Immortal Stars

Chapter 521: The law is complete

"Is this the Ancestral Hall of Rebellion?"

Before he could see what was in front of him, Wang Xu felt an ancient-like aura coming, filling the air.

When everything in front of you is clear, the towering statues of people in the ancestor realm are placed in front of everyone.

That ancient atmosphere overflowed from the statues of these ancestors.

Everyone looked around in amazement.

"I have millions of dharmas in the Rebellion Divine Palace, but this is the first time I have come to the Rebellion Ancestral Hall." The young man in ice blue armor sighed with emotion.

The Ancestral Hall of Rebellion, no matter who it is, is only allowed to enter once in a lifetime.

When he was in the Heavenly God Realm, he was not strong enough and did not have enough courage to participate in the Heavenly God Competition.

Then, when he arrived at the Holy Venerable Realm, he practiced and learned, and roamed around in search of treasures. After this achievement, he did not hesitate to surrender his status and fight with the younger generation of the gods in the door.

Just to come to the Ancestral Hall of Rebellious Chaos, which I have always heard of, but never visited.

Not only him, but everyone in the Holy Venerable Realm also sighed with emotion.

Everyone walked on the promenade, looking around at the ancestor statues on both sides of the road, and the breath from ancient times to the present was blowing.

"An anti-chaotic shrine has existed for such a long time, and so many powerful ancestors have been born." Wang Xu secretly said in his heart.

Every era in the chaotic universe, there will be a Holy Land power rising or falling, and the mechanical clan and the green clan are the best examples.

Being able to survive for such a long period of time and witnessing the changes of the times, it is really not easy for the Temple of Chaos.

"Little guys."

At this time, the grand voice finally remembered. "The time you spend in the Ancestral Hall of Rebellion is only 100,000 years. During this period, you can leave at any time. You can also make breakthroughs with confidence and boldness. I will guarantee the lives of each of you."

"Now, hurry up and choose the 'path of the ancestors' that suits you, and experience it carefully!"

After the magnificent voice finished speaking, the sky was raining, and Wang Xu took a deep breath, which was somewhat beneficial to him.

"The time dust that can slow down the flow of time? It seems that the strong predecessors of the Chaos Shrine are quite generous." Qing Xian said.

Time dust that slows the flow of time. very precious.

Because it can act on any scene, whether it is the ordinary Chaos Heaven and Earth, or the inner universe of the Holy Venerable Realm. Or in the chaotic world of the ancestral monument of the ancestors, it can have the effect of slowing down the flow of time.

A fist-sized dust of time is worth a treasure of the gods, and the sky is raining. I'm afraid it can be exchanged for a low-level shocking secret.

"One hundred thousand years to comprehend time. In addition to the slowing effect of time dust, we can also comprehend at least 30 years."

Qing Xian said, "The time is too short, we must hurry up every minute and every second, let's start now!"

300,000 years, sounds like

Wang Xu and Jin Wuyun nodded, and the three parted ways.

Everyone can't wait to step forward and walk to the statue of the ancestors. Close your eyes and realize the "path of the ancestors" contained in the statue.

After a while, someone's figure stopped. Sitting down cross-legged, the law of the whole body came, and entered the state of comprehending the law.


"The law of light... My path is the law of light."

Wang Xu's detailed perception of each statue.

The law of light, Wang Xu has already realized the "prophet" stage.

From the unknown, to the half-knowledge, and then to the prophet, it seems that the process of knowing a person is from unfamiliar to familiar.

The deeper your understanding of the law, the more you understand the law. Only in this way can you truly use the maximum power of the law and perform the most powerful attack!

The law is indispensable on the road to the promotion of the Holy Venerable Realm.

"After the prophet, it is the stage of 'consummation'. When the law reaches consummation, it can be integrated with the body."

The law is complete, which means that you are thoroughly familiar with the law of light. At this time, when you mix with the law, you can transform the kingdom of the gods, go through the tribulation of the universe, and become a holy universe!

But whether it is to achieve perfection of the law, or to survive the tribulation of the universe, there are two major problems that plague countless gods.

The law is complete, and the required insight is as many as the geometric multiples of the previous three stages. The gods with weaker comprehension aptitudes cannot fully understand even if they spend a long billion years of life. The gods with powerful comprehension power can only have epiphany by chance and coincidence.

This is like a moat, can't cross it, and can only be stuck in place for a lifetime. As soon as you crossed it, a dramatic change occurred immediately.

This is the difference between Wang Xu and the peak geniuses.

Except for Wang Xu, all the peak geniuses have already realized the law to the perfect stage, so their strength can be so strong that even people in the Holy Venerable Realm can kill.

There is a fundamental difference in lethality between the laws of the prophetic stage and the laws of the consummation stage.

And Wang Xu kills the people of the Holy Venerable Realm completely by combining brute force and constant force. In comparison, if Wang Xu can improve the law to the perfect stage, his strength will rise to another level!


"found it!"

Opening his eyes suddenly, Wang Xu's face showed a happy look.

"Tiger seizes the ancestor?"

Looking up at the thousand-meter-tall statue in front of him, the burly man with double horns on his head and a face like a tiger is the ancestor of Huduo.

"The first ancestor of Hu Duo... His road is just fierce and domineering, forged with brute force, majoring in the palm of the flesh, and the law of light has realized the unfathomable realm!" Wang Xu clearly felt that the ancestor of Hu Duo once walked "Road".

In the ancestor statue, the ancestors on the statue personally stored a memory, including their whole life from childhood to power.

"Born to fight, die to fight... This is the way the tiger seizes the ancestors!"

Wang Xu immersed himself in the past memories of Huduo's ancestor.

The first ancestor of Hu Duo was born in a large clan of Kedan, second only to the three great clans.

Mixed Universe Realm, Initial Heavenly God Realm, Hundred Years Heavenly God Realm. Ten Thousand Years Heavenly God Realm, Billion Years Heavenly God Realm, Holy Venerable Realm. Ancestral realm...

Hu Duo's ancestors traveled almost all over the world in the life of the ancestor, breaking into the legend that the descendants will sing for all ages.

Wang Xu went beyond the bland experience and repeatedly observed the picture of the first ancestor of Huduo fighting with people.

"The characteristics of the law of light of the first ancestor of Huduo are similar to mine. It is dominated by violent destruction, supplemented by speed, and it comes out in one blow. It is wrapped in the potential of the sky and the earth!" Wang Xu's whole heart sank into it.

Watching it time and time again, Wang Xu realized it again and again.

This is different from the usual sitting and feeling the supreme law. Wang Xu is from the scene where the first ancestor of the tiger is fighting with people. Feel the power of that power, spy on the trajectory of the law of light, and gain insights into the law.

"It turns out that the law of light can still be used like this. It's amazing!"

Wang Xu couldn't help but admire.

like a sword. Wang Xu now only uses it for chopping, simply relying on the hardness of the sword, the sharpness of the blade, and nothing else.

The first ancestor of Hu Duo used the sword as a whip, which was obviously hard steel, but soft like a snake, and could whip the enemy freely!

Make Wang Xu an eye-opener!

Wang Xu was immersed in the battle of the tiger to seize the ancestor, over and over again. The more he watched it repeatedly, the more he felt the scene. The more you watch.


In the Ancestral Hall of Rebellion, everyone else found a statue of the ancestors that was suitable for them, sat down cross-legged, watched intently, and gained insights from it.

In an instant, the ancestral hall fell into silence, and there was no sound.

Time passed mercilessly, like turbulent water, without the slightest pause.

In the blink of an eye, it was six thousand years.


The supreme law came, and the power of the vast law moved many shrine disciples, and their eyes followed.

"Brother Wang? The power of such a vast law should be a huge breakthrough in the realm of the law. Could it be that... his law has never reached the perfect stage?" Qing Xian was slightly startled.

The power of the law has not reached the perfect stage, how did he kill the people of the Holy Venerable Realm?

Everyone in the Holy Venerable Realm is a strong person. It can be defeated, but it is extremely difficult to kill.

The Heavenly God Realm wants to kill the Holy Venerable Realm, unless it can be suppressed in numbers, life and death, or like the peak geniuses, to achieve the ultimate strength, and then rely on the special treasures that destroy the Saint Venerable Realm... But the law of Wang Xu In order to achieve perfection, the power can actually kill the Holy Venerable Realm!

This is incredible!

Jin Wu Yun Zhan also seemed to have noticed this, and there was a hint of astonishment in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by his fighting intent.

If it is said that Jin Wuyun has never regarded Wang Xu as a real opponent before the war, but at this time, he has regarded Wang Xu as a formidable opponent who can compete with him!

The rest of the shrine disciples just glanced at Wang Xu, and continued to understand the path of the ancestors.

"The Law of Light... Consummation!"

The power of the vast law gradually faded, and Wang Xu opened his eyes, and the hot light in his eyes flickered.

Six thousand years, the law has reached the perfect state from the stage of the prophet. For Wang Xu, this speed is very slow, very slow. It must be known that before he entered the Anti-chaotic Ancestral Hall, the years of cultivation did not add up to six thousand years. It took six thousand years to understand the law!

If he told others about his thoughts, he would probably cause a lot of scolding!

Ordinary cultivators can only reach the Heavenly God Realm with one law, and millions of laws can reach the Heavenly God Realm, but they want to realize the law to perfection? There is no possibility, no hope!

Only the celestial gods with extraordinary comprehension ability can elevate the law to the perfect stage in a short period of time of several law disciplines.

It took Wang Xu only 6,000 years to achieve the goal that others dreamed of, and even impossible to achieve in his entire life. The difference is big enough to make people vomit blood!


The Law of Light has reached perfection. It stands to reason that Wang Xu can choose to save the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation now and be promoted to the Holy Venerable Realm.

But he dared not.

Now that the power of the law has been greatly improved, his strength has also skyrocketed, which is comparable to the real Sanyuan Holy Venerable Realm.

This kind of strength against the sky has not been achieved by many people since ancient times.

One can imagine how dangerous the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation that Wang Xu has to survive will be?

"Continue to comprehend and wait for the opportunity."

Wang Xu calmed down and continued to find insights from the "road" of the first ancestor. (To be continued..)()

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