Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 971 Humanoid self-propelled neutron bomb

The depressed expression on Gilliam's face made everyone vaguely understand how much suffering and depression he had suffered before, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

Especially Lin Youde and Rita, who are new humans, can clearly feel the resentment coming from Gilliam.

Lin Youde and Lita looked at each other, both speechless.

" true. Those people are now chasing Youde like mad dogs."

"If you come too early, you will have virtue but no strength, and you will only be bullied to death by them. It is really not possible."

It was Wang Liumei who said this, but Lei Meng always felt that Wang Liumei was secretly attacking her.

This made Raymond couldn't help but secretly curse: "Don't I have the virtue to help others in other worlds?" Shouldn't it? ’

After thinking about it for a while, Raymond found helplessly that it seemed that the situation would not change whether she helped Lin Youde or not.

When Lin Youde did not obtain enough strength. Even if she chooses to help, the situation will not change.

Who told that most of the people from the Shadow Mirror Army came here to kill Lin Youde...

Moreover, in 2233, Lin Youde had not yet participated in the Olympics, established his own research institute, or formed his own combat force.

Fighting alone, even if he is given a Freedom Gundam, he will not be a match for Axel, Katarina and a group of senior veterans from the Shadow Mirror Force.

This is probably the reason why Lin Youde and Gilliam from the other side specially restricted the people from the Shadow Mirror Force to arrive after 2234.

After others understood the logic inside, they nodded silently and no longer questioned.

And Kiliam didn’t go too far into the topic.

"In short, Youde and I finally figured out the current direction of your world after countless attempts."

"But now that these things have passed, it's okay not to mention them."

No one had any objection to Kiliam's remarks.

Especially Lei Mengmeng, her mood became more and more complicated after she learned that even Lin Youde had died countless times because of her.

But as a person, she couldn't stop Kiliam from continuing. In addition, she was a little curious before, so she kept letting Kiliam continue.

Now that Kiliam wanted to stop the topic, she couldn't help but quickly changed the subject.

"Then after the XN System (Holy Spirit System) transfers the people from the Shadow Mirror Force, will there be any subsequent effects?"

Gilliam nodded and responded: "Some people who originally belonged to this world and were relatively young, such as Axel and Windru, suddenly disappeared because of the arrival of people from the other world."

"This kind of situation also happened from time to time in the last era. Many people suddenly found that someone around them suddenly disappeared, and they panicked."

"And in this era, the situation is similar. With the arrival of the Shadow Mirror Force, the people who were originally in this world disappear, and they will not have their own memories of this world."

"But fortunately, the world on the other side was almost exactly the same as the world on this side before 2234. So Windru and the others were not greatly affected. They even used the identity of this world to integrate into the Free Federation and Silla. alliance."

"Currently, the Shadow Mirror Force seems to have reached a cooperation with the Free Federation. The spies integrated in the Free Federation have sent intelligence. It is said that the Free Federation has begun mass production of R-1, which is the R-Blade."

"At the same time, because of some of the meteor technology obtained from the other side of the world, the Free Federation has made great progress in short-distance retreats and attacks."

"In addition to the legacy issues of the XN system, we'd better be prepared for the Free Federation to be able to use the XN system for short-distance space transmission."

"As long as there is internal support, the Free Federation's troops can already appear anywhere in the integration."

Lin Youde sat on his desk, caressing Elfemi's hair in his arms, and replied calmly.

"Understood, we will be prepared later. We will respond to attacks from the Free Federation at any time."

"Same as the problem you were worried about before, everything is still a question of strength. To make iron, you need to be strong. As long as we develop fast enough and our own strength is strong enough, problems such as short-distance attacks will not be a problem."

"But internal response issues..."

Kiliam received the message at the right time: "After this native species incident, Zhao Zheng has begun to deal with the internal response issue. Not only him, but other forces have also begun to deal with it."

"You don't need to worry about this matter anymore."

Lacus thought: "It's because in this incident, Youde reported everything about Alufimi and the native species."

"As a result, everyone knows that they now have a weapon that is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. So are they allowed to use the weapon as a weapon?"

Alufemi raised her mouth and looked at Lacus dissatisfied: "Lacus, what do you seem to be reflecting? Am I such a scary thing?"

Lux quickly smiled and waved her hands: "No, I didn't mean to say that Alufemi you are scary. I just said that they are now worried about pushing Youde too hard and making Youde defect to the native species. "

Alufemi raised her lips and said, "Let me believe you for once."

Wang Liumei looked at Lei Mengmeng, who nodded: "Well, it is for this purpose that we wrote down most of the truth about this incident in the report."

Raymond helped: "After all, we have to consider that Wendrew and the others will make a fuss about the moral things in the parallel world."

"Rather than letting others stigmatize virtue and slap a label on it, it is better for us to announce some of the truth."

"In this way, even if Wen Drew reveals the parallel world, some people will not dare to do anything to Youde."

"And as long as Wendru says it, they will become even more afraid of the consequences of being virtuous and taking refuge in the native species."

"In this way, a certain degree of strategic deterrence can be achieved."

Gilliam nodded and said, "Yes, this matter has been spread among various forces in the capital. Everyone's attitude towards you has changed greatly."

"According to my information, many forces that originally wanted to make some small moves against you have given up those plans."

"In their eyes, Youde is now a moving neutron bomb. If one of you is cornered, everyone will be buried with you. It's really not worth the gain."

When Rita heard this, she looked at Lin Youde happily and asked, "Dad, is this the so-called misfortune and blessing?"

Lin Youde's expression was relatively calm: "That's right, but the price we paid this time was quite painful..."

In this regard, everyone was silent for a while.

After being silent for a long time, Gilliam said: "All of this was done voluntarily by Yude and Xiangsuke. What we should do now is not only to remember them, but also to carry forward their will."

"Don't forget, the real enemy hasn't appeared yet."

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