Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 797: Run 3

In particular, forever dying eyes, once they are seized to launch, it is really powerless to return to heaven. [Read in full text ..]

"What's the situation in the Great War Zone now?" A group of people exchanged their thoughts while heading to the central planet of the auspicious galaxy.

"There is a mutual victory and defeat, but fortunately, there is a nine-colored **** king of the northern star field sitting, resisting a lot of pressure."

Speaking of Nine-Colored God, the wounded Shizun is also full of admiration. The above two eternal thousand eyes were blocked by the Nine-colored God. The demon spirit King Shura could not defeat the northern starfield defense line. This war zone is entangled in slaughter.

And our Heavenly Alliance Heavenly Lords each set up the ancient formation method. Without defeating us, we cannot escape from the entire theater, and they were dragged in at once. "

"But ..." He paused. "If the friends of Lieshan Tao intend to roam and kill, they must pay attention to their demon lords. These demon lords are also walking in the battlefield, and they may attack at any time. They are extremely powerful and extremely troublesome.

One of them encountered the blood list, so we must evacuate as soon as possible, or notify me to wait for support. "

"Blood list?" Lin Xinyiqi.

"This is a powerful list that has been ranked by itself after the **** battle in the Central War Zone. All those who can be on the list are terrible monsters with powerful strength and powerful means of life-saving. Some are not even afraid of soul attacks, even the soul can Derivation is immortal! There is no other extreme existence except siege of the water mill. Many of us suspect that these extreme existences are most likely to be disguised by the evil **** king who is out of trouble, but there is no evidence to prove this. "

Lin Xin didn't actually intend to stay in the Central War Zone for a long time. He just held the idea of ​​brushing up attributes and waiting for the siege to attack the Shadow City.

However, this list of blood lists, to a certain extent, represents all the forces in the entire war zone, the strongest group of people.

Although he cares a lot, he still comes to the list of wounded Shi Tianzun, look carefully. And remember the top three of them.

There are only ten places on the list. The top three are no matter what, if you find a trace, it is best to retreat immediately.

The first one-the blood parrot, the king of the spiritual Shura, possesses a kind of magical bizarre supernatural power, which can dig out the most fearful and awesome person in the heart, condense it into an entity and be controlled by it. In addition to Daozu, everyone else, he can emulate the image of the most fearful and awesome figure in his heart, and the strength can almost reach 80% of the body!

The end is extremely fierce, but also ignores the number, that is, no matter how many enemies he has, as long as he develops magical powers, all the adversaries will face the most feared characters in their hearts and cannot extricate themselves.

However, because his body is in the third world, he only emerges occasionally. As the commander of the entire army of the Nether Demon nowadays, he generally does not attack ordinary Celestial Masters.

The second place-the stars blacksmith, magic weapon weapon magic, almost all monks who rely on magic weapons to rely on. Most of His Majesty's Legion are magic weapons that have been demonized.

The third place-time lighthouse.

This one is the most mysterious, with a huge yellow lighthouse above his head, which at any time illuminates the vast existence of the surrounding void.

He barely took part in the war, just defending his own area and did not take the initiative to attack.

But no one can break his defense. It is said that he originally did not intend to join the Nether Demon War, but did not know what the reason was, and then he suddenly joined the war.

These three are the three strongest spiritual kings in the blood list. Once they meet, even if they are the avatars of heaven, they don't need to consider the role of escape.

Lin Xin kept it in his heart.

Wounded Stone Tianzun placed Lin Xin's fleet in the area under his jurisdiction and let his subordinate Lingliu take charge of the reception.

He himself was in a hurry and rushed to deploy troops.

Lin Xin doesn't need to worry about him. When he comes to the war zone, he can choose to take the ancestral mission from the jade charm, and he can freely enter and leave the battlefield to kill the demon spirit. The jade charm will automatically record the approximate number and convert the success.

In the same way, if you enter the theater for a long time without fighting, it will be recorded by Yufu.

Therefore, no urgency is required at all, and all monks will be more or less capable.

Needless to say, Lin Xin naturally, once the Fleet Guardian Army and others were placed, he disappeared in the Wounded Stone Venerable Star in a blink of an eye, and rushed directly toward the Nether Demon Melee Zone.

Damage the front line of the star area.

Two huge waves, one black and one white, collided fiercely and impacted.

Countless soldiers and demon spirits slaughtered in blood, no roar, no fear, only countless clashes of blades and claws.

A large number of corpses were continuously shaken by the impact ripples of the belligerent parties, floating in the void, and soon swallowed by a large number of battlefield sweepers on both sides, turning them into resources for remaking Taoists and demons.

Lin Xin quietly hovered in place, watching the war as if it would never stagnate. There are several principal monks in charge of the battlefield here.

One of the monks squinted towards the demon camp.

"Inspector Lin, the current situation is that the two sides are temporarily in a stalemate. High-level combat powers, such as Dixian and above, are not easily moved. Once they are dispatched, they will almost always have casualties.

So no matter we are, or the demons opposite us, we all have a tacit understanding, just let the Taoist demons rush. "

"When will high-level combat power be dispatched?" Lin Xin asked lightly.

"Only when there is a serious deviation in the battlefield, or when the opponent first dispatches a high-level combat power, it will respond accordingly."

The monk head answered in a low voice.

"However, if there is a place where the star field defeats the opposite side, the opponent will quickly mobilize a stronger force to fight back. So in the absence of absolute power to stand firm, Tianzun means, do not act lightly."

Lin Xin squinted.

"I understand what hurt Shi Tianzun."

"Then, I will retire first." The two accompanying monks pleaded guilty and retreated.

"Go on."

Lin Xin nodded.

Soon there were only a few handmaidens around him.

"Once you start, you must annihilate the most Nether Demon as fast as possible, and then transfer immediately to prevent the demon from mobilizing more power to stop me.

After that, you can continue to transfer the harvest, harvest the demon attributes at the fastest speed, and accumulate the power of the sword of joy. "

He arranged a little in his mind.

"At my speed, I should be able to perform this play perfectly. So ... let's get started."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lin Xin slowly reached out his hand, and pulled out the sword of joy.

He already had two black holes in his back, both of which were slowly emitting white smoke, one of which was the storage of the sword of joy, and the other was the storage of the sword of anger.

"Master .... you ...." When a nun waitress saw this, her heart sank, and she asked to come forward, but it was a sudden flower, and Lin Xin, who was just in front of her, disappeared instantly. .

"Hurry up and report to the headquarters! Your adult is off!"

She quickly ordered a few people around her.

The others then responded quickly, quickly returning to God, and took out the communication device to send a message back.

Could it be that this adult is going to attack the battle by himself? ?

boom! !! !!

Lin Xin plunged into countless battles of demons.

Like a red shooting star, he hit the black void in the middle of the battlefield fiercely.

A huge proboscis with a length of several hundred meters was hit straight, his body exploded and fell apart, and he could not die any more.

The body of the proboscis exploded, and numerous flesh and blood flew out like bullets.

Lin Xin moved forward fiercely, and the blade of joy gave a laugh, and suddenly a circle of cherry-red ripples bloomed.

The red ripples centered on him and scattered in all directions, hitting with the flesh and blood before.

Uh ...

The massive void monsters were smashed and blasted away by their hit bodies, and their exploded bodies splattered again with a lot of flesh and blood, exploding and exploding further away.

Round after round.

In a few blinks of an eye, a large black area was suddenly emptied in the middle of a large battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of Nether Demons were exploded in this continuous series, expanding and killing them in a geometric progression.

Huh! !! !!

Two blood-red dragonheads appeared lightningly in front of Lin Xin.


Two violent waves of thoughts exploded towards Lin Xin.

But like hitting the iron plate, the divine thought wave was rebounded and scattered, and even Lin Xin's spiritual consciousness could not be shaken.

The two leading men trembled, and suddenly Qiqiao bleed back to God.

"Notice ... Demon Supreme ..."

As the battlefield supervisor team, they were unable to fight each other, and the only way was to ask for help.

"Kill kill kill kill !!!"

Lin Xin's body is like electricity, like light, and in a blink of an eye, he almost puts the entire battle array on. All the demon spirits blocking in front of them were directly divided into corpses, and even a lot of them were gasified, not even the wreckage was found.

After penetrating the battle line, he hurled back again, bringing out a red line.

The sword of joy slammed into the dense demon body that was torn apart, and their instinctual resistance was stored in the sword body.

This endless mix of mixed forces made Lin Xin's offensive even more indestructible.

With the improvement of his attributes, the sharpness of the sword of joy is also fiercely improved. Until now, there is almost nothing that the sword of joy cannot cut.

Attributed also strengthened the sword of joy to an incredible level.

The current Lin Xin, although it has only reached the second level of the Taishang September Divine Sword, but its strength is comparable to the third and fourth tier Divine Sword Master.

Without him ~ ~ It's just that the attribute enhancement is too abnormal.

The original Lord of the Gods Sword, although strong at the low level, has its limits.

After all, the sword of joy has a limit.

But now Lin Xin, attribute enhancement makes the endurance of the sword of joy so high that it cannot speak. In this way, accumulation can be almost unlimited.

Such a sword of joy has simply gone beyond the scope of Shenfeng Sword and reached another level of qualitative change.

Huh! !!

It was another red light flashing across the entire black battle line, and the entire wounded star field battle zone seemed to cut the black battle line directly into a **** wound again.

Lin Xin's speed is too fast, and the sword of joy is too sharp.

To the extent that he only shuttled so casually a few times, the entire Nether Demon Battlefield of hundreds of millions of troops faintly collapsed. (To be continued.)



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