"Hehe...you don't have to be so nervous..."

"There's still no way to see Donghuang over there."

"If I really want to attack Donghuang, I don't need to do it myself. I just sneezed casually, and Donghuang will be gone,"

Fang Qi raised his head, with an unruly and natural look on his face, stretching his compulsion to the extreme.

That calm look made others see that there was an urge to beat him up...

Damn...that's too arrogant!

This is pretending, and one sneeze can destroy an Eastern Wilderness...

"I'm just in trouble here, knowing some secret techniques... It's not worth mentioning!"

"I hope you don't expose my identity, I have my own arrangements."

Fang Qi waved his hands, trying to calm himself down so that the people around him would not stare at him with such nervous eyes.

These are minor issues, not a big deal...

It should be installed, but enough is installed, and the relationship between each other still needs to be coordinated.

"So it is! So it is!"

"When I first saw Your Excellency, I felt that Your Excellency was not a mortal! Now, it seems that my presbyopic eyes have not misread it!"

"Your Excellency is a god-man..."

"With the liberty to ask, how does your power compare to the Immortal Mansion?"

Gai Kun needs to find someone to compare with. He needs to feel the power behind Fang Qi.

After all, the existence that can manipulate the power of thunder casually must not be an ordinary force.

Gai Kun is very careful when talking to Fang Qi now, for fear that if he says a wrong word, he will be struck by lightning in vain.

"Hehe...Xianfu, little Doyle..."

"I can't say more about the specifics, but I hope you can keep it a secret for me. Although I am in trouble this time, I still know a thing or two about many methods, such as stimulating potential, which is only the most common one, so I don't need to say more! "

"The higher-ups want to take this opportunity to train me. Although I feel bored, I have to follow their wishes..."

"I said, you should all understand, right?"

"If you need anything, you can also come to me, but...it's just that I have lost too much mana now, and if you want to find me for help, you must also need some fairy stones and crystals as a guide for spiritual power..."

"Otherwise...it will be difficult for me to cast spells!"

Fang Qi shook his head, and finally got his words back. Although it seemed that there were still many flaws in what he said, it was naturally impossible for others to bother him in these aspects.

Show the forceful style, as for the others, you can explain it slowly.

This is also meant to conform to the dog system.

"Ding! The host has successfully created a perfect business model for himself, rewarding false life titles."

"False Life: Wearing it can hide one's true intentions, falsify, and fish in troubled waters."

Fang Qi: "..."

The dog system has become more and more skinny recently, and it can do this kind of thing.

What is it called a false life? Am I so...fake?

Where does it look fake? Isn't this kidding?

Fang Qi curled his lips, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart, but on the surface he remained motionless.

People are knives and I am fish.

Whatever the dog system says, he will do...

Dare not say anything, dare not ask anything.

Let's finalize this business first, as for the rest... it's all bullshit...

With the fairy stone in hand, I have it in the world!

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