Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 533: Xiaoqing's strength

How is Xiaoqing's strength?

Wang Chen didn't know, after all, when Xiaoqing was handed over to the Flood Dragon Clan in the Outer Sea, Xiao Qing was still the second demon pill, which was the Golden Core Stage.

Now Xiaoqing is already a monk in the fit stage.

For such a long period of time, Wang Chen didn't know how Xiaoqing had cultivated, how many profound things he had understood, whether he had sacrificed magical powers, and how powerful the magical powers were.

Wang Chen could only guard carefully, and then when Xiaoqing couldn't be beaten, let her suffer a little bit, and then save her.

However, the actual situation surprised Wang Chen.

After Xiaoqing's body turned into a real dragon, a thin cyan shield was formed on top of his body, and then a cyan moon rose behind him.

A vision, the sea rises and the moon rises.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqing's body was blurred, and he flew towards the four dragons quickly, like a long whip, hitting the four true dragons.

boom! boom! boom!

The four newly advanced real dragons were like sandbags. The dragon's blood was vomited at the mouth, and their expressions were wilted.

It's not that Wang Chen didn't see the situation just now. Although the four true dragons are not high in strength, they are definitely not bad. They even tried to avoid them.

But the weird thing is that none of them escaped.

He could only passively endure Xiaoqing's attack, as if he had been stupid, and couldn't avoid it no matter how much he dodges.

At this time, how could they still not understand, it was not their Ruo, but Xiaoqing's supernatural powers were too powerful.

Aside, Wang Chen didn't see what was going on either.

"Eldest sister, you can't kill us. We are the real dragon clan, which is the hope of the dragon clan." The real dragon lying on the ground saw Xiaoqing walk over. Hurriedly shouted.

Another true dragon also kept tears, and said pitifully:

"Elder sister, let us go, we didn't know that elder sister is so powerful, don't fight anymore."

"If you fight again, your grandpa will be upset when you see it."


The four true dragons begged for mercy one after another, making Wang Chen a little demented: "Eh???

Xiaoqing listened to the voices of the four real dragons, tilted her head for a moment, and muttered:

"The four of you are very sinful. If you dare to do something to my elder brother, you are bound to die, but since you said so, the eldest sister, um, eldest sister, I don't have trouble for you, hurry up and apologize to my elder brother, otherwise. Humph."

Four real dragons, look at me and I look at you, they all bow their heads and stop talking.

Being soft to Xiaoqing, then surrendering to Xiaoqing's strength and bloodline suppression. The true dragon bloodline that Xiaoqing obtained was more advanced than them, and it was probably from an intermediate fairy beast.

therefore. There is no problem with them surrendering.

However, it would be impossible for them to apologize to Wang Chen.

A human being, how could I apologize.

The four real dragons did not apologize, Xiaoqing's expression changed, and she wanted to do it again, but at this time, Wang Chen shouted:

"Xiaoqing, come back!"

Xiaoqing glared fiercely at the four true dragons, and then flew back to Wang Chen.

"Big brother, why don't you let me teach them more?" Xiaoqing muttered, a little angrily, Wang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth and touched Xiaoqing's head.

In fact, Wang Chen thinks a lot.

After all, Xiaoqing belongs to the dragon clan, and the four true dragons will be considered extremely important in the dragon clan.

"Okay, Xiaoqing, I still have Jimu Immortal Liquid to find, you follow me, come with me!"


Xiaoqing nodded, took Wang Chen's arm, and followed Wang Chen forward. At this time, neither the four newly advanced true dragons nor the other five newly advanced fairy beasts stopped or said. what.

In the past, Xiaoqing turned into a small dragon, hung on Wang Chen's arm and neck, now Xiaoqing is pulling Wang Chen's arm.

Neither of them felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Continue to walk forward, and it didn't take long before Wang Chen stopped in front of a stone room.

There is a relief carved on the door of this stone house. It is a red willow, with huge roots, extremely luxuriant, strong branches, indestructible, and long willow branches.

"Xiaoqing, how should I get in?"

When Wang Chen arrived here, he remembered, and then asked embarrassingly, but Xiaoqing heard the words and squeezed a spot of blood on the relief on the door of the stone house with a finger from deep.

Then, the aura of wood attribute appeared, and then Wang Chen and Xiaoqing were included.

Soon, at the same time that the spiritual light was recovered, Wang Chen and Xiao Qing had disappeared.


In the Dragon Palace, four real dragons were sitting together, carefully observing the situation in the layers of the Dragon Palace, their expressions also changed.

"Fourth old man, I didn't expect your granddaughter to be so powerful. You beat four by one."

"Moreover, the bloodline obtained is even more advanced. I am afraid it is a medium fairy beast. I am afraid that this talent will not be the bottom of the fairy world." A true dragon laughed, but a little envious.

The other real dragon didn't say anything, but frowned slightly:

"The granddaughter of the fourth brother doesn't need to say, but we are the remaining four dragon sons, huh, it's really bad, the strength is too far."

At any time, this real dragon is not dissatisfied.

Of the dozen or so dragons who entered, only these four survived, and the probability here is higher than before.

Only the three of them survived that time.

In addition to Xiao Qing, this time there are four newly promoted True Dragon Fairy Beasts in the Dragon Palace Secret Realm, which is a big gain, and Xiao Qing's bloodline is even higher.

"Well, a few dragons do need to be adjusted, but don't worry, there is still plenty of time anyway."

"Yes, that human cultivator needs to pay attention, do we need to capture it, interrogate it, and then make a decision."

Having said this, the three real dragons all looked at the fourth real dragon, which is Xiaoqing's grandfather.

Among the four true dragon papers, his identity is the most special. Although he doesn't care about the Dragon Palace, his knowledge on strength is definitely beyond the others.

Besides, this human being is still closely related to his granddaughter, so he has to be more cautious.

On the contrary, it was the fourth brother of the three true dragons. He smiled slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, wait and see, anyway, the secret realm is not over yet."

The three real dragons nodded.

The Dragon Palace Secret Realm is opened by them, but it can be closed but fixed.

Only when all the monster races and monks in the secret territory have all inherited or disappeared, the secret territory of the Dragon Palace will be automatically closed.

All monsters will also be teleported out.

Now, the four true dragons and all the remaining monster races are waiting, waiting for Wang Chen to finally come out, and then the secret realm of the Dragon Palace is over. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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