Immortal Stars

Chapter 158: war reversal

Among the Four Endless, Wang Xu can only feel the existence of the Endless Sword, Endless Sword and Endless Fire.

Endless life has no concept at all, as if it had never appeared.

However, I didn't expect that its way of existence would be so unique, it could directly repair the functions of the human body and allow all wounds to heal.

In other words, Wang Xu will no longer need any repair surgery or medicine in the future. With endless life, his life functions can be restored indefinitely, which is called a weapon.

However, this sharp weapon, Wang Xu, cannot be cultivated yet. He can't even feel the existence of endless life, let alone to make it perfect.

But in the current situation, the appearance of endless life surprised Wang Xu.

"Hunt the next one!" With the ability to restore endless lives, Wang Xu is no longer afraid of resisting everyone's attacks, even if he is seriously injured and vomited blood, as long as he can replace one person, it will be worth it.

There is one less person in the lineup of eleven people, and the offensive pressure is naturally reduced by one point, and Wang Xu is more able to walk.

"Pfft!" Resisting everyone's siege again, Wang Xu quickly approached a thin-faced man, so that he didn't even have time to react, and a lightning-like sword light swept across his neck.

A black-robed man died again.

"Continue!" Lu Yingying's rays of light emerged from Wang Xu's body and covered his skin. All wounds healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. When everything in his body recovered, Wang Xu chose to charge again.

As time went by, the number of black robes gradually decreased, and the threat to Wang Xu also decreased.

Anle's face was ashen, he watched his companions get killed by that hateful guy, but there was nothing he could do.

Strength that you are good at? It was useless, because his speed couldn't even get close to Wang Xu's body.

Spiritual interference? What's more useless, Wang Xu's spiritual consciousness, for some unknown reason, actually began to grow and become stronger under the confrontation with Olle's spiritual consciousness. It was originally able to stop Wang Xu's elusive assault, but later. It didn't have any effect at all, but the spiritual consciousness released by Wang Xu could slightly affect them.

Multiplayer joint attack? This is a bit useful, but obviously all the attacks have been hit, and the hateful guy has also vomited blood and was injured, but why is the combat effectiveness still not diminished in the slightest, instead, it has become faintly stronger!

All the puzzling factors made the people in black robes die and wounded in this war, originally eleven people. There are only six left now.

"Marshal Baleng. If you continue to watch the battle and remain indifferent. Our fate will soon be your turn!" At this moment, Anle had to put down his so-called arrogance and asked Baleng's arrogance. support.

At this time, Balang was in a worse mood than Elle. His face was completely darkened.

A war that was about to be won suddenly fell into such a situation.

Killed all over the audience, like the invincible **** of war, a group of people in black robes, but now they have been killed and need support... All of this is because of Anle!

If it wasn't for him to make his own decisions and insist that Tailong hand over the soldier, the situation of the war would not have changed so seriously.

But no matter how bad Baleng's mood is, the war still has to continue, and he wants to win this war. Only the uninvited guest who killed the Tailong.

"Your Excellency Xu Ao..." Baleng turned around, and was opening his mouth to make a request to Xu Ao and others to support the war, but Xu Ao spoke directly and interrupted Baleng's words.

"Marshal Baleng. Our Cosmic Alliance disciples can only help you here. Goodbye." After Xu Ao finished speaking, he turned around and left, followed by all the Cosmic Alliance disciples.

Joke, they are not blind, the difference in strength can still be seen.

The initial black hole level seems to have a lower realm level than them, but in terms of movement speed and lethal power, it has completely surpassed them, especially the dazzling sword light he wields, which is surprisingly fast. If they touch Come on, I'm afraid that people's heads will fall before they can even react... This kind of life-threatening thing, only idiots can do!

Regarding Xu Ao's attitude, Baleng's face suddenly darkened.

Damn, he chose to retreat at the most important juncture and ignored them Feng Lin. Marshal Baleng felt unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. The power of the Cosmic Alliance was too great for him to provoke.

"The **** of the Cosmic Alliance..." Olle and others naturally saw this scene, and couldn't help gnashing their teeth.

When they cooperated before, Xu Ao and others called them brothers and sisters, but now when they encounter difficulties, they immediately turn around and leave without the slightest hesitation, which is really hateful.

Today, only tens of thousands of Feng Lin's soldiers are still capable of fighting.

Ke Baleng kept his mouth shut, his eyes fell on Anle and the others, his eyes indifferent.

Obviously, Baleng already knew that Wang Xu had a powerful way to kill people from the air. No matter how many soldiers he sent, it would be the same. He didn't reach the white hole level.

Therefore, he couldn't let the soldiers die in vain, and could only indifferently watch Anle die.

"An Yao, let's go!" An Le shouted unwillingly, and several black-robed men immediately retreated, turning into black smoke and escaping away.

Anle understands that they have no chance of winning. Wang Xu's strength continues to increase in the battle, and they are constantly attrition. If it is delayed, I am afraid that none of the remaining six people will be able to go back!

In fact, they could have chosen to leave and escape from here long ago, but their self-esteem did not allow it, and hatred was also at work, but one by one their companions fell one after another, allowing them to see the situation clearly, and had to put down their hatred for the time being and leave the battlefield.

"Want to run?" Wang Xu never let go of those who wanted to kill him, especially since these people were powerful, if they were let go, there would be endless troubles.

Wang Xu turned into a cyan streamer and chased after him, and in the blink of an eye he was about to catch up with the six black smoke that escaped.

"Damn guy..." Anle saw such a situation, his face was ashen, and the weather was uncertain. When he finally turned his hand, a golden token suddenly appeared in his hand, and Anle gritted his teeth and directly crushed the token.


In an instant, Wang Xu's eyes flashed, and all six disappeared without a trace.

Wang Xu's spiritual consciousness suddenly spread out, radiating to the maximum extent, but still no figure of the black-robed man was found.

"It's the 'Wanli Golden Token'." Wang Xu's face was condensed. The Wanli Golden Token is a kind of escape treasure. After being crushed, it can instantly transport people to any place in the universe.

The value of Wanli Jinling is expensive. And sometimes, even if there is a cosmic crystal, it may not be available. It is an extremely rare item that can save a life at a critical time.

But this is not safe, and it is possible that he was just teleported to the forbidden land, and was taken away by a space-time storm.

These people are powerful, they are cosmic spirits, and they have a lot of treasures in their hands. The background of several people is definitely not simple.



The thick voice spread throughout the battlefield, and Yingu rose into the air with a smile on his face and came to the front line of the war.

"You are a good opponent. I will remember you." Yingu general Baleng just said. Returned intact.

Ba Leng's face was gloomy. As biting as ice, he already understood that the war was lost.

Tailong has that genius person, just relying on the current Fenglin. There is no resistance at all.

Baleng snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Seeing the Marshal, Feng Lin's soldiers remained silent, realizing that the war had been lost, which was more absurd than Tailong's "lose". It was like a miracle that just one person could control the course of the entire war.

"Wait." Suddenly, Yin Gu shouted.

Balan turned his head.

I saw Yin Gu waved his hand, and the ancient contract scrolls flew out.

"Yingu. This is just a war, the four major battlefields, you Tailong only won one battlefield, and my Fenglin has occupied two battlefields. Do you think there is a chance to turn the tables?

"I don't know if there is a chance. But I only understand one thing. If you are unwilling to sign the contract, we will massacre your soldiers. Believe me, none of you will be able to return to the war headquarters alive!" Yingu said lightly .

"You!" Baleng was angry, but had nothing to say.

If the victorious country is in a deadly fight with the losing country, the losing country has no room for bargaining at all, and can only be forced to abide by it.

"Wang Xu, come here." Wang Xu of Yingu Dynasty beckoned, Wang Xu was startled, how could this Zijia Marshal recognize him?

When Wang Xu approached, Yin Gu came over and sent a voice transmission to Wang Xu: "If you follow my order for a while, I promise that I will not investigate the matter of your crossing the border, and this matter will be revealed."

Wang Xu frowned, Marshal Zijia was threatening him nakedly, but how did he know that he had crossed the border, obviously when he crossed the border, he had already put all the iron cards in the space ring …

Unbeknownst to Wang Xu, after Yingu returned to the War Headquarters, he made a special trip to conduct an inventory of the void-level battlefield, conducted an investigation, and finally locked it on Wang Xu, a new soldier.

The reason why Yin Gu paid attention to him was not that he was promoted to the black hole level but did not leave the battlefield, but the super powerhouse in that giant bronze gate.

A super strong man who is still alive will undergo earth-shaking changes to the universe!

"Baleng, this is my Tailong soldier. You should already know all about his strength. If you don't choose to sign the contract, I will do it immediately, and there will never be any hesitation." Yingu's tone was beyond doubt.

Ba was in a hurry, and his eyes flickered on the tens of thousands of Feng Lin's soldiers.

The War of Conquering Territory has reached the final step, but Baleng just fell on this step.

He won't have the slightest doubt about Yingu's cruelty, because Yingu has done this kind of thing before. For Yingu, the victory of the war and the life of his own soldiers are the first, while the opponent's enemy is the negative one. Bit, kill when you see it, don't care about anything else.

If you choose to surrender, all your efforts will be wasted.

If he did not surrender, Yin Gu launched a fierce attack and really slaughtered all the black hole level soldiers. Feng Lin's black hole level would be completely wiped out. If there was another border war, even the real black hole level team would not be able to gather together.

"I choose..." Baleng sighed, "surrender."


As soon as these words came out, the soldiers of Tailong all cheered and shouted loudly.

Win, this war Tailong won!

ps: Make up for the third watch all night, everyone reward, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, and subscription are all thrown at me! ()

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