Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 836: Robbery 6

Deep in the void.


Suddenly an invisible crack appeared next to a huge yellow planet.

The crack is not big, only one person is tall, but unlike the other void cracks, this crack begins to spew a large amount of gray air at the first appearance.

As soon as these gray airstreams flew out, they met a floating meteorite.

The gray-black meteorite rolled over a few times and flew into the gray air stream, and never saw it again.

The air flow was like a gray-white waterfall, flowing continuously from the crack.

Everything that touches is like being swallowed, leaving no trace at all.

Hey! !!

Soon, a gap suddenly opened in the empty space nearby, and a large amount of gray air flowed from it.

Gradually, cracks did not break.

In a blink of an eye there were dozens, hundreds, and thousands of cracks quickly opened.

| None | False | It's like countless large mouths vomiting gray body.

A group of wandering void spirits wrapped in a group and happened to fly over. Seeing the gray air from a distance, the group of Nether Demon spirits were frightened, and fled in the direction of panic.

But it's too late.

The gray air flow swelled in a sudden, and in a blink of an eye, it was connected into one piece, like a large net, and all the fleeing void demons were covered at once.

Silent and silent, there was no more movement in the demon spirit that went in.


Countless gray and white air currents became more and more, flowing and anxious, began to sweep everything around, spreading in all directions.

Master of Bihu Mountain.

Between the mountains and the clear water, a pillar of red light suddenly fell, and a handsome man in white robe came out of it.

It was Lin Xin who came back from Bai Juxing.

He is different from the God of Nine Colors. He completely ignores unnecessary pomps, but feels that he is slowing down his speed.

Either the Guardian Army or the Umbrella Guards, they are far behind the speed at which he moves alone.

Perhaps it was the habit formed by the persecution of Youfu in the past. Lin Xin always focused on efficiency. Not advocating pomp.

As soon as it fell, two white armored guards came out between the giant trees in front.

"It turned out that the Lord of the Suns arrived."

The two respected Chao Linxin kneeling on one knee.

They are the strong aliens from all over the world who have been conquered by the ancestors. Many of these strong aliens have inherent defects and cannot break through. The highest cultivation can only wait for the immortals, so they can only do guard work.

"Are the suzerain and several deputy ministers present?" Lin Xin asked casually.

"The suzerain only returned to Shanmen yesterday. It seemed to be out to prepare for the large array of materials." An immortal guard answered respectfully.

"Tell me, I'll go to him right away."

Lin Xin commanded.


As one of the Zongzong Tianzun, and a great saint, no one dares to neglect.

The two guards quickly took out the Yufu communication.

After a while, the giant tree in front of the tree slowly moved away from the formation, exposing a wide curved mountain road, leading to Sanyu Mountain in the Zongmen.

Sanyu Mountain is the place where Universal World often stays.

As Lin Xin strode across, his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and it reappeared several kilometers away.

So flashing forward fast, through a quaint quaint stone steps, and walked onto the round arch bridge.

Lin Xin happened to meet two familiar people coming from the other side of the bridge.

Fengpanjun and Weining walked side by side towards the small bridge, and apparently came out of the Universal Heaven. At this point, he ran into Lin Xin head-on, and both looked slightly moved.

"Monarch of the Sun!"

The two reacted differently.

Fengpanjun was a little drowsy, with a faint glow of warfare looming on his body.

Wei Ning was peaceful, but his hands did not know when he held the hilt on his waist, giving people an extreme alertness, as if he were facing an enemy.

Only people like him who have truly slaughtered in the central battlefield of the Nether Battlefield will understand the terrifying strength of the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of the Nine Colors.

The Central Theater is different from other theaters. The top ten in the blood list are there to suppress the war situation. If the performance is a little outstanding, there will be a sniper attack by the tyrannical King Shura. Those who can survive without damage are all overlords!

Without exception!

If Weining hadn't achieved the epiphany of the sword, and Yuan Yi would cooperate with him, I'm afraid that this time he might not be able to come back alive.

Killing hundreds of millions of demon spirits in succession sounds extremely powerful, but for the level of the **** of the sun and the **** of nine colors.

Although they are both great saints, they may be able to kill tens of millions of demons with a single sword.

The gap between them is like heaven and earth.

"It turned out to be the Great Saint of Weining, and Fengpanjun was in front of him." Lin Xin looked gentle, and Fengpanjun was the future star of Fengjia.

Fenghuai's Fenghuai helped him a lot at first, but he was later sent to a distant starfield to participate in the war. Now he doesn't know what's going on.

"I wonder how Feng Huai is now?"

When he thought of it, he asked.

There are still Fenghuai's biological daughters in Youjie, and they have already practiced Qingyuan to reach the realm of Yuanying.

Feng Panjun heard the words, choked slightly, and then fell silent.

"During the final retreat, because of the break, he was swept away by the king of Religious Sura."

Lin Xin's heart shook suddenly.

The original soft face slowly became cold.

"How is sleeveless now?"

Fengpanjun whispered.

He asked about Feng Huai's own daughter, who was sent to the Umbrella without sleeves.

"She's fine. Who killed Brother Feng Huai?"

Lin Xin asked lightly.

"King Shura of the Yuan Soul." Fengpanjun shook his head. "In the last war, because the two other kings of Shura had joined forces to siege the lord, they had been personally killed by Universal Tianzun, and even the stars were blown up from the star field. . "

Even the enemy is dead.

Lin Xin remembered every move he had with Feng Huai for a moment, and suddenly he felt a little lost.

He originally wanted to avenge Xuehuai for Feng Huai, but he did not expect that this opportunity would be impossible.

"If I have time, I will go to visit Youjun in the Underworld. I will leave first if there is an important matter." Fengpan Jun was completely out of battle for a while, and Weining left calmly.


Lin Xin nodded.

Unlike the Feng family, Wei Ning and Lin Xin's relationship is not good or bad, but they had met a few times before raising the stars in the dragon and snake, and they were not familiar with it.

Goodbye Lin Xin at this time, but he unconsciously compared him with all the Great Saints he had seen before.

After careful comparison, he felt startled.

Of all the great saints, I am afraid that only two people, Jiuse and Sunri, are truly unfathomable and completely inaccessible.

He hadn't seen Fang Jie, and the Buddha and the other Great Saint Weining in the Shadow City had all seen it, but neither had the terrible oppression of Jiuse and Sunri.

Since Taishang Qiankun cuts the sword. His whole sense of ascension climbed to an extremely scary level.

The induction of strong enemies has reached the level of eliminating falsehoods and returning to the original situation.

He has self-confidence. Although his actual combat may not be better than other great saints, his perception is absolute first.

It was for this reason that he was shocked by the details of the King of the Sun and the King of the Nine Colors.

The feeling these two men gave him was already very close to Daozu.


Suddenly he was patted on his shoulder, and Wei Ning suddenly looked back.

See Fengpanjun waiting for himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost."

He smiled bitterly.

"What's going on? Is it the Sun King?"

Fengpanjun frowned and asked.

The two walked across the stone bridge and looked back. They hadn't seen Lin Sheri anymore.


Weining nodded helplessly.

"It is rumored that he defeated one-tenth of the Nether Demon in the Central Starfield Battlefield, and devoured dozens of Celestial incarnations of the Celestial King in one breath. Even the Xinghai Blacksmith was repelled by his front. The second horror in the blood list. At last, the blood parrot was almost there, but he didn't play against him. "

Fengpanjun looked faintly enthusiastic.

"You want to fight him?" Wei Ning asked knowingly.


Fengpanjun nodded seriously.

"I advise you not to."

Wei Ning directly transmitted the sound and replaced it with the sound of divine thought to prevent leakage.


Fengpan Jun suddenly understood.

"It's a matter of course that it is a matter of course that we learn from each other."

"I feel that person"

Weining recalled how he felt when he saw Lin Xinshi before.

"very dangerous!"

Hearing words, Feng Panjun was a little surprised.

"I think he's very gentle. Why?"

"No that's not mild"

Wei Ning closed his eyes and sank.

"Lin Sheri is the contemporary master of the September God of the Wind Sword. The entire Bihu Mountain can be treated by anyone, but he alone will not."

The wind disk Jun suddenly froze.

Lin Xin's heart was like stopping water, his eyes were like a deep void, and he stared quietly at the red cave house in front of him.

He had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were completely cold and indifferent.

Joy, anger, sorrow, all three emotions turned into the core of Kendo, absorbed countless emotions from the outside world, and condensed into three supreme horror swords.

Sword of joy, sword of anger, sword of mourning.

The three swords represent his understanding, perception, and manipulation of the three emotions in the world.

On the top of the cave, there are three big characters of ‘Anonymous Cave’.

A strange white monster with a tiger-headed deer lay at the door, staring at him with a look of horror at his face, with a low roar from time to time.

After a while ~ ~ Universal stepped out of the hole slowly.

"It's the Lord of the Sun. Is there anything you need to do in person? Is it better to send someone or send a message through Zongmen Yufu?"

"This matter is very important and I dare not make mistakes, so I personally come." Lin Xindandan said.

"Is it important? What is it?"

Huanyu Tianzun said suddenly.

"The lord knows that the catastrophe has begun?"

The first sentence of Lin Xin's opening words suddenly changed the look of Universal.

"Isn't it possible?" Huanyu frowned. "After my calculations, and the calculations of other Celestial Celestial Masters, it was confirmed that they were two days later.

Not long ago, I also had a distracted conversation with the Minister to determine the precise moment of the calamity time. "(To be continued.)

Chapter 836: Number Six:

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