that ordinary people can understand!?"

"Sure enough, you are so inhumane, you can't even speak human words, right!?"

After scolding again, Lin Youde's anger level rose rapidly again.

He couldn't help but twist his mental power into one force, hit Lei Mengmeng's mental power, and shouted.

"Wake up, Mengmeng!!!"

Almost at the same time, the outline of Nanbu Xiangsuke appeared on Lin Youde's surface, and Nanfang Xiangsuke shouted in unison.

(Now, Axelline!!!)

The next moment, a lazy sister's voice sounded.

(Understood, let’s get to work~!)


A sound like broken glass rang in Lin Youde's ears...

The red light in Lei Mengmeng's eyes in the White Knight disappeared, and her eyes regained their luster.

"Eh? I...can move?"

After Lei Mengmeng was stunned for a second, she turned around in surprise and saw a familiar transparent figure.

"Sister Axelin?"

Axelin put her arm on Lei Mengmeng's shoulder, gave a thumbs up, and proudly claimed credit.

(How about it, sister is awesome, right? As soon as she takes action, she will release the restraints on you~!)

Lei Mengmeng immediately praised: "Well, that's awesome!"

Lin Youde: "..."

Nanbu Xiosuke: (…)

"I'm just kidding, thank you, Youde, and Brother Xiangsuke, I heard your voices!" Lei Mengmeng stuck out her tongue naughtily, moved her shoulders, and cheered up, "Hey Xi (very good)... Then, it’s my turn to take revenge. Supervisor, right? How dare you control me and threaten Youde, let’s see if I don’t blow you up!!!”

[BGM: Fallen Angel of Silver-Okada Yuki]

As the white knight's exclusive BGM sounded, the ancient iron giant also let go of the white knight, letting the white knight take off again. He picked up the Oakstein rifle in his hand and aimed it at the head of the native species, the supervisor.

The golden beam roared out and quickly hit the huge head of the original species, the Supervisor.

The explosion exploded on the head of the native species Supervisor, but the smoke was quickly dispersed. The huge left hand was aimed at the white knight in the distance. The purple light instantly gathered and turned into a huge beam of 30 meters thick, shooting towards the white knight. The knight came over.

"How can such an attack hit?"

The white knight made a slight maneuver to dodge, causing the purple beam to miss.

However, before Lei Mengmeng could taunt, she heard Lin Youde's cry.



A huge sound came from behind the white knight.

As soon as the white knight turned around, Lei Mengmeng saw the ancient iron giant raising his right arm to block the huge sword of the Soul Seat.

Subconsciously, Lei Mengmeng's heart skipped a beat, and she raised the Oakstein rifle in the white knight's hand and aimed it at the head of the Soul Seat directly in front of Gu Tie.

When Lin Youde saw this, he shouted urgently: "No!"

Lei Mengmeng's fingers trembled slightly, but in the end she did not press the button, but quickly distanced herself from the Soul Seat.

However, after the attack failed, the Seat of Souls once again ignored the ancient iron giant and launched an attack specifically on the White Knight.

Relying on mobility, the white knight was not hit. But the Soul Seat seems to have the ability to teleport.

After suddenly turning into a blue will-o'-the-wisp and disappearing, a will-o'-the-wisp suddenly rose from another place, reappeared, and brandished a knife.

Its speed is so fast that it can't compete with Bow Angel's teleportation.

Moreover, the Soul Seat also had BGM sounds, so Lei Mengmeng did not dare to let the white knight resist the Soul Seat's attack.

Lin Youde looked at the white knight dodging left and right, anxious but not daring to rush forward blindly.

Because with the mobility of the ancient iron giant, it is impossible to engage in such a small-scale, rapid evasion fight.

If one fails, the white knight will be easily injured.

In anxiety, Lin Youde scolded the native species supervisor again.

"You are completely shameless, aren't you, Inspector?"

"You have the ability to come at me? What kind of man do you think you are when you bully a woman!?"

The native species supervisor turned his head slightly and looked at the ancient iron giant: "Gender is of no use to us."

"You..." Lin Youde suddenly didn't know how to curse.

Facing this kind of guy who thinks he has no gender, many swear words seem to have no use...

On the other side, Lei Mengmeng, who was being chased and slashed by Alufemi's Soul Seat but did not dare to fight back, became increasingly irritated and couldn't help but question.

"So, what's going on with you?"

"Why did you just say you were me?"

"What is the relationship between you and me?"

Lei Mengmeng asked three questions about her quality, but she didn't expect to get an answer.

But this time, Alufemi, who could not control the Seat of Souls, answered with a tearful voice.

"I, I am you."

"I am a substitute based on your genes..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Lin Youde was shocked.

Lei Mengmeng was even more confused: "Substitute? You mean, clone?"

Alufemi shook her head: "No, I am not a clone. I have the same memory as you. I was created as a substitute after your death to accompany another virtuous existence, which is the so-called stand-in. "

Lei Mengmeng couldn't understand even more: "No, what are you talking about? Aren't I living well? Why did I die?"

Alufemi explained: "It's just an accident that you are still alive now."

"The fruit of your death was condensed on an island in the east a year ago."

"Because the suitable candidate at that time changed from you to You De, the supervisor determined that you are no longer suitable to be a candidate."

"Only one candidate is needed, not two, so you were discarded."

"But Youde, who was chosen at that time, ran to the place where you condensed the fruit of death for you."

"The supervisor thinks that Youde has too deep feelings for you and cannot abandon you."

"And Youde didn't have the power to break through the cause and effect at that time, and Youde who was not involved in the cause and effect of death would not lose his life. The supervisor decided not to get involved. He planned to wait until you died before contacting Youde again."

"In order to stabilize your virtuous spirit after your death, the supervisor decided to activate your remaining genes, thus creating me now."

"It's just unexpected that Youde found Gutie and inspired the strange power you call the BGM field."

"This power has the power to surpass the cause and effect of death on you. It caused the cause and effect of your death to be broken, which allowed you to survive by chance."

Hearing this, Lei Mengmeng finally realized: "It turns out that when I was at the HLD base, my premonition that I was no longer needed was not my illusion, but was it really that I was abandoned?"

After muttering to herself, Lei Mengmeng looked at the Seat of Souls with a complicated expression: "No wonder you say that you are another me. If this is the case, then indeed, there is no problem in saying that you are me."

"But, I still can't figure out why Youde and I were chosen?"

"What do you mean by candidate?"

Alufemi returned: "The so-called candidate means the spokesperson who was born in the original land in this era."

"Only the original people can occupy the original land."

"Without a spokesperson, even if you occupy the original land and the original power, you will not be able to obtain it."

"Twelve years ago, when the patrol was searching for suitable candidates, they were interfered by the Apostle of Destruction and accidentally discovered you and Youde who were seriously injured and dying soon."

"In order to prevent the existence of the original species from being discovered by the humans at that time, the Patroller abandoned himself, merged with you, and resurrected you."

"Because you were fused by the Inspector, you were evaluated by the Inspector."

"It's just that at that time, you were selected because your genes and talents were superior and far exceeded those of ordinary humans, while Youde was abandoned because you were too mediocre."

"But I never thought that two years ago, Youde suddenly gained the power of a new human being. He became stronger at an incredible speed, reaching an incredible level."

"After the supervisor found out, he re-evaluated and believed that Youde, who combined the power of the dead's "thoughts", was more suitable to be the candidate to finally obtain the original power. "

“Because the power of ‘thought’ is one of the ‘keys’ to open the ‘door’. "

“Doors that originally required multiple “keys” can be opened by just one “virtuous” person. "

"To gain recognition from the original power, strong "thoughts" are also indispensable. "

"Therefore, the supervisor intends to snatch food from the mouth of the dead and snatch away virtue."

"Furthermore, you are discarded and the virtuous are re-chosen."

"This is the whole story..."

Lei Mengmeng was completely confused when she heard Alufemi's words. But soon, she reacted.

"Let me just say that at that time I saw Youde lose half of his body and it was almost impossible to survive."

"Why did he come back to life when he closed and opened his eyes and woke up from the hospital?"

"So, it was the native species that saved us?"

The others looked confused when they heard Alufemi's words.

Shinji Ikari was puzzled: "So, what does it mean?"

Asuka said angrily: "I don't know, I didn't understand."

On the contrary, Ni Xingxing, Gu Lincai, Li Te, Nan Ye and others understood a little bit.

Ni Xingxing: "What Alufemi is talking about, could it be mental power?"

Gu Lincai frowned: "But the new human beings that the director has developed are not telekinesis."

Li Te thought: "I think what Alufemi refers to may be different from what we think of simply referring to the power of thought, but another more general concept."

Nan Ye echoed: "Yes, the supervisor just now called me and Li Te the key. Our telekinesis may be one of these so-called keys."

"Am I right, Inspector?"

In response to Nanye's question, the native species supervisor was noncommittal.

It did not interrupt Alufimi's explanation, nor did it answer Nanye's words, it just spoke to Lin Youde among the ancient iron giants.

"Do you still want to resist?"

"I allow you to retain the candidate's personality and will."

After hearing the words of the Native Species Supervisor, before Lin Youde could speak, Lei Mengmeng became angry first.

"Asshole, what do you mean? What do you think of me? Supervisor, I'm not yours. It's not your turn to tell me what I am like!"

The native species supervisor turned to look at the white knight, his eyes flashed with green light: "Noisy!"

In an instant, Lei Mengmeng's eyes in the White Knight were filled with red light again.

But this situation only lasted for less than 0.1 seconds, and the red light receded again.

Lei Mengmeng was startled and suddenly looked at Axelin, whose arm was on her shoulder.

Axelin gave a thumbs up: (Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, this bastard can’t control you.)

Before Lei Mengmeng had time to thank him, the Soul Seat teleported again, came to the back of the white knight and struck with a knife.

Quickly controlling the white knight to get out of the way, Lei Mengmeng cursed angrily: "You can't control me, so you attack me with Alufemi?"

"Supervisor, do you have this much courage?"

"If you have the ability, why don't you use other means?"

The green light flashed in the eyes of the native species supervisor. While launching an attack on the Dragon and Tiger King, he said calmly: "The law is neither noble nor cheap, just apply it."

"You're so damn..." Lei Mengmeng couldn't help but curse.

But before she could finish cursing, the Seat of Souls slashed at her again.

After quickly controlling the white knight to dodge, Lei Mengmeng understood that continuing like this was not an option.

If you leave the Soul Seat alone, the Soul Seat will keep attacking you.

But Lei Mengmeng, who chose to attack the Soul Seat and knew Alufemi's life experience, couldn't do it.

After all, Alfemi is herself on another level.

In addition, Alufemi herself did nothing wrong, she just wanted to be with Lin Youde.

Lei Mengmeng felt that the situation would be similar if her and Alufemi's positions were swapped.

The two are still essentially the same person.

Now, Lei Mengmeng finally understood that Lin Youde was in a dilemma before.

It doesn’t matter if you fight, or if you don’t fight.

The native species supervisor's actions really made the two of them sick.

Angry and anxious, Lei Mengmeng couldn't help but ask Axelin beside her.

"Sister Axelin, don't we have any way to break this situation?"

Originally just a casual question to vent, Lei Mengmeng didn't even expect to get an answer.

But beyond Lei Mengmeng's expectation, Axelin actually gave her an unexpected answer.



Lei Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, and the white knight almost got slashed by the Seat of Souls.

Thanks to Lin Youde and Alfemi's exclamations of "be careful", she reacted and managed to avoid the White Knight with a narrow margin.

Lei Mengmeng asked eagerly as she controlled the white knight to distance herself from the Seat of Souls in fear.

"Is there really a way?"

Axelin joked: (Of course it’s true, why did sister lie to you?)

Lei Mengmeng asked: "How to do it?"

Axelin's expression gradually became serious: (Before I answer you, you have to answer me first. Mengmeng, what do you think of Alufemi?)

Lei Mengmeng was a little confused: "How do you see it? You don't have to think about it, of course it's sympathy?"

"After all, she did nothing wrong. She was just created by this guy, the Inspector, to be virtuous."

"If I were the same as her, I would probably be in a similar situation."

Axelin asked: (In other words, you don’t hate her, you don’t dislike her, you just sympathize with her?)

Lei Mengmeng responded simply: "Yes."

Axelin asked again: (Then what do you most want to do now?)

Although she was a little confused as to why Exelin was asking so many questions, Lei Mengmeng still returned.

"Now I just want to remove that bastard supervisor's control over Alufemi, and then teach it a lesson. No, I want to dismantle it!"

Axelline finally asked: (This is what you are thinking about now, right?)

Lei Mengmeng responded: "Yes, that's right."

Axelin's expression changed from serious to a strange expression that was half-smiling.

(Then, I will satisfy you, I just hope you won’t regret it later...)

Lei Mengmeng looked confused: "Regret? What do you regret?"

Axelin didn't answer her, she just floated to Lei Mengmeng's body and gradually overlapped...

(Gather your mind, synchronize with me, and follow my instructions...)

In mid-air, relying on the power of the BGM field, the ancient iron giant stopped in mid-air and did not fall from mid-air. Instead, he stopped in mid-air and looked up at the white knight higher up.

Lin Youde stood up to the white knight and asked thoughtfully in his heart.

'Kyosuke, could it be that...'

Nanbu Kyosuke: (Don’t ask, just watch. This... is the last thing I and Exelin can do for you...)

Lin Youde's heart suddenly convulsed: 'Xiangjie, what do you mean? ’

Nanbu Xiangsuke did not answer. Before Lin Youde asked again, the volume of the White Knight BGM in the sky suddenly began to increase, and gradually overwhelmed the BGM volume of the Seat of Souls.

A dazzling white light gradually erupted from inside the white knight, completely surrounding the white knight.

Watching the white knight suddenly erupt with such white light, and the BGM volume becomes louder and louder.

Everyone looked up and said in unison with shock on their faces: "No way, could it be..."

The Seat of Souls stopped moving, and Alfemi glanced at the native species, the Supervisor, in confusion.

After discovering that the native species supervisor was staring at the white knight, he couldn't help but turn around and look at the white knight who was emitting white light.

"This is……"

Under everyone's attention and expectation, the BGM field of White Knight gradually changed its tone...

Ni Xingxing's eyes widened: "Cai..."

Gu Lincai also stared at the white knight intently: "Like Gu Tie, the BGM has also become a symphony, which means..."

Above the sky, the originally exciting music gradually turned into a majestic atmosphere...

[BGM: Fallen Angel of Silver-Okada Yuki]


[BGM: Fallen Angel of Silver - Yoshihisa Hirano]

As the BGM changes, the shape of the white knight shrouded in white light also changes...

In an instant, everyone heard an exclamation from the original species, the supervisor.

"This is impossible……"

Everyone was puzzled when they heard the exclamation of the native species supervisor.

But before anyone could think about it, the white light shrouding the white knight gradually dissipated...

Red orbs of different sizes appeared on one's forehead, chest, shoulders, wrists, and even the Oakstein rifle. The joints of the arms, legs, and abdomen are connected by green vines. The flying wings behind him changed from the original mechanical texture to white bat wings with a texture similar to biological flying wings. The current white knight looks similar to the original species, as if it was transformed after being parasitized by the original species. A brand new white knight with a hint of enchantment appeared in everyone's eyes...

Looking at this brand new white knight, Lin Youde was shocked: "Sure enough..."

In the cockpit of the new white knight, the clothes also changed into the same red clothes as Exelin. The blond Lei Mengmeng and Exelin opened their eyes at the same time.

Lei Mengmeng (Exelin): "It's time for you to appear, Xiaobaijiang, the new white knight - the power of the pure white knight, let them see it~!"


As Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) howled, the pure white knight spread its two pairs of wings, climbed over a thousand meters in an instant, hung horizontally in the sky, and raised the transformed original Okstein rifle to aim at it. Directly below.

Lei Mengmeng (Exelin): "Roaring launcher, fire~!"

A pink beam of light shot out from the Roaring Cannon...

After firing one shot, the pure white knight turned into a black shadow and moved to another place instantly, firing again...

After another shot, he turned into a black shadow faster and moved to another place instantly, and fired again...

This was repeated five times, and the pure white knight became faster and faster, and finally disappeared. Hundreds of pure white knights hung in the sky and fired one after another...

In less than 3 seconds, hundreds of pink beams of light fell from the sky, accurately hitting every native species below.

With the continuous explosions exploding from the ground and mid-air, dust was flying on the ground in an instant, and the smoke of the explosion obscured everyone's sight...

When the smoke gradually dissipated, no native species could be seen on the ground or in the air.

Seeing such horrific results, Ni Xingxing leaned against the cockpit of R-WING in shock: "Full...full second?"

Gu Lincai also raised his head in shock, looking at the pure white knight who had revealed his true form again in the sky: "This is... the power of the pure white knight after the white knight evolves?"

Others were also ecstatic with surprise, and Li Te even shouted excitedly: "Okay, so strong. Is this Miss's new power? Isn't it too strong?"

As soon as Li Te finished speaking, before anyone else could speak, the native species supervisor roared angrily.

"This is impossible!!!"

"How can you steal the power of my clan!!!???"

Facing the angry native species supervisor, Makiha said thoughtfully: "Sure enough, not only does it look similar, does this pure white knight really have similar power to the native species?"

The EVA team all had thoughtful expressions when they heard about Makiha's transformation.

But Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) in the sky smiled: "Baga (idiot), of course I can't tell you this kind of thing."

"With your slender head, you probably will never be able to figure it out, right?"

"But, it doesn't matter, the things that make you even more angry are still to come~!"

Hearing what Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) said, the native species supervisor was shocked and angry: "What are you going to do!?"

Lei Mengmeng (Exelin): "You will know soon~! Hey~!"

The pure white knight turned into a black shadow, teleported from high altitude to the seat of soul, and hung the roaring launcher on the buckle on his waist. The pure white knight's hands immediately grasped the wrists of the Soul Seat.

Alfemi looked at the pure white knight in confusion: "You..."

Without giving Alufemi a chance to speak, Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) spoke very gently with a smile.

"Hey, don't worry, Alfemi-chan, my sister won't hurt you."

Amidst Alufemi's puzzled expressions and the confused expressions of others.

The green vines on the limbs of the pure white knight suddenly shrank, then flew out and penetrated into the gaps all over the body of the Soul Seat.

Such a scene left everyone stunned and at the same time feeling a little horrified.

Without giving anyone else a chance to speak, Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) whispered softly.

"Don't worry, I will save you this time."

"After all, as a sister, you can't let your sister die in front of you for the second time..."


The native species supervisor roared angrily: "Stop!!!"

Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) shouted: "Liberate the Soul Controlling Seat. From now on, you will not fight for the original species, but only to protect your master!"

White light erupts again on the Pure White Knight!

But this time, those white lights only appeared on the vines connected to the Soul Seat by the Pure White Knight.

As the white light shines, the blue orb on the chest of the Soul Seat gradually lights up.

A red light shield appeared out of thin air on the surface of the Soul Seat, and quickly spread countless dense cracks...

In less than a moment, the blue orb on the chest of the Soul Seat burst into dazzling blue light!

Under the burst of blue light, the red mask that was already full of cracks shattered on the spot...

A gust of wind exploded from the Soul Seat.

The green vines connected to the Soul Seat of the Pure White Knight also broke in the strong wind...

In the Seat of Souls, Alfemi stared at her hands, then looked up at the pure white knight in front of her.

Pictures that Alufemi had never seen before but felt extremely familiar flashed through her mind one after another.

With a trembling voice, Alfemi trembled: "You are..."

Inside the Pure White Knight, Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) was panting and showed a forced smile.

"You're free, Alfumi-chan~!"

Tears fell uncontrollably from Alfemi's eyes...


The pure white knight put his hand on the shoulder of the Soul Seat. Lei Mengmeng (Exelin) took a deep breath, cheered up, and raised her head.

"It's only appropriate to save tears until after the battle is over."

"Now, we have more important things to do~!"

Alufemi closed her eyes and responded solemnly: "Well..."

The pure white knight turned around, fought side by side with the Soul Seat, and looked at the native species, the Supervisor.

"Then it's time to end."

"Supervisor, do you have any last words?"


Note 1·PS: Due to translation problems, the weapons of the Ancient Iron Titan are sometimes called revolver pile blasters or spinner wall breaker. Although the choice here is the revolver pile blaster, I don’t know which one you think sounds better?

Note 2·PS: Originally, the previous chapter should have described Ozidna’s reaction when Lamia’s Bow Angel was defeated. But I forgot about it when I wrote it yesterday. Changing it now will affect the intermittent barrage, so I think about it and forget it.

Therefore, the appearance of Ozidna here may be a bit unexpected, so please ignore it.

I was so busy rushing to finish the manuscript that I got confused. I hope you all can understand!

Today is also the first update. I’ve been having a hard time all day, but I really can’t move anymore. Let’s talk about the rest tomorrow and touch it...

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