Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 985 The special characteristics of the Gaita Line and photon force?

"Huh? Did I come back at the wrong time?"

At the door of the office, Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde and Wang Liumei with an angry and funny face, and asked.

Wang Liumei took her little hand out of Lin Youde's hand very calmly and asked.

"Has the guest left?"

“Some left, and some came.”

Wang Liumei leaned against the desk and said calmly.

"It's not surprising. Things are so big today, and our side is the key. I'm sure many people will come."

"After two days, things will subside and it will be fine."

Lin Youde nodded silently and asked Lei Mengmeng.

"So, at this time, who is here?"

Lei Mengmeng spread her hands and said, "Who else could it be? Of course it's Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, Wang Kai and the others."

"These people are our old friends and we can't just dismiss them like everyone else."

"So when I come back, I'll inform you to come and receive him in person."

"In addition, Du Jianlong and the others seem to have something to ask you."

Lin Youde stood up: "Okay, I'll go over there right now. Are you guys coming together?"

Lei Mengmeng shook her head: "I won't go. There are other guests in the institute that I need to deal with."

Wang Liumei also waved her hand and said: "You guys are gathering together, and I won't join in."

"I estimate that some people will inquire about things here through my channels, and I also need to make some preparations."

Hearing the two people's answers, Lin Youde responded: "Okay, I'll go there too."

After Lin Youde left, Lei Mengmeng crossed her arms and looked at Wang Liumei with a smile.

"So, when are you going to move here?"

"Because of the incident between Yazhenli and Lux, the bed in our room was customized to be very large."

"Although there are one more and one more, it shouldn't be a problem to add one more."

Wang Liumei glanced at Lei Mengmeng and said angrily: "Aren't you afraid that Youde will die in bed from exhaustion?"

Lei Mengmeng pointed her finger at her lower lip and said with a smile: "It's okay, Youde's physical strength is getting better and better now. And I've never stopped taking supplements."

"If you feel embarrassed, I can secretly put you in after turning off the lights at night~!"

"You are an old married couple anyway, aren't you?"

Wang Liumei couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lei Mengmeng: "Young master, you should go and do business quickly."

"The other me is not the me now."

"You don't have to feel like you owe me anything, that's another choice of my own."

"Instead of thinking about these messy things here, it's better to think about what happens next."

"Especially about Raymond and Alfemi, have you figured out how to explain it to your parents?"

When Lei Mengmeng heard this, her expression froze: "Well..."

Wang Liumei sighed and shook her head slightly: "My personal suggestion is that you'd better go to your mother's place to get some fresh air first."

"If you tell the truth, your father will never have no reaction at all."

"Youde has too many things to be busy with now. It's better for you to handle these matters yourself."

After Lei Mengmeng was silent for a moment, she responded: "That's right..."

Wang Liumei glanced at Lei Mengmeng: "You can worry about this matter by yourself. If it doesn't work, talk to Lei Meng. We are all alone. You should have a lot in common."

"I also have to consider issues such as the technical impact of the mass-produced airframe brought by the Shadow Mirror Force. The mass-produced airframe that I planned to sell before is no longer suitable."

“I need to go back and rework the sales plan and get the first move.”

Looking at Wang Liumei's leaving figure, the corners of Lei Mengmeng's mouth rose slightly.

"What? In the end, it's not the same. You decide your future."

"But... that's right. We have seen the future decided by another self. If we run away from the battlefield, we will be sorry for the efforts of the other self."


After stretching, Lei Mengmeng patted her cheek.

"Yo Xi~! Leave it to Raymond to deal with your parents. She is probably more experienced in this aspect."

"But then again, how old is Raymond now? Do you want to ask? I always feel that I care..."

In the conference room, Lin Youde used the new human telepathy to confirm that the atmosphere between Lei Mengmeng and Wang Liumei was still harmonious, and then he felt relieved. Put all your thoughts on Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma, Shen Hayato, Tomoe Musashi, Wang Kai and others.

"Well, I generally understand what you are talking about."

"In fact, it's similar to the sudden activation of your body. Our brave Laitin also suddenly activated in the morning."

"My personal guess is that the Geta Line, Photon Power, and Brave Laitin reacted to the native species."

"Gaaleon on Kai's side probably woke up from his slumber because of the oppression caused by the appearance of the native Arbitrator."

Du Jianlong put down what Lin Youde had prepared about the ins and outs of things related to native species this morning.

Although this is a simple summary report for outsiders, it combines what Lin Youde said before and some of the contents of the current summary report.

Du Jianlong has generally understood many things.

But even so, Du Jianlong was still a little confused.

"Youde, what you mean is that the reason why our body is activated is not because of the soul in the black box, but because of the tower line and the photon force?"

Kang Dingbang was also slightly surprised: "Isn't this a bit ridiculous?"

"If it's because of the black box, then it's okay. After all, the black box has a soul and can activate itself. It's reasonable."

"But how can photon power, Getta Line, and no soul be able to do such a thing?"

Liu Longma retorted: "That's not necessarily the case, Dingbang."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kang Dingbang looked at Liu Longma in confusion.

Hayato Kamiya explained: "Not long ago, Dr. Saotome once told us a guess."

"The Geta Ray may be an extremely special type of ray that can evolve living things and metals."

"If this guess is true, then maybe there is some kind of soul in the Geta Line."

These remarks shocked both Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang.

Ba Musashi looked at Lin Youde doubtfully and asked.

"The Geta Line may be a special ray that has the ability to evolve. It may be possible to have a soul. But what about photon power?"

"Could it be said that the photon force has the same special power as the Gaita Line?"

In response, Lin Youde nodded.

"Well, the photon force is as special as the Getta line."

"If Getta lines are special rays with the ability to evolve, then photon force is the special power that can interfere with parallel worlds and various possibilities."

"To use a more general term in movies and TV shows, photon force has quantum entanglement, quantum interference and other similar effects...probably."

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