Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 565: One day with the cow (part 2)

In the air.

Wang Chen and Kui Niu stood opposite each other. Although they were discussing each other, Wang Chen did not ask for instructions at all.

Because Kui Niu's blood is too peculiar and his supernatural powers are extremely powerful, Wang Chen is also very solemn, but he is not afraid, he is just curious about how powerful Kui Niu is.

He also comprehended more than 30 kinds of profound profound knowledge into the realm of Dacheng, Wang Chen had reached the realm of Dacheng nearly 120 kinds of profound, and the power of his magical powers increased a lot.

Even if it weren't for the power of Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, Wang Chen even wanted to go to the Central Immortal Territory to have a fight with Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts.

Now, after refining the magical power rune seal offering for 20% with the spirit of the spirit, the power of the magical power has greatly increased, but Wang Chen has not tried it.

"Friend Niu, please."

Wang Chen waved his hand, instead of attacking first, he motioned for Kuiniu to move first.

Obviously, Wang Chen felt that although Kui Niu was a good player, he was not yet an opponent.

Kui Niu was not hungry either, he made two mooes, the earth-yellow light all over his body was Dasheng, and then a huge scalper phantom surrounded Kui Niu.

Around, the aura of earth attributes rushed over like crazy.

Then, the mysterious power rune flashed away, and the surge of spiritual energy stared at it, forming two big golden horns, and slew towards Wang Chen.

Supernatural powers, Huang Niu Dingshan.

Kui Niu stood there and didn't move, but the horns formed by the two magical powers had been attacked and killed. If it had been before, this magical power would still change Wang Chen's face.

After just using the spirit of the spirit to refine the magical powers, the power of the magical powers is still greatly increased, and Wang Chen understands more profound mysteries. Although this magical power is powerful, Wang Chen still doesn't care about it.

call out!

Wang Chen waved his hand. A five-color divine light flashed, and then rushed forward, the ferocious horns disappeared, and the spiritual energy fluctuations in the air disappeared.

A trace of horror appeared in Kuiniu Tongling's big eyes, and then he continued to attack.

This time it is still the same magical powers. It just formed a pair of bull feet, stepping in the air as if they were flat, but they were still taken away by Wang Chen with the five-color divine light.

Several times in a row, Kui Niu gasped slightly.

Wang Chen didn't have much pride, but smiled slightly and said, "Friend Niu, don't hide your clumsiness. Come out with some real skills. The unique Kui Niu bloodline in the world doesn't have this magical power."

Kuiniu nodded and said:

"Well, in this case, fellow Daoist should be careful. My supernatural powers are not well controlled by themselves. If fellow Daoist feels it is dangerous, I should avoid them quickly so that I can contain the supernatural powers."

Wang Chen nodded indifferently, staring at Kui Niu's behavior.

Kui Niu's body shook, and then the longest foot stood on its own, and the other three feet retracted. Then, on the top of Kuiniu's head, there is a gathering of black and white, and the power of thunder.

Wang Chen's pupils shrank, and he secretly said in his heart: "Yin and Yang mysterious, the power of thunder."

However, in the next moment, a strange scene appeared on Kuiniu's head, the yin and yang mysteriously flowed, the power of thunder converged, and then a thunder eye that was flowing with yin and yang.

The eyes are closed. The moment it was a hundred miles away, it darkened, as if the sun had disappeared.

Immediately after that, the eyes opened, and the surrounding sky suddenly returned to its original state, becoming windy and sunny again. It's just that, at this moment, these two thunderous eyes are just staring at Wang Chen.

call out!

In this eye, a ray of light flashed, and then killed Wang Chen, Wang Chen only felt that an instantaneous life-threatening danger was approaching.

In an instant, Wang Chen's feathers stood sharply, and then he responded.

The five-color sacred light was swept out first, and then the phantom of the bead appeared around, and the divine sword flew up instantly, exuding a five-color light, drawing a crack in the space and killing it again.


The first is the five-color sacred light, just a blink of an eye, it is smashed with the light of Yin and Yang thunder, and then Chao Wang Chen is forbidden to kill.

But the divine sword glowing with five colors of light greeted it.

Supernatural power, the sword of the five elements' extinction.

The five-color divine light couldn't resist it. It was the time when the five-color magical powers were cultivated decisively.

But the Sword of Five Elements Extinction is Wang Chen's most powerful magical power so far.

When the sword of the five elements extinguished and the light of yin and yang thunder in Kuiniu collided, a violent force was instantly stirred up, and even directly annihilated the surrounding space.

After blinking, the power of the five elements and the power of yin and yang and thunder in this divine light dissipated to the surroundings.

When Wang Chen's eyes moved, the yin and yang thunder's power of the Jiezhu phantom was retracted. At this time, Kui Niu was standing trembling in place, and the strange eyes on the top of his head disappeared.

"I lost."

Kui Niu lowered his head, panting, and then fell to the ground, lying motionless, slowly recovering his vitality. Obviously, the supernatural powers just now consumed a lot.

However, Wang Chen was not proud, but praised:

"Fellow Daoist's supernatural powers are really extraordinary. Even if Xuan Ao is not as good as me, and other aspects are much worse, I almost can't stand it, especially the power, hehe, if you practice well in the future, the power will definitely be even stronger."

Kuiniu raised his head and nodded.

This is not Wang Chen deliberately praised, the magical power itself will be cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, there will be a vision, and it will be extraordinary.

When the magical powers are displayed, they are even more dazzling, and each is different.

And Kui Niu's magical power is incredibly powerful. When he closes his eyes, the sky is dark, and when he sees it, the sky is bright. This kind of vision is simply unheard of.

Even the great supernatural powers don't have this kind of vision.

"This supernatural power passed down by blood is really extraordinary, and it must be extraordinary in the future!" Wang Chen couldn't help but marvel in his heart. Over the past few hundred years, Wang Chen has seen many geniuses.

Fu Ming, the sword lunatic alone, the three demon kings, Liming, and this Kui Niu, each of them has extraordinary potential and superior strength.

Even before long, Wang Chen had no doubt that he would be able to reach the situation where the genius spewed out in the ancient times.

"You don't need to worry, Daoist Niu, let's take a good rest and talk about it later, how about?" Wang Chen said with a smile, and then led Qing'er to leave.

Returning to the cave, Wang Chen put all the souls into the realm beads.

The magical powers that Kui Niu showed just now have been taken away by Wang Chen, and they are now slowly refining, and with this refining runes continue to flash and flicker. With a mysterious luster.

The nine spirits of Wang Chen also quietly realized the mystery. It was not until the rune disappeared in the depths of the realm beads that Wang Chen stood up, with a hint of clarity in his expression:

"This Kui Niu's supernatural powers are truly extraordinary. In addition to the yin and yang mysteries and thunder mystery, there is also a special thing in it that I can't even feel it."

Wang Chen had a little guess, but he was not sure.

"Regardless of him, although the protagonist's supernatural powers are powerful, it is not a big deal after all. My strength is still increasing rapidly, and this supernatural power will not hinder me either."

Wang Chen said in his heart that not only was he not afraid, but Kuiniu's mind was extremely simple, because he could feel the good and evil of others, so the relationship with Wang Chen was extremely friendly.

You can't tell, but you can still benefit from it in the future. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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