Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 810: Provocation 2

A sharp, weird laugh came from far away. [Full text reading ...] Then it was cold, deep, like a man's voice without emotion.

"Exhausted all your power, come on ..... come and kill me ...!"

"For the survival of the movie world ... this is your last chance ..."

"Crazy !!!" Oolong yelled, and the horrible power wave shook Kailin's new field cover, and she could no longer hear the advice. The whole person rose into the sky, and the light flashed toward the sound.

A sword-shaped annihilator quickly appeared in her other hand.

On a black shadow mountain, the deer king column of the spirit sits silently on the mountain.

He looks like a deer head monster, just like an ordinary deer race.

But no one can think of it, it is this man of Deer origin who turned out to be the top deity in the second class in the whole Shadow City-the deer king column of the whole spirit.

"Come on ... come and kill me ... for the survival of the movie world ..."

Waves of faint sound came faintly from a distance.

Quan Ling Lu Wangzhu slowly opened his eyes.

"Under the Sun King ... under the Bihu Mountain Daozu, is it one of the two strongest overlords?"

"I have to say that such a provocation to all forces in the film industry is your biggest defeat."

How big is the shadow world, not even the whole deer king column.

All he knew was how big the void was, and how big the y-world was.

The hidden powerful force is not just a shadow city? If you don't say anything, let's talk about one of the strongest tribal forces in the vicinity, the Black Eyed tribe.

The horrible ancient presence in it, even Shadow City is unwilling to do much.

Although it is inferior to Daozu, once the face is really torn, it can cause indelible losses to both parties.

And there is such a horrible ancient existence, everyone has a hole card at the bottom of the box, and there are not a few in the y shadow world. They are all hidden from existence.

"It's stupid, to provoke the powerful existence of the whole y shadow world, I don't know how the dead words are written."

Quanling Deer King Zhu was also very worried about the King of the Sun who arrived at him, how to deal with it, whether to meet or prepare to escape.

Now it seems that this goods is simply a fool, arrogant stupid.

Huh! !!

A distant air trembling even hundreds of thousands of miles away on his own side was trembling. At this moment, it also rose into the sky and flew towards Lin Xin.

A few moments later, there was a faint breath, freed from the depths of the earth and the ocean, and flew in the direction of sound.

The breath is terrifying.

"Have you even shot the King of the Dark Marks? By the way, it's your own death. Don't blame me for falling down."

Thinking of this, the deer Wang Zhu of the whole spirit sneered, and his cross-legged body rose into the air, suddenly turned into black light, and flew towards Lin Xin.


A huge fissure in the shadow world.

A large gray-grey wound-covered hand stretched out fiercely, grabbing on the stone wall on the edge of the abyss.

A giant covered with countless human dead bodies crawled out of the abyss and stood up.

He seems to be a giant monster composed of countless human bodies.

The pale body was naked and lined up with his muscles. Formed a huge body with a height of hundreds of meters.

"I, the corpse giant Grew! Will give you the final death !!!"

It roared, striding up, and rushing in the direction of Lin Xin's voice.

At each step, he was cracking the ground around him and sinking into deep dents.

Any footprint left behind was left with a toxic green mist that quickly drifted away from it.

This is the soul eater poison unique to the corpse giant, which can parasite and poison all living creatures, and reduce it to the worm poison pupae under c control.

The corpse giant, also known as the corpse king, is a wanted recidivist of Bihushan who has successively destroyed several large worlds. Even Tianzun has been killed by many incarnations.

No one can imagine that he has been hiding in the abyss of y shadow world.

When it comes to combat power, he once confronted the star fighter bombardment of three celestial avatars, but escaped with serious injuries.


In another place, a giant kilometer of giant Y shadow giant was floating in mid-air and flew towards Lin Xin.

Below him is the endless black ocean.

This is the sea of ​​shadows. There is no sea water in it, only countless thick shadows of y, which are the shadows of the countless things that come from the entire void to reflect in.

"The King of the Sun on Bihu Mountain ... is so arrogant, even the second-generation demon king did not dare to be so mad!"

y shadow giant said lowly.

He is the King of Dark Marks, the oldest existence in the shadow world, and once played against the second-generation demon king without dying.

It is even an ancient figure of the ancestors of Bihu Mountain.

"Just let me give an unforgettable lesson to Bihu Mountain."

He put his arms together and slowly separated.

Suddenly, a slender red gun turning constantly appeared in the palm of his hand.

The gun body has huge golden longan, and is constantly turning to watch everything around.

"The Lost Gun, the strongest artifact ever held by the evil **** kings, just makes Bihushan the old immortal to see, I am still alive and living well!"

The dark, huge body of the Dark Mark tumbled suddenly with dramatic emotional fluctuations.

Six million miles from the shadow city headquarters.

Shadow Spring Plain.

Lin Xin flew forward slowly, mixed with the sword-like light red space, and cut and destroyed everything in a circle of 1,000 kilometers into tiny tiny fragments.

But compared to the previous time, his speed at this time is very slow and slow, almost the same as the ordinary Jindan monk.

He could feel that there was an extremely powerful wave around him, and he was quickly flying towards him.

The four strongest of them are almost the same as the strongest Tianzun he has encountered before.

"There are two, not the atmosphere of Shadow City ..."

"But it doesn't matter."

Lin Xin glanced at his free attribute point at this time.

Killed all the way before, the free attribute column, has piled up a bunch of useless points.

‘2339844 points’

"All on defense."

Randomly determined more than two million attribute uses, Lin Xin felt that he had reached a limit.

The opponent he met, no one could get him to use the third sword of the sword of rage, not to mention the earth fire nine spirit beads that had been hidden.

You should know that the Earth Fire Nine Lingzhu has become his own natal weapon at this time, and will continue to strengthen with the improvement of attributes.

Now increasing the attribute points like this terrible, the power of the Earth Fire Nine Spirit Pearls is also increasing and superimposing.

It's just that the original base of its might is very strong, and it is far from being able to cause secondary qualitative changes.

The attribute points rushed into the defensive attributes frantically, and there were huge warm currents all over the body.

Lin Xin felt his body began to grow again.

From the previous height, it gradually grew to more than six meters ...


The two r-bags on the back are directly opened, and two white slender arms are slowly extended from them, hanging down beside them.

"this is....?"

Before Lin Xin reacted, he felt that his back began to arch two r-bags again, and seemed to be gestating a third pair of arms again.

Aura swept through his body, and he quickly understood the reason for his arms.

"In addition to purifying the blood, there are many messy ancient blood in my body. I did not expect that with the enhancement of the attributes, it was also activated one by one ..."

Did not wait for him to explore carefully.

The sky ahead suddenly darkened.

A thousand-meter-y shadow giant descended from the clouds and hovered in front.

At the same time, a substantive gaze fell on Lin Xin's body, and the swollen sword of his whole body was also slightly suffocated.

"King of the Dark Marks, you are the first one to arrive the farthest."

To the left of Lin Xin, a huge running figure on the ground was getting closer.

The disgusting body of the giant corpse appeared in sight.

He also twisted and twisted time and space around him, releasing the volatile atmosphere of the top celestial being.

"Maybe I heard that someone threatened to destroy the whole y shadow world. Even the Dark Mark King was shocked."

On the right, the deer head Wang Zhu, a deer head, sneered slowly and came slowly.

He stepped on a dark golden triangular cone under his feet, and the whole body shone with golden light, squeezing out all the other wave power fields to form a golden light area.

If you do n’t know who he is, you might think that a bodhisattva in the Buddha domain has come down in person.

"Destroy the shadow world? Funny!"

The fourth being appeared from behind Lin Xin.

Amazingly a mermaid giant with a head and fish.

However, unlike the ordinary mermaid, she was surrounded by three rounds of burning red rings, like three suns, and the surrounding ground was burnt and dried.

"My King has lived for so many years, and this is the first time I have heard such crazy words."

The Dark Mark sighed.

The five top powerhouses, with their powerful momentum, condensed into substantive coercion, frightened all the weaker creatures around them and fled far away.

The stable and abnormal space of the y shadow world is also unbroken, exposing the next layer of dark red thick y-body abyss space.

"I heard that this boy is still the most vital vitality in the Tianmeng League." The mermaid giant chuckled, "Should you grab him and exchange it with the Tianhu Bihu Mountain for treasure resources?"

"If the ancestors don't show up, Bihu Mountain will have a few more siblings than I have waited. Not to be afraid. At this time, if you don't raise your tail to be a human, you dare to provoke the whole y movie world.

The corpse giant licked his mouth and stared at Lin Xin a little greedily.

"First, I'll take his body."

"I sense that there is Qiangbao on him, and I want that ~ ~ The Dark Mark Wang Dandan said.

"The magic weapon I want! Senior Shadow King, this is not your Shadow Valley." Mermaid Giant was dissatisfied.

"I heard that this person is still the master of the Divine Sword of Bihu Mountain. It is too good for the September Divine Sword Sword. I want it, and I will search the soul for a while.

The whole spirit deer king column c words.

All three of the Dark Mark Kings were silent.

"I have a causal path, otherwise no one will be able to keep his soul. Too much September God Wind Sword decided I would also like a copy."

"This is the only way. It can only exist in the world. It can't be copied." Quan Ling Lu Wangzhu shook his head and refused.

"My Lord is about to leave the customs. At that time ..."

When it came to the Lord, several people were silent. (To be continued.)



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