Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 973 True Super Robot Competition

""True Super Robot Contest"?"

Wang Liumei looked at Lei Mengmeng doubtfully, and Lei Mengmeng nodded in response.

"Well, as I mentioned to you before, Albero Aster, the captain of the special operations force Wolf Howl Squad, told us about the secret competition that only the top super robots can participate in."

After saying that, Lei Mengmeng looked at Kiliam doubtfully: "Is it because the Dragon King and Tiger King are in our hands now, so you came to invite us?"

Kiliam nodded slightly: "Well, this may be part of the reason."

"Due to what happened today, all the forces that covet the Dragon King and Tiger King already know that you have successfully resurrected the Dragon King and Tiger King, and successfully awakened from their long sleep."

"For this reason, the previously agreed battle between the Dragon King and the Tiger King ended early."

"As the owner of the Dragon King and Tiger King, you are naturally also on the invitation list of the "True Super Robot Contest"."

"After all, Dragon King and Tiger King are regulars in the "True Super Robot Contest", so naturally they can't be absent."

"However, it is worth mentioning that there have been some changes in the "True Super Robot Contest" this time."

Lux asked very politely: "What's the change?"

Kiliam returned: "It is different from the previous situation where it was completely kept secret and only top leaders and top forces from various countries could participate and watch the battle."

"This time the "True Super Robot Contest" is made public for the first time."

"Except for the original top-level Pillar God-level robots, which are the Four Holy Beasts, and the Zhenguo-level super robots, which are the super robots at the level of our unified Dragon Emperor."

"Originally, participating mechas must, at the very least, be black-box mechas like White Knight, Ancient Iron, and Duan Kong Wo Nova."

"But this year, because it is open to the public, in order to increase the performance and enjoyment, non-black box aircraft can also participate. As long as you are confident enough, you can also participate with a mass-produced machine."

"And the competition format has also been changed from the original 1V1 Tian Ji horse racing one-on-one mode to the 3-machine squad mode that was widely praised in the Olympic exhibition games."

"Others have not yet been decided in detail, and we are applying to the machine war, but the three-person team battle mode has been approved by the machine war."

"By the way, because you have the Dragon King and Tiger King, you have a team quota by default."

"And because you are currently integrating the strongest special operations force, Londe Bell, you have also been assigned to the first team."

"Then, the higher-ups seem to hope that you can send a team that has always been composed purely of Gundams to promote our unique Gundam integration, and there is another team quota."

"At the same time, Zhao Zheng also wants to spread the fact that the original species has joined our side, and at the same time show the power of the original species' body, the Seat of Souls. Therefore, as long as the Seat of Souls participates in the game, you can also get a spot in the first team .”

"So, you have a total of four squad spots."

"So, do you want to participate in this event that will be broadcast live around the world?"

In response, Lin Youde's eyes flashed and he responded without hesitation.

"Of course, we cannot miss this grand occasion."

"Furthermore, Kousuke and Exelin left in a hurry, and we were unable to prepare a farewell ceremony for them."

"Now that we have such a big stage, we have to show off the power of the Ancient Iron Titan and the Pure White Knight."

"I want to prove to the world that they were here."

"I want to give the championship to Kousuke and Exelin!"

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng's eyes flickered, and they nodded together with emotions on their faces: "Yes."

Alufemi looked at Lin Youde's firm expression, nodded her head, and responded.

"Since Youde is participating, then I will also participate. I want to be in a team with Youde and Mengmeng."

Lux and Wang Liumei also had no objection to this.

Whether Alufimi is teaming up with Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng to compete, or Lin Youde is going to use the biggest stage to say goodbye to Nanbu Xiosuke and Exelin who have left. Both of them also approved it.

However, both of them have their own opinions on this.

Lux looked at Kiliam rudely: "Of course it's okay for us to participate, but if we win this time, our prizes won't be hacked again, right?"

Wang Liumei looked at Lin Youde: "If you want to drive the Ancient Iron Titan to compete, what will happen to the Gundam team? Apart from you, our research institute currently has no one who can drive the Gundam to take the lead."

Gilliam replied to Lux: "Don't worry, no one dares to do evil to you now."

"You may not know that because of this incident, in addition to the Dragon King and Tiger King awakening, the Sparrow King and the Martial King have also awakened."

"Furthermore, the Dragon King specially ordered to recall King Bird and King Wu. The foundations of the four major families have been uprooted. You don't need to do anything. The four major families are about to fall apart."

"Zhao Zhengren has sent people to deal with the affairs of the four major families. I believe he will give you an explanation soon."

"The several machines that were taken away by them before will probably be sent to you soon."

When everyone heard this, they were also surprised.

"So fast?"*N

Gilliam nodded: "It's so fast. The foundation of the four major families is the four holy beasts. Now that the four holy beasts have awakened, their actions have been known to King Que and King Wu. What King Que and King Wu have done to them He was very angry."

"This afternoon, the Li family serving King Que and the Zhou family serving King Wu were both destroyed by the angry King Que and King Wu, and suffered heavy losses."

"Later, because of the Dragon Emperor's edict, King Que and King Wu were recalled. The decline of the Li family and the Zhou family was a foregone conclusion."

"The Dragon King and Tiger King are with you again, and the Liu family and the Ma family have no hope of coming back."

"Thus, the Four Families will soon be history."

Raymond smiled slightly at this: "Ha, I knew that without the four holy beasts, these four families are nothing."

"It seems like their enemies will tear them apart without our help."

"If you get the right way, you will get a lot of help, but if you don't get the right way, you will get little help. The ancients will not deceive me."

Lin Youde didn't express this, but turned to Wang Liumei and said, "It's okay. I will arrange the matter of the Gundam team later. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

Wang Liumei was a little surprised, but still nodded: "Okay, I still want to take this opportunity to advertise our products again."

"This time, unlike the previous Olympics, it is broadcast live globally. It is estimated that there will also be live broadcasts overseas. It must be vigorously promoted!"

Kiliam looked at Lin Youde and said with a smile: "So, is this settled? How many teams do you plan to send there? If there are not enough people, I can help sell places for you."

Lin Youde said confidently: "No need, I will not sell any of the places. This time, the four team places will all be provided by our Lin Research Institute."


PS: The plot of this incident for the protagonist group has been roughly written. The next chapter will go back in time and write about the reactions and subsequent effects of other places during this day.

The author had previously thought about writing about reactions elsewhere after the battle. After all, the native species incident has a huge impact and affects the whole world, so a lot needs to be written.

But considering the reading experience, it is consistent with this plot. Therefore, I will put aside the reactions from other places for the time being, and wait until this paragraph is finished before continuing to add to it.

Therefore, in the following plot, the protagonist will not appear. Because the next thing happened on the same day.

The mecha battle is originally a group portrait, and everyone likes the perspective of the protagonist. The author has worked hard to compress it and focus the plot on the protagonist.

But some things really need to be described. Therefore, it is indispensable to divide the pen and ink into other places. Otherwise, the plot will be incomplete and inconsistent.

This is just a reminder for readers who just want to see the protagonist’s perspective.

So that you don’t want to criticize me again later, saying why the main character disappeared. Who is the protagonist?

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