Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 576: Change quietly

In the water curtain hole.

The Great Ape King didn't say anything to Aunt Xue's advice. He just waved his hand and a pot of monkey wine appeared in front of everyone, and then motioned everyone to taste it.

Aunt Xue's expression did not change, and she picked up the wine flask and drank it as if she hadn't said what she had just said.

The Ape King also picked up his own hip flask and drank a cup before saying: "That kid Wang Chen doesn't come, but it doesn't taste, nothing, let me take it!"

As he said, the Great Ape King stretched out his hand suddenly, not knowing how far away.

Aunt Xue, who hadn't said anything, her expression changed when she saw this, her eyes flashed, her pupils shrank, and the look of horror appeared, and then faded away.

However, it seemed that Aunt Xue's attitude towards the Great Ape King had changed a bit inadvertently.

In the past, more seniors were educating juniors, and at most they valued the potential of the Ape King. Now they are like their peers, no, they are still faintly taking the attitude of juniors.

"How could it be that this Ape King is so terrifying, it's terrifying."

Although Aunt Xue didn't say anything, she was shocked in her heart, but she couldn't get rid of it. The Great Ape King's simple wave of his hand and extended arms seemed simple, but in fact it was a mysterious power.

This magical power is called Faxiangtiandi.

Taking the heaven and the earth as the form, the body swells up, and the power is overwhelming. However, how powerful this supernatural power is, it has a lot to do with the monk himself.

There are many types of monks, such as pure Dharma cultivation and sword cultivation that attack Wushuang. This Dharma Xiang Tiandi magical power is just one of the martial arts magical powers.

Of course, this magical power is not demanding, it is easy to learn but difficult to master.

To display the power of this supernatural power, it mainly depends on the strength of the monk. For a strong monk, the power of this supernatural power is by no means inferior to the great supernatural power. But it can be put on most cultivators, even the little supernatural powers can't match.

With that move just now, the king of the ape stretched his arm a million miles away.

Even in the world, where the laws of heaven and earth were weak, Aunt Xue was shocked. Even if Aunt Xue had such magical powers, it was estimated that she would stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles at most.

A million miles, at least ten times more than Aunt Xue.

"This Ape King is not only amazing in potential, but I can't think that his strength is no longer weaker than me, or even stronger," Aunt Xue's judgment is not unreasonable. It is based on countless years of experience and insight.

"A part of the body is stretched for millions of miles, even in the lower realm, it is incredible. It seems that the strength of the Ape King is very likely??????"

Aunt Xue did not continue to guess. Instead, he was silent, his divine consciousness swept out, and he watched this scene quietly.

In the distance, Wang Chen, who was hiding in the light, suddenly heard the voice of the Ape King: "Boy, don't struggle, I will bring you over."

Wang Chen was taken aback. Then a pair of big hands came.

Wang Chen did not struggle and was grasped by this giant hand. After ten breaths, the giant hand dispersed, Wang Chen came into a cave, and there was a faint sound of gurgling water flowing outside.

In front of Wang Chen, a crowd of people appeared.

The Great Ape King and the Stone Man, these two people were not confused when Wang Chen was talking before the Stone Man. Vaguely mentioned that his relationship with Ape King is extraordinary.

As for the appearance of either Aunt Xue and Dugu, Wang Chen was a little surprised.

But then I thought, Aunt Xue and the Ape King were so unfathomable in their strengths in the small place of Tianyuan Continent. It's not surprising that there is communication.

Wang Chen worshiped several people one by one, without a trace of error.

However, it is obvious that there is a difference between the three. The first person to worship is the Ape King. The Ape King has helped him the most, and he has given him a lot of help before.

Then there was Aunt Xue, who once preached to Wang Chen.

Finally, the stone man, the stone man is relatively calm, it is the most suitable to put the stone man at the end, besides that, Wang Chen also gave the stone man mutant earth spar.

Wang Chen and Shiren are not complete seniors and backups, but are more equal, just like the interaction between friends, which is not the other two.

"alright, alright,"

As soon as the Ape King waved his hand, he laughed and said, "You don't have to be so restrained. You can cultivate to this level in a mere thousand years, but it's extraordinary. It's worthwhile for me to give you the opportunity back then."

Wang Chen smiled slightly and said:

"It was thanks to the good fortune given by the Ape King, otherwise I won't have what I am today."

|The Ape King shook his head and said: "Good luck and chance are won by yourself. Before you, whether it is a monster or a human, I have sent a lot of them, but only two have passed."

Wang Chen smiled without saying a word.

What the Ape King said was indeed correct. Wang Chen was very sympathetic to the matter of the place of inheritance. If it were not for the Ape King's help, Wang Chen would not have achieved his current achievements.

However, most of the reasons were Wang Chen himself.

If you are not brave, who will be strong for you.

Aunt Xue on the side, seeing that King Ape was so polite to Wang Chen, she couldn't help but wonder, and thought to herself that she was not good enough for Wang Chen before, and she didn't win over such a genius.

Then, Aunt Xue was angry at what the so-called good luck and chance were.

Aunt Xue didn't ask any questions, but the quiet female Xiu Linger behind her looked a little worried and looked at the lone lonely one next to her foolishly.

Dugu Ren didn't say anything, and he was jealous of Wang Chen.

The chance of Dugu Ren can already be said to be very against the sky. The magical power seal of his life is to comprehend magical powers, and the realm of wind and fire is extremely powerful. After that, he obtained the Great Immortal Technique of the two attributes of wind and fire, and it became much easier to understand the profoundness. With these opportunities, Dugu didn't feel that he was worse than Wang Chen.

"Efforts, hard work, now all opportunities are available, what is lacking is hard work, as long as I work hard, I will definitely not be weaker than Wang Chen."

Duguren secretly told himself that next to him, Ling'er saw that he was nothing, and also secretly let go.

Wang Chen found a place to sit down and drank with the Ape King. Taking the opportunity, Wang Chen also asked the Ape King how Yuan Hong was doing.

Yuan Hong has been away for so long and Wang Chen hasn’t seen it before, so he is naturally very concerned about Hong is okay, but he is very happy to play in Qingzhou, and his strength has improved, but he is really good at Qingzhou. Those demon kings made it hard, haha. "

Ape King joked, Wang Chen also smiled when he thought of Yuan Hong's character:

"Compared with the second brother, he almost challenged the Demon King in Qingzhou, right? It is estimated that many Demon Kings are very scared of him."

The ape king has a combative character, and he does not stop fighting. It is the unique talent and character of the war ape clan.

However, Yuan Hong's fame in Qingzhou is more than that. Yuan Hong is not only strong, but the key is that the Ape King has used to teach the Demon King by bullying the small.

Under the pressure of the Ape King, no Demon King dared to really kill him.

However, afterwards, Yuan Hong's strength became higher and higher, and the Demon King became bored. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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