Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 898: First weather 5 Caiyunpa

() Chapter 898

In the sea of ​​blood, the colorful fairy cow stepped on five clouds and wore a multicolored armor suit. The earth, fire, wind, water and thunder light flickered in it, which was really shocking.

Even if there is a boundless sea of ​​blood around, that fierce and incomparable sea of ​​blood can't get close. On the contrary, every time the colorful fairy cow displays its magical powers, it stirs up the endless blood sea around.

It's just that no matter how much the sea of ​​blood is ablated, the sea of ​​blood is constantly being replenished like it is truly endless.

In the depths of the blood sea, the buzzing sound remembered, blood silhouettes suddenly appeared from the space, and then merged into the blood sea, and then the blood sea seemed to be truly endless, constantly coming from this blood. As the figure appeared, the sea of ​​blood became bigger and bigger, becoming an endless sea.

One, two... dozens of them in a row. Bloody figures continue to appear, and this sea of ​​blood has become more and more terrifying. Wang Chen and several people in the sea of ​​blood have some feelings, but they don’t know what happened. matter.

Outside, the sea of ​​blood is getting lighter and lighter, expanding from tens of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers, and even tens of thousands of kilometers.

Wang Chen and several demon emperors were in it, and it was almost as if a leaf of a boat was about to sink into it.

"Haha, the demon race is really dead, qi and blood are abundant, just within a range of tens of thousands of miles, so all the blood has gathered. It seems that I must have made a big gain this time, but I am not in a hurry, so much blood. It hasn't been fully refined yet, now let the Blood God Child go to other places first, huh, this time the harvest is so great, the old bull will definitely be angry, if you don't pay attention, these Blood God Child will fall here."

The blood emperor clone laughed, very proud, and then a little cautious.

He dares to be so arrogant. He knew that the demon **** in the sacred bull and demon palace was not there, and besides that demon god, the other emperors and powerhouses in the demon palace were not there.

They are all subcultivating outside of the Three Realms, and it is at this time that the blood emperor clone dares to act like this.

The descendant of this colorful **** cow. Although the potential is extraordinary, the strength is still too bad after all. Although there is a small threat, it is not a major problem after all. Therefore, winning the five-element clone of Wang Chen is the top priority.

This blood emperor clone refined another blood emperor clone. In addition to the original Blood God Son's supernatural powers, there are also the boundless supernatural powers of the sea of ​​blood, which can be regarded as extremely tyrannical.

The blood **** son's supernatural powers are relatively special supernatural powers, or considered secret methods.

This secret method is performed once and performed once. It would lose some of the mysteries that he had comprehended, and besides, there would be a lot of vitality and celestial materials.

Profound and blood is okay. The key is immortal material. The immortal material in the secret realm left before the fall of the blood emperor is not weak. They are both 8th and 9th ranks, but after all, this is the acquired immortal material, which is inferior in nature. . And the congenital immortal materials are unavailable and hard to find in the chaos beyond the Three Realms.

The original blood emperor did not refine such a blood **** child.

But now, he saw that Wang Chen's clone was refined by innate celestial materials, which made the blood emperor clone coveted and couldn't abandon it.

"As long as this clone is eroded, I can use this innate material plus dozens of my blood **** son to train a powerful blood **** son, even if the emperor comes, I will not be afraid, and I will cultivate in the future. . It will be much faster, compared to sooner you will be able to enter the blood sea and become the real blood emperor."

The blood emperor divided his body and mind with enthusiasm for a while, commanding the boundless sea of ​​blood to kill Wang Chen.

Around Wang Chen's five-element avatar, the vision of the emptiness and the Tao Xianji was slowly undergoing this change. The nihilistic road in the world pearl is constantly evolving.

A variety of avenues are gradually added to the boundary beads, and the space of the boundary beads is also slowly expanding, and this expansion also makes the boundary beads space more fragile.

Even so, Wang Chen still felt very happy.

All kinds of avenues appeared, and the space in the boundary beads became wider and more places, some of them gathered together, and gradually formed dangerous places and blessed places.

In the place where the Earth Fire Avenue converges, the Earth Genus xìng Road and the Fire Genus xìng are together, forming a spray of Earth Fire, which spreads around for kilometers. This situation is almost the same as the Earth Vein Fire in the Tianyuan Continent.

The stars in the sky were shining, and some of the power of the stars fell, and they actually gathered together to form a piece of star stone. It was the place where the avenue of stars converged. This star stone was once seen by Wang Chen in Tianyuan Continent.


A place where all kinds of avenues converge, the entire boundary bead is undergoing this change, and a variety of avenues are intertwined in the depths of the boundary bead and every inch of space.

The nihilism Dao Xianji also kept voicing the avenue, exuding bursts of mysterious light.

Wang Chen's body floated high in the sky, without using any mana or supernatural powers, without any fluctuations, or even mysterious power, it looked incredible.

Around Wang Chen, a variety of avenues interweave, shining Wang Chen's body.

"Unfortunately, it's still a little bit. Profound and mysterious is not enough, and it seems that there is still a little chance, otherwise the realm beads will be able to undergo major changes, but then you need to find a quiet place, otherwise there will be major events."

Wang Chen looked at the space outside the Jiezhu. Outside that space, it seemed to be chaos and Hongmeng. The breath of Hongmeng was extremely thin, similar to the situation Wang Chen had seen in Qiankunzhu phantom.

After a while, the avenue of supernatural power that Wang Chen had contacted had already evolved, and the nihilistic dao fairy foundation gradually stopped, but at this moment, the innate aura became stronger and stronger.

Whenever the Ninth-Rank Immortal Qi enters it, when it comes out again, the aura gets closer to the innate aura.

"Innate aura, innate aura, I just don't know the difference between the innate aura cultivated by the emperor and the true innate aura."

Wang Chen murmured, and his body sat down cross-legged again in the boundary beads, and the nine spirits continued to comprehend the profoundness, and had no intention of going out to help.

Outside the boundary beads, the emptiness around the Five Elements Clone Xianji changed a little bit, the Xianji vision became more and more mysterious, and finally at a certain moment, a little bit of pre-existing breath gathered on it. As soon as this breath appeared, the surrounding blood The sea can no longer make a single inch.

The Blood Emperor clone also saw this scene, but shouted in surprise:

"The weather breath comes first, how come the weather breath comes first, and only the strongest among the emperors have the weather breath. This person is still a thousand miles away from the emperor’s cultivation base. How can he have the breath of the next year? Is it that congenital immortal material? The breath exuding is damn, with this first breath, the blood and sea magical powers will be restricted."

The innate qi is much higher than the blood sea divine power at this time. The blood sea divine power is cultivated to a very high level, and the congenital aura is integrated into the blood sea, and even the innate qi can be swallowed and merged into the blood sea.

If you want to refine Wang Chen's five element clone, it is not because of this thought, but at this time, there is no alternative.


In the sea of ​​blood, the colorful fairy cow constantly displayed magical powers. This colorful fairy cow is worthy of the best fairy beast, surrounded by more than a dozen blood gods, all helpless to him.

It's just that the more you push back, the more violent the Wucaixianniu.

"If this continues, the other brothers will be refined, and even if I run away by then, I will be It seems that it is impossible not to perform tricks."

The colorful fairy cow thought in her heart, and a five-sigh cloud appeared from her mouth and floated onto the body of the colorful sacred cow.

The five clouds and mist slowly dissipated, and a five-sè cloud pagoda appeared inside. I don’t know what kind of material the cloud pagoda is made of. It has a five-sè pattern on it. The power of earth, fire, wind, water and thunder agitated on it, making it even more terrifying. It is the pre-existing breath contained in this, the five pre-existing breaths of earth, fire, wind, water and mine are all on it.

It's just that this breath is obviously different from the previous breath on Wang Chen Xianji.


The colorful Yunpa quickly expanded under the control of the Wucaixian Niu, and beams of light appeared from above the Yunpa and continued to expand to the surrounding area.

This colorful beam of light exudes this strong pre-existing breath, and the sea of ​​blood makes a sneer when it encounters it, and within the boundless sea of ​​blood, it is squeezed out of space by this colorful cloud.

What is more mysterious is that on the colorful clouds, a phantom colorful fairy cow figure on it, making a faint humming sound, making the surrounding five pillars of light even more terrifying.

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