Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 831: 0 jun 1 shot

Wang Chen didn't expect that he was peeking outside, but was discovered by the people inside, and the Zhang family monk inside not only pretended not to notice, but also took advantage of Wang Chen not to be attacked.

It's just that these dozen people are much worse than Wang Chen in strength. Not only did they not kill Wang Chen, they were killed by Wang Chen instead.

In the blink of an eye, except for the leader, everyone else was beheaded by Wang Chen.

More than a dozen people died, Wang Chen did not let go, but continued to fight, because in this palace, there were many natives, and every native was made up of the soil.

The soil of the natives in this palace is obviously a little purer than the previous natives, although they are still a sixth-grade immortal material, they are obviously a bit more pure.

The key is that the previous native formation was besieged, and it was not a major problem, but after these monks died, this formation lost control and instantly collapsed, and 20 or 30 natives in the palace also moved towards Wang Chen killed him.

These natives are not only brave and not afraid of death, but also extremely powerful.

The whole body was shining with earth-yellow light, and in the body of the natives, there were various rays of light emerging, as if there were various mysterious avenues between the heavens and the earth in it. Every time an attack is received, the soil is always constant. Appeared, and then quickly recovered, almost causing a bad fatal wound. Not only that, the natives waved their fists, but the power of each fist was amazing.

Wang Chen stubbornly resisted a punch, and the injury was even more uncomfortable than resisting the magical powers of a few profound immortals.

Fortunately, these natives are not fast, otherwise Wang Chen will undoubtedly die.

"Don't worry, anyway, some time, these natives can't catch up with me at all. Use the magical powers to grind to death a little bit. As long as the natives' arms and body are cut off, the natives will not move. ."

Wang Chen soon discovered the weirdness of these natives, and he was no longer anxious, but slowly consumed. Every time the natives’ bodies were cut off, the natives would be transformed into soil and scattered on the ground. Wang Chen I was overjoyed when I saw it, and put it away.


Zhang Feng was very depressed. He originally thought that the monks who came here would not be very powerful. Who knew the result was unexpected.

Fortunately, he escaped and entered the next palace. After entering the next palace, Zhang Feng saw the geniuses in the family.

"Brothers, it's not good, the monk who broke into the secret realm has been killed."

Zhang Feng ran over with a horrified expression, but the other monks smiled and said indifferently:

"Trash, a mere monk Xuanxian, so many of you can't kill. What is the use of you, the others? Why didn't they come over."

One of the Xuanxians smiled and said that these people are considered to be relatively high Xuanxians in the Zhang family, and it is possible to advance to the Golden Immortal or the Immortal Emperor in the future. Therefore, the treatment is not low, and they dare to treat Zhang. Feng yelled so loudly.

Zhang Feng's face turned pale, "trembling" and said:

"Brother, I can't blame me for this. That man is not high in strength, and his defense is very average. Originally, a few of us severely injured him at once, but who knows that the kid's attacking magical powers are very powerful, but it is the magical power of swordsmanship. A few of us were accidentally recruited. Except for a fairy artifact I gave up, everyone else died."

Zhang Feng didn't dare to conceal it, because Wang Chen was about to come in later. If he lied at this time, he would be blamed for killing two people when Wang Chen took advantage of them.

However, Zhang Feng pointed out that Wang Chen's defense was not high, and his strength was actually average.

When I said this, the other Zhang family disciples all smiled, and one of them even said:

"Hmph, I don't know where the casual disciple came from. If you don't have a baby, I dare to come here. I really want to die. Wait for you to wait for me to kill him first. Everyone will share the credit."

"It's better not to be like this."

Another monk said calmly, glanced at everyone beside him, and said meaningfully:

"The ancestor attaches great importance to this secret realm. If there is an accident, you will not be able to bear it at that time. You should still be prepared to kill this person in an instant together, so as not to have many nights and dreams."

In this case, Zhang Feng cursed secretly in his heart, but Zhang Feng opened his mouth and said:

"What the brother said is that the overall situation is the most important thing."

The cultivators of the Zhang family looked at each other, and they acquiesced in this matter, so under the command of another person, they began to wait at the entrance.

It took Wang Chen half an hour to kill the monster. After that, Wang Chen put the obtained Sixth Stage Breath of Earth into the Boundary Pearl, and the Qingling Shenmu also began to absorb the slow growth of the Breath of Breath.

"As long as the Qingling Shenmu can grow to millions of years, then the effect of the Qingling Shenmu will be particularly remarkable. Even if the state of mind is very low, it will be raised to a very high level under the effect of the Qingling Qi. It might be comparable to the state of mind of Monk Qingfeng."

Wang Chen was very envious of the mental state of Monk Qingfeng. The speed of comprehending the profoundness must be extremely fast. According to the guy, the speed of comprehending the profoundness may only be less than that of the emperor.

After dealing with the affairs of this palace, Wang Chen continued to walk down.

After crossing the strange liquid soil gate, Wang Chen was inferior to the next area, but at the moment he entered this area, murderous intent filled the surroundings.


Wang Chen felt it in an instant, and the surrounding earth-attribute supernatural powers also blasted and killed Wang Chen, almost instantly killing Wang Chen.


When the magical powers in front hit Wang Chen, Wang Chen wanted to escape, but he was surrounded by immortal Zhangjiaxuan disciples. There was no way to go to heaven. In an instant, Wang Chen was carrying magical powers, and the Great Five Elements escape technique initiated and entered. In the earth.


The moment Wang Chen entered the ground, Wang Chen felt as if his body was about to split. It didn't count as blood vomiting at the mouth, and blood was oozing around the body.

In an instant, he was seriously injured.

"Damn, too careless, this palace is a special space, the old guy can't get out at all, can't even contact me if he wants to contact me, it seems I have to be more careful."

Before the retreat, the old guy also retreats together. After entering this palace, Wang Chen wants to call the old guy, but the divine sense can't enter the space fairy at all.

This space is not the same as the space of the space fairy.

After Wang Chen understood it, he didn't pay much attention. Who knew that this time the old guy was absent, he was almost dead. Fortunately, the five-color replenishing magical power was there, and his body was slowly recovering, and it was not a major problem.

"Go, you can't stay underground for a long time, the Xuanxian of the Zhang family will be able to chase him over soon."

Wang Chen escaped into the ground to avoid these monks quickly, but the earth in this space was even more peculiar than the earth in the depths of the Earth Emperor Mountain Range.

Although the earth in the depths of the Earth Emperor Mountain Range is subject to some restrictions due to the magnetic force of the Earth's core, except for the larger mana consumption, there is still no problem. The depths of the earth in this place are like swamps, and the earth-attribute escape technique can't be fast.

"Kill, don't let them run away. Three people together, catch that person. Space is limited in this place, and that person can't escape at all."

Monk Zhang Family Xuanxian soon reached a consensus. The three people were hiding in the ground together. Those who can enter the palace must be monks of the earth attribute. Therefore, the earth attribute escape technique must be available.

Just after entering the underground, UU read www.uukanshu. com they found that their speed of escape was greatly reduced.

"Don't worry, that person's escape technique is also greatly reduced. As long as everyone tries their best, they can still catch him."

Someone just said it, and the Brother Zhang Family began to disperse, slowly pursuing it.

Underground, Wang Chen controlled the magical powers of the Big Five Elements Escape Technique, moving underneath, his expression relaxed a lot.

"In this underground, the divine consciousness can only reach more than ten feet deep, which means that it is very difficult to find me. As long as I be careful, it is difficult for them to catch me. And in the underground, the magical powers have to pass through the earth, and the power It will weaken a lot, so that I can instead kill them one by one while they are not."

Wang Chen thought in his heart, but even so, Wang Chen was not in a hurry.

I was too anxious just now and almost died in the hands of so many cultivators. Naturally, this time I have to be a little safer.

Backing slowly, Wang Chen was recovering from his injuries, especially when the fairy infant was vomiting seventh-grade immortal energy, the injuries on his body healed quickly, and there was no big problem at all. (To be continued...)

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