Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 934: The rules are bigger than the sky!

"How do you think I should deal with you?"

Fang Qi took two steps forward, his eyes stared at Xiao Shuai, and there was an expression of unsatisfactory expression on his face.

Xiao Shuai looked at Fang Qi's gaze, and shrunk his neck subconsciously. He always felt that this guy's gaze was full of a different kind of allure.

It seems to be able to take people's minds, and it seems to be able to bring him into a state of fear.

"I...I... let me go! I'll go back and get the fairy stone, and then I'll come back and spend it with you, so it's okay for the head office!"

Xiao Shuai lowered his head and clasped his hands tightly.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

Speaking of it, he was quite sad, he had had enough of being hanged and beaten everywhere.

The ghost knows how he became like this...According to normalized thinking, the existence of seven times of Dao Transformation in Boundary City is able to walk sideways...

Who knows that it is still the fate of being crushed by others...

"Oh? You mean, let's forget about this matter?"

Fang Qi smiled, very gently, but in the eyes of some people, such gentleness is deadly poison.

"Of course, otherwise, what else do you want?"

Xiao Shuai raised his head, as he should.

Fang Qi curled his lips, this kind of thinking of the rich and the young is really ego.

"What about the floor I destroyed? This is made of rare ten-thousand-year-old briar wood, each piece is a handicraft, and it's priceless..."

"You are making trouble here, which makes me feel very bad. Of course, you are a regular customer in my store, so my mental damage fee will be exempted. I am not the kind of unreasonable person. Compensation My floor money is fine, one hundred thousand immortal stones, isn’t that much?”

Fang Qi rubbed his hands back and forth, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyeballs.

He is not the kind of person who likes to blackmail, but if there is such an opportunity, to be honest, he will not let it go.

Such a good opportunity is in front of him, can he miss it?

Thinking about it from another angle, after all, it was this guy who did it by himself. He flinched in front of him, and he didn't even look at how much he was?

Do you really think you are a character? Can you be arrogant at will?

Everyone is the same with him!

"What the hell are you dreaming about? With your broken site, a piece of fairy stone can buy a hundred yuan! You blackmailed me with a hundred thousand fairy stones? Is this floor I want to damage? Didn't your people attack me? What does it matter to me? Are you crazy about Xianshi?"

"What kind of mental damage fee? Can it be counted on my head? You are purely trying to make trouble!"

"I can tell you! If you really want to do this, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The expression on Xiao Shuai's face gradually became a little unsightly. If he was so obviously blackmailing him, if he didn't even say a word of bullshit, wouldn't he look cowardly?

Can he be cowardly now? As the only son of the No. 2 person in Jieyu City, he has been arrogant and domineering for so many years, and no one has ever dared to slander in front of him, but Fang Qi is the number one!

"So? You don't want to pay, do you?"

"Then I can only follow the rules of our grocery store, remove the limbs, chop off the fifth limb, abolish the dantian, and turn you into a useless person!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Speaking of which, I admire you quite a bit, but there's nothing I can do about it! The rules are greater than the sky! If these rules are broken, can I still hang around here? Don't you think so?"

"Should you also think about it for me?"

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