Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 953 The escaping Silla and the persistent DC

After receiving Raymond's forgiveness, Lin Youde felt a little better.

Although in this world, I saved Lei Mengmeng.

But in the parallel world, he failed to save her.

In the eyes of others, Lin Youde in the two worlds may be different people.

But in Lin Youde's own eyes, whether he is himself now or himself in the parallel world, he is still himself. They are all from the earth, a mecha player who likes to play "Super Robot Wars".

Therefore, Lin Youde always felt that he owed Raymond to her.

It would be great to get the understanding of Raymond himself now.

"So, the biggest difference between the two worlds is the new human being who has the ability to predict and warn the virtuous, right?"

"Who is that mysterious new human being?"

Lux asked curiously, but naturally no one present could answer.

Rita also looked at Lin Youde curiously: "Dad, do you still remember that person's face?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "That person was wearing a Gundam mask at the time. I had never seen that person's face at all."

Rita lowered her head slightly: "That's it..."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was a little heavy again, Lei Mengmeng quickly spoke again.

"Then, what happened after that? What did the Youde in your world do after they attacked the capital?"

Raymond shook his head slightly: "There will be nothing more to say after that."

"The native species, under the leadership of Youde, launched an attack on the entire human race on Aqua Blue Planet."

"The first to fall are Holy Britannia and the United Islands."

"Although they also have super robots, they are all single special machines that can rival the holy beasts."

"But as I said before, adding one piece of the four divine beasts and activating the four-elephant formation was defeated by Youde alone."

"Those individual relatively powerful super robots are no match for native species. Overseas areas outside the three major countries soon fell."

Speaking of this, Raymond suddenly touched his chin and showed a thoughtful expression: "Speaking of which, after the fall of overseas, something happened."

"Not long after the Union of Overseas Islands and the fall of Holy Britannia, the sea of ​​Aquablue Star started to turn red without knowing when."

"Because there were native species everywhere outside the borders of the three major countries at that time, we did not have the energy to find out the truth at that time. The governments of the three major countries very uniformly threw the blame on the moral and native species."

"The memory from Raymond tells me that this phenomenon seems to have been seen during Raymond's period. But what the specific situation is, I can't find it in the memory at all."

Raymond reminded Lin Youde, "I think you can pay attention to this aspect."

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Lux asked curiously: "The three major foreign countries are all occupied by native species, so how do you contact each other?"

Raymond pointed to the ceiling: "Of course it's airborne from the universe and teleported using the XN system."

"What I call short-distance space transmission refers to the solar system."

"The incomplete XN system cannot achieve space teleportation between planets. However, space teleportation within planets can still be achieved."

"It's just that the transmission speed is a bit slow, and a corresponding transmission base station needs to be established to be able to transmit at a fixed point."

"So even if the three major foreign countries are all occupied by native species, humans can still barely resist. The cities in the centers of the three major countries were relatively stable at first."

"Because the native species will not kill ordinary people like the dimensional beasts."

"They will give priority to defeating all the resistance before shrouding the city with white mist. They will transform the residents in the city from humans into ultra-small humanoid native species."

"Of course, in terms of results, those people are not considered human beings..."

Listening to Lei Meng's words, Lei Mengmeng suddenly thought of something and asked curiously.

"According to your statement, the three major human kingdoms over there were finally defeated when faced with the attack of native species. But they still resisted for a while in the middle, right?"

When Lei Meng nodded, Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "Then, in this resistance process, the three major countries should all use their trump cards, right?"

"After all, we have reached the moment of life and death. Keeping our cards is just a waste."

"In this case, what are the trump cards of each of the three major countries?"

Lux hammered her palm: "Yes, we don't know the current trump cards of the three major countries. Because they haven't started the war yet, they are still hiding it."

"But the parallel world has been completely exposed. We can obtain a certain amount of intelligence from this aspect. Maybe it will be used in the future."

Regarding this, Raymond did not hide anything and recalled seriously.

"After the emergence of native species, I spent most of my time in research facilities. Only after meeting Katarina did I start to set foot on the battlefield."

"I don't know very much about the trump cards and various battles of each of the three major countries. Because at that time, there were large and small battles every day in various places, and I couldn't remember them at all."

"I vaguely remember that in addition to a few super robots that are stronger than holy beasts, such as the Earth God, the Silla Alliance also has a special battleship, the Caesar, that can perform space jumps between planets."

Lei Mengmeng frowned: "Caesar? Isn't that what Youde took out the neutron jammer to make the Silla Alliance's nuclear bomb fail to detonate? After losing face in front of the people of the world, wasn't it something that was used to make amends? ?”

"That battleship can actually transmit space between planets?"

Lin Youde heard this and thought to himself: 'No, it is not the Nadeshiko itself that can teleport through space, but a specific person. ’

'Although I have not watched "Mobile Battleship Nadeshiko" myself, based on the content in "Super Robot Wars". The Nadeshiko, or the first-generation Nadeshiko A itself, does not have the ability to teleport through space, that is, boson jumping. ’

‘To make a jump, it takes a specific person to be able to do it. For example, the male and female protagonists in the original work, Akito Tianhe and Yutong Yurika. ’

‘In other words, is there a similar character in the Nadeshiko in the parallel world, or is it one of them? ’

While Lin Youde was thinking secretly, Raymond shrugged: "I don't know the specifics. I only know that the battleship eventually escaped from Aqua Blue Planet with many dignitaries from the Silla Alliance and fled to Mars."

"After the dignitaries of the Silla Alliance fled, the Silla Alliance was replaced by an organization called the Holy Crusaders, or DC Army for short."

"The DC organization has a super robot named "Granson" who can throw controllable black holes as weapons. "

"Relying on this super robot, the DC army still persisted when we escaped. It was very powerful."

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