Immortal Stars

Chapter 190: Zwei family

three days have passed

On the Muro star, a figure in a black robe passed through the clouds and stepped in the air.

"After so many years, this place is still the same as before, not much has changed."

It was Wang Xu who came, and it took Earth only three days to arrive at Muro. He didn’t make too much publicity, so he put away the Earth outside of Muro and entered Muro on foot.

After flying in the sky for a moment, Wang Xu's eyes fell on a hundred-story mechanical building in the distance.

"The Wang Group... this is it."


"Master Dick has said that he has important things to do, so I'm afraid he won't be able to find time to see you." In the waiting room of the Zwei family building, a glamorous warrior with red skin said.

After finishing speaking, the glamorous warrior turned his head and left, ignoring Tang Tian and the others, whose faces were ashen.

Tang Tian is already the business field of the Chapter 191 regiment, which has extended into the field of their Zwei family and has an impact on them.

Immediately, Zwidik regarded the Wang Group as the 191st chapter group.

But relying on his family alone can only compete with the Wang Group at most, and suppressing it in some areas makes it impossible to really overthrow the Wang Group.

So, Zwidik began to lobby the other three major families. At first, the three major families ignored him at all, and even watched a good show on the side. They used to be hostile and fought with each other for thousands of years, and the Wang clan had little influence on them, only the Zwei clan was the most affected.

However, after the Wang Group made a series of thunderous counterattacks, the Zwei family was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back, and the three major families finally realized. The Wang Group is not good.

Immediately, the four major families began to discuss. After long discussions and disputes, they finally reached a unified goal and jointly targeted the Wang Group.

The contract is just the 191st chapter group expelling Miao Luo Xing, so that it can no longer stand on Miao Luo Xing, or even Long Xinghe.

Brilliant. In the luxurious palace-like office, Zwidik was lying comfortably on the soft sofa with a Nitu cigarette in his mouth. The three cosmic warriors with the same temperament in front of them are discussing important matters.

At this time. The glamorous warrior knocked on the door and walked in, leaned slightly and put his ear to his ear, and said a few words to Zwidik. A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Zwidik's mouth: "Let him wait."

"Yes, Patriarch." The glamorous warrior respectfully left the office.

"Dick. They are again?" A cosmic warrior with a round head and tentacles on his chin said. He is one of the four major families of Murostar, the head of the Cocobu family, Cocobulon.

"They also know their situation now. Being isolated by our four major families, the only way is to die." One has a bloated head. The smooth and shiny cosmic warrior laughed and said, he is also one of the four major families of Murostar, but compared with the Zwei family and the Cocobu family, he is the weakest.

"What kind of thing is the Wang Group, and it is also qualified to compete with us? The weak human race has only one black hole level, and they really regard themselves as a big family." A burly man with thorns all over his body The cosmos warrior hummed.

These four people are the highest level of Murostar, the four strongest masters in the entire Lianlong Xinghe.

"Hmph, even a weak group wants to fight with me, it's ridiculous!" Zwidik smiled sinisterly, took a deep breath of Nitu cigarette, and slowly exhaled a blood-colored smoke from his mouth.


"I'm sorry, the chairman has something to do and is not in the group." The beauty at the front desk showed an apologetic smile and said to Wang Xu.

"Not here?"

"Okay, then, I'll go to the Zwei family first to see what their family is." Wang Xu came to Tang Tian and wanted to ask about the Zwei family, but Tang Tian wasn't there. Wang Xu had to go to the Zwei family alone to solve the problem.

Flying up and passing by many cosmos warriors, Wang Xu restrained his breath and used endless life to compress the black hole-level aura to the void level. It can be easily seen through, but there are no white hole-level characters on Muro.

Without asking for directions or positioning with technology, Wang Xu only flew for a moment and saw a mechanical floor higher than Wang's group.

It's not surprising that gold is valuable on Earth because of its scarcity, but in the universe, gold is only the cheapest low-grade ore that can be seen everywhere.

"Sorry, please show your pass." As soon as he landed at the door, Wang Xu was about to go in, when suddenly a Void-level guard came over, stretched out his hand to stop Wang Xu, and said indifferently.

"I'm here to find the head of your Zwei family, go in and report." Wang Xu said expressionlessly.

"Hey!" The guard grinned and couldn't help showing a mocking smile, "Is our Patriarch you can see if you want? Get out of here without a pass!"

"Stupid humans!" said the guard disdainfully.

Wang Xu's face turned cold, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Uh..." The guard's face changed greatly, and he slowly bent down in pain, " void..."

The guard could feel that his void actually began to collapse and slowly disappear.

"I originally wanted to kill you, but you are not guilty of death, so just abolish the void and reflect on your own faults!" Wang Xu said coldly.

If in the universe, a Void Grade dared to provoke a Black Hole Grade like this, even ten times of death would not be enough.

"This is No. 30, the enemy is invading, and the enemy is invading from the main gate!" The guard's eyes filled with hatred, and he took out the communication equipment directly. Start contacting other guards and list Wang Xu as an enemy. As long as other guards arrive, they can shoot and kill Wang Xu on the spot.

He was overwhelmed by hatred, and he didn't realize that a void-level warrior who could destroy his void without even taking out his hand was far more powerful than he could imagine!

As soon as the guard's voice fell, dozens of Void Grades sprang out from the gate. Void-level warriors appeared on every floor of the high-rise building, holding weapons and targeting Wang Xu.

"Oh, father-in-law, they were originally here." Wang Xu ignored these Void-level guards at all, and as soon as he took a step, he came to the frowning Tang Tian and the others in an instant.

"Dad." A familiar voice came, Tang Tian looked up and saw the resolute face with a smile, and his expression suddenly froze.

"Wang Xu!" Soon. Tang Tian finally reacted, stood up and gave Wang Xu a ruthless hug, with a sincere look of joy on his face.

"Master!" Qiu Tuyi also bowed and saluted.

"Qiu Tuyi. In the future, you can call me Big Brother Wang. You are no longer my slave, so you don't need to call me master." Wang Xu smiled.

"Dad, why are you here? I heard Yan'er say that the Ziwei family is targeting and suppressing our Wang clan. I came here to take a look. Are you looking for the Ziwei family?" Wang Xu asked.

Tang Tian sighed: "Yan'er doesn't know about this yet. The Ziwei family has joined forces with the other three families to put pressure on our Wang Group. All business of the Wang Group has been disrupted. When I come back this time, I want to have a good talk with the Zwei family and take a step back. See if we can keep the Wang Group's position."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about this matter. Leave it to me." Wang Xu smiled and patted Tang Tian's shoulder.

"hands up!"

"catch him!"

"Surrender obediently!"

At the same time, the guards have quickly come to the waiting room, armed with hot weapons, and the dark muzzles of the muzzles are aimed at Wang Xu.

"What are you doing!" Tang Tian said angrily when he saw this.

"Put down your weapons!" Qiu Tu stepped forward and swept all the guards out.

There was chaos in the waiting room.

"Humans, this is the jurisdiction of the Zwei family, you better get to know each other, otherwise... hum!" A figure in a gray combat uniform flew over with a cold hum, standing in front of Wang Xu and the others, with a black hole level on his body. The breath suddenly dispersed.

"Captain, it's the man in black robe, who shattered my void!" The guard staggered over, gritted his teeth, pointed at Wang Xu, his eyes full of viciousness.

The captain's eyes swept away coldly, looking at Wang Xu, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth: "Void level? Ridiculous."

"Who is making trouble!" Another figure descended from the sky, with a strange appearance, with purple skin wrapped in a bloated imperial armor.

"Second master!"

The guards, the captain, and the members of the Zwei family who were present all saluted respectfully.

The second family leader, in the Zwei family, except for the master Zweidik who can order him, the rest have to obey his orders, and they are the second-in-command of the entire Zwei family.

"What happened?" The two masters asked coldly.

The guard who was injured by Wang Xu stepped forward and reiterated the matter. Wang Xu was described by him as an unforgivable wicked person. A disagreement would destroy his void, and the brows of the two clan masters slowly knit together.

Tang Tian wanted to refute but Wang Xu stopped him, smiling and watching the guard reverse the truth.

"...Second Patriarch, that's the way it is. This abominable human being is clearly in the same group as the Wang clan, and they want to be detrimental to our Zwei family!" The guard said viciously.

The two patriarchs didn't say a word, their eyes turned to Wang Xu, and the high black hole-level aura suddenly dispersed, causing Qiu Tuyi to take two steps back.

"What he said, but the truth?" The two patriarchs looked bad.

Wang Xu smiled lightly, lay down on the sofa, and said, "Let you all come out, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Killing intent disappeared in the eyes of the second patriarch. On the site of the Zwei family, he was so arrogant, he was courting death, but he had no impulse. With anger in his heart, he opened his mouth and said, "Everyone is very busy and has no time to pay attention to these trivial matters. If you have anything, just tell me directly."

"Oh? You can call the shots?" Wang Xu said with a smile, "That's good, you tell all the families of Miao Luoxing for me, the Wang Group will develop freely in Miao Luoxing, and no one can hinder it, otherwise...die! )

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