Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 580: In a blink of an eye in 2000

Wang Chen didn't know about the expansion of Dao Sect and Fahua Temple.

After the retreat started, Wang Chen ignored everything. This retreat lasted two thousand two hundred years.

In two thousand two hundred years, Wang Chen's cultivation base and strength have undergone tremendous changes.

This is the longest retreat for Wang Chen in history. Even for Wang Chen's current life span of 20,000 to 30,000 years, 2,000 years is not a short time.

Of course, the harvest of retreat is also very rich.

There are a total of more than one hundred and sixty kinds of Five Elements Golden, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind, Thunder and Ice.

Yin-Yang Mysterious, itself is the avenue of Yin-Yang, it is extremely difficult to comprehend, Wang Chen has nothing to do.

There is also the mystery of reincarnation, and it is even more mysterious. Since Wang Chen has realized it, he has not made any progress.

After two thousand years, Wang Chen woke up from the retreat, pinching his fingers, was a little stunned.

"Two thousand years have passed in this way. Although Xuan Ao has learned a lot and his strength has greatly increased, it still makes people feel a little sad for such a long time."

Wang Chen couldn't help feeling a little sigh in his heart.

This time passed too fast. Although time flies, it is not worth mentioning to the monks, but it takes two thousand years to retreat, which is not a trivial matter.

In two thousand years, the first few hundred years are the smoothest.

With the aura of a clear spirit and the help of a sword spirit, Wang Chen’s metamorphosis, the spirit of Wang Chen, realized its profoundness very quickly. In the first eleven years, he comprehended the five elements and the small three strange wind, thunder and ice, to the realm of great achievement. .

Next, it took forty years to comprehend the second eight mysteries. After that, it was a hundred years.

At this time, Wang Chen once again felt the difficulty of Xuan'ao, even with the aura of clear spirits and gods, and the help of sword spirits. With the soul after the tribulation, Wang Chen's speed in comprehending the profoundness is still the same.

From then on, in the eighteenth year of his birth, Wang Chen began to slowly comprehend.

If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles.

Things in the world are not perfect every time. Not every time there is an opportunity, there are opportunities to help, and they are much better than others.

Most of the time, everyone is not the protagonist of the world.

It's all plain and unremarkable, and everything is the same as everyone else.

Wang Chen hadn't felt this way for a long time, and this retreat practice just gave Wang Chen a chance to calm down. Realize the mystery well.

Wang Chen spent 220 years for the fourth eight kinds of profound mysteries.

Wang Chen spent five hundred and ten years on the fifth eight kinds of profound mysteries.

For the sixth time the eight kinds of profound mysteries came down, Wang Chen took one thousand and one hundred years.

Since then, Wang Chen has a total of about two thousand years. Only then did the remaining Xuan Ao who did not comprehend the Dacheng Realm thoroughly comprehend the Dacheng Realm.

During this period, the rest of the practice did not stop.

Wang Chen comprehended the profoundness, mainly composed of eight spirits. One divine soul is a kind of mystery, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the small three strange wind, thunder and ice, and the other divine soul is constantly practicing.

This kind of cultivation is naturally relatively simple, and it is a step-by-step cultivation.

Nine Yuan Ying refining mana, swallowing the Yuan Ying vitality, that is, the celestial qi to supply Wang Chen for cultivation, the primordial primordial transformation, body celestial transformation, and the worship of magical powers all require a large amount of celestial qi.

As long as Wang Chen Yuanying’s breath of fairy spirit appeared, it was quickly used. Basically it has not been left over.

In the two thousand years, the magical powers have been refined more and more to dissipate the faint celestial aura. Above the Nascent Soul, the celestial aura is always lingering and breathing the celestial aura.

Even Wang Chen's body. Has also been immortalized by 30%.

Thirty percent seems to be very small, but for a body that reaches the peak strength of the spirit weapon with Wang Chen, it is already extremely difficult to turn thirty percent into immortality.

Wang Chen didn’t know how other people’s immortal incarnations were done. Fa cultivation is fine anyway, and the body strength is not high. When immortalizing, I don’t need much celestial aura, but Wang Chen’s immortal incarnation needs fascinating aura. Qi, but terrifying to the point of unbelievable, it is a huge amount.

The body refiner is really too painful.

Wang Chen didn't know how other body-refining cultivators did it, but it was undoubtedly the point where there were very few body-refining cultivators in Tianyuan Continent.

Even if the cultivator is at the same level, the strength is generally stronger, and some special and even leapfrog challenges are without pressure. It is as simple as searching for something and drinking white water.

"Nasal Infant, supernatural powers, have reached a current limit."

One of Wang Chen’s souls has been cultivating, and he is naturally very clear about his own strength. The Nascent Soul has reached the current level, has been immortalized 70 or 80, has reached a limit, and wants to break through again, so the sacrifice is no longer effective. , The only thing that can progress is the catastrophe.

But Wang Chen has no plans to overcome the catastrophe.

Wang Chen still has a long way to go before refining his supernatural powers. Therefore, he is not in a hurry. He has to lay the foundation slowly so as to facilitate the next step of cultivation.

"Supernatural powers, until now, the hunger has reached a limit. If you continue to practice, it won't be good to increase."

Several of Wang Chen's magical powers are all small magical powers. If they continue to practice, the magical powers will be finalized and become a new little magical power.

The power will be greatly increased, of course, the disadvantage is that you can't continue to join your own mystery.

In other words, if you continue to practice, the power of this magical power will be limited and you can't continue to increase it. For the time, Wang Chen will naturally not be satisfied.

Wang Chen would not be very satisfied with a little supernatural power.

The immortal clone of the Taixuan Sect before, used the little magical powers that reached the point of completion, and the power was already very terrifying.

However, in Wang Chen, the magical powers were nothing but ears, and there was no place to be proud of them. After all, the little magical powers were okay before the Mahayana period, but after reaching the immortal realm, they were not enough to see.

This is Wang Chen's thoughts, little supernatural powers are not enough to see.

Of course, at this stage, although Wang Chen's comprehension of the profound mystery is comparable to that of the immortal clone's little supernatural power, its power is not comparable, it is only two-thirds of its power.

Without him, Wang Chen's magical powers have not yet been completed.

Ninety-nine and one hundred are only one difference, but that difference is a world of difference, and it is impossible to ignore.

"Next it's time to find the man in blood, he shouldn't run yet!"

Wang Chen thought about it, and his soul was revealed.

Avenue Zong, Avenue Hall.

The Great Avenue Hall is the place where the Dao Sect’s business is discussed. Every 50 years, or whenever there is a major event that needs to be discussed, the Avenue Hall will be opened, and this time is no exception.

"Sect Master, one of us was injured by the Blood Demon Sect last month, and the spiritual material was snatched away. That's all, and this disciple was also paid for. The cost of treatment is quite high."

"Sect Master, this blood demon gate has been opened too much. Even if there is a pill of Danfeng, it is not a way to continue like this!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: Sorry, I asked for leave yesterday when I typed in the Internet cafe!

I'm looking for time to add more updates. I will write another chapter in the Internet cafe at night. It is rather depressed. I will find a chance to open a chapter to tell everyone about the recent depressing things!

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