Immortal Stars

Chapter 155: Accidental break-in

"These people in black robes are actually human races?"

Yingu has been watching the actions of the black-robed man. Although he has no way of knowing what the black-robed man and Baleng are discussing, he can clearly tell from a distance that the Tailong soldiers can reunite to fight the enemy, which seems to surprise them. . When the black robes took off their black robes, Yingu saw a human race.

However, when Yin Gu's eyes stayed on the black mysterious mark on them, his pupils shrank suddenly!

"It turned out to be..." Yin Gu was stunned, his eyes seemed to have seen something incredible, and his shock was beyond words.

No one else can recognize this mark, and Baleng has never seen it before, but Yingu has personally experienced the turbulent times and deeply knows what this mark represents!

That is a huge force, comparable to the cosmos alliance, mercenary martial arts hall, and Tongtian Pavilion... It is no exaggeration to say that it is the fourth largest force in the universe!

Dark Feast!

When Yingu heard of this name, it was not long after he became a **** of gods. At that time, there was a war in the entire universe called "Battle of the Universe". All the universe countries, no matter how big or small, whether strong or weak, participated in the battle. this war.

Yingu was also one of them. He clearly remembered that the universe was divided into two parts at that time, one belonged to the three major forces of the universe, and the other belonged to the Dark Feast.

It is said to be two big pieces, but most of the forces in the universe are on the side of Tongtian Pavilion, the Cosmic Alliance, and the mercenary martial arts hall, and only a very few are on the side of the dark feast.

After such a long time has passed, Yingu still remembers a sentence that someone said at that time, which shocked him to this day.

"Dark Feast... Is this going to oppose the entire universe?"

Against the entire universe!

How powerful does it have to be to do this?

In that battle, countless cosmic kingdoms were destroyed, the void was shattered, the stars were wiped out, where the fire of war spread, life was wiped out, all things did not last long, and nothing was intact.

The power of the Dark Sacrament. It made the entire universe tremble, almost driving the entire universe to the brink of extinction, but in the end, the Dark Feast lost, rising in the war, and perishing in the war.

Yingu didn't know how the war that shook the whole universe and shook the whole universe was finally decided. He only knew that he was in the realm of the gods. .

Heavenly God Realm, like the weakest scumbag. Not at all noticeable in war. Even the existence beyond the realm of the gods is falling one by one.

It was the "Godfall Era". It is the years when the powerhouses of the entire universe suddenly withered away.

Yingu knew that the appearance of Tailong Universe Kingdom was not accidental. It originally belonged to a vast force in the universe called "Endless Tailong Palace".

But after that cosmic battle. The Endless Tailong Palace was destroyed and disappeared, only a part of the people remained. After a long period of time, they returned to this place and established the Tailong Universe Kingdom.

Now, the person with the dark mark has appeared again. What does this mean, is the dark feast coming back?

Could it be that... the battle of the universe is about to start again. Will the entire universe plunge into panic and turmoil?

Yin Gu didn't dare to think about it any longer. He was deeply afraid. The shock brought by the battle of the universe would never be erased in his life.

"Marshal! Marshal! It's over, we're over!" Suddenly, a sharp voice woke Yin Gu. Yin Gu reacted, his eyes swept to the battlefield, only one glance, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

It's the black robes.

After these black robes took off their black robes, they revealed their true figures, rushed into the battlefield, and began to slaughter Tailong's soldiers.

It was as if the wolf had entered the flock and started a massacre.

They are too powerful, the Tailong soldiers are like a piece of tofu in front of them, and they are completely vulnerable. Even the defensive formation formed by hundreds of Tailong soldiers collapsed under the attack of these black-robed men, and blood splattered. , the corpse is separated, they don't seem to be killing people, they are more like games, playing, and threatening every Tailong soldier with death!

"Steady, must be steady, all teams form a defensive formation, notify the numbers of Tongtian Pavilion, let them reinforce!" Yin Gu immediately ordered.

"No... No, Marshal, save me!" However, there was only a desperate cry in response to Yingu, and then he returned to peace.

"Damn it!" Yingu said angrily, his eyes fell on the battlefield, his teeth were gnashing, and his expression could no longer be calm and calm.

Not long after the men in black robes entered the battlefield, with their elusive movements, their strength far exceeding the black hole level, and their strange and unpredictable attacks, the Tailong soldiers did not even have the strength to resist in front of them, and they were completely crushed. The battle is one-sided.

The Tailong soldiers tried to counterattack and assembled tens of thousands of black holes to attack them at the same time, but only some of them hit the black-robed man, causing them no fatal damage.

Each of these eleven black-robed men has the strength of a white hole, and the eleven white holes are a nightmare for the current Tailong soldiers.

Fenglin soldiers swarmed up, the black robes slaughtered wildly, and the Tailong soldiers retreated steadily. The five disciples of Tongtian Pavilion wanted to go up to rescue, but they were stopped by Xu Ao and others. They blocked them with the number of people, and let Tongtian Pavilion The disciples could only watch the Tailong soldiers regress like a tide, leaving one after another of corpses.


The war was completely decided at this point.

The Tailong soldiers faced a large number of Fenglin soldiers, men in black robes who were comparable in strength to the disciples of Tongtian Pavilion. They wanted to counterattack, but they couldn't.

The generals of Tailong sighed and shook their heads, covering their faces and turning around, their faces filled with frustration.

Yin Gu clenched his fists even more, with unwillingness in his eyes.

This war has twists and turns, Yingu has calculated every step from the beginning, and has already grasped the victory of the war in his hands.

However, just because of these eleven black-robed men from the Dark Holy Feast, the war was defeated and they were beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

"Yin Gu, give it up." He Shi's eyes are complicated. He sees the war more thoroughly than Yin Gu. The situation of the war is completely clear, and there are no variables. It is impossible for a miracle to happen. The lives of some dragon soldiers.

"He Shi... Really, is there no hope?" Yin Gu was reluctant to give up, once the black hole level battlefield failed, they would lose the half-steep star field. Losing the land of Tailong, and all caused by his poor command of Yingu.

He Shi shook his head and sighed, the defeat of the war was set, and there was no room for recovery.

Yin Gu also sighed, and he also understood that if he lost this war, he had to admit it, and there was no excuse.

"Everyone, come back." Yin Gu said, and all the soldiers of Tailong were shocked. Looking at the purple armor figure in the void.


Everyone is aware of this. From the moment of being chased and slaughtered. The Tailong soldiers already knew that the war had already been decided.

The Tailong soldiers left their soldiers sadly, tens of thousands of soldiers were scattered in the void, and everyone's hands were empty.

see this scene. The Feng Lin soldiers and the black-robed man all stopped.

This is an act of abandoning the war. Soldiers abandon their soldiers, which means surrender and accept the fact that the war is lost.

"Haha..." Xu Ao laughed loudly, "She Feng, even if you Tongtian Pavilion can withstand the ten of us, you still can't change the final outcome! You are destined to be a loser, haha..."

The battle between She Feng and Xu Ao also stopped. They also noticed that the Tailong soldiers abandoned the soldiers. The war was lost, and their Tongtian Pavilion disciples were powerless and had no way to save the battle.

The five were sad, but had to accept the fact.

Ba Leng showed joy. He took off and came to the front of the war. With a wave of his hand, an ancient contract scroll flew out.

This is the war contract. Once the war is defeated, the war contract must be signed. This contract will be supervised by the law of the universe and cannot be violated.

"Yin Gu, you are a good opponent, I will remember you." Baleng said, with an undisguised smile on his face.

The war was full of ups and downs. Baleng thought he was in a safe position to win, but was defeated by Yingu's strategy. He even used the magic control technique but still could not win the war. In the end, the man in black robe played a decisive role and established victory.

Victory, Baleng is naturally happy.

On the contrary, Yin Gu, a general, and the Tailong soldiers looked resentful, but there was nothing to do.

Sign it. Only by signing the agreement can this one-sided massacre be ended.

Yin Gu waved his hand, and the ancient contract rolls flew over, and all eyes fell on Yin Gu.

A drop of blood condensed out, Yin Gu sighed, and reached out to press it on the contract roll. As long as the blood dripped, the contract would take effect completely.

But at this moment-

call out!

The space was distorted, and a space battleship with a blooming white orchid at the bottom slowly sailed out.

Yin Gu was stunned and looked over, not only him, but the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire battlefield all fell on this uninvited guest.

"Master, there was something wrong with the space-time jump just now, and it deviates from the coordinates, and there are a lot of black hole-level characters ahead." Tianling said.

Wang Xu is sitting cross-legged in the main control room, immersed in his own world. After obtaining the ancient inheritance, he has been studying it, only practicing one of the four infinity.

Endless Knife.

With the help of inheritance, Wang Xu's comprehension is multiplied with half the effort, and the Endless Sword has achieved a little.

"Huh?" Wang Xu opened his eyes, swept his eyes to the outside, and was suddenly startled, "Why are there so many people."

In the distance, there was a dense crowd of black people, with green light and red light. Wang Xu glanced at it and immediately recognized that there might be a war ahead.

"Tianling, this is the battlefield, let's go, don't get involved in it." Wang Xu now just wants to return to the war headquarters and fully understand the endless inheritance, and the war has long been put aside by him.

"Wait!" Suddenly, a high-pitched voice came, and then a red streamer flew at an extremely fast speed.

This is a black hole-level soldier of Fenglin Cosmos Kingdom, which is a high-level black hole level.

"Which country are you from?" The invincible black hole soldier asked.

Wang Xu frowned, although he didn't want to, he had no choice but to walk out of the Bailan and took out the green lighted iron card.

Feng Lin's soldiers swept away, sneered, and then the giant axe in his hand slammed towards Wang Xu!

" He actually shot at our people!"

"Tailong has surrendered, and he is embarrassing us by doing so!"

"Damn Feng Lin bastard!"

When the Tailong soldiers saw this scene, they cursed one after another, and the expressions of Yingu and others were extremely unnatural.

Under their noses, taking action on the Tailong soldiers, and still signing the contract, this is the most naked contempt, provoking the dignity of the Tailong cosmos country!

However, in the face of Feng Lin soldier's blow, Wang Xu did not hide, but simply raised one hand and faced the Feng Lin soldier. Just when everyone didn't understand what he was doing, Wang Xu's palm suddenly clenched.

"Pfft!" In an instant, the Feng Lin soldier's body suddenly froze, and his whole body seemed to be rigid, not even the expression on his face changed, and then it turned into powder and scattered.

Although the universe has always been silent, behind the silence this time, there are hundreds of thousands of eyes widening in horror. ()

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