Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 472: The meaning of being alive

Chapter 472: The Meaning of Living

   If Fu Mingzhuang is crazy, he has gradually lost his reason, his whole body exudes a madness, and a hideous look appears on his face.

   "No, my father will not die."

   "Impossible, no one can dare to take my father away."

   "Die, die for me!"

   "Anyone who dares to take my father will die."


   Fu Ming attacked frantically, a flying sword of fire attribute slashed frantically towards the surrounding area, even Wang Chen slashed it, it was a bit unclear at all.

   "Boss, are your juniors unconscious?"

   "It's really pitiful, because there is no father and no mother like this, even worse than me, I have a boss to accompany me, oh, boss, help him!"

   Xiao Moshu stood on Wang Chen's shoulder, and said to Wang Chen who was hiding from the flying sword.

   Wang Chen nodded, and then the divine sword flew out with a stabbing sound, and the surrounding formation was slashed by Wang Chen's sword light.

   "Kill, kill!"

   "You are all going to die, dare to take your father away, you are all going to die!"

   Fu Ming exudes a tragic aura, and he can't distinguish anything. After the formation is broken, he flies crazy in the distance, and the fire attribute flying sword slashes.

   Wang Chen sighed, put away the jade bottle and the Nine Profound Soul Resurrection Pill, and then put away the puppet made by Fu Shishu's body, and then turned into a escape light and followed Fu Ming.

   Fu Ming has no spiritual wisdom, his eyes are chaotic, and his fire-attribute flying swords are hacking around.

   "Look, there are fluctuations ahead."

"Hey, it turned out to be a person, and he still holds the best spirit weapon. Fatty sheep, the big king, shot the handle, this person has the best spirit weapon in his hand, if it is snatched, it will be another windfall, and there are things in the storage bracelet. "

   "Second King, grab it, this man is sloppy and crazy, he seems to be crazy, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"


   A group of monks discussed, the two leading them looked at each other, showing a trace of joy, and nodded.

   "Kill, such a good opportunity, if you don't kill this person and rob him of his things, then I'm sorry God, the young ones will kill me."

   A group of monks and bandits slaughtered Fu Ming fiercely. Feeling this murderous aura, Fu Ming's spirit became sober, and he muttered to himself:

   "It's you, it's you, kill, kill, want to take my father away and die for me!"

  Fu Ming faced thirty or forty bandit monks alone, and rushed up without fear of death. The fire-attribute flying sword in his hand was even more radiant, turning into a fire dragon and flew out.

   Fu Mingfei's cultivation base is higher than most robbers. After taking the shot, he was not afraid of death and fought for his life. In a flash, he killed seven or eight people, deterring the robbers, and even suppressed the robbers.

   "Little ones, this person has gone crazy, he doesn't know his life or death, everyone traps him, don't try hard, slowly consume him!"

The two leaders headed by    said, and then many monks settled down and began to besie Fu Ming, not seeking to cause much damage, but gradually consuming Fu Ming.

   In midair.

   Little Momo looked at Fu Ming's momentum getting weaker and weaker, and more and more wounds on his body, and he couldn't bear to say: "Boss, let's save him!"

   "Don't worry," Wang Chen looked at Fu Ming's crazy look and sighed: "Let him vent, otherwise it will be uncomfortable if you hold it in your heart for a long time."


   The battle between Fu Ming and the robbers was fierce.

If he is sane, Fu Ming will have no problem running away, but in this case, he will hack without fear of death, and he will kill when he encounters one person, and he will kill when he encounters another person. It is like a group of bandit monks. Like playing with a mouse, turn Fu Ming around.

   Finally, the mana in Fu Ming's body was overdrawn, and he fell to the ground with a bang, unconscious.

   "Haha, I didn't expect it to be so unusable, haha!"

   "That's the great king Hongfu Qitian, so he can meet such a frenzied monk!"

   A group of monks touted them, and slowly approached Fu Ming's body. At this time, a cold shout came from the sky. A monk in his twenties stood in the air, with a mouse standing on his shoulder.

   "Who dares to touch him, die!"

   Wang Chen said indifferently, and then the sword intent was overwhelmed. The sword intent of the sword soul realm was already comparable to that of the Mahayana monks, that is, the realm of immortals, how low-grade these monks were.

   just for a moment, it fell from heaven to hell, trembling on the ground.

   Wang Chen picked up Fu Ming and disappeared quickly.

   Half an hour later, in a remote hillside, Wang Chen put Fu Ming's body down, then took out the jade bottle, took out the Nine Profound Resurrection Pill, and stuffed it into Fu Ming's mouth.

  Fuming's soul soon recovered at an astonishing speed, and then strengthened.

   Wang Chen put down Fu Shishu's body again, sighed, his body turned into a light and disappeared.

   After a while, Fu Ming regained his sanity, squatted on the ground with a look of deathly silence. After a long while, he buried his father's puppet body on the ground, then bowed for a few bows and turned away with tears.


   "Boss, why did you give the Nine Profound Soul Resurrection Pill to your junior brother!"

   Xiao Moshu asked, and Wang Chen replied: "Because this was originally his, and Brother Fu's life is very meaningful, I can't bear to **** it, and I won't **** it."

   "The meaning of being alive?"

   Little Momo murmured to herself. Since following Wang Chen, Little Momo has learned a lot and has met many people, but the doubts have become more and more. After thinking for a moment, Little Momo asked:

   "The boss, what is the meaning of being alive?"

   Wang Chen's figure suddenly stopped and then fled and continued to fly away.

   Wang Chen's eyes were a little blurred, and after a while, he asked:

   "Then Xiao Yu, what is the meaning of your life?"

   Little Mole thought for a while, and said, "Carry on cultivating, and then find the traces of his parents. If the parents are gone, I will avenge them."

"That is the meaning of your life," Wang Chen said with a slight smile: "Everyone has the meaning of whether or not to live personally. In the world, some people live for power, some live for wealth, some live for justice in their hearts, and some Live for themselves, some live for painting and calligraphy, some live for their parents, and some live for their wives."

   "Everyone has a different meaning to live, and there is no difference between superior and inferior."

   Wang Chen continued, with a self-confidence and detached bohemian in his tone: "But the most important thing is that everyone is living for the meaning of living, and living to die in pursuit of the meaning of living."

   "Even the meaning of being alive will continue to change."

   "When you find the traces of your parents, you live to help your parents get revenge, you will have other meanings when you live, that is, you live to find the meaning of life."

   "Then boss, let's go and pursue the meaning of being alive."

   Little Mole smiled, and then asked: "Boss, where are we going next?"


   Wang Chen smiled slightly and looked north. Wuzhou was already partly in the Eastern Continent and partly in the Northern Continent.

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