Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 838: Destruction 2

After passing through several teleportation arrays, it was only when Lin Xin was about to reach Umare Realm that the popularity gradually gradually grew.

A large number of nearby large-scale teleportation passenger flow increased dramatically.

It seems that many people are teleporting towards the Umbra like him.

He also knew in his mind that it should be some big families who knew the news, and they were transferring core children.

Compared to ordinary planes, the world and the stars, obviously the holy places of heaven and earth are much safer.

So these teleportation arrays should all lead to major holy places.

He stood on the dedicated teleportation array of Bihu Mountain, his gaze passed through the maintenance guards, and he fell straight into the large teleportation array in the distance.

There are so many teleportation arrays that they look like fields. This is the so-called teleportation field, which is also a new transmission mode that has only been opened in recent years.

It is mainly used for centralized transmission of large-scale military materials.

At this time, it was turned on and used to transmit the children of the major families.

The location where Lin Xinsuo stands is the highest and highest cofferdam peak of this star. It is the best teleportation position selected by Tianmeng in this star.

Around the top of the mountain, there are dense teleportation fields, and a large number of white teleportation lights are constantly on and off.

The two caregivers who defended the formation fell to their knees, and did not dare to look at Lin Xin.

Even if there is arrogant protection around the formations-︽ 长-︽ 风-︽ 文-,, but with their cultivation, once they dare to look directly at Lin's new existence, they will be more likely to fall into transient blindness and soul shock.

"Where are these bullock carts and others going?"

Lin Xin looked at the lower right side. A team of white family ox carts drove into the beam of transmission light gradually, his heart moved and he asked casually.

"Return to Lord, most of these people are heading towards the Umbra of the Sunshine Monarch, and surrounding Hades."

One of the monks replied with respect.

"The Underworld of the Underworld?" Lin Xin raised a brow, and for a long time he was the one who mostly went to trust.

"Yes." The caretaker quickly sorted out the information. "Since last month, there have been a large number of family children every day, and civilian geniuses will go to Umbra Underworld, where there will be a void selection every year. As long as you have sufficient talent, background, or strength, you can have opportunities Join U Underworld. "

"I remember, the territory of Umbra is not big, can it accommodate so many people to join?"

Lin Xin did not expect that the selection of Youjie would have such a large influence, but it was quite a surprise.

"My lord doesn't know," the monk continued. "The Umbra is really small, although it is constantly expanding, the actual number of people can be at most 10 million. We have also calculated this in private.

But of these 10 million people, apart from the 200,000 members of the Umbra who had originally settled down, most of them need to be screened from outside. "

"Brother Lin said something was missing." Another maintenance nun was obviously reluctant to let her companion perform alone, and quickly found an opportunity to interject.

"Youjie has a capacity of 10 million. That was before. It was calculated last year. Youjie can now support more than 20 million.

Compared with the average small world, the area is similar.

Moreover, the selection of the void gave the ordinary civilians a good chance of a carp dragon gate, which is extremely rare in the other holy places. That's why it's very popular here. "

"So it is."

Lin Xin nodded.

"What are the selection criteria? You know what?"

"As long as the cultivation is to reach Yuan Ying, or if there is a direct fifth-order monk in the background, you can directly apply for psychological assessment and join."

"In addition, the qualification must be a fifth-order spiritual pulse, or pure blood. After rigorous testing, you can also join. If not, you can also participate in the selection of the Underworld. There are slightly lower standards and lower standards, although the treatment is slightly worse, but it is better than The lonely ghost is here. "

The two scrambled to express themselves, and the ones who can be left until now are all poorly mixed among the Zongmen brothers.

If you still don't seize the opportunity at this time, and finally the calamity arrives, you can't blame anyone for turning into a fly ash.

Lin Xin glanced at the qualifications of the two. Make two marks of aura at will, and land on them.

"After maintenance here, you can wait to report to the Underworld today."

"Thank you, Lord!"

They immediately showed ecstasy.

At last, he watched people coming and going, turbulent and dense popularity, Lin Xin stepped down at once, he was suddenly excited by the teleportation array, wrapped by white light, and disappeared in the formation method.

Northern Star Field.

Nine-colored palace.

Nine-colored goddess Yin Chuan sat cross-legged on a white jade futon with a translucent pan-blue knife in his hand. His face seemed to smile. He waved back his maid and servant, staring at the opposite.

Opposite him was a tall man in a black robe covered with no visible face.

Under the hood of the man's black robe, the facial features could not be seen, and only a cloud of black mist continued to twist and rotate.

"Why did you provide fake news to Bihu Mountain. The catastrophe has clearly erupted." The man asked lowly.

"Even if I provide false news, Zongzong will not be so vulnerable." Nine-colored eyes narrowed, staring at the man in black in front of him.

"Thinking of giving me gratitude, I'm going to recapture the head, reimbursing the chief sect? Don't be kidding. I've been in trouble for several times, even if there is no Bihu Mountain, there are ways to rise smoothly, and an abyssal device is worth it. Humanity. "

"But you don't need to tell them fake news." Humane in black.

"What's wrong? Why are you evil **** kings still worried about Bihu Mountain?" Jiu Se slightly agitated.

"Because of your actions, we need to change too many places. The Temple of God and King is dissatisfied with you to a certain extent."

The man in black answered in a deep voice.

"So what?" Jiusi Shenjun laughed. "Bihushan himself didn't know how to raise himself. I wanted their Daozu origin three times, but he hasn't responded yet. He doesn't give Huanyu a lesson. He doesn't understand the current situation.

It is they who depend on me, and I do not need to rely on them. "

The man in black sighed.

In the future, the reincarnation of the Buddha is extremely overbearing. If you follow the others, you will turn your face instantly.

He was also a little worried at this time that the Temple of God's King was united with him, whether it was right or wrong.

Bihushan worked hard to cultivate him for so long, but he got this reward.

"The river guard has opened the valve. Since the **** is unwilling to act, he can only plan for it."

The man in black sighed.

"Big waves and sands, and natural selection, why should I fight for the so-called life of all things. What are they ?!" Jiuse sneered, "The broken lotus is nothing more than rebuilding a new void. The weak are the food of the strong No one can die without it. "

"Then, I will go back to answer the Lord King ’s resolution." The man in black stood up and saluted him respectfully.

"Go, it's too late, maybe you can't go back."

Jiu Se put down the knife and pressed it on the table, without looking at the man in black.

In the void, Lin Xinjing stared at the huge black-yellow plane slowly turning in front of his eyes.

The vast nether world is surrounded by three smaller underworlds.

Compared with the original time, the volume of the Umbra has unknowingly become too large.

This is both the improvement of Zhenyuan Xiuwei, and the achievements of the Umbra crowds continuously absorbing and pulling free land stones.

Until now, an extremely large organization system has been formed.

It is under the direct control of his body and soul in the Umbra.


Two silhouettes suddenly appeared next to Lin Xin, bowing and saluting towards him.


"Is everything ready?"

Lin Xin asked casually.

"It is ready, the selection conference is closed, and the flow of people is rapidly decreasing, but there are still a large number of monks gathered at the other end of the teleportation team, hoping to join the underworld." A shadow is clearly Lin Xin's close disciple Zhao Wumian.

The other is Lu Li.

"Where is Hades?"

"The Lord of the Shadow World, such as the King of the Cage, together with the core of his family, have arrived. In addition, he has also recruited many leaders of the shadow world to disperse in the shadow world."

Lu Li answered lightly.

"Good." Lin Xin nodded faintly. "The catastrophe broke out, and the creatures were covered with charcoal. We only need to do what we can.

Also, what about consumables? "

"A special site has been used to accumulate a large amount of standing grain, but it is only because the area is occupied because it follows the instructions from the host and does not require space equipment."

Zhao Wumian answered quickly.

"It doesn't matter. Under the catastrophe, the space itself is unstable. If you use space equipment, if there is an accident, it will be a retreat."

"To the Master, there are still some monks who come from afar. They want to enter the Netherworld and submit an application. In this part, the disciples dare not rush to deal with it, and ask the Master to decide."

Zhao Wumian respectfully took out a piece of jade bamboo slips and gave them with both hands.

Lin Xin reached out a move, and Yu Jianfei took off and landed in his hand. The blue light flashed on the surface, and suddenly a lot of information poured into his mind.

"Hey are them"

The first line in Yujian was beyond his expectations.

‘Yueyang Lin ’s family: The owner brings thousands of members and waits for the teleportation front to apply to enter the Umbra. ’

Yong Qixing, deep in the Far East Mountains.

Outside the U-shaped teleportation line ~ ~ In the continuous white snow valley, at this time a large group of men and women in light yellow clothes are blocking the entrance of the teleportation line and have a dispute with the maintenance staff.

"Let me tell you! My Yueyang Lin family is the successor of today's Sun King Lady Lin Yaoyang! As slaves of your descendants, you dare to stop the family of the master and son? No one wants to live, right ?!"

An old man sticking a cane was gasping for air.

"Even no matter how unfamiliar and blood is thicker than water, how can I wait for the elders to be the elders of Mrs. God, now how can I even have no qualifications to enter the Youdui Residence ?!"

Cried another wife.

"Four brothers, what nonsense with their subordinates, break in directly and see who dares to do it!"

The wife didn't believe it. This is the land of our Lin family. Who would dare to hit someone here? !! "

The wife is not tall, and she has a good temper. (To be continued.)

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