Immortal Stars

Chapter 200: The battle of qualifications is on!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Figures swept across the sky and quickly converged towards the center of the thousand-level main city.

At this moment, geniuses from various countries flocked, and in the central main city square, there were more and more cosmos warriors.

"let's go."

After Sulong, Badonghe, Wang Xu, and Princess Bingqing gathered, they all rushed to the central square with the geniuses of all countries.

Princess Bingqing did not participate in the qualification battle, but she insisted on watching Wang Xu and others go in, and then welcoming Wang Xu and them out.


"A giant door."

From a distance, Wang Xu could see that in the central main city square, there stood a steel cast, bound by huge chains, a majestic steel gate.

The cold light circulated and plunged straight into the sky. This giant gate was 10,000 meters high and extremely conspicuous. But before today, Wang Xu hadn't found any trace of the giant gate in the central main city square. Obviously, it had just been transported here.

The geniuses of the surrounding countries are all looking at this giant steel door, showing curious expressions.

They were born only a thousand years ago, they are talented and powerful, but they still have a yearning for the rumored battle of qualifications.

The four Wang Xu landed in the main city square, drowning in a sea of ​​tens of thousands of people.

There are still figures falling on the main city square, and in just a moment, the number has reached hundreds of thousands.

Suddenly, all eyes converged on the sky and looked at the three figures in the void.

He was dressed in silver and white, dressed in red, and had a five-foot green sword.

The three of them stepped into the air, and the pace was slow and heavy, but the time and space around them began to stagnate, as if they had pressed slow down. The three of them seemed ordinary, but they became the most dazzling existence in the world.

"Meet the three seniors!"

The geniuses of all countries bowed and saluted, and they could feel the powerful aura emanating from the three of them, even more so than the celestial deity.

at the same time. Another towering figure in the distance broke through the sky, with black gold boots stepping on the ground, the emperor's crown above the sky, and a huge and magnificent body, striding forward.

"The Lord of the Thousand Layers." The people who saluted were the subjects of the main city of the Thousand Layers. This majestic figure was clearly the Lord of the Thousand Layers of the Universe Kingdom. Thousands of missing days.

Behind Qianzhong Quechen, two insignificant figures followed closely. One of them was a law enforcer whom many geniuses had seen, the God of Hell.

The other, don't guess, has never appeared. The second Heavenly God Realm of the Thousand Layers of Universe Kingdom, Zhao Luo Heavenly God.

"That's Zhaoluo Tianshen!" Wang Xu stared at the figure in white robe behind the King of the Thousand Layers. This person was shrouded in mist and couldn't see his face clearly. Wang Xu couldn't identify whether this person was or not. The forefather.

"Everyone." King Qianzhong said, and the booming voice echoed in everyone's mind.

Everyone looked up.

"This qualification battle will be held in my 'Thousand-level Divine Kingdom'. After entering the Divine Kingdom, everyone will get a map fragment."

"There are similarities and differences in the fragments. For every 9,999 fragments, a complete map can be pieced together."

"Only those who have a complete map are eligible to enter the real 'Battle of Qualifications'."

"Now, the Thousand Layers of Divine Kingdom, open!"

As the voice of the thousand-fold king fell suddenly, three figures came from the sky. Step on that giant steel door.

The sky and the earth are changing, the stars are dark, and the faces of geniuses from all countries are shocked. They clearly feel that the laws of the universe in this area have changed.

White light, red light, cyan light.

Three pillars of light that penetrated the sky suddenly appeared. The three of them shouted at the same time.


Deafening, Wang Xu only felt a flower in front of his eyes, the law of the universe vibrated, followed by the sound of metal collision of "crashing".

The thick chains that bound the giant steel gate were powerless to move. It began to shrink and disappeared, and what followed was a bang, and the giant steel door opened wide!

Dark, lonely, cold.

In the steel giant gate, there is a deep dark vortex, which seems to be able to attract everything in, which is more terrifying than a black hole.

"Go!" Someone shouted, and then a large group of cosmos warriors took the lead and rushed into the vortex.

Immediately, the figure in the sky quickly swept away and submerged into the dark vortex.

"Let's go." Tuo Gudu, a thin man with golden skin, said with a smile, leading two of his servants into the giant steel gate.



The geniuses of the ten great countries, with their courtiers and vassal warriors, all entered the dark vortex.

"Humph! When you come in, it will be your death!" Tun He stared at Wang Xu and the four with vicious eyes, waved his hand, and entered with a large group of people.

"Let's go too." Wang Xu said, and immediately took a step forward. Plastic Dragon and Badong River nodded and followed.

"Wang Xu, you all have to come back quickly!" Princess Bingqing shouted worriedly.

In just a moment, tens of millions of cosmos warriors on the square all entered the giant steel gate.


The steel giant door slammed shut.

"Qingfu, the invincible black hole-level boy who just entered is the 'unworthy disciple' you have been talking about all the time." The beautiful woman in red said, with eyes like stars, shining with light.

Qingfu's face was calm. He had already seen Wang Xu's figure. From Wang Xu's body, Qingfu felt an aura that was as strong as that of the Chaos Realm. The beautiful woman spoke. He didn't say a word and looked at the giant steel gate silently.

"Don't mention the sadness of the old man, he has already abandoned this disciple," said the silver-white man.

Qingfu's lips opened and closed slightly, wanting to retort and say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he chose to remain silent.

"This is not you, Qingfu." The woman in red said, "You have never talked about a disciple like this, and you have never been so disappointed in a disciple."

The blue burial is still relatively silent.

"Old man Qing can't see through his mind, wait ten minutes to open the door again," said a silver-white man.


Stepping into the steel giant gate, the dizziness of the distortion of time and space suddenly came.

Comes fast and disappears fast.

"This is... the Kingdom of the Thousand Layers of God." Wang Xu opened his eyes, and in front of him was a dense forest with "silver wood" that was harder than steel, and the storms whizzing by were enough to destroy the stars. The cracking storm, the silver wood crumbled under the ravages of the tearing storm.

Wang Xu tightened his hand and felt the presence of a hard object.

"Map fragment." Spreading his palm, a golden scrap of paper lay quietly on Wang Xu's palm. No half wrinkle marks.

On the golden scraps of paper, there are small black lines that outline the outline of the landscape, and it can be seen from its irregular edges that this is just a part of a certain map.

"Huh? My body... there is the law of the universe lingering." Suddenly, Wang Xu felt that the law of the universe was circulating in his body, without the slightest effect, nor did it affect Wang Xu in the slightest.

This is the mark.

Wang Xu understands. This seemingly useless cosmic law is the mark that proves that cosmic warriors can participate in the battle of qualifications.

Only those who enter the world of war will have this mark.

Only by virtue of this mark will Wang Xu's bet with Yanyuezhe take effect after he returns to Tailong Universe Kingdom.

"Plastic Dragon, Badong River and the others were teleported away."

Wang Xu frowned. Unexpectedly, after entering the war world, the crowd will be scattered and all sent to different places.

But that's fair.

Let the cosmic warriors who are in a group disperse, if you are lucky, you can survive for at least ten minutes, and then leave the war world.


At this time, it was a million miles away. When the violent explosion came, Wang Xu froze in his heart.

War is on!

"Find the plastic dragons first!" Wang Xu turned into a streamer and flew out.


A barren place, with rocky rocks and no grass.


With a loud bang, a pit with a diameter of one kilometer was blasted out of the ground, causing the earth to tremble faintly.

"Badong River, deal with those two invincible white holes first!" Sulong said anxiously.

The plastic dragon is holding a white sword, and the shadow of the sword is overwhelming. Covering the whole world, where the sword pointed, three figures in blue battleships stood.

"Haha... One of the initial white hole level and the other of the advanced white hole level, God is really helping me, and as soon as I come in, they will give me a big gift!" The leading triangular warrior laughed in the sky.

The three of them came from the triangular universe, in order to survive the qualification battle. It is attached to the Thunder Splitting Universe Country, one of the top ten countries.

But as soon as they came in, they were all separated. For this reason, the three of them were worried that their lives would not be saved.

Unexpectedly, it was only for a moment. They ran into another team, and they were too weak to take it out with no effort at all.

"Damn, how can you meet three people, and they are from the same universe!" Badonghe gritted his teeth.

The plastic dragon's face was bitter: "When they came in, they were a group of people. Although they were scattered and teleported, the three of them were lucky to be teleported together."

"We were three people when we came in, and naturally we will be scattered out for one or two people..." Su Long looked guilty, "It's my fault that I forgot this, I knew that I should come in with those people, so that we won't be separated. ."

This triangular warrior is the strongest white hole class, but his real strength has surpassed the invincible white hole class.

His two followers are invincible white hole class.

Such Where are Sulong and Badonghe opponents, they can only struggle hard under the attack of the three of them.

"Hurry up and send a signal to Brother Wang. If we go on like this, we won't be able to support it for even two minutes!" Su Long said anxiously.

Badonghe took out a bright magic stone and ignited it with a flame. Suddenly, a dazzling light lit up and began to flicker.

"Want to send a signal? Humph! Since you met me, just die!" The triangular warrior's expression turned cold, his murderous intent skyrocketed, and he held a white triangular stab at the two of them.


Suddenly, a vicious voice came, "The two of them are mine!"

A cosmic warrior with a hideous face and a vomit-like appearance came from the sky, with dead fish-like eyes staring at the two of the Dragon Sculpture Eight East River, with a bloodthirsty pleasure.

"Oops, swallow the river!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommended vote and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read it.)

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