Immortal Stars

Chapter 183: special life riot

"Lord, no!"

As soon as the lord said this, the courtiers immediately shouted in unison.

"The lord, the battle of qualifications is hopeless. If you lose the supreme treasure in the country again... Please think twice about the lord!" The speaker was an old minister, but he was also one of the royal nobles, and he was a close relative to the lord.

"Yeah, please think twice about the country lord, this bet is not worth it for me, Tailong, with all harm and no benefit!"

"Please think twice about the king!"

The courtiers quickly persuaded.

The king pressed the palm of his hand, and a huge pressure hit, everyone just felt that the air seemed to freeze, and took a breath: "You don't have to persuade me, since Yanyue wants to bet, I Tailong will never back down."

Immediately, the lord waved his hand, and a little golden light flew out, and the golden light dissipated in front of everyone, revealing what was inside.

"Tailong Golden Scroll!"

The courtiers shouted, their eyes shocked.

"Sure enough, as I expected, you still have a Tailong Golden Scroll." Yanyuezhe's eyes lit up, and he licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a greedy look.

The Tailong Golden Scroll is the number one treasure of the Tailong Cosmos Kingdom. It is the existence of the Tailong Golden Scroll. Many great cosmos countries dare not touch the Tailong Scroll. Just like Yanyuezhe, they are afraid of the existence of the Tailong Golden Scroll. .

If you want to ask, what is the role of the Tailong Golden Scroll, and why is it that many cosmos countries are afraid?

Without him, the effect of the Tailong Golden Scroll is only one point——

Come back to life!

These four words represent a kind of terror deterrence!

It sounds ethereal, but the Tailong Golden Scroll does have this magical effect.

Because there was a time when Tai Longyao died in front of everyone's eyes, and a golden picture flew out, wrapping his body, and after a while, the golden light was released. Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Tai Longyao stood up again and was completely resurrected!

Tai Longyao himself died once.

It is precisely because of this incident that many cosmic nations who originally wanted to pay attention to Tailong retreated, and they had to yield three points when they saw Tailong Yao.

No one knows how many Tailong Golden Scrolls Tailongyao has. They dare not try it. For an existence that is almost immortal, if they anger him, they will face terrifying revenge. This is something that no big cosmic country can afford.

"Yanyuezhe, this Tailong Golden Scroll, is it worth the statue of your country?" The country lord said lightly.

"Yes, of course." What Yanyue turned into was the Tailong Golden Scroll, as soon as the King took it out. He had already begun to secretly rejoice in his heart, as if this Tailong Golden Scroll was already in his pocket.

"Then let's start. Sign a bet!" The king waved his hand. An ancient contract scroll flew out.

Yanyue Zhe smiled, just glanced at it, then stretched out his index finger and tapped it on the contract roll, a blood fingerprint fell on the contract roll, and the law of the universe flowed quietly. The blood fingerprints disappeared without a trace

The country lord took back the contract roll, and with a big hand, blood overflowed, and a **** handprint appeared.


There was a loud noise in the void. The invisible cosmic law fell and turned into chains, imprisoning the hearts of Yanyuezhe and Tailongyao.

"The bet is done, let's say goodbye!" Yanyue Zhe saw that his goal had been achieved, he laughed loudly, waved his hand to take back the statue of Chuanguo, took one step, and returned to the carriage. , the rumbling sound gradually faded away.

The king looked at the direction Yanyuezhe was going away, his eyes were deep.


"Bingqing, you have been waiting here for seven hundred years. Even if he is alive, he should have returned long ago. Give up."

In front of the bronze giant gate, Princess Bingxun was still wearing a light blue dress, and her long black hair fluttered in the wind. She spoke softly.

In front of her, Bing Qing in a fiery red dress stood in front of the bronze giant gate, staring at the world on the other side of the bronze giant gate for a moment.

She has maintained this posture for two hundred years. If her body is still ups and downs and has the breath of life, she is almost no different from the statue.

"Princess Bingqing, just listen to what Princess Bingxun said, seven hundred years have passed... Time has told you everything, don't be obsessed." Sulong advised.

Princess Bingqing was indifferent to the persuasion of the two, turning a deaf ear, not moving her body, not even blinking her eyes.

"Hey..." Princess Bingxun sighed, "I thought that the love in Bingqing's heart would fade with time, but I didn't expect it to get deeper and deeper."

"I didn't expect that Princess Bingqing had such a deep affection for her brother. It's been seven hundred years, and the end is already doomed. Princess Bingqing still refuses to give up." Sulong also sighed.

The two thought that time would dilute everything, and Bingqing's feelings for Wang Xu would gradually dissipate over time, but they didn't expect Bingqing to be so stubborn, waiting for a full seven hundred years, still waiting.

"Lord Plastic Dragon!" Suddenly, a loud shout came, and a royal noble in a blue robe flew over from the bronze giant gate with an anxious look.

"What's wrong?" asked the dragon.

"Hurry... hurry up and save them!" the blue-robed noble said anxiously, "Just now, for some reason, all the colored stones in the entire Tailong Peak took off by themselves and flew in one direction. We hurriedly chased after them. I didn't expect to be isolated by a spiritual area."

"The pressure of the spiritual sense in that spiritual sense area is too great, we can't bear it, we can only retreat, but at this time, the special life of the entire Tailong Peak has gathered together!"

"...It's terrifying, we are not their opponents at all, I arrived too late, I took a look from a distance, the army of special life is slaughtering frantically, seeing this situation, I will come back to you immediately, you quickly go to help Help them!"

The plastic dragon was shocked, and the special life of the entire Tailong Peak gathered together?

This is exactly the same situation they encountered seven hundred years ago.

"You go to the National Palace immediately. I can no longer enter the Tailong Peak now. I can only go to Marshal Yingu and gather black hole-level characters to rescue them." Su Long said quickly, he had already broken through three hundred years ago. White hole level, Tailong Dian does not allow characters above the black hole level to enter, he can only seek help from others.

When the blue-robed nobles heard this, they hurriedly flew towards the National Palace.

"Pulong, you go first, I will go to the father immediately." Princess Bingxun said.

The plastic dragon nodded, and the two immediately turned into streamers and flew away.

The surroundings fell into silence again, and Bingqing was still standing in front of the bronze giant gate. There was a slight change in his eyes.

Her statue-like body moved, took a step, and walked towards the giant bronze gate.

Immediately afterwards, she stepped into the air, her body turned into a fiery red streamer, and flew straight into the Tailong Peak.

"Wang Xu... I'm here."


"Huh?" Just as Wang Xu was about to leave Tailong Peak, he took a few steps when he suddenly saw two black shadows in the sky in the distance.

"Special life?"

As soon as Wang Xu approached, he found that it was a special being who was chasing and killing a royal nobleman. The man put up a temporary energy shield. Resist the attacks of special beings.

But the man's face was pale, blood was overflowing from the corners of his mouth, and his body was trembling uncontrollably. Obviously, he was almost unable to support it.

"Pfft!" The special life was another heavy blow. Hit on the energy shield, the man's body trembled. The whole person almost fell to the ground. He vomited blood.

This person looked sluggish, could no longer support the energy shield, fell above the void, and was completely exposed to the special life.


He is dead, and he may not even be able to do self-destruction, because the special life has already flown. Extremely fast, intending to give him the final blow, suddenly——

"Uh..." The special being's body slammed, and it didn't move as if it were fixed. Quickly flew backwards.

The royal family was stunned, but when he saw that special life was captured by a man in a black robe, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

"Oh my God, he...he actually took special life in his hands?!"

As we all know, only the black hole level can enter the Tailong Peak. The black hole level is afraid to avoid the special life, unless it is a powerful black hole level to fight against it... However, the black-robed man in front of him, obviously It's just that the invincible black hole level makes the special life unable to move, so it is just captured in the hand.

How strong is he...?

"Pfft!" Immediately after, this person's eyes were shocked to the point of incomprehensible.

The black-robed man just pinched it, it was bland and unremarkable, and he could not feel the slightest energy overflow, and that special life was directly turned into ashes by this pinching force, and there was no trace of it!

The man in black robe is Wang Xu.

"Are you alright?" Wang Xu took a step, came to this person instantly, and asked.

"'s fine." The man looked terrified.

"It's fine, I'll go first." Wang Xu smiled lightly and took a step forward, his figure was already thousands of miles away.

This person stared blankly at the back of Wang Xu's departure, until Wang Xu's figure disappeared into the sky, he suddenly reacted: "Pre... Senior... Thank you... Thank you..."


"Help me, I can't stand it anymore!"

"God is going to kill me, I'm done, it's done!"

"Grandpa, come and save me!"


In the sky, the brilliance overflowed, the power filled the sky, the earth trembled, and the void was trembling.

Tens of thousands of special beings came together, frantically chasing and killing the royal family.

They tried their best to use up all the life-saving things on their bodies, and there was nothing left, and they were struggling to support.

If no one comes to rescue, I am afraid that it will not be long before they all have to die here.

There are too many special beings, and they are only black holes. Whether it is movement speed or defense strength, they are all useless in the face of the siege of special beings.

They took out all the treasures that could be used and those that could not be used. At this juncture of life and death, no amount of treasures was as important as life.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Under the siege of special beings, the layers of energy shields were as vulnerable as were all shattered, and the faces of the royal family and nobles surrounded by them were pale, their eyes were frightened, and their bodies were trembling. .


Suddenly, a hurricane as sharp as a knife swept across, and the special beings were caught off guard, and their bodies were thrown away.

"Princess Bingqing! Someone has come to save us!" Someone shouted in shock.

"No, the only one who saved us was Princess Bingqing!"


"Run! Princess Bingqing, run!"

The members of the royal family suddenly saw Princess Bingqing in a fiery red dress and a cold face. They thought that there was an army coming to rescue them, but who knew that Princess Bingqing was the only one, and immediately shouted loudly.

Princess Bingqing turned a deaf ear, she looked at the hundreds of special beings attacking her, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes: "Wang Xu, I'll be here soon, do you miss me?". (To be continued...)()

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