The Taoist Gate is divided into four areas, the Miscellaneous Area, the Outer Gate, the Inner Gate, and the Sacred Land, the core of the Taoist Gate.

Sacred Land is the place where the Taoist core disciples practice, and the Taoist sect devotes all its efforts to cultivating the core disciples.

Generally speaking, only the inner sect disciples who win the first place in the inner sect competition will become the core disciples and settle in Sacred Land.

The top twenty in the Inner Sect Competition will be eligible to go to the Profound Heaven Secret Realm.

In the eyes of the elder, Shen Changsheng's talent was so amazing that he was directly accepted as a core disciple.

After entering the Taoist gate, Haotian separated from Shen Changsheng.

After Haotian received the training resources, he was preparing to go to Cave Mansion to practice. On the way, he saw a person he would never forget.


Although Haofeng no longer has any connection with his childhood appearance, he can feel what he once had - the God's Eye.

At that time, Haofeng was twelve years old, and his divine eyes had already formed. They were always open, and his infinite charm was released without reservation, demonstrating his identity at all times.

"Damn it, you are so arrogant when you steal my divine eyes!" Haotian clenched his fists, glared angrily, and said through gritted teeth.

Haofeng noticed that there was a spiritual consciousness that had been staying on him, so he followed the spiritual consciousness and saw Haotian with an angry look on his face.

"Can't you withstand the pressure of my God Eye?" Haofeng stared at Haotian and sneered: "I'm sorry, I can't turn off the God Eye for the time being."

Haofeng's tone was full of disdain for Haotian. He couldn't even withstand the pressure of the God's eyes. He was really a waste.

Haotian had the urge to rush forward and beat Haofeng violently, but in the end he held back.

Haofeng's current cultivation level has reached the Gold Core stage, and the consequences of his impulsiveness can only be embarrassing.

He took a deep breath and said angrily: "Brother Dao, I can understand. After all, it's not your own thing, so it's not easy to control!"

Haofeng's smile immediately froze, and his face became gloomy: "What are you talking about?"

The God Eye was stolen from his brother. This news was blocked by the two clans. No one should know about it. How did the man in front of him know about it?

Haotian mocked: "Are other people's things useful?"

"Who do you think you are!" God Haofeng's eyes flashed with golden light, like a golden sun rising slowly, his chest was filled with immortal energy, and his immortal bones appeared vaguely, and he roared:

"I am a genius that is rare in an era. How can a mediocre person like you be paired with me and point my fingers?"

Everyone else was shocked when they saw this scene:

"The God Eyes and the Immortal Bones are so terrifying! Haofeng is destined to reach the top of China. What kind of monster will the Emperor Clan give birth to with the Immortal Bones and Divine Eyes!"

"Urgent." Haotian smiled and said: "The inner sect's competition will be over soon, you man-made genius!"

The word "artificial" was pronounced very heavily by Haotian, which made Haofeng's face look gloomy and extremely embarrassing.

Haotian left after saying this, not wanting to tangle with Haofeng any more.

Everyone looked puzzled when they heard Haotian's words.

"What does artificial genius mean? Is it possible that Haofeng's god eyes and immortal bones are not his, but transplanted?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?"

"I heard that Haofeng has a brother who has a god eye, but I don't seem to hear any news about it in recent years."

"No way?"

Hearing everyone's comments, Haofeng's face became even more angry. He hated people mentioning his incompetent brother!


"You are not worthy of me to take action now. You should practice more before the inner sect competition."

Haotian took out the jade talisman and entered the Cave Mansion, leaving Haofeng alone in the air.

The Inner Sect Competition was three years later, and Haotian practiced in Cave Mansion for a year. During this period, he never saw Shen Changsheng, as if he had disappeared from the world.

Just when Haotian thought Shen Changsheng was deceiving him, one night, Shen Changsheng appeared in Haotian's Cave Mansion.

"My good disciple, look what good things I have brought you."

Shen Changsheng's storage ring is like a waterfall in the sea of ​​books. Countless secret books poured out of the ring, and there is still more than enough to fill the entire Cave Mansion.

"Haotian, didn't you say that I would teach you something? I have learned all the methods of this sect. I can teach you whatever you want to learn!"

Haotian was stunned!

The Taoist sect has a long history. It is said that it was founded in ancient times, or even older times, by disciples of Dao Ancestor. There are countless inherited techniques. Master actually learned them all within one year?

He doesn't believe it?

Shen Changsheng seemed to see Haotian's doubts and couldn't help but smile: "Are you looking down on Master? These sects of martial arts are all trivial. I can understand them at a glance. The only ones I have ever seen are Five Thunder Zhengfa and One." Do you want to learn Qi Transforms Into Three Purities, Three Flowers Gathering Palm and Five Qi Chao Yuan Sword?"

Haotian's eyes were blazing and he nodded vigorously: "I think!"

These Tao techniques are enough to cause drastic changes in China. The Apex Level techniques are the essence of Taoism!

"Don't worry, I've been inspired by the Taoist sect's Three Flowers and Five Qigong and created my own practice method. Do you want to learn it from me?"

This time Haotian hesitated. He had practiced the Emperor Clan method himself, which led directly to the path of immortality. There was no need to change to other methods.

Besides, are the techniques created by Master comparable to those from the Taoist sect?

"The technique I created for my teacher is called Longevity Technique. Taoist techniques are known for their longevity. My techniques are more durable than those of Taoists. By practicing this technique, I almost don't have to worry about insufficient spiritual energy."

Haotian hesitated for a moment, but decided to learn: "I will learn!"


In the next half month, Shen Changsheng asked Haotian San Gong to practice the Longevity Technique again. It took him half a month to get started, and another month to return to the Foundation Building Stage.

"Disciple, I forgot to tell you that this technique can only be practiced up to the Nascent Soul stage."

When Haotian heard this, he almost wanted to vomit blood!

"But don't worry, I will take some time to deduce it, and I can make this method a direct path to immortality."

Haotian felt a little better now, which also made him admire Shen Changsheng even more.

"Master, can you now learn the Five Thunder Methods?"

The Five Thunder Method is the most powerful thunder method in China and one of the Taoist secrets. It makes Haotian very envious.

"Yes, but I feel like there are still many flaws in the Five Thunders Zhengfa. If you give me some time, I should be able to create a more lethal technique like the Five Thunders Zhengfa. Are you sure you want to learn it now?"

When Haotian heard this, he still nodded: "I want to learn!"

"Okay, then my teacher will teach you!"

The thunder method is extremely profound,

It was not until the eve of the inner sect competition that Haocai learned the Five Thunder Methods.

Haotian's face was extremely confident: "Brother Haofeng, let you feel the love from my brother!"

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