Immortal Stars

Chapter 180: A qualitative leap!

"Seven years, I've been here for seven years."

Wang Xu opened his eyes, and the turbulent impact rushed towards his face. His skin was instantly covered with criss-crossing holes, as if being slashed by a knife.

A green light flashed, and in just an instant, his skin quickly healed.

Wang Xu's complexion did not change at all, and he looked into the distance with a burning gaze.

During the seven years, Wang Xu gradually became sober, numb, and accustomed from the pain into the bone marrow at the beginning, until it was bland.

This is not because of his strong adaptability, but in this environment, Wang Xu's physical strength has continued to increase, and it has been comparable to the invincible white hole level.

Not only that, Wang Xu's realm has also broken through to the advanced black hole level, and he can even clearly feel that the endless life has become stronger.

The rapid recovery of endless life and the continuous scouring of the impact force, the combination of the two has made the physical strength stronger in just seven years.

"My body is stronger."

Wang Xu believed that if he was asked to go back to charge the siege of thousands of special beings at this time, he would be able to walk away calmly.

The blood-colored flesh-wing life is no longer a threat to him. If Wang Xu's attack also reaches the invincible white hole level, he will even try to kill it.

This is the absolute confidence that strength brings.

"Go on!" With stronger strength, Wang Xu has the confidence to move on and explore the center of that area.

He stepped out in one step, and the impact force that was a hundred times more turbulent than before suddenly poured down!


Wang Xu's skin quickly burst open, blood and flesh splashed, and Wang Xu, who had not moved for a long time, had a painful look on his face, he groaned and gritted his teeth to persevere.

The impact came and went quickly.

When the impact dissipated, the endless life quickly covered, and in just a blink of an eye, Wang Xu's body was completely healed, and there was not a trace of scars to be seen.


Wang Xu is fighting against this invisible force. He tried to step forward, not too far away, as long as he felt the impact threatened his life, he would immediately stop.

When he got here, Wang Xu had to walk cautiously. One wrong step, one wrong step, was related to his life, and Wang Xu could not afford to make a mistake.

Because of Wang Xu's prudence, the speed of his advance became unprecedentedly slow.


a hundred years.

A full hundred years.

Wang Xu has been in Tailong Peak for a hundred years.

"Bingqing. Give it up. It's been a hundred years. The special life has been scattered, Wang Xuhe..."

In front of the bronze giant gate, the ice smoked princess in a light blue dress said softly.

In front of her, she was wearing a fiery red dress. The ponytail at the back of her head spread out, and Princess Bingqing with long hair and shawl stared at the bronze giant gate all the time.

"Sister, you don't have to persuade me." Princess Bingqing said.

Princess Bingxun shook her head and walked aside. Seeing the dragon, she smiled bitterly: "Let me tell you, her character is stubborn and will not listen to anyone's persuasion."

"I know her temperament, but the only thing I don't understand is...why does Bingqing fall in love with Wang Xu." Princess Bingxun's eyes fell on the world on the side of the bronze giant gate.

"Bingqing's heart is very lively. Since childhood, no matter how lonely she is, she is optimistic and faces everything positively."

"Her popularity is very good, and there are many people who pursue her who are better than Wang Xu... But it is. Wang Xu only stayed with her for more than ten days, but Bing Qing devoted her whole heart to him. "I don't know how to describe this kind of absurdity," said Princess Bingxian.

"Ridiculous?" Plastic Dragon shook his head and smiled, "No, it's not ridiculous, this is love, true love."

"True love is like an inextinguishable flame. Once it is stained with a trace, it will ignite a raging flame. It will never be extinguished without turning people into ashes." Sulong's eyes were deep.

"There will always be a day when the flame will go out." Princess Bingxun said.

"Yes, the flame... will eventually go out, and time will take away everything." There is a tingling color in the plastic dragon's eyes.


"That...that's right there!" Wang Xu stepped forward again for dozens of meters. When the next wave of shock came, he was ready, but the moment he closed his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the distance. A black spot, when the impact completely disappeared, Wang Xu opened his eyes, and after looking carefully, his face overflowed with excitement!

In the distance, there is a 100-meter-sized pothole.

The pothole is dark and deep, and all the light pouring down seems to be swallowed up by it, and it is impossible to see what is under the pothole.

But Wang Xu was able to clearly identify that the source of all the impact was coming from that pothole!

"What exactly is inside?" Wang Xu thought to himself.

Is that terrifying impact a treasure, or is it some mysterious powerful existence?

If it is a treasure, it exudes such a powerful impact, it must be a shocking secret treasure, which is many times stronger than the immortal spirit soldier bronze bow that Wang Xu used to have.

But if there is a mysterious and powerful existence, things may not be so simple.

This super strong man spreads a turbulent spiritual consciousness, which is impossible for ordinary people to approach. Obviously, he wants to keep people out and is unwilling to contact. If he breaks in rashly, I am afraid that he will anger him, and said in a rage He might kill himself.

"Come on, there is no way to go back." Wang Xu had no choice but to go all out.

Approaching step by step, the distance between Wang Xu and the pothole gradually narrowed, and the impact he suffered became more and more powerful.

Seeing that it is only a few hundred miles away, Wang Xu usually takes a few breaths to reach the distance by stepping on the Endless Sword, but here, it is difficult.

Another hundred years passed by silently.

Wang Xu's road ahead is extremely difficult and dangerous, and most of the time he can only stand in place, constantly strengthening his body.

Two hundred years later, Wang Xu's strength has reached the strongest black hole level, and he is only one step away from the invincible black hole level. His strength has skyrocketed, and the power of a single blow is comparable to the invincible white hole level.

And his physical strength is even more terrifying. It has surpassed the invincible white hole level and is close to the mixed universe.

What is the concept of the physical body of the mixed universe?

There is an insurmountable gap between the white hole level and the chaos realm. No matter how an invincible white hole level attacks a person in the chaos world, it cannot leave any wounds on him. This is the body of the chaos world. Powerful to an incredible degree.

However, by virtue of his natural advantages, Wang Xu also possesses the physical strength close to the Chaos Realm.

Under the mixed universe, the damage to Wang Xu is extremely limited. Unless the opponent's strength is comparable to that of the mixed universe, it is impossible to kill Wang Xu.

It is precisely because of such a strong physical body that Wang Xu can gradually approach the pothole.

The third hundred years have come.

Wang Xu's realm has reached the invincible black hole level, and his strength has surpassed the invincible white hole level, but compared with the real mixed universe, there is still a long way to go.

The difference between the mixed universe realm and the white hole level is not a star and a half. It can be seen from the "level" of the two to "realm", which is a qualitative leap.

Although Wang Xu's body is close to the Chaos Realm, it is only close, and he really wants to reach the terrifying level of the Chaos Realm unless his body also takes a qualitative leap.


Wang Xu took a difficult step, and his feet turned into powder almost instantly under the shock of extreme terror.

But in an instant, the green light of endless life appeared, and his feet grew out again.

grow, die.

Infinite loop.

After this step, what you will face is no longer the impact of orderly breathing, it will continue to come surging.

Wang Xu's face is stern, his mind has been indestructible in the past three hundred years, and no matter how traumatized the physical body is, it cannot shake him in the slightest.


Finally, after a stalemate for a long time, Wang Xu's step suddenly fell,

Taking one step, Wang Xu was not in a hurry to take the second part. His feet were still dying and reborn, and the pain was like a tidal wave. only feet.

It was not until more than ten years later, when the foot finally stood firm, that Wang Xu stretched out his hand.

Destroyed again and again, reborn again and again, Wang Xu let the whole body bear this kind of baptism, so that the flesh body was completely transformed.

Time passed quickly, and Wang Xu was reluctant to calculate, letting it slip through the gaps of his fingers.

But time is real. In the blink of an eye, Wang Xu came to Tailong Peak, and it has been seven hundred years.

Seven hundred years.

For cosmic warriors, it was only a short period of time.

But for Wang Xu, he used these seven hundred years to endure the unbearable, and surpassed what many people could not overcome...


When Wang Xu's whole body was no longer devastated by the force of the Wang Xu's whole person underwent a qualitative transformation.

The physical body is as indestructible as the Chaos Realm.

Attacks, like the chaos of the universe, destroy the stars with a single finger.

The breath is as majestic and majestic as in the mixed universe.

At this moment, Wang Xu completely crossed the gap, and at the same time, he also stood in front of the pothole.

He looked down at the pothole, and through the deep darkness, he saw what was hidden in it.


That is a bow.

A bow that exudes all kinds of brilliance, as bright and dazzling as all kinds of colored glass, and the shape is just like the "Tailong" that Wang Xu saw, a bow made of spar!

"My name is Tailong." ()

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