"What? What are you talking about? The grocery store was demolished?"

"Are you going to tear down the grocery store?"

"I'm telling you! If the grocery store is demolished! I'll tear you down!"

"Damn it! Are you thinking too viciously? You don't want my cultivation base to skyrocket? You don't want me to be able to improve my cultivation base?"

"Fuck! This idea is too vicious! I have it all in my heart! I can tell you! Don't even think about it!"

"As long as I'm here, take back your vicious thoughts!"

"Follow me to the grocery store!"

Xiao Shuai babbled a lot, appearing not to be very smart.

It doesn't matter if you can't speak clearly, but Ji Ye can't understand the meaning of the expression!

Made... what exactly are you trying to do?

You were the one who broke with the grocery store, and now you are the one who ran out to protect the grocery store, and you were the one who co-authored this good guy?

Who can keep up with your leaping thinking?

Going on like this... who can stand it?

Ji Ye was speechless, it was too difficult for me!

I'm just a little guard, to protect your safety, other things... I don't care about it!

Of course, I'm too lazy to care!

What do I care about you? Make yourself uncomfortable!

In the final analysis, the responsibility for co-authoring this matter is all on my shoulders?

Don’t blame me for not reminding me if I go to the grocery store and get ripped off later...

What the hell, I want to bring the guards of the Commander's Mansion with me, but you always stop me from taking it...

When the time comes, there is no need to cry for father and mother!


"Hey...a new store has opened here...it looks pretty good..."

"Let's go in and have a look...it's fun..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Universal grocery store? Are you bragging? Is it really omnipotent? Can you really brag?"

"Let's go in and take a look, to see what it looks like..."

"Come out, come out! Welcome to my aunt..."

"What about you! What about people! What about you! Why don't you talk anymore? You're dumb!"

Fang Qi's eyes drooped, and the eyeballs rolled back and forth. The days in the grocery store were actually quite stable.

Basically, you can't even see a chicken feather, it's so quiet!

There are quite a few people who come to look around, but they basically leave after taking a look.

Especially when they saw the empty grocery store, and then looked at the introductions of those products, they all shook their heads and left.

Do not believe! It doesn't feel real at all.

For them, they feel that the shops sold in this grocery store are too fake...

What the hell, are you guaranteed to be promoted? Guaranteed to enlighten you?

Guaranteed to guarantee ten times your combat power? No special sequelae yet?

Guaranteed to restore your spiritual power instantly?

No matter what internal or external injuries you have, can they all be cured for you?

Why don't you go to heaven? Why don't you stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

Thinking about it one by one, isn’t it all great?

Fang Qi gradually got used to it.

Fish the Heavenly Palace, and those who wish will take the bait.

He opened a shop here, and he is innocent.

It's not that I will be upset because of this matter. After a long time and a good reputation, everything will come.

For the time being, I can still stop and smile for a few days.

A chirping female voice could be heard next to his ear, Fang Qi raised his head subconsciously, and a delicate face appeared in front of his eyes.

Combing double ponytails, two eyeballs flickering, hands behind his back, a look of arrogance, full of a sense of arrogance in his words and deeds

She's just a tsundere little lolita!

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