Immortal Stars

Chapter 177: Sacrifice yourself!

() Yes, not it, but them.

swoosh swish...

In the sky, silhouettes appeared one after another, and the number became more and more numerous.

"Why...this..." Plastic Dragon turned around and looked pale, and behind him, a figure of a special life also appeared.

The joy on Princess Bingqing's face suddenly changed to a look of terror. She looked around in panic, and her figure could not help but retreat to Wang Xu's side. Tremblingly, he said, "Wang... Wang Xu, how... what should I do?"

Seven or eight special beings are enough to destroy their four-person team. Nearly a thousand special beings came all of a sudden, and the number is still increasing. Princess Bingqing can imagine what it will be like next. fate.

Among the four, only Princess Bingxun’s face was a little calmer. Obviously she had the means to protect herself, but seeing the number of special beings increasing, she was unable to calm down no matter how good her mentality was. Embarrassed.

Special beings poured in from all directions one after another, in the sky, on the ground, and even on the heads of Wang Xu and others, there were special beings lingering.

Their eyes are either empty, or cold, or full of killing intent, or violent and bloodthirsty, coupled with their own white hole-level strength, their eyes are palpitating.

The whole body is burning, bathed in flames, and the appearance is like a human-shaped flame man...

Composed of cold and broken mechanical parts, a robot with huge gears on its back...

The whole body is icy cold, and the ice crystal-like transparent body seeps out bursts of cold air, causing the surrounding temperature to drop sharply, and the ice crystal life in a pair of cold ice crystal eyes glows with a cold glow...

Broken into many pieces, the wooden man with only one foot made a harsh creaking sound with every step he took. A low-pitched murmur came from the mouth of a zipper, and the sound was as unpleasant as rags...

One by one, they have evolved over a long period of time, soaked in the laws of the universe, and gained spirituality. Special beings came from all over the Tailong Peak and gathered here.


The roaring sound that penetrated into the sky rippled, the earth trembled, and a black shadow of a behemoth stepped forward. This was a special life with rotten flesh and wriggling. It opened its huge mouth and wrapped layers of spiral-like "straw". Disgusting mucus came out.

"The strongest white hole class..." Wang Xu's face was extremely ugly.

"There is also an invincible white hole level." Plastic Dragon swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. His eyes fell on the special life in the sky carrying a pair of black flesh wings.

"The special life of the entire Tailong Peak has come." Princess Bingxun took a deep breath and spoke heavily.

"What should I do... What should I do..." Princess Bingqing's tears rolled in her eyes, surrounded by so many special beings, she would definitely die, in the face of life and death. She was afraid, and no longer had the courage to be fearless.

Wang Xu forced himself to calm down. He has experienced many situations between life and death. The heart is the best, he thought for a moment, and his eyes fell on the colorful stone in the hands of Princess Bingqing.

"They're here for the colorful stone." Plastic Dragon also realized this, and opened his mouth with dry lips.

"Then I don't want the colorful stone anymore, I'll throw it away!" Princess Bingqing couldn't wait to get rid of the pressure of this fear. He quickly prepared to throw the multicolored stone in his hand.

"Wait!" Wang Xu said, "Princess Bingqing, give me the multicolored stone."

"Wang Xu! What do you want it to do, special beings will attack you. Now is not the time to be greedy!" Princess Bingqing said anxiously.

Wang Xu glanced at the special beings around him and said, "Didn't you find them, their targets are not only the colorful stones, but also us."

Plastic Dragon and others looked back and found that there was indeed a killing intent in the eyes of the special beings. Obviously, there was only one colorful stone, and as guardians, they had to kill all the lives that had obtained the colorful stone.

"I finally know now why no one has ever got the colorful stone." Plastic Dragon took a deep breath, "The people who got the colorful stone all died in the siege of special life, and this kind of terrifying lineup came from the siege. , no one can resist, even if there are millions of black holes in the entire universe, I am afraid it will not help."

The special beings are all white hole level, and it is easy for one white hole level to deal with ten black hole level. It can be seen in the frontier battlefield that a few foreign aids with strength comparable to the white hole level are enough to control a frontier battlefield. victory or defeat...

The same is true for Tailong Peak.

No matter how many black holes they come, as long as they discover the multicolored stone, they will never be able to take them with them.

This is the reason why, for so many years, no one has ever obtained or even seen the multicolored stone.

Because the people who have seen the colorful stone... all died.

"Princess Bingqing, give me the multicolored stone." Wang Xu took a deep breath and said.

"But... but if it is given to you, you will die!" Princess Bingqing was so anxious that she almost cried.

Wang Xu wanted to sacrifice himself and let them escape!

This point, Princess Bingqing couldn't be more clear.

"No, I will survive." Wang Xu looked at the crowd, "Among the four, my body is the strongest, if I leave with the colorful stones, they will definitely chase me for the colorful stones, so you Leave at this time."

"Princess Bingxun, if I'm not wrong, you should have treasures to save your life, as well as a plastic dragon escort. Even if there are some special beings chasing you, you can leave safely."

Princess Bingxun nodded slightly: "You are right, but in this case, you must go in the opposite direction with us."

"You will die," Princess Bingxian looked solemn.

"Let's go, no one can leave if you hesitate." Wang Xu took the multicolored stone and said heavily.

Princess Bingqing was so anxious that her forehead was sweating, and she opened her mouth to speak. Wang Xu looked at her with a firm look, and the corner of her mouth lifted, revealing a slight smile.

"Princess Bingqing, if I can't come back this time, I hope you can help me take care of my hometown." Wang Xu whispered, looking at the place where the earth is.

"My hometown is called Earth."


After Wang Xu finished speaking, the blue-colored sword shadow appeared under his feet, and his figure burst out like a ray of light, quickly passing the special life in front of him, and flew into the distance.

The special beings let out a roar. The figure quickly followed.

They are the guardians of the colored stones. The first thing that the universal law gives them spirituality is to let them guard the colored stones and kill everyone who wants to take them away.

This is their destiny.

Thousands of special beings were madly chasing Wang Xu. Among them, there were the strongest and invincible white hole-level special beings, turning into a streamer with extremely fast speed, almost equal to Wang Xu.


As Wang Xu expected, a small part of the special life remained, but even a small part. However, there are still more than one hundred special beings, and they can't help but attack the three Princess Bingqing.


Princess Bingxun waved her hand, and a light yellow misty circular hood enveloped the three of them.

"Let's go!" With an order, the three figures flew out. Fly towards the bronze giant gate.

The attack of the special life fell on the pale yellow hood, only slightly rippled. Can't shake the slightest bit of it.

"Sister. You have this kind of treasure, why don't you give Wang Xu one, so that he has a better chance of surviving!" Princess Bingqing shouted with red eyes.

"This is the 'Hunling Hood', a one-time consumption treasure. I only have this one left. If I give it to Wang Xu, none of us can get away." Princess Bingxun calmly said, "Although the haunted hood can resist The attack of the underworld realm, but it can only last for five minutes, if we still can't reach the entrance in five minutes. Let's all be buried together."

Plastic Dragon's face flushed red, his fists slowly clenched, he is a genius of the Cosmic Alliance, he has his own pride and dignity, and he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

But now that he is in a real predicament, it is not him who has come forward, but the disciple of Tongtiange who he wants to challenge.

Funny, so funny.

They don't even have the qualifications to protect people. How about genius, how about dignity, and how about strong people?

Wang Xu's movement speed is fast, this is a fact, only with his colorful stones to divert special life, other people have vitality.

Even if the dragon wanted to come forward, he had to weigh the lives of the two princesses.

This can only be done by Wang Xu... there is no choice.

"Wang Xu... You must survive." Princess Bingqing looked at the direction where Wang Xu was going, a tear slipped down her face and silently dropped on a green pendant on her chest. The pendant was slightly Trembling, glowing green.


In the national hall, the lord of the country is in the center, Yingu is on the side, and the two are discussing something.

Suddenly, the lord's face changed, he strode forward, and the time and space suddenly changed. In just an instant, the figure of the lord appeared in front of the bronze giant gate.

"See the King!"

"See the King!"

All the royals and nobles in the village were horrified, and immediately knelt down to meet, why did the king appear here.

"It turned out to be Tailong Dian... Bingqing is in danger, Yingu!" The king's face was extremely ugly.

"The king." Yingu's figure appeared.

"Quickly assign someone to enter Tailong Peak, and we must rescue Bingqing!" The lord said solemnly.

"Yes!" Yingu's figure disappeared instantly.

"All ministers obey orders!" The majestic voice of the king echoed in everyone's mind.

"Immediately set off for Tailong Be sure to bring back Princess Bingqing, those who have meritorious deeds will be rewarded!"

"Yes!" The descendants of the royal family did not dare to slack off, and immediately flew into the giant bronze gate.

The king frowned, worried in his heart.

In order to train the two sisters Bingqing and Bingxun, he deliberately did not give them the "Breaking Life Jade", for fear that they would not be able to get real training by relying on him.

But the king quietly left a mark on the pendants of the two of them. Once blood or tears seeped in, the pendants would activate.

The moment Princess Bingqing's pendant was activated, the country lord had already felt it.

But in the face of Tailong Dian, he had nothing to do.

Tailongding only allows characters below the white hole level to enter. This is the prohibition rule left by the "Palace Master". He can't go retrograde.

" must come back safely!" The king was praying in his heart. (To be continued..)

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