Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 962 Resonance

Surrounded by a huge crowd, Lin Youde led a large group of people to the training room of the Diva Project.

Lin Mingmei and the other trainees of the Diva Project, who had just had dinner and were resting in the room, also looked at Lin Youde and others who suddenly came in, with confused expressions on their faces.

"Director? Miss Lux, why are you here? Do you have anything special to give me?"

As the only singer in the singer project who was personally selected by Lin Youde, Lin Mingmei was the first to come over and asked respectfully.

The other trainees selected by Lux and Wang Liumei looked at the people behind Lin Youde and looked at each other with a cautious attitude.

Lin Youde waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just that I wanted to try the piano on a whim and see if I could play a song. As for them..."

Glancing back at the combat team behind him (Ni Xingxing, Gu Lincai, Latoni, Weiletta, Nanye, Li Te, and the Glory Star team trio) and some people in the maintenance team, Lin Youde shrugged.

"It's just for fun. They don't seem to believe that I can play the piano."

Lin Mingmei's expression was also a little subtle: "That's it."

Lin Youde didn't need to use the new human's telepathy, but she could tell from Lin Mingmei's expression that she didn't believe she could play the piano.

Lin Youde didn't bother to explain this.

In the early years of this world, I was originally an art candidate. If I wanted to apply for an art college and then fail, there was no need to make it known to everyone.

‘Speaking of which, art school failure, world war. I haven't paid much attention to these two keywords before. ’

‘But if you put it in the parallel world, it doesn’t seem to be inconsistent. ’

‘Could it be said that in one of the earliest world lines, as a failed student of the Art Academy, I would also provoke a world war and cause the world to be in chaos? ’

After a brief thought, Lin Youde quickly swept this ridiculous idea into the trash.

In Lin Youde's view, as long as he doesn't push himself into a desperate situation like in Raymond's world. With his own personality, he has no interest in starting a world war or anything like that.

Isn’t it good to live a peaceful life? In essence, I am just a living person~!

Lux seemed to see that Lin Mingmei didn't believe it, but she didn't care.

"It's okay, Youde just wants to play a certain set of music in my memory to see if I can reproduce it."

"You have nothing to do here, just go and do your work."

As the person who had the most contact with everyone in the Diva Project, Lux's words did a good job of making everyone feel a little more relaxed.

But after such a large group of people came over, Lin Mingmei and others no longer had the intention to continue training. A pair of big eyes were locked on Lin Youde.

As Lin Youde sat in front of an expensive-looking piano, everyone in the training room held their breath and looked at Lin Youde quietly.

Lin Youde casually pressed a few piano keys while everyone was watching.

Amid everyone's doubts, Lin Mingmei whispered: "The director seems to really know how to play. He seems to be getting familiar with the piano."

In fact, Lin Mingmei did guess right.

Lin Youde is indeed getting familiar with the piano.

Before traveling through time, Lin Youde did not know how to play the piano. Because he doesn't have any artistic ability.

But Lin Youde in this world can play. Let’s not talk about artistic cells for the moment. At least he still knows how to play the piano.

So Lin Youde is now familiar with the piano according to his original memory of this world.

It didn't take long to make sure that I almost understood how to talk. Lin Youde closed his eyes, put his hands on the piano, and began to recall the music he had heard before.

Then, with everyone watching in surprise, the performance began.

As a few notes sounded, a piece of sad and somewhat familiar music sounded in the training room.

The music began to play, and a sad emotion began to rise from everyone's hearts.

Some of the deepest bad memories in everyone's hearts were gradually brought back by the playing of the piano, causing some people to start sobbing silently.

Listening to this piece of music, Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng felt as if they were struck by lightning. Because the two of them have discovered where they heard this song...

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lei Meng blankly: "This song... is... by Gu Tie..."

Raymond's eyes were a little red, and his fists were clenched unconsciously: "So...that's what happened..."

As the whispered conversation between Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng reached everyone's ears, others also reacted one after another. Then he realized that what Lin Youde was playing was the same song that Gu Tie inspired in the field of BGM.

It's just that unlike the excitement shown several times before, the piano music played by Lin Youde is full of endless sadness and loneliness...

The desolate feeling of being alone spread into everyone's hearts through the music...

Rita looked at Lin Youde blankly and whispered: "Dad..."

However, at this moment, Lin Youde could no longer hear everyone's discussions and Lita's calls.

Because, when he first played the first three notes, Lin Youde finally reacted. I now understand why I felt so familiar with this piece of music before.

Nothing else, just because this piece is a variation of "The Lone Wolf of Steel" that Lin Youde likes very much.

It is the song that was used in the second season TV animation of "Super Robot Wars OG" to send off the spiritual pillar of the protagonist group and the core leader of the Steel Dragon Team, Captain Minase Ohtetsu.

Once upon a time, Lin Youde also shed tears because of this song. As a result, he did not dare to listen to this song after the TV animation for fear of crying again.

However, now when he played the piece again himself. At the same time that his memory was rekindled, Lin Youde finally understood the truth of everything.

This song is completely adapted from the TV animation.

Therefore, in this world, theoretically, there is only one person who knows this piece of music.

And this person is...

'The person who once warned me that Mengmeng was in danger... was me... myself? ’

[BGM: Lone Wolf of Iron and Steel~Battle-Terada Shiho/Kuriyama Zenkin]

As the piano music was played continuously by Lin Youde, Lin Youde also felt that some images he had never seen appeared before his eyes...


In that familiar room at Risheng University of Technology. Lin Youde stood there stupidly, his legs losing strength, and he slowly knelt on the ground, holding a piece of paper in his hand, tears falling drop by drop. Wang Liumei stood next to Lin Youde, holding her elbows and turning her head away, not daring to look at Lin Youde.

In front of a villa, Lei Senchuan stared coldly at Lin Youde, who had his head lowered. He opened the door and locked Lin Youde out, leaving him and Wang Liumei standing outside.

In a martyrs cemetery, Wang Liumei held an umbrella and stood in front of a tombstone with Lin Youde. Wang Liumei watched Lin Youde caressing the photo of Lei Mengmeng on the tombstone. Lin Youde, whose face was filled with regret and self-blame, let out a silent sigh.

Under the setting sun, in a hut on the beach, Lin Youde and Lux ​​hugged each other, tapping their fingers on a virtual screen. Then hug each other tightly...

On a battlefield full of pits, the blue and white Gundam finally defeated Nova. Raising his right hand high, he declared his victory...

In the principal's office of the Tiangong Aerospace Military Academy, Lin Youde looked a little embarrassed as he looked at Refina, who looked admiring, and a silver-haired girl who flew towards her, eyes full of stars.

Wang Liumei stood behind Lin Youde and showed a faint smile.

At a birthday party, the silver-haired girl sat in Lin Youde's arms, holding a Hello, holding it high, smiling happily.

In the applause of Ni Xingxing, Nan Ye, Hu Luobo, Zeng Jia, Ladis, Robert, Refina, and the silver-haired girl. Lin Youde led Wang Liumei, who was dressed in red, and walked on the red carpet into the room in his hometown.

In a certain shopping mall, Wang Liumei held Lin Youde's arm and said something to the silver-haired girl holding Lin Youde's arm on the other side.

The silver-haired girl held Lin Youde's arm and stuck out her tongue at Wang Liumei.

Lin Youde was caught in the middle with a headache and a wry smile on his face.

In front of a cemetery, Lin Youde, who was wearing a black suit, looked at a group of people angrily, rushed towards him, and put a gun to Lefina's head.

In a simple but broken cell, Lin Youde, dressed in prison uniform, looked at Gundam who fell from the sky and stretched out his hand to him, his expression full of bitterness.

In the cockpit of a blue ancient iron, Lin Youde looked at the Gundam with a green barrier of several hundred meters behind him. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, his eyes were red and filled with tears, and he did not look back.

On a battlefield filled with all kinds of burning wreckage, the wreckage of one extreme weapon after another was burning.

One hand was missing, and the armor on his body was made of pitted blue iron, stopping in front of a black Broken Gundam.

In front of the cockpit of this Gundam, Lin Youde held Wang Liumei, who was wearing a black driving suit and covered in blood, with tears streaming down her face, looking up to the sky and screaming...

In a dark basement, Lin Youde lowered his head and sat on a chair.

On the bed next to him, Wang Liumei was wearing a ventilator and an intravenous drip, her eyes closed and motionless.

On the TV in the basement, the news that "all traitors have been executed" is playing.

Under the dark moonlight, Lin Youde held Wang Liumei, who was unconscious in a patient's uniform. Standing in front of a dark forest, facing the dots of red light shining in the forest, he looked determined.

In the white space, Amuro, Char, Camus, and Jiedo looked at Lin Youde with complicated expressions, as if they were hesitant to speak.

Lin Youde lowered his head and walked straight into the white space, into the white mist full of scarlet eyes.

As Lin Youde disappeared into the dark space, Amuro, Char, Camus, and Jiedo each sighed, and a green light emitted from their bodies, rushing into the strange white mist full of scarlet eyes, shining On Lin Youde's body.

Then, the green light became stronger and stronger, and the figures of the four people became lighter and fainter.

In the end, the figures of the four people were completely transparent until they disappeared...

After Lin Youde absorbed all the green light, he clenched his fists and was swallowed up by the strange white mist with blood-red eyes...

In the burning city, surrounded by ancient blue iron, were the broken bodies of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Cardinal, and Gray Turtle.

The blue ancient iron raised his right hand high and pointed at the huge dragon in the sky.

In the cockpit full of green vines, Lin Youde, with scarlet eyes, roared and pushed the joystick.

Countless thunders fell from the sky and struck Gu Tie. Against the bombardment of countless thunders, the blue Gu Tie soared into the sky and rushed towards the huge dragon...

The blue ancient iron stopped in place, motionless as the white siren in the sky pointed a gun at it.

Lin Youde sat in the blue iron, looking at the silver-haired girl on the screen who was crying with tears streaming down her face, her face full of grief, the red light in her eyes kept flashing, and finally disappeared.

After his eyes returned to their original color... Lin Youde's facial muscles trembled slightly, and he pushed the joystick with trembling hands.

On a battlefield full of wreckage, ancient red iron stopped in front of a broken machine body, motionless.

In the cockpit, Lin Youde looked at the crack in the cockpit of the broken aircraft body. Lemeng was leaning in the cockpit, with blood on his face, smiling miserably and saying something. His face was full of astonishment.

Under the attack of beams of light falling from the sky, the red ancient iron finally retreated and left...

On the desolate plain, the remains of one machine after another were burning.

Surrounded by countless native species, the red ancient iron and the fully armed savior stood on the ground.

Lin Youde lowered his head, looked at Raymond who was talking to him on the screen, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and pressed the close button.

The screen disappeared, Gu Tie waved his hand, and a strange white mist enveloped Gu Tie and all native species, and finally disappeared. Only the fully-armed savior remained in place, and Ramon leaned in its cockpit and let out a silent sigh.

On a certain desert island, Lin Youde, whose face was covered with green lines, stood on Gu Tie's palm. It looks like a pure golden Gundam next to me, looking at the red sea, telling something.

The pure golden Gundam is like a girl, sitting on the beach with her hands folded. The huge head moves a little bit from time to time, making it look a little cute.

During the exchange, Lin Youde, whose face was covered with green lines, pointed to the sea and said something else.

The pure golden Gundam shook his head and nodded again.

In a dense forest, Wang Liumei, whose face was covered with green lines, put her hands on her hips, pointed at Lin Youde and said something.

Lin Youde, whose face was also covered with green lines, turned his head and pretended not to hear.

Behind Lin Youde, the huge golden Gundam sat on the ground, holding his knees with his hands and lowering his head.

Whenever Wang Liumei looked over, the huge golden Gundam would quickly lower its head, which looked a little funny.

The red King Gutie faces the dark blue Gulansen.

Lin Youde said something with a sullen face.

On the screen, Bai He was worried, his brows furrowed, he held his chin and pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

In a magnificent palace.

Lin Youde, who had many strange green lines on his face, held a silver crystal and looked up at the huge silver white dragon in front of him. Without hesitation, he put the silver crystal into his clothes and turned around to leave.

In a white space, Lin Youde, who had many green forest lines on his face, held a silver crystal and said something to Wang Liumei and the huge Gundam.

Wang Liumei looked helpless, and the huge golden Gundam also tilted its head.

But as Lin Youde scribbled on the blackboard and knocked hard on the blackboard, everyone nodded in unison.

In a burning military base.

A huge robot with two huge drills knelt down on one knee, its arms were broken, and stopped moving.

A huge ship-cutting knife beside him was broken into two pieces and stuck on the ground.

The red King Gu Tie stood in front of him and slammed the firing pin in his right hand into the machine body...

On a deserted plain.

King Gutie led a group of native species and looked directly at the huge dragon-shaped battleship in the sky and the Getter robots and demon robots all over the sky.

The thrusters behind him exploded, and King Gu Tie rushed towards the huge dragon-shaped battleship...

In a military base covered in white fog.

Gutie, who had transformed into a mass-produced native species, stood on the edge of the pit, watching the Soul Reaver disappear in the half-light, silently raised his head, and looked at the moon above the night sky.

There was a flash of golden light in the sky, and a pure golden Gundam fell from the sky and landed next to Gu Tie. He pointed to somewhere in the distance and seemed to say something.

Gu Tie nodded, glanced at the empty pit, and left with the pure golden Gundam...

In the dark universe, King Gutie turned his back to the moon, looking at the aqua star that was already surrounded by red light, motionless.

The pure golden Gundam and the gray-white machine with many red orbs on its body stopped on both sides behind King Gutie.

The three machines watched as the red light completely enveloped the Aqua Blue Star, turning it into a red planet, and then turned and left...

In the universe, Lin Youde, who had green lines on his face, held up the silver crystal and let the silver light wrap around the pure golden giant Gundam.

The pure golden Gundam waved his hand and disappeared in the silver light.

Looking at the disappearing golden Gundam, Wang Liumei leaned on Lin Youde's shoulder with some sadness and said something.

Lin Youde hugged Wang Liumei and said something firmly.

After a long time, Wang Liumei nodded.

In a strange white space, Lin Youde, who had green lines on his face, was holding Wang Liumei, who had similar green lines on his face.

After the two said something, Wang Liumei, who had green forest lines on her face, nodded.

Lin Youde raised the silver crystal in his hand again, the light appeared again, and Wang Liumei also disappeared in the silver light.

Looking at the empty space, Lin Youde, who had green lines on his face, looked at the silver crystal with a crack in his hand, his eyes full of anxiety. But soon, his eyes became firm again, and he held the silver crystal high again.

In the bright morning, in the bustling and peaceful city.

Lin Youde, who had only a few green lines on his face, looked down from a high position.

Under his gaze, Ni Xingxing was sitting at a breakfast shop on the street, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Opposite Ni Xingxing, a black-haired girl was holding a panting young man, pulling him forward.

Looking at this scene, Lin Youde held the clothes on his chest and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In a shopping mall where people were coming and going, Lin Youde, who had a few green lines on his face, put a piece of the original Gundam mask on his face to hide the weird green lines, and came to sit in front of a piano.

Then, a person came behind him.

In an instant, Lin Youde with the mask and Lin Youde without the mask slowly overlapped under the playing of piano music...

—Flashback ends—

As the piano notes finally fell, Lin Youde, who had finished playing, burst into tears at some point.

"So, is that what it is..."

Everyone looked at Lin Youde who stopped playing and looked at each other, wondering what happened.

Just when Lin Youde was playing piano music, he was outside City B where Lin's research institute is located.

On the battlefield where a fierce battle took place during the day, a man wearing a mask of the Original Gundam sighed slowly as he looked in the direction where the mysterious machine and the mysterious woman disappeared.

"In the end, am I the only one left again..."

Suddenly, the man seemed to feel something and turned his head to look in the direction of Lin's Research Institute.

At this moment, Lin Youde, who was wiping away tears, seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere.

At that moment, the two of them seemed to have seen each other, and they were both stunned on the spot...


PS: The BGM appearing in the article has been added to the NetEase Cloud playlist "Soul of Eternal Steel", please search for it yourself. Remember, there is no "" playlist~!

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