Immortal Stars

Chapter 264: Humanoid Soldier - AOA

"Senior Brother Lu Shen, what is this killer whale-like creature we are riding now?"

Crossing the star field naturally requires flying tools, and what Brother Lu Shen took out of the space treasure was a huge creature that was ten kilometers long like a killer whale.

Gulu's breathing sounded, and the one-kilometer-long tail swayed in the void. It seemed slow, but it was able to pass through the void, and with a movement, it was comparable to thirty times the speed of light.

The giant creatures are bound with mechanical scales, and there are many mechanical buildings on their backs.

Wang Xu and Lu Shen stood in the observation room at the forefront, looking at the beautiful and boundless stars through the 100% transparent special glass.

Senior Brother Lu Shen smiled and said, "This is a 'biological spaceship' unique to Wumengsheng Cosmos. We are riding a creature called a 'space-time whale'. The time-space whale has no means of attack, and its physical defense is also very weak, but Because of the natural blessing of the universal law, the law of the void is added, so that the speed of advancing in the void is particularly fast."

"The 'warriors' of the Wumengsheng cosmos are all traveling through the star field in this biological spaceship. The Void-class space-time whale we are riding in, the law of the void is not strong, and the speed of progress is about thirty times the speed of light, one thousand and two Millions of kilometers per second, but if you replace it with a black hole-level or white-hole-level space-time whale, the speed will be several times higher than it is now, and it can be hundreds of millions of kilometers per second."

Wang Xu nodded understandingly.

The biological spaceship is fast, and the speed is several times the speed of light. Compared with the flying speed of the outer space battleship, there is no comparison at all.

But space warships have a unique time-space transition, which can travel hundreds of light-years in one breath! It's enough that this biological spaceship has been running exhausted in the void for many years.

"Let's land on this star. There is a teleportation array on it, which can save a lot of time." Brother Lu Chen said, his mind moved. Control this time-space whale to land on the stars.


Putting away the space-time whale, Wang Bei and Lu Shen saw a super-civilized mechanical city from a distance.

"Two seniors, please show your proof of passage." An initial black hole-level guard stepped forward with a respectful expression and looked at the two in awe.

With a flick of Lu Shen's finger, a white light sheet fell into the hands of the white hole guard.

The guard just glanced at it and then bowed back to his post.

"Let's go." Lu Shen and Wang Xu entered the mechanical city.

Cylindrical suspended vehicles extend in all directions. The invisible track is guiding, going to the designated place.

In the distance, a flying saucer-like transport ship opened the bottom suction port. The cargo below floated up, and the flying saucer transport ships were one after another, in an orderly manner.

There are still many 'Wumeng warriors' flying in the sky, hurrying on their way.

Umon warriors. Just like the outer space warriors. It's just a different name.

"Junior Brother Wang Xu, you wait for me here for a while, and I'll go find the teleportation point of this city."

Wang Xu nodded and Lu Shen flew away.

Walking alone on the street, there are few pedestrians on the street. Most Wumeng warriors do not want to waste time walking, and choose to fly in pursuit of efficiency. There are only some "warriors" who cannot fly. That is, a basic-level cosmic warrior, unable to fly. Only on foot.

The Wumeng Sheng universe is very similar to the outer universe.

There are basic level, star level, void level, black hole level, white hole level, mixed universe realm, **** realm and so on.

The Wumeng Sheng universe is a one-star warrior, a two-star warrior, a three-star warrior, a four-star warrior, a five-star warrior, a six-star warrior, a seven-star warrior, an eight-star warrior... As for the nine-star and ten-star, the fundamental No one has seen it, at least Senior Brother Lu Shen has only heard about the existence of such a powerful person.

There are not as many small realms in the Wumengsheng universe as the outer universe, and each realm is primary, advanced, super, and super.

Wang Xu's current state is clearly among the "Five-Star Super Fighting Kings".

The guard who stopped them earlier was a four-star junior warrior.

Wang Xu walked into an armor shop.

"This mechanical armor... is as hard as an ancient void soldier." Wang Xu stretched out his hand and gently rubbed a black mechanical armor, which already had the strength of an ancient void soldier.

Reach out again to see another piece, the strength is even stronger, enough to reach the ranks of immortal soldiers.

"The Holy Wumeng universe is isolated from the outside world, but the degree of mechanical civilization is very high, especially this mechanical armor, which is said to be mechanical armor, but it can be stretched at will, and its toughness is excellent... If you practice the transformation class Even if the cosmos warrior of the secret technique wears it, even if the body suddenly expands to ten kilometers, or a hundred kilometers high, the defense strength of this mechanical armor will not be weakened in the slightest."

The further he looked down, Wang Xu's face could not help but move slightly.

These mechanical armors are all made by human hands, and the treasures of the outer universe are born from the stars and laws. Compared with the two, it can be seen that the mechanical civilization of Wumengsheng cosmos has reached a very powerful height.

After watching for a while, Wang Xu left the armor shop.

If it was changed to the phantom armor before getting it, maybe Wang Xu would buy one or two pieces, but there are divine treasures as royal armor. No matter how finely crafted and amazing these mechanical armors are, they are still not as powerful as divine treasures.

Not long after walking, Wang Xu saw another shop.

"Mechanical Soldier?" Wang Xu entered the store and found that there were all kinds of robots around. A five- or six-year-old green-skinned child was wrapped in a mecha, and the helmet was covered, and the two mechanical eyes suddenly A faint red glow appeared.

However, when the small mechanical soldier raised his hand, the energy in the palm of his hand gathered, and a beam of white light was lasered out, and a faint green protective barrier appeared, which completely absorbed this beam of white light.

The small mechanical soldier attracted the child, making him cheer, and coquettishly asked his father to buy this mechanical soldier, but the father glanced at the price and shook his head resolutely. The child leaves.

Wang Xu's eyes lit up.

"Boss, what is the most expensive mechanical soldier here?" Wang Xu stepped forward and asked.

When the boss saw Wang Xu's appearance as a burly man with a long beard, he also realized that this was a five-star super war king, he immediately looked respectful, bowed and said humbly: "Master War king, the most expensive thing in the store is the new one. Enter's 'humanoid soldier-'."

"Take it out and let me take a look." The big bearded man said rumblingly.

The boss hurriedly asked his subordinates to bring two tightly packed mechanical boxes, entered a long string of passwords, confirmed the fingerprints and pupils, and then took out a silver-gray mecha.

This mecha is like a tights, with patterns like electronic circuits all over the whole mecha, but I can feel that this mecha is different from other mechas, with a ray of law.

As soon as this mecha was taken out, it immediately attracted the attention of all the surrounding Wumeng warriors.

"Lord Zhan Wang, this is a soldier, if you wear it, you may be able to compete with Zun Zun."

Zhan Zun is the Chaos Realm. Wearing a mecha can make the invincible white hole level compete with the Chaos Realm? Wang Xu was dubious.

"I'll give it a try," said the bearded man.

Immediately the boss came forward. Pressing the silver-gray tights on Wang Xu's body, the tights dissolved like water, and then completely wrapped every inch of Wang Xu's body.

Like the pattern of the electronic circuit lit up with green light, against the silver-gray edge, Wang Xu's whole person seems to be like a ferocious humanoid soldier, invincible!

"There is a law to imprison me, but I can clearly feel that it has strengthened a part of my power." The power increase brought by the random wave of the mecha to Wang Xu is very obvious.

"Okay, this mecha belongs to me, what's the price?" Wang Xu immediately decided to buy it.

Traveling in the Wumengsheng universe, wearing a mecha is even more difficult for people to find out that they are from the outside world, and this mecha has the effect of improving Wang Xu's strength, so naturally he can't let it go.

"It is an honor for the small shop to see this mecha, Lord Battle King. You only need to pay the purchase price, 60 million Wumeng crystals." The boss said happily.

Wumeng crystal is the universe crystal. Just like the spiritual stone in the mortal world, it is also a kind of cosmic crystal.

Most of the currencies in circulation are naturally formed cosmic energy crystals. It is only because the structure formed in each world is different that various names appear.

Wang Xu nodded, the defense level of this armor is comparable to that of the Immortal God Weapon, and the price of 60 million Cosmic Crystals is very fair.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Wang Xu directly delivered 60 million Cosmic Crystals, and the boss couldn't close his mouth and was beaming with joy.

"Boss, is there only one mecha?". Wang Xu asked.

"Master Battle King, I originally only wanted to use the mecha to display and attract customers. I didn't expect you to be so generous and generous. If you want, I can customize it for you, and it will be available within ten years." The boss said respectfully.

Wang Xu shook his head, ten years was too long, he still had to hurry, it was too late.

"Are there any other lower-level mechanical soldiers in your store? Tell me about them." Wang Xu said.

The biggest advantage of the mechanical soldiers is that no matter no matter the realm, they can exert the full power of the mechanical soldiers.

Wang Xu wants to buy a large amount and equip all the black hole-level powerhouses among the human beings on earth with one piece. In this way, the black-hole-level powerhouses of human beings can exert more powerful strength, which is comparable to the white hole level.


After a long time, Wang Xu left the shop of mechanical soldiers, and in the shop, almost all the mechanical soldiers were sold out by Wang Xu.

There are too many cosmic crystal king whiskers, and there are too many to be used up, especially what they looted in the qualification battle. Every cosmic warrior is a prince of various countries, a genius, and the cosmic crystals on them are casual. It is tens of millions and hundreds of millions. Therefore, in Wang Xu's space ring, the lying cosmic crystals can almost be piled up into a thousand-meter-high mountain.

"Junior Brother Wang Xu."

Wang Xu continued to stroll on the street, and it didn't take long for Brother Lu Shen to appear.

"The teleportation point has been found, let's go." (To be continued...)()

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