Immortal Stars

Chapter 221: 10 years


The flaming flames filled the air, covering thousands of miles around.

The temperature of this flame is not high, but it has a strange ability to burn everything in the world to ashes. Wang Xu stretched out his arms, and the endless fire of thousands of miles continued to spread out. oozes slowly.

"Three thousand miles!" When the endless fire spread to three thousand miles, Wang Xu's face was as pale as snow, he immediately restrained the endless fire, and let out a long sigh.

The more the endless fire expands, the more difficult it will be. Wang Xu, the first layer of the "Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Miles of Fire", is still difficult to reach.

Wang Xu's figure sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested his mind, the thousands of miles of flames in the sky were suspended above Wang Xu's head, burning roaringly.

Endless Fire has a wide range of lethal power. Although it has little effect on people in the Chaos Realm, it is enough to make them feel terrified and desperate when dealing with the cosmic warriors under the Chaos Realm.

The bigger the endless fire, the stronger the damage. As long as the first layer of the "sea of ​​fire" can be completely completed, even the mixed universe will be injured.

Not only that, no matter what kind of attack is covered by the sea of ​​fire, as long as it penetrates the endless sea of ​​fire, it will inevitably be affected. It can effectively form a defensive circle for Wang Xu. It is a powerful means that can be attacked and defended. Wang Xu naturally wants it. Make it stronger.

One hundred and fifty years have passed in the sand tower.

A soft light floated in the void, like rootless duckweed, drifting everywhere.

This silk-like light seems to jump in space, swaying and fluttering, and wherever it passes, the air seems to be cut with a transparent opening, which is extremely sharp.

However, this silk-like light did not last for a moment, and then it quietly shattered and disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

"Failed." Wang Xu shook his head with a pale face.

Wang Xu spent thirty-six years. Kankan realized the mystery of the "silk thread" on the second layer of the Endless Knife, and it took another sixty-four years to shrink the bright and extinguishing sword light a little bit, and gradually turned into a thread-like appearance.

Although the sword light turned into a thread, it did not really show the strength of the thread.

"How on earth can I step into the real second floor?" Wang Xu fell into contemplation. Instead of continuing to practice, he stopped to think, perceive, and deduce from various ways and angles.

Just practice. Progress is extremely limited, and you can only stop sometimes, get rid of distracting thoughts, and think about perceptions... When you have enough perceptions, you will be able to practice with ease.

Thousands of miles of flames were suspended above Wang Xu's head. Burning raging, Wang Xu sat cross-legged in the void. Eyes engrossed.

...time goes by day by day. Nearly two hundred years have passed in the sand tower.

"Have it!" Wang Xu suddenly stood up, and there was a glint in his eyes.

He waved the long white jade sword, and the silk-like sword light suddenly flew out, as fast as it was slow, and jumped to the horizon in the blink of an eye.

This thread. It is more stable than what Wang Xu did last time.

The last silk thread, like being hit by a hurricane, was always in an unstable state.

And this time, the silk thread that Wang Xu swayed was more soft and light. As if the real silk thread is dancing in the air, the charm is even more.

But the silk thread didn't last long, and in just a few breaths, it collapsed and dissipated again.

"It lasted longer than the last time, and it is more stable... Yes, this time it should be right, the direction has been found!" Wang Xu looked excited, the direction of cultivation is extremely important, as long as you find the right direction, the rest will be will no longer be a problem.

"Continue!" Wang Xu waved strands of silk threads one after another, and in a trance, as if the whole sky was sprinkled with rain of silk threads, dazzlingly, galloping through the void, which was spectacular.

Two hundred and eighty years later.

A ray of light is like a silk thread, floating softly in the void, but wherever it passes, the air splits, the void twists, and a deep and dark void gap quietly emerges.

The light of this thread is as steady as Mount Tai, like a gentle wind blowing, the thread is flying against the wind, and everything is integrated into nature.

Most importantly, this strand of thread can not only cut through the air, but also act on the space.

"Success!" Wang Xu held a long white jade knife, and when he saw this scene, he wiped the hot sweat on his forehead and showed a satisfied smile.

The endless knife, the second layer of "silk thread", is finally done.

Different from "bright and extinction", the trace of the silk thread and sword light is more ethereal, as thin as a hair, fluttering lightly, seemingly extremely slow, but it can pass through the void in an instant, cutting everything it passes in half.

The silk thread does not have the domineering and shattering momentum of the sword light, and it tends to be obscure and does not reveal any traces. The intention is that the enemy will not even have time to react at the moment when it suddenly flutters out, and it will be cut in half in an instant. .

"The power of silk thread is not only the instantaneous cutting power, but also the winding ability like the gangrene attached to the bone."

The cosmic warriors in the mixed universe have an unprecedentedly powerful body regeneration ability, just like the few people Wang Xu met before, if they are not completely wiped out, they can still recover and reshape their bodies.

The silk thread cuts the enemy and cuts him in the middle. This harm is minimal to the universe warrior of the mixed universe, but the silk thread can wrap around the universe warrior of the universe, causing him to continue to suffer damage. The awn is even worse, and it is enough to make the mixed universe realm cosmic warriors feel fear.


In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have come.


The billowing sea of ​​fire in the sky, with the sound of a soft drink, suddenly spread, from the original nine thousand miles to ten thousand miles!

Thousands of miles of fire, done!

"Wait, it's not over yet." Wang Xu felt that the cosmic energy in his body seemed to be pouring out, and the energy of the universe was being consumed. He gritted his teeth and insisted, with a very firm look in his eyes.

Five hundred years, these five hundred years have made Wang Xu's realm improve by leaps and bounds. From the initial white hole level at the beginning, he has jumped one after another to reach the strongest white hole level, which is only a short distance from the invincible white hole level. One step left.

Wang Xu, who has a mysterious flame, can improve his realm strength extremely quickly, and with the help of the sand tower's time flow rate, his realm is constantly rising uncontrollably.

With the strongest white hole-level cosmic energy as the foundation, Wang Xucai can finally let go of his hands and feet and continue to expand the endless fire. After so many years, the endless fire has finally entered the first layer, a sea of ​​thousands of miles of fire.

When the sea of ​​flames was ten thousand miles away, Wang Xu could clearly feel that the fiery intensity of the flames had risen sharply, and its power had risen by several levels before reaching the first level.

"This time, even the cosmic warriors in the mixed universe can't easily wipe out the endless fire." Wang Xu smiled.

Not only Endless Fire, but also Endless Sword and Endless Sword have made great progress.

The second layer of Endless Sword, the "Qingfeng Sword", has been completely substantial. Although the speed has not changed much, Wang Xu was also greatly shocked by the speed of the explosion. It should be noted that the speed needs time to slowly accelerate before it can finally reach the limit. .

Wang Xu stepped on the Qingfeng sword. Originally, it took five or six breaths to reach the speed of 80,000 miles. But now, he only needs one breath to reach the speed of 80,000 miles immediately. Jump to 108,000 miles away!

The second layer of "silk thread" of the Endless Knife has gradually become skilled from the original rudimentary shape. Now Wang Xu swings the knife, the silk thread looks soft, but its real quality is comparable to a star!

"Huh!" Wang Xu exhaled a long breath, his eyes were deep and sharp, "After staying in the sand tower for five hundred years, it is equivalent to ten years in the outside world, and it is time to leave."

Wang Xu read for a while, the khaki copper tower appeared in his hand, and the misty golden light shone down, his mind moved, and the surrounding scene changed suddenly.

The illusion collapsed, and Wang Xu's figure reappeared in the Sands Land.

"Have you cultivated?" The white-bearded old man was still in the same place and had never left. After seeing Wang Xu's figure emerge, Fuxu said with a smile.

"Teacher, you're done practicing." Wang Xu smiled slightly, the momentum exuding from his body was quite different from before.

Wang Xu respectfully saluted: "Teacher, great kindness and great virtue, this disciple is unforgettable. Now the disciple has more important things to leave. Teacher, farewell!"

"Go, go." Jinsha Holy Venerable still had a smile on his face, as if it had never changed.

Afterwards, Wang Xu saluted heavily and turned to leave.


Outside the Sands.

"Ten years, what kind of inheritance did he accept in it? It took a whole ten years!" The red-horned cosmic warrior stared at the gate of time and space, gnashing his teeth.

"Damn, no matter what, I've been waiting for ten years, and I will continue to wait no matter what, even if the qualification battle is over!" Tuo Ke Guozi's face was gloomy, and the color of resentment was more than that of the red-horned universe warrior. weak.

"I've wasted ten years for him, and I'll pay tribute with his blood!" Spider-Man licked his lips, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

For ten years, it is not worth mentioning at all for these cosmos warriors.

But in this thousand-layered kingdom of gods ten years is too important.

From the moment the first complete map was born, there was only one hundred years left for them to survive and fight in the kingdom of thousands of gods. During this one hundred years, if they did not try their best to improve their strength, Once you embark on the real qualification battle, you will become the souls of other cosmic warriors.

They spent ten years here just for a king's beard, which shows their firm determination.

Now they are not only for Wang Xu, but also for the resentment of being robbed of inheritance. This tone must be released, and they must be recovered from that guy!

As soon as the voices of several people fell, the gate of time and space moved.

All eyes trembled involuntarily, and then suddenly converged on the gate of time and space.

A black-robed figure slowly walked out of the gate of time and space.


Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound of killing, and all the cosmic warriors who had been waiting for a long time swarmed up! (To be continued...)()

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