Immortal Stars

Chapter 173: Tailong Peak

"Princess Bingqing, the four-colored stone is already a rare treasure, and its rarity cannot be added. I have stayed here for so many years, and I have only seen three people get the four-colored stone. As for the legendary five-colored stone, it is illusory and cannot be Letter." The purple-robed man shook his head.

"I don't care, I just want to find the colorful stone!" Princess Bingqing's stubborn temper flared up again.

"Well, I have something to say first, don't blame me for not reminding you." The man in purple robe was helpless, and then his eyes fell on Wang Xu, "This one, isn't this the helper you invited?"

"Yes." Princess Bingqing answered truthfully.

"The initial black hole level, this strength... Having said that, your sister invited the 'plastic dragon', the core ** in the black hole polar region of the Cosmic Alliance, whose strength is comparable to the strongest white hole level person." The purple-robed man advised, " In this way, you can only find the four-colored stone, you bring him in, be careful that the five-colored stone can't be found, but it will give you a small life."

As soon as Wang Xu heard this, he immediately retreated, what the **** is this place, and his life is still in danger?

Although his strength is comparable to the strongest white hole class, and even faintly comparable to the invincible white hole class, but there is danger, there is danger.

Wang Xugang wanted to open his mouth and refuse to enter the giant bronze gate, but Princess Bingqing's next sentence made him dismiss the idea.

"It's not easy. It's enough for me to give him a treasure. This treasure can resist the attack of the Chaos Realm. With this, you don't have to worry about everything." Princess Bingqing said. The talisman appeared in her hand, and she stretched out her hand and handed it to Wang Xu, "Here, if you encounter a special life in it later, if you can't beat it, use this to escape."

Wang Xu reached out and took it, carefully scrutinized the talisman, and his heart was surging.

Able to resist the attack of the Chaos Realm, if he travels in the universe later, he will definitely encounter people in the Chaos Realm. With this talisman, his chances of survival will be greatly improved.

For this talisman and for the lord, Wang Xu simply chose silence.

The purple-robed man glanced at Wang Xu regretfully. Obviously, Princess Bingqing was ready to run for her life, so she wanted to look for the colorful stone, which was a fool's dream.

"Wang Xu, let's go!" Princess Bingqing grinned, and the fearless grid appeared again, stretched out her hand and pushed open the giant bronze door.

The huge bronze door opened wide, and another world came into view.

The smoky cloud shrouded, the towering mountain peaked straight into the sky, and the other side of the bronze giant gate was completely another world.

"Princess Bingqing, where does this door lead to?" Wang Xu asked.

"You'll know when you go in." Princess Bingqing said involuntarily, grabbed Wang Xu's arm, took a big step, and walked straight into the giant bronze gate.

Wang Xu only felt a flower in front of him, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed into a dense forest filled with smoke.

The dense fog shrouded, Wang Xu raised his head, the clouds above his head, turned his head and looked down, tens of thousands of meters from the ground, everything below became small and blurred, and he could not see clearly.

Princess Bingqing took off and flew in the air, followed by Wang Xu.

"Princess Bingqing, can I ask, what is the multicolored stone you are talking about?" Wang Xu asked.

"You don't know this." Princess Bingqing smiled, "Tell you, this is the 'Tailong Dian', a secret realm of my Tailong, only the royal family and nobles are allowed to come in, and no one else is invited. Allowed to enter."

Tailong Peak?

Wang Xu had never heard of such a place in Tailong.

"By the way, the father said that you are a guest. I must have brought you here. I brought you here. The father does not know about this. You must not tell the father when you go back." Princess Bingqing glared. Wang Xu glanced.

"Yes, Wang Xu knows." Wang Xu reluctantly replied.

"Tailong Peak is the place where my Tailong ancestors were buried. Under the ground you stepped on, there is the blood left by my Tailong ancestors... My father once told me that Tailong Peak is the pride of Tailong. , once brilliantly dazzled the entire universe, it was beaten down by the powerhouses of all dynasties with life, and it is of great significance."

Princess Bingqing said, and the smiling **** also became solemn, which shows that Tailong Dian has a very important position in the hearts of Tailong royal family.

"The current Tailong Peak is only a small fragment of the year, and it is suppressed by the realm. Only cosmic warriors below the white hole level are allowed to enter." Princess Bingqing said, "In the Tailong Peak, the strange universe The law gave birth to a kind of peculiar stone, they have different colors, red, blue, white, yellow, green, etc., the most common is the monochromatic stone, the double-colored stone is quite rare, and the three-colored stone is even more rare. As for the four-colored stone, you just heard about it, and only three people have obtained it in the past."

"As for the five-colored stone, I also heard it from Luang Ge and the others. I don't know what the real five-colored stone looks like." Princess Bingqing said.

"This...Princess Bingqing, you mean, you don't even have any clues about what the multicolored stone looks like, and where are you, so you ran over to look for it blindly?" Wang Xu finally learned the responsibility of Princess Bingqing. This Tailong Peak is at least hundreds of millions of kilometers, and it is isolated from the consciousness of the gods. If you want to search every inch of the land, I am afraid that it is impossible to do it without thousands of years.

Moreover, the man in the purple robe said that there is danger here, and he may die if he is not careful, making the search more difficult.

"Yes, what's wrong." Princess Bingqing blinked innocently, and Wang Xu was speechless for a while.

"Princess Bingqing, can I ask, what is the use of these single-colored stones, double-colored stones, and three-colored stones?" Wang Xu asked.

"You don't understand this. The colored stones produced by Tailong Dian are of great benefit to the consciousness of the gods. An ordinary single colored stone can greatly increase the consciousness of the gods. The double-colored stone, the three-colored stone, the speed of the **** is even faster, enough to withstand thousands of years of hard work!" Princess Bingqing's expression was slightly exaggerated.

"That's all?" To increase the speed of spiritual consciousness, this kind of medicine is also sold outside. Wang Xu does not believe that the royal family members of the dignified universe will take risks for the stone that increases the speed of spiritual consciousness.

"Naturally more than that, colored stones can also heal the wounds of spiritual consciousness. The four colored stones my sister got, even if your spiritual consciousness ball collapses, it can be rebuilt and completely restored." Princess Bingqing said.

Wang Xu just nodded. The broken ball of spiritual consciousness basically means he lost consciousness and became a crippled person. No matter what, he can't be saved. Even if the superpowers take action to rebuild the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness remains the same. It will be very weak and it will take a long time to recover, but if you can rebuild the ball of consciousness through the four-colored stone, it is almost equivalent to rebirth and save a life. In this way, the four-colored stone is indeed a rare item. 's life-saving treasure.

"The four-colored stone can reconstruct the ball of spiritual knowledge, isn't the five-colored stone even more powerful?" Wang Xu thought to himself, quite tempted by the five-colored stone.

The two walked while chatting. Princess Bingqing was very curious and asked Wang Xu to the bottom of it. Wang Xu was not at all restrained, and shared his story with Princess Bingqing one by one. , Gradually getting closer, Wang Xu also found that Princess Bingqing was young, and his heart was kind. When he heard that the earth was invaded and human beings were enslaved, Princess Bingqing felt indignant for human beings.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Wang Xu's figure paused, and he reached out to stop Princess Bingqing, "It's weird."

"What's wrong?" Princess Bingqing asked.

"My spiritual consciousness is being pulled by an invisible thing, that thing... in the ground." Wang Xu's eyes fell on the ground, the ground was a dense forest, and there was no abnormality, but Wang Xu could clearly feel it. Under the ground, there seems to be a vortex that can absorb the spiritual consciousness, attracting his spiritual consciousness invisibly.

"Is there? Why don't I feel anything." Princess Bingqing wondered, she felt it carefully, but didn't notice the slightest vision.

"Princess Bingqing, can you take a detour?" Wang Xu was apprehensive. He could feel that there must be something incredible buried under the top of the dragon.

"No, the place where my sister found the four-colored stone was right there last time. We can only find the five-colored stone if we start looking for it from that place." Princess Bingqing pouted.

Wang Xu frowned, this is not a good place, and everyone needs to be careful. If it is not necessary, he is not willing to take risks.

But seeing Princess Bingqing's stubborn temper, the fearless child broke out, Wang Xu had no choice but to turn his hand and take out a long white jade knife, guarding by Princess Bingqing's side.


At Wang Xu's insistent request, the two slowed down, carefully observed every place, and prepared to fight at any time.

"Princess Bingqing, someone is approaching." Wang Xu took a step sideways, stopped in front of Princess Bingqing, and said solemnly.

Princess Bingqing frowned. She was also the strongest black hole level, and her strength was comparable to the initial white hole level. Even she didn't feel the slightest breath, how did Wang Xu feel it.

She didn't know that the "endless life" in Wang Xu's body was extremely sensitive to all auras. From a distance, Wang Xu could feel a life no less than a high white hole level approaching, but looking at it with the naked eye, Nothing could be seen, and the jungle on the ground was silent.


Suddenly, a silver figure jumped up from the ground without warning, and the speed was so fast that Wang Xudu was greatly surprised, and quickly put the long white jade sword in front of him.


A metal-like sound rippled Wang Xu's body flew out like a cannonball.

"What a terrifying attack!" At Wang Xu's feet, a green sword shadow appeared, Wang Xu's face was pale, he resisted the urge to vomit blood, and slammed his figure into the air.

"Hehe..." A harsh hoarse laughter came, Wang Xu's eyes narrowed, and he could clearly see the person who attacked him.

Special life!

In the universe, there are various cosmic ethnic groups, such as the human race, such as the demon blood wolf clan, but the person in front of him does not belong to any race, and the life breath on his body is completely different from that of the various ethnic groups in the universe.

This is a humanoid life with silver-grey skin and a body that seems to be made of mercury.

It is full of body, no hair, no eyebrows, no eyes, and it is very similar to the appearance of the human race.

But on it, Wang Xu felt a vast breath of life. (To be continued.)()

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