Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 903 Meet the City Lord

Fang Qi has already made up his mind, and has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Really poor!

I have to take a good batch of wool...

The soldiers of Red Rock City retreated, and the war was tantamount to over.

Fang Qi took the rest of the slave miners down from the tower, ready to go to the camp for a while to recuperate.

Although Fang Qi's Radix Isatidis and Yunnan Baiyao were supporting it, it had to be said that the portions were too small, and only part of the soldiers' lives could be saved.

In the end, the battle damage report came up, and more than a hundred soldiers died in battle!

The original No. 1 Squadron with 300 people only had 200 people left, which was just enough for a regular squadron.

"You guys wait..."

"Are you from the decisive army? Are you miners from the Obsidian Mine?"

A middle-aged man in a plain white robe came over and blocked Fang Qi's path, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression was a bit strange.

Fang Qi was stunned. Isn't this guy the one who fought fiercely with the Lord of Hongyan City just now?

This... is this the Lord of the Realm City?

"Why don't you come here soon to meet the Lord City Lord?"

The guard next to the middle-aged man in plain white robe saw Fang Qi standing there in a daze, and quickly yelled, Fang Qi turned his head in surprise, took a deep breath, his eye sockets sunken...

It really is……

What is this cannon fodder army doing when the city lord is idle and running over to stop them? It hurts to be idle...

Fang Qi curled his lips, thinking this way in his heart, but of course he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

"Meet the Lord City Lord!"

Fang Qi arched his hands and bowed, with a look of kindness on his face.

After all, he is the city lord, so he deserves some respect.

Fang Qi gave an order, and all the other soldiers behind him knelt down immediately.

They all knelt down, only Fang Qi cupped his hands...

At first, Fang Qi really didn't feel anything, he just thought it was quite normal, but after a closer look, his heart was really pounding...I wiped it...I was the only one standing in the audience? I stand out from the crowd? I am so awesome?

Fang Qi curled his lips, speechless, this kind of thing, is it something I can control?

"Bold! Don't kneel down when you see the Lord City Lord!"

The head guard standing next to the city lord suddenly became anxious.

This is so arrogant, isn't it?

Who are you? Are you still so calm when you see the city lord? Who gave your dog gall?

"Forget it, don't care about these customs!"

"You played well just now!"

"Most of the victorious troops on the other side were afraid of the battle and retreated. They didn't hold on for long before they fled. Why did you hold on for so long?"

"And keep the casualties so low?"

"Facing the enemy's bright sword blade, are you really not afraid?"

The face of the middle-aged man in plain white robes was a little pale, but when he said these words, he was sincere.

Fang Qi could feel the caring in his words.

"Scared! Scared too!"

"But I know that if you retreat, you will die! When the enemy breaks through the boundary city, we still can't escape!"

"Fight to the death, or die!"

"To tell you the truth, we are all mine slaves, we are all lowly, we are used to death or not!"

"Even if they didn't die in the battle, they will die in the mine sooner or later. Instead of this, it's better to give it a go!"

"In this way, there is still a chance to regain freedom!"

"When we were at the Obsidian Mine, we often encountered attacks from Red Rock Soldiers. I formed a mine guard team by myself. I didn't expect it to come in handy today..."

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