Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1058: Failure, kendo realm

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters failed, the realm of kendo

Wang Chen has never seen masters such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship in God Realm.

Like the Sword Sovereign I saw at the Ten Thousand Profound Magic Conference, he was already the most powerful person in the realm of the Dao Dao.

But now that he saw the sword intent of the sword king incarnation of the divine sword, Wang Chen truly discovered the true power of the sword realm, the unparalleled power, even far beyond Wang Chen's imagination.

Free and easy, unique!

This sword intent was different from all the sword intents that Wang Chen had seen before. There was nothing in this sword intent, only his own inner character, which was outstanding and free and easy. But because of this, placing love on the sword, on the contrary, allowed the sword's intent to rise to an unimaginable level.

As soon as this sword came out, the surrounding space instantly became chaotic, forming a sword-shaped space sword aura. If it weren't for this mere test, this space sword aura and the divine sword itself would not kill, otherwise Wang Chen's deity would use a trick. Died. But even so, Wang Chen felt the pressure from the surrounding sword intent.

A powerful sword intent poured into Wang Chen's body and soul from all around. This sword intent was extraordinary, free and easy, Wang Chen had no choice.

This is a gap in the realm of kendo, and there is no alternative.

Wang Chen had to resist, and with the help of this sword intent to hone his sword intent. As for whether it can pass the test, it is second.


Wang Chen's detached sword intent and Fuji's sword intent collided invisibly, losing one after another. Later, Wang Chen began to hone his sword intent after repeated defeats and battles. It's just that the improvement of sword intent is not an overnight thing, and there is no big improvement in a short period of time.

Only after the incarnation of the divine sword knew Wang Chen's intentions. On the contrary, it was useless to repel Wang Chen with all his strength, but instead a part of the sword intent was reduced to fight with Wang Chen.

This level of sword intent is just for Wang Chen to use for training.


The Ruins of Ten Thousand Demons are the places where the gods use the Demon Sealing Stele to seal them. The time passing inside is very slow, often one year outside, and several thousand years inside the Ruins of Ten Thousand Demons. This way, it’s 100 million years outside, and hundreds of billions of years inside. , The time will be longer. Even the strong of the innate true demons will live and die in it. This is also a strategy of the gods to prevent the innate true demons from resurrecting with the help of the innate true demons.

But for Wang Chen, this place is a real treasure.

There are only two factors preventing Wang Chen's cultivation base and strength growth: one is time. Wang Chen's cultivation time is still too short, even with bounded beads and nine-character seals. Treasures such as cosmic beads and broken rulers can be practiced for too short a time to maximize the effect of the treasures.

For example, Hongmeng Avenue has now obtained one third of the Universe Pearl, and the rest has no time to comprehend. This is not because Wang Chen's comprehension is slow. It takes a lot of time.

The second point is resources. The return of the Jiezhu to become a congenital is an act against the heavens, and there are many congenital divine talents that are needed in the second stage of evolution after this. Wang Chen has always been trapped by the evolution of the realm beads. Even though he has obtained a lot of divine materials in Langxie Blessed Land, these divine materials are only formed by the gods, although they are precious. But it's not applicable.

It is very difficult for every trace of acquired divine material to be finally refined into innate origin.

But in the ruins of ten thousand demons. These two points actually made up for Wang Chen's biggest flaw. The ruins of tens of thousands of demons were laid down by the gods, and the law of time contained them. The flow of time was different. Wang Chen could cultivate for thousands of years when he was outside for a year, and it was undoubtedly faster to cultivate. Moreover, it contains the aura of innate true demon, which is an extremely powerful kind of innate aura. After being absorbed by the world bead, it can be transformed into the innate origin, which can promote the second stage of the evolution of the world bead.

The shortcomings of the Ruins of Wan Mo turned into Wang Chen's greatest support.


18,000 years passed in a flash, and 18 million years in the ruins of Ten Thousand Demons.

In the tomb of the Sword King, there was an invisible sword intent around Wang Chen's body. The sword intent of the Divine Sword of the Sword King on the opposite side struck, intertwined with Wang Chen's intent, and it could not have much upper hand.


In the blink of an eye, when Wang Chen was quite contented, the sword king's sword intent had already been taken back, and the middle-aged figure appeared there again.

"Junior, you are very good, very talented in kendo, but unfortunately, your sword intent is too different from my master. There is no possibility of blending. You can't accept my master’s inheritance and treasures, but my master’s kendo experience I can give you a copy, you cherish it, and hope to reach the level of my master in the future."

The middle-aged man said that his body was actually blended into the divine sword behind, and then Wang Chen's figure disappeared with a wave of the divine sword.

The next moment, Wang Chen appeared in front of the tomb of the sword king Buer. There was a golden sword in his mind. The whole body of the sword was composed of thoughts. When Wang Chen touched it slightly, the sword became a piece. The message of the film entered Wang Chen's soul.

"This is the kendo experience cultivated by the Sword King!"

A look of ecstasy appeared on Wang Chen's face. Although this test failed, it was the test of the Sword King's Divine Sword and the Sword King's unique kendo training experience. For Wang Chen, it was even more important than the Sword King's heritage and treasures.

Wang Chen couldn't wait to realize it.


In the tomb of the Sword King.

The Divine Sword was reclassified as a middle-aged person, and it turned out to be muttering: "For so many years, there have been few people coming in. Except for the very true demons who were killed by me, these juniors are actually a few. A person with kendo talent, but unfortunately this person himself has a huge flaw. It seems to be a clone. It is estimated that the deity was killed. This clone has limited potential and is destined to be unable to reach the true peak of kendo."

The body of this middle-aged man turned out to be the sword of the Sword King, and his spiritual intelligence had reached a terrifying level. It had nothing to do with normal creatures, and even in terms of talent, it might not be weaker than innate creatures.

The more difficult it is to form a creature, the greater the potential after it is formed. No one thought that after the death of the Sword King, the Excalibur was actually preserved, making the Excalibur now a peculiar creature.

Moreover, Divine Sword did not choose Wang Chen as the inheritor, not because Wang Chen's sword intent was different from that of Buer Sword King, but because he saw that Wang Chen was just a clone.


"It turned out to be like this. I can't think that martial arts, kendo, and swordsmanship can reach this point later. Doesn't it mean that kendo can suppress the space avenue and the time avenue."

Wang Chen felt this sword king’s kendo experience, and he had an incredible feeling. According to the sword king’s statement, kendo and sword roads are peculiar avenues, and they are not lower than space avenues and avenues like other avenues. Time Avenue. According to this statement, the continuous growth of kendo can break the limit at a certain extreme, and automatically derive the ability of the space avenue. Even the sword king has speculated that a certain limit, even the time avenue can be derived.

Wang Chen was a little puzzled about this, because Wang Chen had never heard of this idea before, no matter what kind of avenue, when he reached the peak of the gods, the only thing he had to do was to perceive the avenue of space, and then be promoted to the king of gods. This is the first time.

However, this sword king named Bu Er also recorded that going out in kendo, sword doctrine, martial art, etc., if the road of cultivation is extremely extraordinary, the same effect can be achieved, even he guessed that the gods did not come because of the gods mountain. And those who get promoted by chance are achieved by self-cultivation.

This also made Wang Chen shocked to become a god, which is extremely difficult. According to the God King Wanxuan, there is only one way to become a god, and that is to compete for the great opportunity when the **** mountain descends.

Every trillion years, there will be a mountain of gods and gods, and every time there are countless gods and kings who are killed and injured, fighting becomes an opportunity for gods, but there is only one person who can truly become gods. Sometimes there is even no one, which is why there are only nine gods in the God Realm for so many years.

The things recorded by the God King Wanxuan should not be false. After all, the God King Wanxuan is one of the most powerful God Kings in the God Realm, but although the strength of this Sword King is unknown, it appears to be extremely powerful.

I don't know how many years ago the **** king, even the **** sword could completely transform and cultivate, become a living being, and become an extremely powerful **** king, Wang Chen fell into doubt. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

PS: Temporarily stabilized, although it is a bit hard, it should not change within half a year. From now on, it will be stable and update two chapters every night!

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