Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 834: Robbery 4

"Brother, you're dead!"

A void suddenly opened in the edge of the void, and the Lord of the Light stepped out from it, his face bitter.

"Lao Tzu will break your leg!"

In the crack behind him, a team of escorts followed. Each one is still indifferent, but the look in Lin Xin's eyes is no longer the indifference of the first time, but the complete respect.

In this world, only the strong can win the respect of others.

"Is that all right? Didn't you just separate before?"

Lin Xin turned around and looked at the Lord of Light.

"Meet Your Highness."

The captain of the parade stepped forward, stepping in the void as if stepping on the ground.

"The calamity is coming, I am the leader of the Wing Sect, and I want to meet with you. What is your opinion?"

He was extremely respectful.

If before, Lin Xin only relied on his background and qualifications? no? wrong? Power, to fulfill the words of the Holy Son of Wings, then he is now a true hegemon.

It is a horrible existence that can sit up with the seekers.

The whole void, heaven, abyss, except for the Taoist ancestors, are the strongest seekers.

However, most of the seekers are hidden in the mysterious world.

Only a very small part will occasionally pay attention to the situation of the void, so the number of seekers is extremely rare in the whole of many forces.

Huanyu Tianzun, Wuyan Tianzun, Nine-Colored God, such seeker-level horrors exist, each of them can be a half Taoist ancestor, suppress the tyrannical overlords of many worlds.

Photographing the sun, the **** Junlin photojournalism, is now truly entering this situation.

Although he cultivated his talents, he stepped into Tianzun and has not yet held up the stars, but his strength has come. Who cares if he is in the state of Tianzun.

"Master Wing Star?"

Lin Xin froze slightly.

"Okay, I also wanted to meet with the leader of the noble religion."

He looked around and felt a bit weird. He wasn't in the central theater area at all, but in another distant star area.

Frowning, Lin Xin waved a hand.

Immediately the void opened a **** mouth.

boom! !!

The blood-stained contamination burst out, spurting out of his mouth.

This is the vision of the seventh heaven.

The Lord of Light and the Guardian Army did not blink.

Seventh heaven!

Even if the master of Yunguang shots with all his strength, he alone may not be able to open this crack in the heavens.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xin just tore a mouth open.


Yunguang's main rusher Lin Xin gave a thumbs up.

"Let's go and talk first."

Lin Xin didn't have the time to bother him, and hurried back to Umworld before he talked.

The cataclysm is approaching. He must refine the Umbra as soon as possible and condense it into his body to protect the land of sacrifice to the greatest extent.

Unlike other Celestial Masters, his strongest point is his physical body at this time.

This one has been strengthened by attributes to the point where there are no ancients and no comers. Now he just shoots a sword at will without any sword trick.

The resulting power is already at the level of the stars.

Not to mention the horrific power of the September Sacred Wind Sword.

Taking the Lord of the Clouds and the others through the sky in the seventh heaven, Lin Xin thought carefully.

He already had some guesses.

The reason why I have no impression of the previous memory is obviously the side effect mentioned in the inheritance of the first generation sword master.

Too much September **** wind sword, such a terrible sword trick, how could there be no side effects.

Whether it is the superposition of the sword of joy to absorb power, or the effect of three undead doubling of the sword of rage.

There is also the sorrowful spirit of the Sorrowful Sword, which is extremely terrifying.

Different sword tactics, in fact, do not distinguish power, but each has its own characteristics.

Although the Sorrowful Sword did not let Lin Xin commit suicide in the end, its power was equally terrifying. Not to mention anything, as long as the white sword of the original sword master, after Lin Xinzhong's sword of mourning, straight out of the sword, even if he can't kill him, he can be severely wounded.

Unfortunately, he was too confident.

So the final result has been divided.

Hiss! !!

In the blood-red seventh heaven, Lin Xin once again tore a crack open, exposing the strange black environment on the outside, and then drilled into it.

The Lord of Lights and others immediately followed, and the terrible and terrible environment of the seventh heaven would be affected even if Tianzun stayed for a long time.

Appearing in the eyes of Lin Xin and others are the mother ships of the Void Golden Eye battleship headquarters of the Tianmeng Central Theater.

An incarnation of the Celestial Emperor, who was originally sitting at the top of the mothership, was closing his eyes and raising his soul.

Suddenly, the space was torn, and it was so close to the mothership. He immediately became furious, and opened his eyes to scold.

But at first glance, it was actually a crack in the seventh heaven, and he suddenly snored, and quickly suppressed the scolding in his mouth.

Take a closer look, the leader is a man over seven meters tall, in a white robe, with a handsome face, covered with a layer of red shimmer.

There are three pairs of arms on both sides of the body, and a black hole in the chest can faintly see that there are still dense living creatures twisting and struggling.

This Tianzun is the majesty of the Four Seas Fairy Mountain. Originally, all qualifications were overdrawn, and it was difficult to break into the level of Tianzun. Even the actual combat ability is much worse than the newly promoted Dragon and Snake.

That's why he volunteered to guard the mothership.

At this time, when he saw the man and his party, his face quickly changed from indifference to enthusiasm.

"But in front of Bihu Mountain, the Sun King?" He said directly from a distance.

"I am." Lin Xin responded lightly. "I need to use a long-range teleporter at once. Can I arrange it?"

"Of course! Of course!" His Majesty hurriedly agreed, and he still had this authority.

He then noticed that the notorious King of the Sun, followed by a group of people who chanted Xingjiao. Among them, the big man in front of him was the Baiyun whale emperor of Xingxingjiao, and he was a stronger god.

I could not help but take a breath.

This person has reached the level of using the Supreme Master to be a subordinate, and it is really the top sacred bred by the calamity!

After agreeing with his mouth, His Majesty the Maji immediately made a final decision.

On the side of the Jintong battleship mother ship, an oval opening slowly opened, and the blue fluorescence floated inside seemed to have a huge energy concentration, in a very delicate way, activating different runes one after another.

Hum! !! !!

The oval-shaped mouth suddenly lights up blue light, and a ball of light blue oval light ball rises.

"The formation of the teleportation array is complete, and the prince can move forward."

His Majesty said quickly.


Lin Xin faintly responded, his body flickered, and she went directly into the light group.

The Lord of the Clouds and others also followed quickly.

Deep in the void, the tenth heaven-the river of aging.

The gray and black river meanders like a snake, spreading and flowing toward the distance, reaching to the far end where the end is invisible. This is the end of the river of aging.

The whole tenth heaven is very small, only as small as a small world.

Among them, the weird river, the river of aging, is a mysterious out of nothing, and it flows to the gray and black river that is unknown.

Fang Jie wore a huge black cloak, and the wind raged, blowing his black hair constantly to the left.

He stood silently on the bank of the aging river, all wrapped up in a cloak. There was no vision on the body, and the shape of the body did not change at all. Standing on the bank of the river is like an ordinary black man.

"Here is the end of the river of aging." Fang Jie's eyes narrowed slightly, staring closely at the small river in front of him.

The river of aging is the most terrifying place in the tenth heaven, and it is different from other heavens. The river is pure, pure enough to have only one weird ability.

That is-aging.

Without any protection, it can stop the erosion of the aging river.

As long as it is near it, it will be accelerated by time.

One second a year.


Suddenly a bubble appeared on the river.

It's small and round, like a little big bubble from a small fish, not even as big as a child's fingernail.

But it was such a bubble that made the originally calm Fang prison, and the pupils of both eyes shrank.



The bubbles gradually started to increase.

A series of rivers emerged.

Fang Yu stared at the bubble quietly.

On that small piece of water, bubbles gradually increased.

Soon it began to spread in all directions.

Soon, a large area of ​​small air bubbles appeared from the entire aging river.

The intangible breath comes out naturally in the bubbles

"finally come."

Fang Jie's eyes were a little complicated.

"Holy Lord, the river guardian has appeared, and he intends to open the valve." A dark shadow suddenly appeared thousands of kilometers behind Fang prison.

"Are we?"

"Don't bother," Fang Jie said lightly. "The message given by the blood parrot is misleading. The river guardian is not only the river guardian, he is also the spokesman of the will of the universe. If we stop it, it will indeed achieve a delay. But the consequences of the outbreak will be more serious."

"Subordinates understand."

Black Shadow nodded slightly.


Over the river of aging, countless invisible winds began to gather silently.

All kinds of energy are gradually released and mixed together.

Bang! !! !!

There was a sudden flash of black light in the sky.

"Break, it's started," Fang prison looked up, his voice low.

At the other bank of the aging river, on the bank of gray and black, a white light broke through the ground, opened the space, and shot directly into the black crack ~ ~ disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The central star field, the white star.

Inside the star core, in a white burning palace with the light of purification.

Lin Xin and his party were being warmly entertained by the palace owner.

"Welcome His Royal Highness to visit the White House, the leader has been waiting for a long time."

A bald man with heavy armor and white eyes, politely sank Lin Xin.

"I heard that the ambassador is here too?" The Lord of the Light Guang asked behind Lin Xin with a big grin.

"Yun Guang, you'd better talk carefully. Recently, God's temper is very bad." The brawny man looked at Yun Guang's master with a smile on his face.

"Eh! I'm afraid of him!" The master of Yunguang waved his hand, "If it weren't for the old man who taught him, we would have scolded him for a long time!" )

Chapter 834 The Robbery Number Four:

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