Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 938 We put our hope in the future

With Nanbu Xiangsuke's words, Lin Youde did not ask how to turn the ancient iron giant back into ancient iron. Instead, he directly drove the ancient iron giant and returned to the research institute with everyone.

Unlike the pure white knight who has undergone huge changes, apart from being slightly larger in size, there is no obvious difference between the ancient iron giant and the ancient iron from a distance.

Therefore, when the ancient iron giant returned to the research institute, there was no need to worry about anyone discovering that there was something wrong with Lin Youde's body.

After all, 40-meter super robots are everywhere on this planet and are simply inconspicuous.

Yes, the Ancient Iron Titan is 40 meters.

During the previous battle, Lin Youde had not noticed this problem.

Now after the battle, Lin Youde suddenly discovered that the Ancient Iron Titan actually had a standard height of 40 meters for a super robot.

This outrageous discovery surprised him.

Because according to the original setting of the Ancient Iron Titan, after the Ancient Iron was upgraded to the Ancient Iron Titan, the height increased from 20 meters to about 24 meters.

But Lin Youde's height has doubled, reaching the height of a standard super robot of 40 meters.

The weight has also increased from nearly one hundred tons in the original game to over 100 tons, to over 200 tons.

Regarding this discovery, Lin Youde couldn't hold back and asked directly.

"Why are the height and weight of the Ancient Iron Titan and Ancient Iron so much larger?"

To this, Nanbu Xiosuke responded like this.

(Because the Ancient Iron Titan you are driving now is my second modified and upgraded body.)

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "The second modified body?"

Nanbu Xiosuke: (C.C told you before that in the past when we were still alive, many parallel worlds continued to merge.)

(The thing that caused human beings from all worlds and all eras to be forced to gather on one earth because of the continuous fusion of the earth?)

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, I still remember."

Nanbu Kyousuke: (Actually, before my world and Exelin's world were merged, our machines had been upgraded, from ancient iron and white knights to ancient iron giants and pure white knights.)

(But with the continuous integration of the world, facing more and more complex enemies, and increasingly larger enemies, I found that the ancient iron giant gradually could not keep up with the needs of the battle.)

(Unlike the pure white knight who is parasitized by the native species and can rely on the power of the native species to continuously improve his performance in all aspects.)

(The Ancient Iron Titan is a product that relies entirely on strength stacking. It cannot be used without modification.)

(So, I discussed it with Dr. Marian and finally decided to upgrade the Ancient Iron Titan again.)

(There is no change in the armament, only the entire machine body needs to be enlarged, and the power will naturally increase.)

(For this reason, the upgraded Ancient Iron Titan has been specially installed with large Tesla drives that are only used in the Gurunghast series, or two at a time.)

(However, in order to continue to stack defense and thrust power to confront various super-type robots head-on, the weight of the Ancient Iron Titan is far greater than that of the regular Grunggast series robots.)

(Such a result means that even if two large Tesla drives are installed, the Ancient Iron Titan still cannot fly.)

(However, in exchange, the defense power and thrust speed of the Ancient Iron Titan far exceed those of the regular Grunggast series.)

(As long as it is not the Grunggast Zero driven by Zenga and Liqiu, Zenga's mentor. Even the ship-cutting sword cannot easily cut down the ancient iron giant on the way.)

After hearing Nanbu Xiangsuke's explanation, Lin Youde finally understood why the ancient iron giant was so big.

I'm sorry, this is already the second upgraded machine.

No wonder the sprint speed was so fierce before. It seems that it is not all the result of the BGM field.

While they were talking, the Ancient Iron Giant God had already driven back to the research institute.

Lux's voice also came from the communicator.

"Youde, are you okay?"

Lin Youde comforted: "Don't worry, Mengmeng and I are both fine. Although there was an accident, it is still a near miss."

"I have something to discuss with Kyosuke here. Lacus, please arrange things in the research institute."

"Mengmeng probably doesn't have time to get off the White Knight now. She probably has a lot to say to Exelin."

"The post-war arrangements here are temporarily left to you."

Hearing this, Lux's tone became obviously much more relaxed: "Okay, Cai told me roughly when she came back before."

"Leave it to me to arrange the affairs of the institute."

"Youde, please do your work first. After you finish your work, remember to come to the reception room. There are guests."

Lin Youde didn't care about this.

The native species incident was such a big fuss before that it was strange that no one came.

So Lin Youde replied nonchalantly: "Well, let's go see the guests after I'm done. You arrange for the guests to rest first."

Leaving the matter to Lux, Lin Youde controlled the Ancient Iron Titan to park in the hangar, and after shutting down all external communications, he asked Nanbu Xiangsuke.

"So, now Kyosuke, can you tell me why you didn't tell me about the ancient iron giant before?"

"Why can Gutie become the Ancient Iron Titan, and even change back?"

"I remember that Gutie is a pure product of technology, without any magic or extraterrestrial technology."

Nanbu Xiosuke explained: (Yes, both ancient iron and ancient iron giants are purely products of earth technology.)

(The reason why Gu Tie can turn into Gu Tie Titan, and even change back, is because Gu Tie's black box originally contained two machines, Gu Tie and Gu Tie Titan.)

Lin Youde was stunned: "What? Are there two machines stored in the black box?"

Nanbu Xiosuke nodded: (Yes, there is not only one machine stored in the black box, but maybe two, maybe even three.)

(It looked like the transformed ancient iron evolved into the ancient iron giant before. In fact, it was essentially a replacement of the body inside the black box, replacing the ancient iron with the ancient iron giant.)

(Precisely because this change itself is a type of body replacement, Ancient Iron and Ancient Iron Titan can be switched freely.)

(I just didn’t tell you before.)

This explanation slightly answered a doubt in Lin Youde's mind.

However, Lin Youde was still a little curious.

"Why are there multiple bodies in the black box? And no one has discovered this before?"

Nanbu Xiosuke crossed his arms: (This involves the secret of the black box itself. Why do you think Exelin and I are in the black box?)

Lin Youde was stunned by the question: "Of course...I can't know this, right?"

"Kyosuke, I've asked Amuro this question before, but Amuro said he didn't know. The reason is that he didn't enter the black box himself, so he couldn't answer me."

"You're in the black box, can you answer me?"

Nanbu Xiangsuke returned: "It's because... of trading! Or maybe it's gambling!"

"We put our hope in the future!"

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