Immortal Stars

Chapter 214: Oolong

"Icons, unlike ordinary avatars, have their own souls, their own spirituality, and more autonomous wisdom, completely differentiated from the existence of the Lord." The undead saint said proudly, "I am the icon of the Lord, Able to practice, also able to practice the secret method, just like the creatures in the universe."

Wang Xu was startled, this "icon" is so miraculous, the created avatar has independent wisdom and consciousness, and can cultivate and comprehend. What is the difference between this and the creation of life?

"However... When the Lord created my icon, I was inexperienced, so that although I had the same long lifespan as the Lord, I didn't have the same strength as the Lord." The Immortal Lord looked frustrated.

It turned out to be so, no wonder Wang Xu could not feel the unique aura of the Holy Venerable from him, but was closer to the realm of the gods.

Moreover, his temperament is the same as that of a child, and he has no power at all. It turns out that all this stems from the fact that he is just an icon.

"I have the same memory with the Lord. When he dominated the universe, although I was waiting here alone, I could feel the same glory as him, being admired by hundreds of millions of beings, and being treated by superpowers..." The undead saint's tone was vicissitudes and full of sadness, "Although I am just a failed icon, I also have my own consciousness, my own wisdom, my own memory, and I will also Cast!"

The undead saint said, with a clear whistle, and suddenly from every corner of this barren world, a series of old men wearing black and white battle armor, black hair dancing in the wind, holding black and white spears, stood proudly in the sky.

Wang Xu was surrounded by a crowd of black people. Wang Xu roughly counted at least tens of thousands of clones.

Although the number of clones is large, the actual combat power is less than 1/10,000 of the undead saint.

"Wang Xu, you can come here. You and I are destined. Since the master left the inheritance, it must be passed on to future generations. Whether you can get the inheritance of the master depends on whether you can withstand the test. ." The undead saint said, Wu Yangyang's army of "undead saints" rushed up, armed with black and white silver guns, and went straight to Wang Xu.

"This..." Wang Xu was horrified.

Although the icon of the undead saint now only has the strength of the gods, the strength of these clones is less than one ten thousandth of his, but one ten thousandth of the gods. For Wang Xu, it is still extremely powerful!

And these clones are all swarming up, which means that there are tens of thousands of powerhouses in the mixed universe attacking Wang Xu, and Wang Xu can't take any casual blow!

"This is your inheritance test, kill all my clones. You can get the inheritance of the "No Book Icon" left by the Lord, if you can't support it. Tear up your map. Get out of here." The voice of the undead saint came.

Wang Xu's heart was boiling with fighting spirit, and he gritted his teeth to face the dense army of undead saints.

"I have to get "No Book Icon", you can't stop me!"

With a roar, Wang Xu spit out the dull light of the long white jade sword in Wang Xu's hand. Go straight to the front of an undead saint clone.

"Pfft!" This undead saint's avatar's avatar has reached the Taixu Chaos Realm. Wang Xu's knife only left a wound that was neither deep nor shallow. The avatar's energy squirmed, and it healed completely in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it!" Mingming Daomang's damage to the Taixu Chaos Realm is really limited. If you can't cut it in the middle in one breath, you can't kill any clone at all.




The avatar of the Immortal Saint's avatar was staring, and the black and white battle armor was flickering, and the black and white spear in his hand stabbed out, hitting Wang Xu's vital point.

Wang Xu stepped on the endless sword, and his body swept and dodged, but there were too many clones. Even if he was able to dodge some of the attacks, some of them still fell on him.

Wang Xu's face turned pale, and he groaned. Tens of thousands of wounds crisscrossed his body, and blood was dripping.

"How come their attacks are not as good as ape's special life?" Wang Xu noticed that although these clones have the strength of the Taixu Chaos, their attack is very weak, and even ape's special life can't compare, if not The number is extremely large, and Wang Xu will not be traumatized at all.

Wang Xu no longer wields the sword light, and fights closely with many beings in the mixed universe. The long white jade sword in his hand flickers, like a beacon of a battle, slashing towards a clone.

"Pfft!" Wang Xu's knife gathered the power of hundreds of Dao Ming's annihilation knife lights, and at once split a ferocious wound with deep visible bones from the body of a Taixu Chaos Realm.


Suddenly, the Taixu Hun Zhoujing, who was struck by Wang Xu, froze, and then shattered, floating away as if it had been burned to ashes.

"This is..." Wang Xu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but calm down in his heart, and his face showed joy, "Yes, although they are all too illusory, but they are all just clones, once the damage exceeds the critical point, It will fall apart immediately, and it doesn't need to be as thorough as killing a living being!"

The clones seem to be huge in number, but their real combat power has little effect.

The more clones, the weaker the strength, and it is impossible to have a real body like the main body. Once it is attacked strongly, it will collapse directly.

"Kill!" Upon discovering this, Wang Xu was overjoyed, and immediately swung the long white jade sword again, slamming out towards the other clone.





Under Wang Xu's knife, the clones were severely injured by him and turned into ashes.

Taking advantage of this, Wang Xu slashed and slashed wildly, but he was in a bad situation. Facing tens of thousands of clones attacking at the same time, Wang Xu fought tenaciously with his endless life.

"Fortunately, none of these clones have soldiers, otherwise I would have died long ago and there would be no scum left." Wang Xu secretly said in his heart.

Although Wang Xu only endured part of the attacks of the tens of thousands of Taixu Chaos, he almost vomited blood every time. You must know that the soldiers used by these clones are the most basic energy soldiers with low power. It has almost no effect. If it is replaced with a real soldier, even a void soldier, Wang Xu will be smashed into slag.

Without soldiers and armor, these clones only rely on the brute force of the flesh to fight, but that's what makes Wang Xu support it. Otherwise, Wang Xu would have to shred the map on the spot.

The undead saint lay leisurely on the side, watching Wang Xu fighting with tens of thousands of clones, he couldn't help but nodded.

"This guy is very good, the initial white hole level... Hey, by the way, what is the test of the white hole level that the Lord left me?" White as new paper.

On the white paper, several rows of small characters were written. The undead saint stared at it for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"This Oolong. It seems to be a little noisy."

On the white paper, it was written on the test of the white hole level: Fight with ten transcending invincible white hole level clones, and if you succeed, you can get the first piece of "No Book Icon".

Fight with hundreds of beyond invincible white hole-level clones, and if you succeed, you can get the second chapter of "No Book Icon".

Fight with a thousand transcending invincible white hole-level clones, and if you succeed, you can get the third chapter of "Noben Icon".


Fight with hundreds of initial mixed universe clones. If you succeed, you can get the ninth chapter of "No Book Icon".

But now, Wang Xu is facing tens of thousands of Taixu Chaos Realm!

"This matter... I can only do this." The undead saint gave Wang Xu a deep look. Then he shoved the white paper into his arms fiercely. He turned around and stopped looking at Wang Xu.

If Wang Xu learned of all this at this time, I am afraid that he would run away immediately.


"Pfft!" Wang Xu spit out a mouthful of blood, blood dripping all over his body, but his eyes were bright and firm, and the white jade knife in his hand turned. Pierced the chest of a clone, stirred it fiercely, and the clone completely collapsed and dissipated.

Endless knife, endless fire. Endless sword, endless life.

With the four endless coming out, Wang Xu was able to survive such a turbulent and terrifying offensive. In exchange for other cosmic warriors, even those who were in the cosmos realm, had already died in despair.

"Kill!" Endless life repaired Wang Xu's body, Wang Xu gritted his teeth, and with blood, he swung out a long white jade sword in anger.


A sea of ​​flames spewed out, blocking the clones behind for a moment. Taking advantage of this time, Wang Xu once again swung three knives to deal with the three clones.

As time passed, the number of clones gradually decreased, and Wang Xu's pressure gradually decreased.

Nine thousand clones... eight thousand clones... seven thousand clones... six thousand clones...

The mysterious flame is spinning wildly, absorbing and tearing the cosmic energy. The green light in Wang Xu's body has been lingering, constantly repairing Wang Xu's body.


In this way, after an unknown period of time, the number of clones decreased little by little, and Wang Xu's face gradually became pale.

Although the number of clones has decreased, Wang Xu's pressure has gradually decreased, but the dark diseases on his body have increased.

Unlike the white hole level, the attack of the mixed universe has a trace of cosmic law flowing in it.

A trace of Cosmic Law may not be able to cause harm to Wang Xu, but the more Cosmic Law accumulated on Wang Xu's body, the more damage it will cause to him. Once it reaches a certain value, even endless life cannot repair it.

On Wang Xu's back, on his arms, and on his thighs, there were three places where a lot of the laws of the universe had accumulated, and they burst out in an instant. Getting paler.

"Okay!" Suddenly, at this moment, the undead saint spoke.

The remaining three thousand points were set to retreat, Wang Xu staggered and almost fell into the void.

In Wang Xu's current state, even if he can sustain it, as the wounds on his body become more and more, the battles in the future will become more and more difficult. Even Wang Xu doesn't know if he can make it to the end.

"Your state has reached a critical point." The undead saint said, without the joke at the beginning, his face was solemn.

Seeing this, Wang Xu thought that the test had failed, so his expression changed, and he said, "Senior, I can still hold on, let's continue the test, as long as we defeat... uh!"

As Wang Xu said, another law wound burst out in his body, and the flesh burst open. Wang Xu spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and his body swayed, and he was about to fall down.

This time, even Endless Life is powerless, the law wound is very strange, Endless Life can be repaired, but it will take longer than ordinary wounds, and it will be difficult for Wang Xu to recover after a while.

Wang Xu's eyes flickered, and he quickly refocused. He looked at the undead saint, with blood in his mouth, and said weakly, "I can continue to fight, it doesn't matter."

"No need, the test is over." The undead saint said solemnly.

Wang Xu's eyes coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. Has the chance to inherit the ancients that he finally got lost just like that?

"Your strength is not bad, and you have already met the requirements of the Lord. Take this "No Original Icon". Take it." When the solemn voice of the Undying Lord came, Wang Xu's expression was startled, and then he showed ecstasy.


Test passed!

Wang Xu took a piece of white paper and looked at it carefully, but after looking at it for a moment, his face was ashen, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Only then did the undead saint realize that he had given something wrong, his face flushed, and he coughed a few times pretending to be calm, and said, "Wrong, this is it." Immediately, he took it into his arms again, and a piece of blue crystal jade floated. fly out.

Wang Xu understood the moment he saw the white paper. No wonder he had to say that he had passed the test. It turns out that the test of the white hole level is not about fighting with tens of thousands of clones. He will be able to get all the nine secret books of "No Book Icon".

He was made a big oolong by the icon in front of him! (To be continued...)()

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