Immortal Stars

Chapter 186: Battle of Qualifications

"The battle of qualifications?" Wang Xu was puzzled.

"The battle of qualifications was jointly initiated by the three major forces, and all the great cosmic countries sent three talented people to participate in the war, in order to compete for the place of the only super cosmic country." Yin Gu said.

"Super cosmos country quota!" Wang Xu was slightly moved.

"That's right, this is the only opportunity to promote the cosmos country, and it is also Tailong's long-cherished wish for many years." The king's eyes were deep, "Tailong has participated in dozens of qualification battles... just, don't say get that. There is only one place, and even the participants are not sure whether they can come back safely."

"The battle of qualifications can be so dangerous!" Wang Xu felt a wave in his heart.

"Don't worry, the battle of qualifications is very dangerous, I won't let you take risks, after all, this is a battle between all the great universe nations, a war between geniuses, geniuses from thousands of universe nations gather here, compared to the universe alliance. The battle of geniuses held is not too much." The lord said, "You only need to go and return safely."

"The lord, only need to go through a cutscene?" Wang Xu couldn't help but wonder, the battle of qualifications is a competition between many geniuses, and there is a chance to compete with the enchanting geniuses in the universe, but the lord just let him go. It's a cutscene that doesn't seem to pay attention to it at all.

"I know what you're thinking. You worked so hard to travel across hundreds of millions of light-years, but you couldn't really show your strength, which made the word "genius" dusty... But you don't know, the battle of qualifications is too dangerous, beyond You can imagine." The king said.

"In the battle of qualifications, all the cosmic warriors sent must be geniuses born in the mixed universe, who have been born for no more than a thousand years. There are only three places in each cosmic country... It is conceivable. These geniuses represent the big universe. The country's top power, with extraordinary strength." The country lord looked at Wang Xu.

Wang Xu nodded, a large cosmic country with hundreds of millions of creatures, but can only assign three people to participate in the qualification battle, the strength of these three people can be seen how powerful.

"But with so many geniuses, in the end, only one person can reach the top, and the fighting among them. How bloody, how thick will it be." There is no return, even if it is possible to come back, it is a fluke to save a life."

Qualification battle. Dangerous and unusual, it is no exaggeration to say that it is better than the trial of Tongtian Pavilion. The battle of geniuses of the Cosmic Alliance is even more difficult!

The former, there is still life to stay, the latter, I am afraid that even the corpse will be difficult to find after death.

Therefore, whether it is Tailong or Yanyue, the two cosmic kingdoms are just betting that whoever sends out more talents will come back, not who can win the only place.

"That's why I let you go through the motions, if you go too deep. If you insist on going, you will eventually face an opponent. The strength is so powerful that you can't imagine it." The lord said.

Wang Xu's face was solemn. In this battle of qualifications, the realm was required to be in the Chaos Realm, and most of the participants must be white hole-level characters, but the real strength must have already surpassed the white hole level.

Notice. Back then, Senior Brother Lu Shen, who was invited by Wang Xu specially to set up the Nine Heavens Array for the Earth, is a white hole-level figure, but his real strength is comparable to that of the Heavenly God Realm, killing the Heavenly God Realm!

If you encounter such a monster in the qualification can imagine how dangerous it is!

In terms of the current strength of Wang Xu, he can only go through the motions.

"Wang Xu, if you agree, I can open the Treasure Pavilion of the National Palace and let you choose a treasure at will." The country lord said, "Not only that, you can also make a request and try to meet it within my ability. how?"

The reward given by the country lord is already rich enough. The treasure pavilion of Tailong Kingdom Hall is all-encompassing. Among them are the treasures of the entire universe, and the rarity can be imagined.

Of course, the most important thing is a promise made by the lord of the country. With it, Wang Xu can get almost everything.

The pros and cons of the lord have already been said, and he looked at Wang Xu with a burning gaze, just waiting for Wang Xu to make a decision.

"Wang Xu, this qualification battle does not need to be in previous years. In order to win this time, the country lord has taken out the Tailong Golden Scroll. You must think about it." Yin Gu said.

Princess Bingqing and Princess Bingxun also looked at Wang Xu with hope in their eyes.

They knew Wang Xu's strength all the more. If Wang Xu went, there was a 100% chance that one of the three would be able to come back, and the gamble with Yanyue would naturally be a lot better.

In the palace, there was silence for a while, Wang Xu lowered his head to think, and the rest looked at Wang Xu, waiting for his answer.

After a while.

"Sorry, King." Wang Xu shook his head, "I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in this qualification battle."

"Why?!" It was none other than Princess Bingqing who immediately questioned.

In her heart, Wang Xu was never a timid person, how could he not even have the courage to participate in the qualification battle.

Princess Bingqing's question is also what the country lord and others want to know.

It's just a cutscene. The level of danger is not very high. With Wang Xu's strength, there is absolutely no problem. Why did he refuse?

"Everyone, my refusal to participate in the qualification battle is not because I am cowardly, but because I have promised a senior to help him accomplish one thing." Wang Xu took a deep breath.

"Back then, I was still an insignificant person on the earth, with a humble identity and weak strength, but in an accident, I entered a space battleship, which is it." Wang Xu waved his hand, and the Bailan floated out.

"This is the Bailan, which was left by the senior. He let me know how small and humble I am in the universe, and at the same time gave me a new destiny..." Wang Xu said, "It can be said, Without him, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today, so I have to complete the one thing I promised before he left, please."

Back then, after Xianqu let Wang Xu become a black hole, he went to the Thousand Layers of Universe Kingdom to inform his father, let his father know the news of his death, and avenge him.

At that time, Wang Xu did not expect himself to reach that level at all, but after he became a black hole, he first encountered a border war, and then the earth was invaded by three tribes. In order to protect the earth, he delayed for several years, please come and record Shen Bu placed the Nine Heavens Array... At this time, Yin Gu personally came to invite Wang Xu to go to the National Palace.

All, so that Wang Xu has no time to scruple the matter of giving up first.

Now it has been delayed for seven hundred years in the Tailong Peak. I didn't expect that just after it came out, the lord wanted to let himself participate in the qualification battle.

I don't know how many years it will take.

After thinking about it, Wang Xu still decided to refuse the qualification battle and fulfill his promise to the first buck.

Wang Xu explained the cause and effect to everyone, and everyone was silent, knowing that Wang Xu was repaying his kindness, and looked at each other helplessly, only to give up.

"Wait." Suddenly, Plastic Dragon spoke.

"Brother Wang, you just said that you are going to the Thousand Layers of Cosmos Kingdom?" Plastic Dragon asked.

"That's right." Wang Xu nodded.

"Haha..." Plastic Dragon laughed, and everyone looked at him in confusion.

"Brother Wang, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape this qualification battle." Plastic Dragon said with a smile, "Because the thousand-layered universe country you went to is the place where this qualification battle was held!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. Plastic Dragon is one of the three geniuses representing Tailong. Naturally, he has the deepest understanding of the battle of qualifications. Hearing this, Wang Xu was stunned for a moment, but he soon showed a smile.

"I didn't expect it to be so coincidental. Since the two are in the same place, then I agreed to this matter." Wang Xubu also said that he went to the Thousand Layers of Cosmos Kingdom, as long as the first surrender was resolved. , and then participate in the qualification battle, everything will be a matter of course.

"Haha..." The country lord smiled, "Okay, with you participating in the war, I believe that the bet between Tailong and Yanyue will be more secure this time."

Everyone laughed, happy that in this qualification battle, their bet between Tailong and Yanyue was finally able to break through the usual and break the deadlock. Instead of losing or tying all the time, they won an upright win.

But they don't know.

All they hoped for was that Wang Xu could return safely.

And what Wang Xu hopes is to defeat all geniuses and reach the top!


The battle for qualification will be held in thirty years.

After leaving the National Palace, Wang Xu bid farewell to everyone and prepared to return to Earth.

"Heavenly Spirit!" Wang Xu shouted, and the lights in the battleship's main control room came on, illuminating the entire vast hall.

"Master!" Tianling's figure flew over, showing a sweet smile, circling around Wang Xu, giggling.

"How is it? How does this battleship feel?" Wang Xu smiled.

"It's great, the palace-class battleship is really good." Tianling smiled, but the smile slowly turned into a frustrated face, and Hyun was about to cry, "But Tianling is only a cutting-edge intelligent system, not as intelligent as a palace-class battleship. The system is great."

This palace-class battleship was exactly what Wang Xu asked for from the king. He temporarily sealed the Bailan, and at the same time asked the mechanic to specially transport the intelligent system of Bailan to this battleship.

The mechanic was puzzled. It should be noted that the palace-level warships are many levels higher than the cutting-edge warships in terms of shell, system core, power system, intelligent system, etc.

But this guest actually wants to carry the cutting-edge intelligent system to the palace-class For their battleship mechanic, it is like flowers inserted in cow dung, and the mood can be imagined.

"What's the matter, no matter how high-end the intelligent system is, it's not as cute as our Heavenly Spirit!" Wang Xu laughed.

"Thank you, master, master is the best!" Tianling burst into a smile, and happily walked around Wang Xu.

"Tianling, let's go, let's go back to Earth." Wang Xu ordered.

"Yes, Master!" Tianling just finished speaking, and suddenly his face changed, "Master, there are invaders in the battleship!"

Wang Xu was shocked that someone had boarded the battleship silently, even he didn't notice it? Bad visitor!

"Humph! He actually invaded my battleship, courting death!" Wang Xu's face sank, and a long white jade sword appeared.

At this moment, a cloak was suddenly lifted from the place where there was nothing in front of Wang Xu, revealing a lovely woman with a fiery red dress, long hair and a shawl with a delicate face.

"Idiot Wang, who do you think is courting death!" ()

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