Immortal Stars

Chapter 515: apprenticeship

The thirteen peak geniuses have since separated from each other.

However, among the six major shrine groups and thirteen peak geniuses, there is always a shrine group that requires three people to travel together.

Coincidentally, the Rebellion Shrine that Wang Xu went to was the only place where the three of them walked together.

"Qingxian, Jinwuyun battle."

Wang Xu, Qing Xian, and Jin Wu Yunzhan were all assigned the Jade Talisman of Inversion of Chaos Shrine.

This time, it is the two of them who are going forward together with Wang Xu.

Qingxian and Wang Xu have a good relationship, but they can talk. Jin Wuyunzhan is cold and arrogant, always with a cold face, refusing to be thousands of miles away.


The red flying boat flashed forward in the void.

"Brother Wang, I haven't had time to ask, what exactly is that metal block?"

On the deck of the flying boat, Wang Xu and Qingxian stood side by side, looking into the distance, Qingxian asked.

As for the origin of the metal block, everyone was always puzzled and asked Wang Xu, but Wang Xu did not disclose it in detail, and Qing Xian asked again at this time.

"Brother Qingxian wants to know so, it's okay to tell you, that metal block is a fragment of an ancestor monument." Wang Xu said.

In the past, many peak geniuses were staring at the metal block, Wang Xu had some concerns and did not tell the truth, but now there are only the two of them, plus the Golden Black Cloud Battle, who has always been immersed in cultivation along the way, Wang Xu is no longer defensive. , and simply told them the truth.

"Ancestral monument fragments?!" Qing Xian was startled when he heard the words.

Ancestral monument, no one does not know that every peak genius is trying to become stronger. Go through the "reincarnation", achieve the ancestral realm, and turn the inner universe into a chaotic world of ancestral monuments. These are not secrets.

However, what makes Qingxian unbelievable is that he has never heard of anyone whose ancestral monument is made of metal!

"How could it be the ancestral monument?" Qing Xian was dubious.

After the Holy Venerable passes through the reincarnation, there will be a huge boulder that falls from the sky, which is the ancestral monument of the Ancestor Realm.

Qing Xian had personally seen the scene of the reincarnation of the Holy Venerable Realm and the achievement of the Ancestral Realm.

Metal monuments?

Unheard of. Unseen.

"This is what You Si told me, and I don't know the reason." Wang Xu smiled.

Qing Xian nodded. Indeed, Wang Xu is a junior among the thirteen peak geniuses. He has not even had a single discipline in his years of cultivation, and many experiences are not very normal.

But he didn't know. This is Wang Xu deliberately concealing him.

Why is the ancestral monument made of metal?

Because the ancestor of this ancestral tablet fragment was an ancient person.

Although I don't know how the ancient people made the ancestral monument into metal, Wang Xu understands that the fragments of the ancestral monument left by the ancient ancestors are rare and extremely valuable. , Wang Xu will definitely become the target of public criticism!

A matter of life. Wang Xu naturally couldn't be careless.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and the red flying boat is moving all the way. We are finally getting to our destination.

"Reverse Chaos Shrine, just ahead."

The Temple of Rebellion, which occupies one-sixth of the chaotic universe of Kedan, is called "The Land of Rebellion" by the people of Kedan.

The Holy Land of Chaos Chaos Shrine is at the core of this Chaos Land.


The red flying boat finally stopped in a giant city near the Holy Land of Rebellion Shrine.

"Why don't you just enter the Rebellion Divine Palace?" Jin Wu Yunzhan walked out of his Divine Kingdom space and ended his cultivation state. He looked at Qing Xian with no emotion at all.

"Reverse Chaos Shrine is isolated from the world. If you want to enter, you can only use the teleportation array." Qing Xian said.

The three walked on the streets of the giant city.

Most of the pedestrians who come and go are from the **** realm. From the initial **** to the billionaire god, all of them are heading in one direction.

"In their hands, they also hold the Jade Talisman of Inversion of Chaos Shrine."

Obviously, the purpose of these heavenly gods is to join the Rebellion Shrine and become a disciple of the Shrine.

There are six shrine ethnic groups in the entire Kedan Chaos. Being able to become a shrine disciple is naturally based on the extraordinary generation of the entire chaos. Every deity here is proud and proud, but they have to admit that their strength They are all leaders in their class.

The powerful aura permeated the air, and as a result, it was convenient for Wang Xu and the three of them, and they did not have to suppress the aura of the realm and easily mixed in with them.


Stepping into the teleportation formation, the Jade Talisman of Referral lit up, and then the teleportation formation started, covering Wang Xu, the three and the others.

In a blink of an eye, all the noise disappeared without a trace.

"Whoever holds the Jade Talisman of Referral, follow the spot of light!" Suddenly, a voice came to Wang Xu and the others' minds.

There is a line of light spots floating in the sky, extending into the distance, and someone has already swept away in the direction.

Wang Xu and the three looked at each other, mixed in the crowd, and set off towards their destination.

The place pointed by the spot of light was a silver hall, and upon entering it, the terrifying pressure like a star dropped, and everyone seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling to move.

"Can't move!"

"What a powerful oppressive force!"

"what happened?!"

The speed of the many gods holding the Jade Talisman of introduction dropped sharply, as if the screen was slowing down, blocked by the invisible force of oppression.

"Only those who arrive here can enter the next stage." The voice just came from a distance, this is an alien with snow-white scales.

"Humph! With little resistance, only those shrimp soldiers and crabs will be blocked."

"Just you guys want to enter the Rebellion Divine Palace? Ridiculous!"

The contemptuous eyes swept across the many gods, and the leaders of the same generation were not slowing down, walking on the strongest side, with a proud look on their faces.

These people have a strong breath, all of them are the gods of the billions of years, and they are elegant and robes. At a glance, they can tell that their origins are extraordinary.

"Let's go." Jin Wuyun gave them a cold look and walked forward without hindrance.

Although this oppressive force is strong, it cannot resist Wang Xu and the three who are peak geniuses.

"You have passed the test. Take out your Jade Talisman of introduction." said the alien with white scales.

Everyone took out the introduction jade talisman, and saw that the alien waved his hand, and a silver-white light fell on the introduction jade talisman. Immediately, a mysterious pattern appeared on the recommendation jade talisman.

"Let's go, go to the next level." As soon as the alien waved, Wang Xu and the others were lifted up by an invisible force and instantly came to another place.

Infinite sea?

The lead-heavy sea water can only be lifted by a storm of chaos and ferocity.


A roar came from the boundless sea, and then a huge three-eyed fish beast burst out of the water, swallowing a man of gods who had no time to react.

"Yiji Tianshen's fish beast!"

"Infinite fish and beasts. It's still in the realm of the gods of the billion era!"

"Beast, go to hell!"

Many gods in the realm only reacted at this time. The breath erupted, and the weapons bombarded out, and the countless fish and beasts that kept breaking out of the water were re-entered into the boundless sea.

"Those who have obtained the talisman can pass the trial." Another voice entered the minds of Wang Xu and the others.

"The talisman? How can there be a talisman here? Could it be... in the belly of the countless fish and beasts! It must be true. Kill!"

The fierce battle broke out, and the boundless fish and beasts in the Era Realm are very powerful. When it dives into the boundless sea, no one can perceive the existence of boundless fish and beasts, but when you are vigilant, boundless fish and beasts can break out of the water in an instant. Yiji Tianshen swallowed it.

In just a short time, several people were killed.

Bang bang bang!

The sword, shadow and sword light filled the world, and the terrifying power directly hit the countless fish and beasts. However, the flesh of the infinite fish beast is extremely hard, and this attack can't even knock off its scales.

Infinite sea water exploded and tossed, and the turbulent fluctuations escaped everywhere.

All over the sky are traces of the secret spells cast by the gods. The dazzling brilliance makes it impossible to distinguish between day and night.


On this side, an immeasurable fish and beast attacked the Golden Dark Cloud Battle, was caught on the spot by the Golden Dark Cloud Battle, and tore it in half.

All the gods who saw this scene took a deep breath, and they used weapons and performed secret techniques on the flesh of countless fish and beasts. He couldn't break it with all his strength, but the **** easily tore it in half with his bare hands...

A brass-colored talisman appeared from the rain of blood. Jin Wu Yunzhan reached out and took it in his hand.

"One step ahead." Jin Wuyun Zhan immediately crushed the talisman and disappeared in place.

"Brother Wang, we can't fall behind." Qing Xian laughed.

Wang Xu nodded.

Immediately, Qingxian took out the jade flute and blew it gently, and the beautiful flute sound rippled out, causing Wang Xu who was beside him to be stunned.

Fortunately, Wang Xu's mind was very strong, and he woke up almost instantly, but even so, Wang Xu was still shocked into a cold sweat.

Between the battles of the strong, the decisive moment is often the moment when he is confused by the sound of Qingxian's flute. If Qingxian makes a move, he will be severely injured even if he does not die!

Wang Xu was just stunned, but the countless fish and beasts in the boundless sea water were not so lucky.

The sound of the flute stopped, and Qingxian put away the jade flute.

On the water surface, the corpses of countless fish and beasts that had completely lost their vitality floated up.


"Can you kill countless fish and beasts by playing the flute?"

"Oh my God, what are they all about!"

Many gods were shocked beyond words.

"Brother Wang." Qingxian took two brass-colored talismans from the belly of the fish and handed a piece to Wang Xu.

"Thank you." Wang Xu did not refuse and took the talisman.

The others looked at each other in dismay, isn't this trial aimed at individuals? Can others help?

However, the person from the Chaos Shrine did not appear. Wang Xu and Qing Xian had already crushed the talisman and disappeared in place.

As soon as they left, the corpses of the countless fish and beasts that had not yet been taken out of the talisman immediately became the objects of competition among many gods.


"... Beixiu Yunzhan, you should come under my door."

As soon as Wang Xu appeared in the hall, he saw hundreds of people in the Holy Venerable Realm standing on the left and right sides. Only the place near the main hall was sitting in the Ancestor Realm.

At this time, Jin Wu Yunzhan happened to be standing in front of one of the ancestors of the red robe, and was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor of the red robe.

Beixiu is the title of Jinwuyunzhan in Fengyi, called "Beixi Tianshen".

In order not to reveal their identities, the peak geniuses used fake names in Kedan.

"You two, sign up for taboo."

The people of the Holy Venerable Realm on the side talked to Wang Xuqingxian.

"Jinxian Jinxian."

"Junior too must."

"I have seen you seniors!"

The two said in unison.

The eyes of several ancestors swept over, but no one paid attention to the existence of Wang Xu, swept away, and all focused on Qingxian.

"The law of sound, the law of illusion, the law of confusion... and the secret scriptures you have cultivated, you have used them to the extreme. It is very good to be able to have such strength in this realm!"

An ancestor with a human head and a snake body praised, "Come in under the door of my 'Ancestor of Confused Snakes', I will teach you music, illusion, and magic. Your achievements in the future will definitely be higher than mine!"

Other people from the ancestor realm also opened their invitations at this time.

But all of them are not good at these remote techniques, and their competitiveness is naturally not as good as the ancestor of the snake.

"Master." Qingxian finally came to the ancestor of the snake, bowed and Haha! it is good! Great! I didn't expect to meet such a good seedling today! That's enough! The ancestor of the confused snake laughed, then waved his sleeve robe and left the hall with Qingxian.

Jin Wuyun and Qing Xian were all picked up by the people of the Ancestral Realm, but Wang Xu was the only one left, and no one in the Ancestral Realm sent him an invitation.

Everyone saw that Wang Xu did not pass the second test with his own strength at all, so no one wanted a "trash" to be a disciple.

"Taisu, you come to my door."

The people in the ancestor realm did not speak, and it was the turn of the people in the holy realm below, and someone in the holy realm immediately sent an invitation to Wang Xu.

"The disciple is willing to go." Wang Xu was not picky, he entered the Rebellion Divine Palace to complete the task, and he didn't care who the master was.

"Okay, in the future you will be the disciple of my 'Saint Longxi'!"

The Holy Venerable Longxi waved his hand and left the hall with Wang Xu. (To be continued)()

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